DOG LOSTâ€"â€" been dissolved ‘by mutual debts owing to the said wee to be paid to the said will earry on the busine laims against the busine wesented to the said September 1st. for paymet not be respomsible for san POSITION WANTED BOOKâ€"KEEPER AND STENOGRA _ PHER :; miningzg experienee; want: WANTED to adopt baby b British nationality, from 15 months old. Address P.O. B Timmins, Ont. WICKER BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE ; used one month. Apply 40 Notice is hereby partnership of Sam J heretofore subsisting Cafe at Ansonville, Ir Ansonvilkle, Ont Minister of Lands and Fore Toronto, August 24th,. 1022. N.B. No unauthorized publica of this Notice will ‘be paid for. 3 Tenders wili be reeeived by the unâ€" dersigned up to and including Monday the 16th. day of October 1922, for the right to cut the timber on the south half of the township of Shackleton, in the district of Temiskamine. Tenders w dersizned u. the 7th. day For Ditch ween lots 6 the Towns‘ni distrret o6f lemiskaming. Terms and conditions of sale and further particulars may ‘be obtained upon application to the undersigned, or to Mr. Dalton Spence, Crown Timâ€" ber Agent, Cochrane, Ontario. Finder please return to say, Mattagami P.0. Re one retaining the dog notice will be fprocecute« C. H. PULLERTON 1( like hus answers NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP reason Eim stre 109 A pply Northern Dev kle, 60 10 will Ihe r up twely y of Sep hing Ko: I} BENIAH BOW MAN, d 1nd JWEeEst oT M 6 â€"’llï¬l ODF TEAGHERS HERE l;‘if_\. ‘;Y‘n!“ 1J t c!‘il‘(‘* }N x "] UN Tnufl flf NUHIHlANfl a= Dhut 11 € he Allig 18th. 19 N‘ 1 nent oT iness mus loe Ov be and s Falls, has onsent. All Cafe ihe mublication lmes Cate e Oy who and all n é€ m 10 \nv 11 11 12 h in id d w 11 Boggs, M Bogle, M Booker, 8 Ave., Hami Booker, 2 Ave., Hami Brain, Mi Brioux, :X Brouzhto Brown, :A Waterloo K Brown, A St., Sarnia Bruette A Brvee, M )€ Visitors Represented Many Parts of The Older Parts of the Province. The following is the f sehool ~teachers visitin Thursday under the an: Ontario Educational As the Dept. of Education :â€" ‘AJX, ‘UUSNYV y ‘a02uty sty ‘utsny L ¢ Hil] t bryce, wden Ave ,‘t‘(‘h ;\ V Bechtel Blanevy,. Alexander Angus atham Baznall Chath Barher, oggs, Mr. Laban, ‘Orton ogle, Miss Marjorie, H ooker, Alma F., ., Hamilton; jooker, ‘Miss Helen v., e., Hamilton ; Miss A. Beatrice, ‘Miss Edna M., C rouzhton, Miss Ethel A rown, ‘Mr. and ‘Mrs. C terloo St., ‘London ; rown, Miss Jessie G., 1 1‘¢ 1( riat Ave M M 1In } ‘Miss Pearl, Uxbridge; Misss Ruth, Queenston ; ille, Miss Kleanor, 81 M Miss Effie M., Waterford; Miss Eileen (M., Richmond Miss Minnic AS M oronto M ; Annic W alter Mr. andâ€" Mi M ronto ha rudence M Flo (‘nlfl\‘“ 11 M dit auspice Maple leen, fu A\ S (){ K c M M Third Stree urie Sidin , CayuIga ; Claraday ; A., Whitby ; Claude, 649 lagersville; 05 Merose 182 Fulton 10 ~Sylvan Orillia here last ces of the iation and R OS (Grant Humbe 3{) H . ym nville \W en M ame 11 Mlj )¢ St., London ; Ruse, Misses Elma L., a 155 Cumberland Ave., Har Russell, Miss Anna Bet Millbrook ; Sabine, Miss Mabel F., 1. Ave., Hamilton ; Rimpson, Mrs. Roy, Nort Sloan, Miss Mildred, A Clinton St., Toronto; smith ; Richardson, Miss Stella, 140 Parker St., Sarnia ; Rioch, Miss Elizabeth V., 110 East Ave. 8., Hamilton; Robb, Miss Alma F., 6 Oxford Apts. Carrick Ave., Hamilton; Robinson, Miss Elsie, Myrtle Staâ€" meron St., M achae M c«Phail monte Ottawa ; au MceK inl van Ave., Toronto; Freeman, Miss Gertrude â€" Caru»bellville; Futcher, Miss Frarces E botville ; Gardiner, Miss Gladvys, K E., Hamilton ; Perry, Miss Brampton ; Phillips, Mi pI hril., IOronto} . Hall, Miss Hattie, 760 Cannon St. Hamilton ; Hampson, ‘Miss Jean, 32 Walke Ave., Toronto; Hamshaw, Miss Christina, 266 Paecr Ave., Toronto; Hods lington °/ Kelly, ‘M1 Hamilton ; Kerr, Mr London: Holme Houst Ker Robinson, Miss Ave., Hamilton ; Robinson, Miss Rogers, ‘Miss E. .N AViOr, hatham Oldfield Castle, Miss M. W mmhed 346 Dun irn S., Hamilton; (xn'fen, Miss Elva G., Stayner; Gignac, Miss Ida Z., Oakland: Urvignae, MISs £A., Gignae, Miss Yvyonne ve., Windsor; Graham, Miss Harrie .. Broekville; Griftin Miss Josephine h Church and Isabella Hague, Miss Marve, Oke, ‘Miss Parke, Mis M Ross Harper Harvey amilton Hawley Hender y many Hender ester; Hewit M M Hoo Kinsman MJ M q y Ghatham; Howre, ‘Miss Ei +3 London ; Howitt, Dr. â€" Mrs M M M M nd mMA H tt, Misses Clara and Cor: pect St., Hamilton ; kinson, Miss Susie, 572 St., London; arth, Miss Annie, 769 K+i i y , Miss Blanche, son,â€" Mr. Orville son, Mrs. Orville M Miss Elizabeth W., 10 SyIâ€" milton ; Miss ‘M M Martin ulah Ave.. MJ 1IT} MJ M Mi M n, Mr. Wimn., Orilha Miss Margaret, 17â€" rnia ; Nina Moore it hari Julia Dulina Â¥I Phyllisz M has 1¢ Harriett, 14 Church Mav R Hanna 4d uUuraA M Hatt OPm THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE s, Kemptville dna, RKR.R. Al »O xX B., The Ogis St., Toronto 0 St. Ann‘ in Newceastle: 2 Killiard amileson ‘~ _Â¥ } Melm.«- 9 Kinge St apaned M YJ YÂ¥ . W illiam KX in urch dale Ave l oronto; ‘Trench, Mr, W. Trench, Mr. W. W. A., and Mrs. Trench, Richmo Weinert, Miss Charlott tadt ; Wightman, Miss St., Sarnia ; Williams, Mss Hamilton :, stewart, Miss M beth St., Stratford; Sutherland, Miss ton wa . o 43 oronto Smith, Miss Jessie F nson, Stewar Smith, Mi amilton ; Spiers, Mi \ Phom} Thom} tevenson, M son, (M.P.P., tewart, Mis romson, Mi ilson, Miss Be "D SSIN, T ‘ost ‘semo[|, tan ‘pegsAay;y ‘*sapy ‘ost [ 4t 1 PC 9 Spruce St. Northern â€" Furniture Exchange 1801 son. Mrs M j Northern Furniture Exchange M. J. BROVENDER, PROPRIETOR Hamilton ; s. Amelia, Miss Annie D M., 17 Wolfrey Ave tichmond Hill Charlotte iM., _ Mary ndon iniftred I., Bolton; stal, General Deliv Trrace M., 196 \Well P ‘arl We buy, sell and exchange. We pay the highest prices for new and used furniture, If you have anything to sell call at No. 9, Spruce St. or phone 303. We assure you prompt service and perfect satisfaction. e € 111 \., Otterville 1‘SCOCiair H K. 3, Oshaâ€" (+1 ‘ant 18 ‘South 1 ( ox Barno Hilton El (,ZIPS ing U S € 111 ampton St., Guelph CHINAMAN LOSES LIFE IN FIRE AT ENGLEHART enct OT fire, the orig spread very brought und four buildin Maepherson Another story is to ‘the effect that it was a bhunch of money that he returnâ€" ed to seek. Still another story says that the unfortunate man did not reâ€" turn at all, but on the other hand had been unable to escape from the burnâ€" ing building. His charred ‘body was found at the foot of the stairs after the fire had burned itself out. their escape without ainjury. ