Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 15 Nov 1922, 1, p. 4

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selections of sp specialties that complete progr; sented will be and will inclu« quartettes, etc. numbers. The list of numbe: confidence felt j Down in Virginia a farmer had an ox‘and a mule that he hitched togethâ€" er to a plow. One night, after severâ€" al days of continuouns plowing, and after the ox and mule had been stablâ€" ed and provendered for the night, the ox said to the mule:â€"‘‘"We‘ve been working pretty hard; let‘s play bff sick tomorrow and lay here in the stalls all day.‘‘ ‘*You can if you want to,""‘ returnâ€" ed the mule, ‘‘but I believe I‘ll go to work.‘‘ 3 MUSICAL FESTIVAL HERE TUESDAY, NOVEMEBER 28 specialties that are sure to please. The complete programme as it will be preâ€" sented will ‘be pwblished next week and will include songs, duets, trios, quartettes, etc., as well as literary numbers. The publishing of the full list of numbers is a proof of the confidence felt in the excellence of the programme, and the assurance tnai musicâ€"lovers in the town and district will give the event the heartiest supâ€" port. ' Lovers of musie will h tunity to enjoy a gen treat on Tuesday evenin in the New Empire Thea under the auspices of t Society of Timmins. As this district are especi good music, and as it 1 able time since a concer to be, further event will ‘be presented months. * The ‘Caledonian ahout forty excelle ing practically un tience, energy and paration for the . capable leadership lioving® 2 choir M showed with a most a work ( will in striking this wel undoubt , ts sSuc@cess Office So the next morning when the farâ€" mer came out the ox played off sick. The farmer bedded ‘him down with clean straw, gave him fresh hay, a bucket of oats and bran mixed, left him for the day and went forth aâ€" lone with the mule to plow. All that day the ox lay in his stall, chewed his cud and nodded, slowly blinked his eyes and gently swished his tail. That night, the ox asked h ing alone all « mule, ‘‘it wa: get much done **Did the ol« say about me‘ **No,"‘‘ repl 12 ‘*Well, then,‘‘ went on the . believe I‘ll play off again toâ€"m« it was certainly fine lying here ; and resting."‘ ‘*That up to you,"‘‘ said the ‘*"but 1‘ll go out and plow."‘ So the next day the ox play again, was bedded down with straw, provendered with hay and oats, and lay all day nc blinking, chewing his cud and sSWININ ox asked again h along without hit **About the sa replied the mule, replied the n **Did the o say about me me, but he did os Â¥ith the butcher â€"Common Sensé Or. **Jerry ed Sudbury‘s te n 1oronto, and, ; ports given by : from the Queen the Gr: WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15th., 1922 ada â€" United States Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher KX 2C¢€ 1¢e1 Subscription Rates â€"Daianced mixed dly find favour with a n idience. A practice of nmnday evening of this S QfT specilal Int s that are sure programme as ill ‘be puwblish include songs §, as . WE The publishi s a , then,‘‘ went on ‘l1 play off again rtainly fine lyving t h 11 nIlan event on thne and popular replie Telephones ind is nard e, andâ€" l1d man when icay th dav. »IVIHM im last w interrdipte the mule. In j¢f merit, 1 T in th nave ldlv nmnonyv hou Well," Residence 112 nuine mus )6 ind we mule came in, ot along plowâ€" mule, 111 i at night the £2.00 year ®©3.00 vear e anything to inquired â€"the vesterday,"" ections by choir will â€"â€" ilong xay hon t Io The reâ€" 0 Sudbury xill try for ne would would be includin xXAho coa(¢ re all day 1A t prove jlaved oft rOmn | mMUS SA l rramme imental well as dding, eently 11 10f were the mule, clean T AIl Mn s 1¢ 11 1( ho The next regular meern Caledonian Society of Tim: be held in the 1.0.0.F. Hall « evening of next week, Nov. will ‘be a ‘‘Musical Even charge of Mr. James Geils, undoubtedly beâ€"a most ple: attractive meeting. The granite memorial to the brave lads from Hanbury who fell overseas in the great war is practically all that is left by the recent fire of the village of Hanbury. The memorial shaft was alongside the Hanbury church which was destroyed by the fire as were practically all the other buildâ€" ings in the village. C White Kid Baby Shoes The Needlecraft Shop, 6 clestone Blk. self a The Timmins Lodge of the Rebe will hold a Sale of Homeâ€"made C ing and a Tea on Saturday, Nov. in the 1.0.0.F. Hall. Afternoon awill be served from 3 to 6, and : will be an attractive array of h Cookin Schumacher a Ccomeâ€"Dack in the Sault team din Sudbury Hockey Club has been reâ€" organized for the season, with Mr, P. Morrison reâ€"elected as president and Mr. Fred Donegan again the secretary treasurer. (Mxz. John Bell has been reâ€" appointed manager for the season. Sudbury had a deficit of l)et\\ een £500 and $600 on the past season‘s proceedâ€" all The Ladies of Schumacher, are Partyvy tomorrow and are alway Intyvre Orche: Flower Knots for fur coat collars, The Needlecraft Shop, 6 Marshall Ececlestone Blk. The many friends in this district of Capt. Tom Magiadery read with sinâ€" cere regret and sympathy for the beâ€" reaved the despatch last week trom Edmonton announcing the death in that western city of Mrs. Lillian Howâ€" son Magladery, wife of Capt. Tom Mavladerv, Member of the Ontario Dody was and huria Yung and the others formerly conâ€" nected with Fat‘s Lunch, and this is asstuirance that if will be a pleasant and wellâ€"conducted restaurant. _ So many have wished to inspect the new building that November 23rd and 24th have been set aside for visitors. On that date all will be welcome to go through the Prince of Wales Cafe and n [LHDAt Glale All â€" through the Pr Hotel and see and. equipment Mr. and Mrs. Stan ed on Sunday to Sou take up residence the warmly welceomed by friends, both these yo very popular in South was formerly Miss C time the popul the millinery Bros.‘ store. place last wee TIMMINS AND DIGTRIGT NOTES Sault ansfe ine, officiatin There nln U pol 1( erdoayv )€ 1¢ nouncement is made of the of Mr. Herbert Holma: Bertha Holman, of Schum ind orderlyv, only PH iturd fine new Prince of t next to the New Er d opposite the stati n for business on N« 1 be conducted by and the others for â€"with Fat‘s Lunch, + of Gordon Spence, the Haiâ€" and ~New Liskeard hockey Gordon Spence proved himâ€" rood defence player with Lisâ€" )me seasons ago and may stage back in the faster company of he popular an« nillinery â€" dep: t11 intinue in ay, next t A C opposite â€" for busine xT reguie Mcelntvyre asant evenin muses to e few new ourt this week, tho important cases rem eek will be heard. ne Maric ake \ Ovendetr nlace at wWIsh WwIlil D8 ho had ) \II plea ty of Timmins will ).0.F. Hall on Friday week, Nov. 24th. It isical Evening,"‘‘ in ames Geils, and will a most pleasing and ird the 1 givin (Thur Mr. and Mrs. Stanâ€" fairly showered with asantâ€"event will â€" furni Lunch, and This is will be a pleasant 1 restaurant. â€" So roOWwIn e ~of£.â€" Capt. . LC ‘the: Ontar . T dance sel {ecreation )€ n. Pearce returnâ€" uth Poreupine to ere and are being A ELnAd. Dupuis The for intermé Keene, Ontar the 1 V 1€ $1.00 a ; Marshall 11 XV rember Mr, schecdued on Hall, Thursday Mcelntvre ) ol pularity ats. Mc ish â€"the ales re ne‘ to Cafe ani build in h of the home )1 I11 bri Geo d Je This week a find of goldâ€"bearing ore was made on Mr. Chas. Pieree‘s farm in Mountjoy, about half a mile from Timmins. ~Ore showing free gold was uncovered and as soon as the disâ€" rovery was made work was started to prospect the property and see what may be in it. Half a dozen men have been at work for the past couple of days and it will likely be evident in a day or so whether there is possibility of another mine for this area‘ or whether the find is simply a case of an ‘odd piece of goldâ€"bearing ore beâ€" ing on the property. The work so far is understood to suggest the possibilâ€" ity of a formation favourable to gold, but the work now in progress will likely decide whether or not there are chanees of another plupelt) worth deâ€" veloping@:. u$ . ie P cA 4 AND THEN THE LADIES WENT ON DOWN STREET Mr. Jas. Bourke, of the Ontario Tie, Timber Construction Co., arrived bere on Sunday to superintend the arâ€" rangements for the reâ€"opening in this district of the operations by the firm. Kor ~rQ The Armistice Dance Oddfellows‘ Hall, South Friday evening laar, iby GOLD FIND MADE ON THLE PIERCE FARM IN MOUNTJOY course sUCCESSFUL DANCE BY EASTERN STAR Two ladies from a nearby town came into The Advance office yesterâ€" day. Very politely the one young lady asked a question :â€" Mr. J. J. Harpel Industrial Educ Co., of Gardenvale to the 'Ca‘mp toâ€"day ing arrangements arrang pell ha cently ‘‘Would you be good enough to tell us where the Municipal Bmldmo is1‘ ‘‘Right across the street,"‘ was the reply. 1J ‘‘"What? the Police Station?"‘ * Yes1*‘ ‘‘‘Then to Hell with it!‘‘ And the two ladies hurried on down street. The proofreader on Western daily was a nrecision and extremsé day a repol to type an Miss M lived in the Ottawa Vallexy, not far from the capital, with her mother and young sister. Work seemed the natural thing when she left school, and, accordingly, she started out to get what she could for her services. Progress was not fast, but at least she did â€"not stand still, and her earnings were always inâ€" creasing. nd Oy a 1live wire. ‘ On the following day the rep« ound on his desk a frigid note as ‘Which is the West End of a be It took only an instant to reé ‘The end the sun sets on, of cour â€"Tank News. k A Deserved Diplomaâ€"â€" Certificate of Health With such prospects it seemed that her little sister could get the chance that she had been deniedâ€"a Universâ€" ity education. The baby of the family went to Queen‘s, and this year, her alma mater gives her the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Next year she‘s going to do betterâ€"Master of Arts. But here‘s where the sadness comes in. The elder sister, broken in health by overwork, is no longer able to assist. She is a patient at the Musâ€" koka Hospital for Consumptives, but it is hoped that she too will shortly graduateâ€"with "A Certificate of Good Health." Seventeen thousand patients have been cared for by the National Saniâ€" tarium Association in its hospitals in Muskokaa and at Weston. Half of theim have been restored co health and happy homes. You can share in this great work if you will. . Contributicons may be sent to Hon. W. A. Charlton, 223 College Street, TomntOQ le coursg lumbe e: that" if successful OT oniy Tw e pleas: was the dustries U l al for minetr BEAST AND who was Harpell, President of the ood quality, en free of c 1 Speaker sa d see that ! 1g9 last, iDV T 84. Order of yeen in Iroqu pI vbout itional Publishing Que., is a visitor He is here makâ€" for â€" educational and prospec spectors has food win. Mr. ) < J e propriety, Une led in getting inâ€" **Willie Brown, ned in the W est woman oT 50C1 1lD nall Middle an of ereat reup This {ro 4a@an(d INl attractive enjova poor ( every Falls reâ€" rcational and paâ€" some suffere 1( repo cupine 1 ther nmin JO V id i been Harâ€" to The fire )1 N {heéence vyest astronomicaliy ailong LNE South limit of said Allen Avenue and the westerly production thereof 1146 ft. 10%4 inches, more or less, to the east shore of the said Mattagami River; thence Northerly along said east shore to the said point of comâ€" mencement, containxng 17.5 acres, be the same more or less. All persons are hereby required to take Notice that anyone objecting to snch annexation must file their objecâ€" tions in writing with the Clerk of the Town of Timmins on or before the 20th. day of November, 1922, or he will be too late to be heard in that beâ€" half. In cease any objection to the said annexation be so filed the said Board may issue an Appointment to hear all Parties interested and notice will e given of such appointment to every person filing any such objection. Annexation to Timmins of part unorâ€" ganized Township Mountjoy. unde share erlv lim1 the ther Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Timmins has applied to The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board under subsecâ€" tion (2) of section 18 of **The Conâ€" solidated Municipal Act, 1922," for the annexation to the said Town of that part of the adjoining unorganizâ€" De‘the san Secondly the M. 22, no Land Title kaming at Plan ~M.; : ter 111 ed Township of Mountjoy deser follows :â€" All and singular those certa 10, n Title: ?a says Suds S hS qaod friend Upon his Work h ° Ccan degen Ts ‘an 12 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Room 13, Reed Block, Timmins. Porcupine Miners Union Meeting Every Sunday at 7 p.m., in Labour Temple, Second Avenue. EVERY WORKER CORDIALLY INVITED n( s rth haltf SA d Frank J. Kehoe 11 TiD€ m notl We ~ t and streets now on file wicVy Dury 1C 1C ng at tie intftet cly limit off aré Plan M. 22 wit] Haild Deing follow Part of that t part of the ‘. Concession mit of Allen Avenue; istronomically along the @ said Allen Avenue and LA .‘ tAG@. ‘CJ ie District of vburv, said ; tNhose ce land and eing in L quarter Aandâ€"said eing laid out into shown by Plan M. the Office of Land nore sSKAaAmIin vith l0wn 1 the Office of ‘said. ark Town Clerk n{d may be BWBT mceession ind prem1t miskam 80 acre CcblOn OIT laid out he East laid out 1N s I Aand Mountâ€" _ ul O1 tuence thence 11 Ww W 4 Z) 11. ot Membership fee $2.00 per year ordinary members and 50c. per for associate members. G. A. Macdonald, C. G. Pir President. : Necre WOMAN WANTED AS HOUSEâ€" KEEPER. Apply to Box C.A., Adâ€" vance Office, for particul@rs. 46p. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK; family of three. Apply 1: iMaple street. 4) HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY FPOR A FREE BROOM, furnished or unfurnished; for ecare of house; middleâ€"aged man preferred ; no chilâ€" dren. Apply to Box C. A., Advanece Office. 44â€"46p FOR SALEâ€"Two I Heaters, Apply C Ltd., Spruce street Board Apply SEVEN â€" ROOMED â€" HOUSHE STANLEY PIANO FOR ; only THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY OF TIMMINS. y( Hall Audits _ Special Investigations Income Tax Returns Books Opened and Kept Posted For Local Tradesmen. Reed Block â€" Timmins, Ont. Quality Signs is the result of charaeter, or as we usually sayâ€"QUALITY. {IF IN YOUR BATHROOM | THERE‘S A LEAK | ‘ NWELL STOP IT IN [ NnA way UNIQUE Cedar St. JUST climhbing into your bath. Beâ€" ginning to feel exhiliaratingly comâ€" fortable, when plink! A drop of or â€" HoW rack street along to se after, you «C peace. Apply to P.0O. Box 834, or 51 Ced Street. 45 SALBE. Apply Elm street. | use Open to nativeâ€"born Seots and otswomen and those of Seottish Meets every seco iday in the month OuIr nlyv 11( @I is what we are. The enviable reputation of is what others say we are. Rear of 10 Cedar Street. anothne nAZV Character ‘used} price $a MceKenzie, Gol it ROOM TO RENT, WITH suitable for t 36 Elm St )reupine )1 n {( r, and another. Of a leak, but you have idea as to where, why Just pass the. word id for us. And soon in finish yvour bath in ashes â€" and retu se@On Improved Quebec Gambleâ€"Robinson, t _ An(dâ€" LOUurt in the>: 1:0.0.A on your he another. Lirrih??" C. G. Piric, c Black well 45p. young ladie 45â€"46p Timmins. Apply Avenue, 49â€"46p>. amaâ€" 244 Yeal 45p. S$HOES DYED; any colour; bring your shoes here and have them look as good as new. Mrs. Jos. WANTEDâ€"Maid for Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third . Avenrue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. W. L. Lainsbury, Geo. is. Drew, work; good wages. Apply to Mrs. H. J. Marshall, 12 Hemlock street. Phone 57. 44 W A N T EDâ€"A competent maid for general housework; must be good cook and laundress. References reâ€" quired. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Melnâ€" nis, 80 Pine street. WOOD FOR SALE,.birch, pine and tamarack; any length to suit; all good wood; delivered anywhere in town or suburbs at reasonable TMMINS LGDGE, 1.0.0.F. Ko. 453 Boiling will render all water safe for drinking purposes. Safety First Flies spread Typhoid Fever against them. Child‘s Welfare Clinics, Wedneg days, 1.30 to 3 p.m. 1st. Wed. each month. Dr. Minthorn. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. Melonis. 4th, Wed. each*month, Dr. Moore, Nurse at Clinic Room daily 1.30 to 3 p.m. The Best of Geod M vÂ¥I1CCe. hreter Coter, 49 Hol mi, or send Timmins, Ont. 6 Tickets for a Dollar. 12 Pints for a Dollar. Mattagami Clean Stables, Clean Cows, Clean Handling, Clean Milk. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. Smith, 55 Elm Tate taken â€"OIC guarantee have hbee WATCH FOR THE BLACK HORSE AND THE RED RIG. OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE. AV s Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. 0. B. AIKEN DENTIST Phone TY Boil the Water BOARD OF REALTH COLUMN SWAT THE condition. â€" Bargain | gramophone and ei for sale. Apply 356 Hollinger Townsite. on C Refere stDuros aAt reasonanile irdy, 48 Elm street, Timâ€" 41â€" H. H, MOORE, M.D., M. 0. H. 118s, and satists Hundreds of 3 ighted with ims nees. _ Apply inger Lane, Mai street card general houseâ€" Apply to Mrs. Hemlock street. Dlano Ontario 45â€"4 x 4( 0, aurier 16â€"48p Scereen 4tip reâ€" 111

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