Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 31 Jan 1923, 1, p. 6

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i Free Maps of Porcupine > . mfo Kirkland Lake 00944886 The biggest crowd yet went over from Timmins on Friday last for the Kenior N.O0.H.A. game at the Falls and they all came back like the Duteaâ€" man‘s dog,â€"*‘‘not any too well pleasâ€" ed.‘‘ The dissatisfaction was not beâ€" cause Timmins lost, but becauseof the ridiculous score, and of the fact that to lose by such a seore after winning Tuesday‘s game by big margin seemed absurd. Friday night‘s game at the Falls resulted in a win for the Falls Friday‘s Game Looked Like Tuesday‘s Game Turned Upside Down. off SAW MARJORY DAW FALLS WINS, HAW HAW ! Head Office: Montreal Small Accounts $700,000,000 Total Assets in Excess of 703â€"4â€"5 Bank of Hamilton Building We have prepared upâ€"toâ€"date maps of these two gold mining areas for free distribution.s. ;. s . .2 .. x k c k °C Write for your copy today. Bank of Montreal Branches in all Important Centres in Canada Savings Departments in all Branches MALL ACCOUNTS are welâ€" comed at every Branch of this Bank. Every class in the comâ€" munity is served with equal attenâ€" tion and courtesy. TORONTO, ONT. Established Over 100 Years noucher:«. .. ... wing ..... Lafrance ..... wing .. ... Campbell Quesnell; ./« ~S010) . ... Behan Chircoski ..... «o. Roach Immediately after the faceâ€"off, Mc Guire took the puck and started down the ice, passing to Campbell, who took a long shot from outside the defence proving an easy one for Corbould to save. Brydge then took the puck and started down, stick handling his way through the Timmins defence and put ting a hot one from close in, but Seulâ€" ly saved, Reis taking the puck and goâ€" ing down, passing to MceGuire, who with the final seore 9 to 1. Iroquois Falls Corbould . .... goal:..... Eluker . ...... defence .. Brydge ..;.... defence .. Fahey .:. .x..,. eentre ... Boucher ... ... wing ... .. Lafrance ..... wing .... Quesnell; .. ./. ~gu0l) .7 .. Chircoski1..... ... goal .. defence defence eeéntre . wing . wing .. sul) . .:; Timmins . Seully Fournier «. RKelg saves, bBrydge taking the puck from the corner, and going through the whole 'lxmmnh team, no one attemptâ€" ing to check him, and drove a hot one in past Scully, Immediately after the face off Fournier drew the first Timâ€" mins penalty, for shoving Quesnell head on into the boards, ‘MceQGuire folâ€" lowing him for tripping. With but four men on the ice, Timmins were hard pressed, Fournier and Behan breaking away and sending a few hot ones in on the Falls net. Reis took the puck and went through the whole Falls team, Corbould saving. Bouener shoots from inside, but Corbould again stopped the dise from bulging the twine. Lafrance got away, but was checked by Don, who at this stage was playing a great game, but who lost the puck to Brydge, who went down the ice, passing to Boucher inside the Timâ€" mins defence, the latter seoring a hot one which Seully had no chance to save. Falls 1, Timmins, 0. From e faceâ€"off the play was faster, Brydge not attempting to go through the Timâ€" mins defence, and with Timmins pressâ€" ing hard, Corbould playing a great game in the nets, stopping all shots from both inside and outside the deâ€" fence. After a few minutes of play at the Falls end, Fluker broke away, and started down but Reis blocked him and passed to Behan, who tried a long one at Corbould who saved. â€" Brydge drew the first penalty of the game, for checking Don against the boards, Don being carried off, Behan coming on. Timmins now redoubled their efforts to score, but Corbould was always in the way. Fahey was successful, in breaking away, but did not get past the Timmins defence. MeGuire tried a long shot at Corbould, who cleared, Brydge and Fluker going down in a. nice twoâ€"man combination, Seully savâ€" ing. â€" Behan stickâ€"handled his way through the Falls defence and sent a hot one in on Corbould, who caught it in his pads, running into the corner to clear. The next few minutes saw end to end rushes, with practically no back checking on either team. The play steadie1 down, ‘both teams beginning to ‘back check, the puck being played in centre ice, until Fournier broke away for a rush, passing to MceGuire who tried a long shot atâ€"Corbould, who saved. At this time Boucher ran fnul[ of the referee, drawing a five minute penalty for ecross checking Don. With one man off, Joe Chireoski went down, | and aftter a brilliant bit of stickâ€"handl| inz scored the second for the T From the faceâ€"off Timmins made liant efforts to even the score, bould being called to make se saves, Brydge the nuck until Fournier broke 1, passing to McGuire shot at:Corbould, who time Boucher ran foul drawing a five minute s checking Don. With Chireoski went down, iant bit of stickâ€"handl second for the Falls, mMmdke severa O T l Jjoining boucher in the coolér. Bouâ€" cher on again, and signalized his reâ€" turn by a rush, and a long shot in on the Timmins net, which Seully is still looking for. Falls: 7, Timmins 0. Afâ€" ter faceâ€"off Fahey rushed, but Sceully saved, out of a melee on the left wing. Cameron went down forâ€"a lone effort, and drove a nice one in bhetween Corâ€" bould‘s pads, Timmins 1. The play slow ed down some for the remaining few minutes of the period.. Iroquois Falls 7, Timmins 1. Barridon replaced Sceully in the nets in the third period, which began with end to end rushes for both teams. Barâ€" ridon made several saves, bordering on the sensational. ‘Boucher was going round with a chip on his shoulder, and drew a penalty, case of ‘‘on again, off again.‘‘ The game roughened up some the referee letting several offâ€"sides hby. Barridon was playing a whale of a vame, in one instance when a threeâ€" man combination came through for what looked like a sure score, the elongated goalie fell, but used his feet to good advantage, sending the puck into the corner, Quesnel came back, and from a nice one, bulging the twine ‘behind Barridon for the Falls eighth counter. Both teams were beâ€" ginning to show signs of wear, Falls hbaving the edge though, Timmins show ing the effects of the hara boavine ginning to show signs O wear, Paill bhaving the edge though, Timmins shov ing the effects of the hara boayin: they had put up with all evening. Jo Chirecoski went down and seored thre minutes from time, going to the coole right after for offâ€"side interference the second penalty of this period. Tim mins made desperate efforts to get an other, but the gong rang, with th Gold Diggers on the offensive.,. ani mins made desperate elforts to get anâ€" other, but the gong rang, with the Gold Diggers on the offensive,. and Corbould making some of the most sensational saves of the evening. Falls 9, Timmins 1.‘ Referee W. J. MacDonald, New Kisâ€" keard ; Time keepers, Horace Laidlaw, Timmins, Jack Patterson, Iroquois FATHER OF DR. McINNIS PASSES AWAY AT MANILLA Dr. J. A. Melnnis Jeft on Monday for his old home in Manilla, Ont., call ed there by the death of his father, Mr. Archibald Melnnis, who passed away rather suddenly on Saturday last. The late Mr. Archibald MeInnis, who was about 80 years old at the time of his death, had been ill witn pneumonia but had made what appearâ€" ed to be a good recovery. Evidently, however, his illness had left him in a weakened> condition and at his adâ€" vanced age he was not able to withâ€" stand the after effects of the illness. The funeral took place on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Jas. Twaddle returned on Wedâ€" nesday last from a three months‘ visit to his old home in Seotland. (Mr. Twaddle observed that economic and industrial conditions were not as good as they might be, unemployment being rife and wages small where work was obtainable. LiimmIins Falls. ivels And PA Falls goal, Sj joining Bouch through the Falls defence, and tried a closeâ€"in on Corbould, who saved. Bouâ€" cher and Lafrance took the puck, and started down, Boucher passing to Laâ€" france in front of the Timmins net. Latrancee shot and seored. Falls 4, Timmins 0. Immediately after the faceâ€"off Reis went to the cooler again, t his time fov checking Lafrance not ones from Bbebhan and FRourmer. Boucher got away but did not attempt to go through the Timmins defeéuce, Don and Fournier coming down in a nice combination play, Don shooting from inside, but Corbould proved Giâ€" braltar in the Falls nets. Both teams at this period were checking hard Brydge drew the first penalt\ of the period, ‘Reis joining him in the cooler immediately after for tripping Fahey when the latter went through for what looked like a sure goal. Campbeli came down, stick handling hus wa, bodied Reis into the Falls net, and this drew the referees eve, Sparky going to the eooler. Brydge had the puck and was going through when the gong rang. â€" Iroquois Falls 3; Timmin: The second period started off : with Timmins on the offensive bould being called on to save hot ones from Behan and Fo: time for checking the boards. The red Spar aTk V uche mixtC Delng® the cooler sionalized the ler again, Laftrance black and [ _OIfT, an d near the 1( tim Imne 1 t Phone 131. Residence, No. 1 Hemlock Street. Holy Communion:â€"1st. Sunday of month, 11.00 a.m.; 3rd. Sunday of month, 7.30 p.m.; Festivals, 8.30 a.m. Baptisms, 4.15 p.m. Pays highest prices for secondâ€"hand | Phone 209 furniture. Sells new and secondâ€"hand E j Furniture at cheap prices. |Night and Sunday Services, 11.00 a.n 7.00 p.m. Sunday School, 3.00 p.m. Reyv. R. 8. Cushing, B.A., L.Th., Tamarack Fourth Avenue and Cedar Streets. Public Worship, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School!, 2.30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services. Rev. J. D. Parks, B.D., Minister. FOR SALEâ€"Five wellâ€"located lots, with good buildings on them. Good revenue producers. â€" Will sell all to gether, or singly. Small cash payâ€" ment acéepted, with terms for balâ€" ance. Come and see me for a geâ€" nuine bargain in real estate. D. St. Onge, Box 15, Timmins, Ont., or eall Fire Wood in any iengtns to suit, from 14 inches to wood in log. â€" Dry and green Jackpine. Prices very reaâ€" Order your wood now beâ€" fore the rush. â€"83 H. CHARLEEOTS Phone LOSTâ€"At time of Liskeardâ€"Timmins Hockey Match, a Gold Sovereign Wateh Charm. Reward. Finder please return to The Advance Office Reward. ling; rent business co only $3000 Timmins. WOOD FOR SALE, birch, pine and tamarack; any length to suit; all good wood; delivered anywhere in town or suburbs at reasonable rates. T. Hardv. 48 EFlm street. Timâ€" BUYS AND SELLS FURNITURE HARRY W. DARLING , MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Developâ€" ment Programs. Reed Block, Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontario. Frank J. Kehoe BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. We Repair Everything in Rubber Miners, Ladies and Children Rubâ€" ber Footwear, Hot Water Bags, Auto Tires and ‘Tubes. Skates, Knives and Scissors sharpened. Reed Block, Now open for business. Firstâ€"elass rooms, and steam heated All upâ€"toâ€"date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. at M}Ins, 30 THIRD AVE., BASEMENT Next to Hamilton Livery. St. MATTHEW‘S CHURCH BYRNES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH store at foot of Third Ave. 41p t SALEâ€"(Grocery, with dwelâ€" rent $50.00 per month. Good ss corner and good stock. Price P.0. Box 3, Timmins. IROQUOIS FALLS. PARIS HGOTEL or suburbs at reasongble ‘. Hardy, 48 Elm street, Timâ€" Phone 317. 41. Services, 11.00 a.m., and ({Angliezn) street and Fifth Avenue. H. CHARLEBOIS, MONET A Apply to 0 Cedar St 0. Box 674, 4â€"6p Timmins. wW. . SEVERT Night and Day ealls promptly attendâ€" ed to. Open to nativeâ€"born Seots and Scotswomen and those: of Sceottish descent. Ask your Dealer 4 Prepared THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY OF TIMMINS. Meets every second and fourth Friday in the month in the IO O.F,. Hall. Membership fee $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 50c¢c. per year for associate members. G. A. Macdonald, C. G. Pirie, President. Secvetary. â€" Dr. L. Gagnon â€" General Building Contractor Estimates Furnished Box 703 Phone 32 COBALT, ONTARIO TIMMINS LODGE, 1.0.0.f. No. 453 Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third _ Averue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. N. Leamen, 5. L. Urauhart. HARNESS and SLEIGH DOGS FOR is the result of character, or s we usually sayâ€"QUALITY. Highest market prices paid for all raw furs. Neh Faulkenham Kingston Hotel â€" Timmins, Ont. Phone 72. PHONE 72. â€" TIMMINS, ONT. Night and day calls promptly attended to. 41 Balsam st. (On all order: dozen picti â€" Dr. Fred Tilt =â€" Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, ROYAL PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO NOW OPEN pine for li wiin awelling upstair Mrs. TIreland, Box 17, months Apply . For firs BOX 33, MATHESON, ONT. is what we are. The enviable reputation of is what others say we are. VETERINARY SURGEON Rear of" 10 Cedar Street. ality Signs rstâ€"class work and prompt ittention come to the Dealer in Raw Furs Character Veterinary Office A | 0, rooms to rousekeepin; 1iso â€" yorng mnnps, â€" thre d, make good sleigh dogs (Goodiss, Gillies Lake. s for $5.00 up, half ure postcards free. r Doctor Gagnon Medicines. 6. L, Urquhart, «*vy°enue,â€"â€"@ g0ood suitable for store, stairs.~. Apply to 17, South Poreuâ€" to rent, suitable Cochrane, Ont. 45â€"49p Timmins three 4â€"6p 4â€"6)

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