hA n esns WMWHEWW Plant in Good Condition. Equipment Added. Very Satisfactory Reâ€" sults from Work Done. REVIEW CF PROGAEES AT No. 1 GROUP OFf EOLOALE sump were completed below foot level. Lateral work â€"on ‘"‘In the sinking of the shaft a vein which was not indicated on the surâ€" face was encountered at approximateâ€" ly 200 feet which showed good milling ore and in the lateral work on the 500 foot level four schisted sections in eranular basalt were encountered in No. 501 South eut, ranging in width from one foot to fourteen feet and carrying encouraging values. In No. 503 North cross cut off the East drift quartz and iron sulphides in gray baâ€" saltic schist were encountered and at toot level was commenced on the September last, and on the bth the work accomplished was as fc â€"260 feet advance, in No. 501 | cross ceut, 123 feet advance, it 502 East drift, 123 feet advance, in No. 503 North cross cut off the East drift, and 12 feet advance, in No. 504 South cross eut off the East ‘drift. This lateral work is proceeding at the rate of approximately 100 feet per point approximately 150 feet North perties situate Pearl Lake in President, M ped by Kerr Lake Mining Comâ€" y, Limited, under the efficient agement of Mr. H. A. Kee. Since operations were commenced Larch last the plant has been comâ€" ely overhauled and considerable a equipment added, such as new Iframe anrd hoist, light generating em, additional ‘boiler equipment, nservative €G1l}O WIn ere 2 Us )1 M erty at ret el Min nce, in No. 501 South feet advance, in No. rroup uake iscdale THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE revie w nite s a level to ations were Murdo«c k at t the 1 1nSt. ollows encountered bevond this whi proceeded with. pose of exposin of the more f section indicate oT drilting to The Kast is now being proceeded with. This is for the purâ€" pose of exposing the lower extensions of the more favouranm‘e mineralized section indicated by the diamond drill ing done East of the shaft in 1921, exâ€" tending over a length uf several hunâ€" dred feet when good values were obâ€" tained in the drill cores. Resbectfully vours. PROFESSIONAL COACHES MAY BE BARRED BY A.A.U. OF C. The delogates at the annual meeting of the Ontario Branch, A.A.U. of C. held recently, approved of consider able new legislation that was suwbmitt ed ‘by the Executive Committee. Thi is ‘being sent on to the A.A.U. of C for consideration at the annual meet ing of that bhody to be held in Montre al, December 8 and 9 next, and is a; That the per capita tax on all regisâ€" tration cards issued by the branches of five cents each be reduced to two cents. At the present time it costs the branch on the average 15 cents for each card issued, and the A.A.U. of C. get the same amount as the branches, five cents each, as well as the branch each card issued, and the A.A.U. of C. get the same amount as the branches, five cents each, as well as the branch annual affiliation fee of $100. The deâ€" legates could not see where tins arâ€" rangement is fair, and are asking for m . reduction in the charge.. ‘The branches are doing all the work, asâ€" suming all the responsibility, and the AL.A:U. of C.:none. In future it will be impossible for professionals and those not in good standing with the A.A.U. to hold office with any amateur organization. Leâ€" gislation to this effect was endorsed. This has been the policy in the past, follows en iltic Fhe purp« mention iyry encounte cut on the ical inf ipat sa v{ V € the m t1 HITIHL ot drav 10n â€" aAMI MURDOXTH, P ich; A.A;:U. of C., m'ed of considerâ€" that was ~Committee. This UIT ulte O0{) )Je¢en section in quartz encountâ€" $12.00 in 0 ODTAin the work res oft although it was not covered by constitution. The maximum value of soureni be given by any organization ot cepted by any athlete must not ex the sum of $100, and must be of nature defined by the A.A.U. o letics of tion tha promotin promoting and governing team games be asked to consider the question of restricting the activities of paid proâ€" fessional coaches, and report to the union their views of the subject. It was pointed out that it is a growing practice of organizations in employing professional coaches, and the quesâ€" tion was raised by Mr. Smith as to whether it was in the best interests of amateur sport, and expressed his opinion that it was â€"becoming a menace and inimical to the principles of the The resolution was TWO PER CENT. DIVIDEND OF LAKE SHORE PAYABLE TOâ€"DAY A dividend of 2 per cent. on the issued capital stock of the Lake Shore Mines, Ltd., Kirkland Lake, has ‘been declared, payable November 15th, to shareholders of record of Novenfber 1. The directors have not yet made any announcement as to any permanent policy in regard to a regular periodiâ€" cal dividend. . During the month of September, the regular monthly reâ€" port issued by the mine manager, Mr. R. C. Coffey shows that the shaft enâ€" port 1ssued DY Ine mine manager, NMTr. R.~C. Coffey shows that the shaft enâ€" largement has been completed to a depth of 340 feet, The mill ran 90.5 per cent. of possible time during the same period. The mill handled 1,716 tons, with a recovery of $30,865.42, the average grade being close to $18 per ton, which is very highâ€"grade ore though not as much so as ore run through the Lake Shore mill in many months in the past, the regular averâ€" age being around $20.00 to $25.00 per ton for the Lake Shore. The next regular meeting of the Timmins Lodge of the Rebekahs will be held on Thursday evening of neéext week, Nov. 23rd in the 1.0.0.F. Hall. This is a specially important meeting as it will‘ include the election of offiâ€" cers for the ensuing term, and all ‘Reâ€" bekahs should attend. (Gop \ ind red by the A.A.U,. of C , which provides for sou rizes which do not affec iving of the recipient, an on of paird prol J. Smith, director wranch, introduce affiliatecd orswan Uuss1o0n paid profess 1, director of pient, and val of the developed 1Za tions hC b mal ithâ€" 10 A C = Dr. L. Gagnon â€" Night and Day calls promptly attendâ€" ed to. Ask your Dealer for Doctor Gagnon‘s Prepared Medicines. WANTEDâ€"Double Bed, Single Bed and Bureau wanted. Apply toP.O. Box 442, Timmins, Ount. Op Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No 173 44( A dividend of 1% upon the outâ€" standing capital stock of the Comâ€" pany has been declared payable on the 2nd. day of December, 1922, on which date cheques will ‘be mailed to shareâ€" holders of record at the close of busiâ€" ness on the 17th. day of November, 1922,. Dated the 9th. day of November, 1922. D. A. DUNLAP, Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines, Limited. (N() Personal 'Lizl'])i]it.\') Visiting Brothers and Sisters alâ€" ways welcome. Iszbella Vollet, Ethel Keene, Now open for business. Firstâ€"elass rooms, and steam heated All upâ€"toâ€"date conyveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. Meets every Znd and 4th Thursday the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Third Aveâ€" New Empire Theatre Block TIMMINS, ONT. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. Veterinary Office Cochrane, Ount. Ethel Keene, Ree. Sea 11 ‘e a 3 U1 ‘e l.