Notice is hereby given that Holmer Fréd Knutson, a mewmber of the partâ€" nership» heretofore subsisting between us,; the undersigned, as The New Onâ€" tario Garage and Machine Shop in the town of Timmins has withdrawn from the said partnership by mutual conâ€" sent. Aill debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to Harry W. Lloyd and Frark W. Elston at Timmins aforesaid and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said Harry W. Lloyd nd Frank W. Elston by whom the agaame will be settled. Dated at Timmins this 14th,. day of August, A.D. 1922, HOLMER FRED KNUTSON, HARRY WALLACE LLOYD, FRANK WILLIAM ELSTON, Witness: W. 0. LA 34â€"36 in the matter of the estate of William Henry Peters late of the Town of Timmins in the district of Temiskaâ€" ming, Post Master, deceased. Take notice that all persons having claims against the estate of the albove deceased, who died on or about the 2nd. day of July, 1922, are to file the same duly verified by affidavit with the undersigned on or before the First day of October, 1922. D. W. O‘SULLIVAN, And take notice that after said date the estate of the said deceased will be distributed having regard only to such accounts as sghall then have been filed. Dated at Timmins this First day of September, A.D. 1922. and for all who enjoy real thick cream Timmins, Ontario, Solicitors for Exeeutrix PETBE RS, YA j *# [immins, Ontario, Execeutrix of .said Estate y mutuai conâ€" zx to the said paid to Harry WV. Elston at Keepsweet Milk T he Safe Milk » metween New Onâ€" 10p in the awn from TYPEWRITER FPOR SALE, C TO RENTâ€"Furms man qpreferred. Fifth Avenue, Ti FIFTY CORDS OF 20â€"inch Dry }| GIRL WANTEDâ€"Apply to (Mrs. W quaintances wao showed suen Kindâ€" ness and sympathy during his recent bereavement in the death of his wife. â€"36Gp FPOR SALEâ€"3 heavy Horses for sale, running from 1500 to 1700. Apply H. Charlebois, 30 Cedar St. 36 WANTEDâ€"Maid for general houseâ€" work, would prefer one that could sleep at home. Apply to No. 1 Maple street. 36 FOR SALE CHEAPâ€"Oflice equipâ€" ment, almost new ; one flat top cak desk, one revolyving oak desk chair, 3 oak chairs, one brown oak Daveâ€" no, with bedding. ‘Telephone 279. Mr. J. Collins wishes to sincerel hank the many kind friends and a« practica conditi:o Will done at OO Apply River, AI d wards, co sell CARD OP THANKS 0T " . the first to use K richest people in ew, and in firstâ€" xÂ¥ three months in $45.00,. Apply to m street, Timmins * i\â€"inch Ury Pire all sound and dry Brewer, Mattagam 11, Timmins, Ont. â€"â€"30â€"3 7 j Apply immins. £ ToOom entle 11 J6p + â€"~ m it Soon the news of Keepsweet Cream spread dlil over Toronto. Then to other cities and towns. In recordâ€"breaking time, there was a demand for Keepâ€" sweet Cream from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Keepâ€" sweet is the cream everybody has wantsd for years. Keepsweet is real cream, skimmed from fresh, sweet milk from selected dairy farms. Nothing is added. Nothing is taken away. It is sterilized by the Keepsweet process and will keep sweet, pure and fresh in the tins for months. Of course, after a tin is opened, Keepsweet must be cared for just the same as ordinary fresh cream. For years they‘ve wanted a cream like Kerpcwc“ â€"a Cream so thick and rich and fullâ€"flavored that i is comparable only to the famous Devonshire Cream of Old England. Think how handy it is to have several cans of pure, sweet, thick Keepsweet Cream on the pantry shelf always ready for use. And never any chance of it spoiling! ®@ f Order a supply from your grocer. Two sizes: 6â€"ounce and liâ€"ounce cans. The price is moderate, tonsidering the superfine quality, richness and thickâ€" ness of the cream. he first to use Keepsweet Cream were richest people in Torontoâ€"people who to buy the finest, richest cream, regard And so they bought Keepswest Table found it wonderful:â€" It was a real coffee cream Delicious on cereals and puddings A treat with deep apple pic Glorious on sliced peaches And surprisingly cheap. Kegpsweet Cream is not evaporated nor conâ€" densed. It is not chemically treated. It hasn‘t any strong taste. It‘s simply delicious! iIts Devonshireâ€" like flavor will make you a Keepsweet enthusiast. Dominion Milk Corporation, Limited Head Office: TORONTO PRINCIPAL A. E. BRYSON LEAVING COBALT SCHOOL bv citizen, a man who ( is fdopted town an try generally, to the neople of the other and nis future Bryvson tha was organized. a helpfual part in ters at Cobalt as ters at Cobal nent in oth tario was 2l Kirkland Lake ents are reported in securing high tiron TOr their chiidren, Doh leybury ‘High Sehool and teith Academy having mor tions from outside students be accommodated. It is pr make representations to th ment to have a High Scho located at Kirkland Lake or nit € T101 is Trom outside students than can accommodated. It is proposed to ze representations to the Departâ€" it to have a High School teacher ited at Kirkland Lake or Swastika provide the desired facilities for aer education. * in# oft 111 expre 11 iid J€ M t t2eAd nd Lake and Swastika resid® reported as having difficulty ng high school accommodaâ€" their children, both the