Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 11 Oct 1922, 1, p. 4

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Office 26 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1922 FOUR COMMITTED FOR TRIAL IN HIGHâ€"GRADE CASE TELEGRAPH COMMUNICATION OUT OF SERVICE TOâ€"DAY Due North ernimnent was at TJC and â€" made gTa saving the fire fire with the had no w ing to th will take telegranh seT n conne of gold f1 Mines,. 2 tarou kep,f, | kept tinue case, were committe« $25,000.00 worth of en from the Kirklan Mines a plan th rather clever form of the solurtton in the refi GOVT SHOULD SETTLE P.0. QUESTION TIMMEDIATELY wellâ€"gror the inad T immins each day fore the getting | days of J money â€" 0 in a ch:t To buy : ary to w there st trover! pense, the Domi permanen tion of po ofice in a the busin town will t wo t boxes acequate : is a rapid oftice that nue prod:t to be any vernment pointment by secsing to see the public need from service t Timmins for some @COHIH Mr. W. We Canada _ â€" United States Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher WEEKS OFP ENGLEHART SsSAVED OVER 150 LIVE OY is ap wee eslic ment will not s and until it is k 1t Subscription Rates: 11 1¢ im the is an unusuaily good reveâ€" r1eer. There does not seem honest reason why the Goâ€" should not make the ap once and follow this ur to it that adequate service it 14 tn SAhiaw, W 1) Telephones : Ne 1€ 11 electrical storm at UI amps 1t 18 line from o would 1 31 )K € EeS wC The one w the service At times the t 1 ¢ Residence $2.00 year $3.00 vear to n PV oTten nece ten minut Laxke â€" U included g1 9 paupe! reâ€" dar m a durin | Â¥ 11 nmIns suit 1€ MR. S. BUCOVETSKY OPENS NEW STOCORE IN SOUTH END ANOTHER SHOWING OF ROYAL GARMENTS NEXT WEEK taeir â€"aAppre and their reg man and go him with a and an addre PRESENTATION TO MR. W. J. DUNDAS, BANK Mr. W. J. Dundas, manager of the Timmins Branch of the Dominion Bank since its opening here, left on Sunday for Montreal where he has been promoted to the management of one of the branches in that‘city. Preâ€" vious to his leaving here, a number of the business men of the cown showed their appreciation of Mr. Dundas and their regard for him as a ‘business array oOf bargains ‘be highâ€"grade merchandise running for 16 days o 10th. dueted byâ€" Mi WORK STARTED ON ASBESTOS CLAIM IN MATATCHEWAN vourg@hle reports have ‘been made Dy Government and other geologists on this asbestos field. Progress will be watched on the Matatchewanâ€"asbesâ€" tos claims with special interest here as the Portupindg has some likelyâ€"looking asbhestos finds, some of them in DBeloro Township and a more recent discovery in Tisdalé, a short distance from Timâ€" If any asbestos finds in Norâ€" thern Ontario get attention, it is more than likely that notice will eventually hbe paid to the promising prospects in the Poreupine. of course, overâ€" shadows all other minerals in general "FEN OF FAMILY MEET DEATH IN ROOT HOUSE AT HEASLIP intere of rC 16 last winter. lhe 1.0.0.F., commen there will be cerib 11 1‘ t 18 .DYy no‘t otten or ne 1} W ne Fridayv ed lad of 19 0 LEimMHLL Garment Tt the Kn and xt we ha 1€ cupin upied rlors ) means 1J will ,give one it made them r. ‘The event commeneing a 1¢ ard for him as a ‘ousiness od citizen by presenting very handsome club bag ss of appreciation. )ther minerals in general asbestos is so useful and al commercial value that eans a mineral to ‘be forâ€" 11 )6 , will WVedne ) V and euchre cor a general jolly stores, navin t iSchumache South End the ‘prem1Is the Wests 1e Dbuildit oI the new store, le is being ‘conâ€" South Poreupine with an unusual being offered in lise. . This sale is s only from Oct. 1re 18 at av 11 stoOcks oT in this b1i victims oL )e sent wiall wWEerg . ight children, man. â€" When family apparâ€" ie root house o death, the 44 here will ‘be in the Royal Ga the Holli and Thur 2 shnowIin nd after weTr ind 19 ind ttent1i0 OPC 1¢ 1( iIferin i speâ€" prove ladies upIint Moon o1 has it the the the in d od ANKUAL MEETING FRIDAY . OF CALEDONIAN SOCIETY BEING BROUGHT BACK FROM ITALY FOR TRIAL Friday evening of this week, Oct. 13th., is the annual meeting <of the Caledonian Society of Timming, when the election of officers for the ensuing year and other important business will take place. The meeting will be in the 1.0.0.F. Hall at 8 p.m., and all members are ut ly emyj now o Dneen t1 1nves other miIins Theyv the F. N..0. t in transporting safety and carin til other help « the railway als the railway also made a record in keeping the line open with practically no interruption. At various points the tracks suffered seriously from the fires. Ties were burned, rails twisted, culverts and small bridges destroyed, but in a remarkably short time the line was completely open and doing business as usuatk. FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICE OF FORD CARS Announcement has been made by the Taylor Hardware Co., local reâ€" presentatives for Ford ears, of the further reduction made by the Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited in the price of Ford cars and trucks, the price change to be effective from Sept. 26th. These new prices are the lowâ€" esp in the history of FKord cars. The Ford touring car has a new price of $405.00, with $485.00 for the runabout reépresenting a $40.00 reduction in each case. Other models are similarly reduced. In making theanouncement, the Ford Company points to the imâ€" provement in exchange as a leading factor, and anticipating that the Canâ€" adian dollar will now remain at norâ€" mal, the new schedule of prices has been adopted. In putting this plan of price reduction into effect, the Ford Company is following its esta‘blished policy of passing on to the public any savings effected in the cost of manuâ€" facture, thus placing Ford trucks within the reach of est number of people. LIST OF KNOWN DEAD FROM CENTRAL TESMISKAMING FIRE on Di writing :â€" ‘\t Hil bold, wh tihed. Hil Dois, LWO other childre: Mrs. Charito: A. Beguin, . Luthier of H: ‘MISSIN Leonard K Haileyxbury CWIis, N. 0. COMMISSION ON TOUR OF INSPECTION OF LINE ren an( N *C) 1t ind l ‘s.o work effectiv il 1 € Dunne, dentifi¢ the Nr ecovered marentiy DroKt understOoOo( follo w )1 1( U @2 N Un men «on women ng include the following Killoran, a boy who lived ury; Archie McGuigan Charlton ; Geo. Campbeli rildren in Kennabee; Mr. : ught ‘Dack apprehendé )1d ‘bullion ileyburyâ€"Mrs. Paul A. Cooâ€" o lost her life in an attempt her uncle; Mrs. Boon; Gerâ€" herland, identified as one of en through the bross buttons niform; H. H. Elfick; Felix ns Alfred Rochon; Mrs. St. W. W. Wigglesworth; Miss . four unidentified men; two OM m en jce n 14 )1 | W Haslevybury W (@@OInNnDaln Olll intryi +E years} M riv in New Mrs. O‘Hara, Graham Ryan; man Clarke, M ot COU Ot H aTre nen n Kennabee; Mr. and of Dack Township; Hailevburys; James work n conn months tnat ‘ MA W to tihe known 16 12 M ne prev \J H1LL children uniden \ a man Torm Intyre Mine from Italyv T WOrK L ury and at ftn OM re;â€"iny LlmMm of the line ere by M io Ital llowit alv. pre re UuI The into Offic ramnjciiu and esta‘blished puwolic any t of manuâ€" motors and \the great on with wile â€"an{( all, Amo the 1TowWwâ€" irs. | ‘The price of runabout ) iinmnmie Kathleen ss Annie LEWwo 01 + unde 1¢ muld dead time the nt O Y )1 irke ant WÂ¥ T): to i 9t $500.00 FINE FOR HAVING .â€" QUANTITY OF HOME BREW Last week at police court John Inkâ€" strom was fined $500.00 and costs by Magistrate Atkinson for illegally havyâ€" ing in his possession a quantity of homeâ€"brew. W. Gagne on a charge of intoxicated in charge of an auto IN CONTACT WITH 12000 VOLTS, BUT NOW RECOVERING ARLIE MARKS COMPANY, DRAWS BIG HOUSES HERE @COVv eE was sentenc ) UV that made was that stren The honour of the North Land, as well as the true interests of the whole country, require that Haileybury be reâ€"built with renewed opportunity for prosperity and security. _ > The Scientific Palmist at Koom 4, Queen‘s Hotel, has bheen largely conâ€" sulted during the past week and her readings have proved generally interâ€" esting and of value. She has none of the fortuneâ€"telling or fake methods, but is following palmistry as a science chiefly with a view to indicating health and character matters. By speâ€" cial request she is remaining in Timâ€" mins for another week and may be consulted at Room 4, Queen‘s Hotel. FOR SALEâ€"Ford Ru Owner leaving town thern Motor Sales, mins, opposite King Parlout: POSITION WANTED hy youns man 1@as Deéen COOK AND WIFE would like steady job in lumber camp or mine. ‘Beést references. Apply to Charette Bros. Timmins, Ont., corner Third Avenue and Cedar street. 41p FOR SALEâ€"Five wellâ€"located with «004 buildings on them. THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY OF TIMMINS. 11| Meetinges held second and 1 Fridays in the month, in 1.0.0.F Timmins, starting at 8 p.m. sha Annual meeting second Frid October. Open to native born and those of Sceottish descent. TMMINS LODGE, 1.0.0.f. Ko. 453 Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third â€" Avenrue. Visiting brethren requeste) to attend. W. L. Lainsbury, Geo. Drew, Baled and promptly shipped in any quantity. THOS. KILMER )}Ine we CAMLACHIE, ternoon tll house His many friends will be very pleas to know that Mr. Geo. Saithes, who s been in St. Mary‘s Hospital for enlin as Bookâ€"keeper or Grocery â€" experienced ; best references. will take work to do at nights ply to 26 Sixth Avenue. witii g00((4 Dulidings on [fHi°Mm. GUut revenue producers. â€" Will sell all to gether, or singly, SAmaill«â€"eash pay ment accepted, with terms for bal ance. Come and see me for a ge nuine bargain in real estate. D. St Onge, Box 15, Timmins, Ont., or cal at store at foot of Third Ave. ° 41 now at > > POV 10,00 the usual amount o interest roved as popular as in past Many missed the pipe band ade such a hit last year, and it nerally in the musical features ie company showed the least b.‘, ‘The company are playâ€" w at South Poreupine. H Presid tTriedl me in contact } said to be ceari as (badlyv ‘burné There to seven days at N ordinary drunks â€" n M I1 10 ritinedt _ _power plant mtact with a~ 1( 10 w l’in‘\ epl)l\ .'Iv‘ «$ ind 1Ieel medical tor in pract rmand{( mMmIin{( and fourth 1.0.0.F. Hall m. sharp. 111 atures were e the usual ome of the 1( 1nD(d4al the w M excelle employ Ol {£e2] 1 I esday y a lpin orta each LV 20(0( The kill, The and )11 rall 11p 11 In ever loving memory of my dear husband, George Muir Dewar, who died Oct. 13th. 1918. 446 0800090009000000040808040006466 * When wishing to have a pleasant motor drive, call Timmins Garage Auto Service, Phone 227. § TIMMINS, PHONE 43 1/. i W“WOWMW Audits _ Special Investigations Income Tax Returns PROMPT and PLEASING SERVICE Books Opsned and Kept Posted FPor Local Tradesmen. DFAZCAUSATHALESILIHWHIICEFL Reed Block PHER; mining experience; wants permanent, temporary or part time job. Tradesmen‘s books kept at reasonable rates. Address Box R. M.A., Advance Office, Timmins. You remember that facilities weren‘t what they should have ‘been last fall and winter and that you made up your mind that you were going to have them fixed this summer and you didn‘t. But vyou will. Phone 51. Cedar St. TIMMINS GARAGE ELL it‘s getting along toward the last of the year now. WILLIAM HAMILTON COMPANY, LIMITED Peterborough, Ont. Hydraulic Turbine Machinery Pulpmill Machinery â€" Sawmill Machinery Structural Steel and Steel Plate Work Transmission Machinery Grey Iror and Brass Castings Wife and ‘Children Timmins, Ont Northern Representative VINCENT WOODBURY Timmins. â€"35p , se mt ons o in on n ds n eV 3 4 e Boiling will render all water safe for drinking purposes. Safety First Flies spread Typhoid Fever, Screen agzainst them. Child‘s Welfare Cliniecs, Wednes days, 1.30 to 3 p.m. 1st. Wed. each month. Dr. Minthorn. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. Mennis, 4th, Wed. each month, Dr. Moore. Nurse at Clinic Room daily 1.30 to 3 p.m. 6 Tickets for a Dollar. 12 Pints for a Dollar. Mattagami Clean Stables, Clean Cows, Clean Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etce. Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. Handling, Clean Milk. WATCH FOR THE BLACK HORSE AND THE RED RIG. OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE, Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. 0. B. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 Boil the Water BOARO OF REALTH GOLUMN COBALT, PHONE 17. H. H. MO ORE, M.D., M. 0. H. i yÂ¥ }'z_fi Ontario

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