Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 31 Jan 1923, 1, p. 8

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eE menonenenirNien Boys â€" and â€" Girls often found in eyeâ€"strain. If your children are not progressing as they should, it may be that defective vision retards them in their studies. Bring them here for an eye examination. 60646046 When children are restless in school and do not pay any attention to their work, the cause is 000006860094 in school are frequently held back in their studies because of poor eyesight. Glasses are not always necessary. Advice is nceded. Bring the children here. Have us examine their eyes We can give you the right advice. Near Post Office 040800600046 OP EHICAL Restless Children The Nyal and Penslar Store § ers have ceased publication in the Porâ€" ecupine Camp because they could not ‘*make a go of it.‘‘ In such incidents as these there is a moral for those who are tempted to talk at large about how to run a newspaper. _ However, there is this comfort that every day in every way The Advance is advancing and advancing. How is your subâ€" seription ? Last Thursday evening around sevâ€" en o‘clock there was a little exciteâ€" ment raised, and a big crowd gathered by a chimney fire on the building ocâ€" cupied by the Canadian Club Cafe and the Chinese store. It was from the chimney of the latter that the merry blaze issued. The Timmins fire briâ€" gade with their chemical tanks, howâ€" ever, soon made the blaze like night‘s darkest hour. No damage was done to the building which is one of the oldest in town, having escaped fires in its neighborhaod from practically all directions at some time or another. moose in Nis He said he intended to take the moose team and outfit to Montreal and drive them in that city at the Winter ‘Carnival there. ‘St. Nick will make a big hit with his mooseâ€"team at the carnival lLater he may go on to New York ana other A very pleasant time was enjoyed by the large crowd present at tne weekly meetlmy and dance of the A.S8 D. /("?ub held last Wednesday evening in the 1.0.O.F. Hall here. ‘The musi¢ furnished by Messrs. Wolno, Brown and Wilson was of the best, and the refreshments also coming up to the standard set by the musicians. The Owen Sound Advertiser, a news paper that has been in active and helpful existence for 60 years, is disâ€" continuing because of lack of profit. After February lst the city of Owen Round will have only ~one newspaper. In the past six months two newspapâ€" ‘Mr. 0. R. Smith, ofâ€"Sudbury, was a visitor to the Camp last week, and was heartily welcomed here by many old friends in the district. The Fireméen hada call at 9.40 Sunâ€" day morning to the residencee of Mr. Fowler, 37 Birch street. A fire had started in the partition from an overâ€" heated stovepipe. The Brigade put the blaze out by the use of the chemical tank. About $25.00 damage was done by the fire, it ‘being necessary to rip up the floor in a couple of places tc zset at the blaze. Fire Chief A. Borland and Mr. J. D. MacLkean left toâ€"day for Liskeard to represent Timmins at the annual meet ing of the Temiskaming Firemen‘s Association. bands, and was a musician of internaâ€" tional reputation. During his leaderâ€" ship the Huntsville, ssand attained great prominence. Toâ€"night (Wednesday) there is the big Masquerade Carnival at the Timâ€" mins Rink, â€" o takeâ€"a South Ame town, Mr. F ends, especi: ple of the 4 Mr. Hevbert L. Clark, noted cornet player and leader for five years of the Famous Huntsville Band, has resigned his position as bandmaster and will take up residence in California. _ Mr. Clark, previous to going to Huntsville was with both Sousa‘s and Gilmore‘s The Manufacturers‘ Life Insuranee Co. has opened an office in Timmins, ‘Mr. W. B. Burrill being the District Agent for the company with headâ€" quarters here. ‘Mr. Vincent Woodbury and family have returned from an exfended holiâ€" day visit to the south and west, going by way of Vancouver, and spending * A * *,} .$ k x: some time at Mr. Woodbury‘s home in Texas. Mr. Jack employee of ment at the Timmins and District Notes Lr. Jack Terry, who lias been an loyee of the engineering departâ€" t at the Hollinger, leftâ€"last week akeâ€"a position in a mine in Peru, ith America. During his stay in n, Mr. Perry made a host of friâ€" s, especially among the young peoâ€" of the Camp, and all will regret leaving here while wishing him all luek in the world in the far south. Lester Williamson of Montreal J. Heppleston was a visitor to o dast week on business. Jack Perry, w H el;â€"end W. Robbins and family have from a holiday visit to the Timmins last week Decause They could not ‘it.‘‘ In such incidents is a moral for those who to talk at large about visitor to the Camp Mat he merry fhre briâ€" nks, howâ€" ce night‘s vas done ie of the d fires in tically all inother, from the | a news tive â€" and rs, is disâ€" of profit. of Owen ewspaper. newspapâ€" n the could incidents those who rge about However, ‘ry day in advancing your subâ€" e emme mm ut Nom 44 wWAS given Priday by Mrs, h. J. iunâ€" nis to a number of her friends, the party being entertained in the Melnâ€" tyre Recreation Hall, and dancing and cards being features of the evening‘s pleasure. The hall was very artisticâ€" ally decorated for the occasion, and the finest of music furnished by Brown‘s Orchestra. Luncheon was served and a very pleasant evening enâ€" joyed by all present. STANDING OF TEAMS IN MINES LEAGUE SERIES In the Mines League series, Melnâ€" tyre, Hollinger and Timmins are now tied for first place with two wins and a loss each to their credit. Dome has lost three, Meintyre has 13 goals for and 9 against; Hollinger 9 for and 6 against, Timmins 9 for and 10 against, and Dome 5 for and 11 against. 04 6 s Aath dn thiin. dX s h PR ie d o L2 Bs ty PV h t C003E °C d +. © € #4§60000000080000800000004000000480600000060006600%6 9 to 10 Skating Thursday, February Ist, 1923 â€" JUNIOR SERIES .â€" IROQUOIS FALLS vs. TIMMINS ADMISSIC N 2 s 50¢ Mines League: Sat.,; Feb. 3rd My Jeweler Where You will Eventually Buy Opposite Post Office Make them worthy of their message joy to the receiver. We will be glad to serve you Our itself. Tokens of love. Tokens of friendship. Tokens of appreciation. John E. Garrett 7 to 8 Timmins vs. Mcintyre Official Watch Inspector for T. N. O. Ry. ures of tie evening‘s all was very artisticâ€" ‘or the occasion, and music furnished by Band, Monday, February 5th Tokens of 2O TION ; expe: keeping expe Apply to Mi macher. â€"fellowship 60 FOURTH AVENUE CORNER BALSAM STREET Best Work Guaranteed. Prices very reasonable. Prompt Service. 8 to 9 Dome vs. Hollinger Admission 25¢ A credit to the giver, a Timmins, Ont. its peaks for + â€"also with bookâ€" wbest references. Halvor sen, Schuâ€" 5p

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