Haiâ€" Higsh Sehool and the Monâ€" ademy having more applicaâ€" balt as well as being promiâ€" ther public activities. He i useful and valued officer of skaming and Northern ~Onâ€" ciated Boards of Trade. be noted that it was largely ie interest and efforts of Mr. at the first tour of the North the Ontario school teachers ized. Mr. Bryson also took nart in Board of Trade matâ€" e withn he has lnved. parture there goes a good an who did much to bring town and the North Counâ€" y, to the attention of the e other parts of the proâ€" 1t A Great Success Not Condensed Y EPV it has establis THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE reâ€"echoed has lived l1 1€ strict W E 01 ronto recently the strength of the proâ€" vineial police will shortly be increased by about :}0, and it is probable that the foree in the North %ouutry, parâ€" ticularly, will be enforceed. ‘The rank of sergeant has been or is being esâ€" tablished, so that when the inspector at district ‘headquarters is away the sergeant will be in charge. The proâ€" vision of a number of motoreycles, it is considered, would ‘help the work of the police materially. In the last reâ€" port something along this line was reâ€" commended by General Elliott, the former commissioner. PROVINCIAL POLICE FORCE TO BE ENLARGED most things, but particularly so in reâ€" lation to the investment of money. The rich may afford to speculate and to take the risks attendant on high rates of interest. Those whose means are moderate must be careful to see that there is absolute security in their investments. For such people there is no other form of investment which takes such a ‘high rank, combining abâ€" solute security with lMWbheral ®terest, as the bonds of the Dominion of Canâ€" ada. Holders of Dominion bonds lbearâ€" ing five and aâ€"half per cent, maturing December 1, 1922, can reâ€"invest their money at the same rate of interest by exchanging the old bonds for new ones running for either five years or ten years, as the bondholder may prefer. Arrangements for carrying out this exchange can be made through all the chariered banks. Why sulk and snivel o‘er your lot Why weakly sigh and fret? Cheer up! The more you haven‘t The more there is to get. running for e years, as the : Arrangements exchange can chartiered ban ifety first thines. bu esSs of could afford ecailli an SAFETY FPIRST despatches from he strenoth of the enforced. lhe rank been or is being esâ€" t when the inspector uarters is away the in charge. The proâ€" er of motoreycles, it uld ‘help the work of ally. In the last reâ€" long this line was reâ€" General Elliott, the oner. â€"@ TY FIRST <€ | ? | z ‘ is a good maxim in w w# their s t Ll)_\' . ones high | u':ms‘ O l]wil‘l ere is vhich aâ€" erest, Canâ€" bearâ€" uring | 6 ig ot Lk 4. ds sds mt n n t e ny n en We Nee N Nn Y e i. x oo on s on : N en enc se en o en i Sm \ oo cce 0 sn Nn ie ie WR Pags WWOOW“QWMW00“0000000000“00“* PNEW LISKEARD FALL FAIR j § Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 14, 15, 16 o ©0009000000000000000006000086066008046 0048 a 6096 ; I @1« t T9 * KA J sz e s nli id 4468349064964 06 900680060400 00410# 0 *4 a ce 4 ® Teacher with Musical Certifcates. Four years‘ experience. Apply to ® MRS. K. S. McLEOD, Residencs:â€"Mountjoy Street, $ General Delivery, Timmins, Ont. Mattagami, Ont. 0000090000 4600886000460 06 6 9064 000000046 0009409000000 0009000004606 “MMWWMOWQM“OMNOOO“MO W“W““MO“OOMOWQMMOMW““†EidE /T D > ““O“MWQOMOQMMWWQ“Q For Live Stock, Farm and Garden Products, Fine Arts, Ladies‘ Marufactures, Mingral Exhibits, Prize Bssays, etc. Under auspices of Turf Club and Athletic Association Management there will be HORSE RACES and BASE BALL Games on Friday and Saturday afternoons. Also other attractions. Liskeard Citizens, by private donations, are putting up over $1000 to assist the Agricultural Society, so that upwards of $2000 will be availâ€" able for prizeâ€"winners. Premier Drury, Hon. Manning Doherty and Hon. Dunâ€" can Marshall are expected to deliver addresses. Temiskaming Associated Boards of Trade will meet at New Liskeard during Fair Days. Railway Fares ONLY ONE CENT PER MILE from all points on T. N. 0. Ry. _A A t t c BBA dtt AA LbAAA n \.4 P i C P c oE cial bus, jitney and train service. Come to Old Porcupine (GoldenCity) for the Fair on Sept. 28th. Attractive exhibits of Horses, Cattle, Poultry, Grains, Vegetâ€" ables, Fruits, Flowers, Dairy Products, Home Cooking, Fine Arts, etec. Large Prize List. Five handsome Silver Cups in competition. Races, Sports, Novelties, A big day of interest and pleasure for all in the district. Speâ€" $100.00 Reward will be paid to any person for the return or for information leading to the whereabouts of the small size Collie Dog, regularly marked, answering to the name ‘‘John.‘‘ soUTH PORCUPINE, Double Diamond Lumber Co., Limited MATTAGAMI HEIGHTS T H UR 5D A Y Golden City September 28th Auspices of the Porcupine Agricultural Society, at Porcuping, PORCUPINE FALR GEO. BANNERMAN, President. MRS. J. A. THOMAS, â€" $2000.00 Offered in Prizes Delivered anywhere in Porcupine Camp. Onen to visitors from noon on 15th. Piano Lessons J. W. YOUNG, Secretary, Porcupine P.O., Ont.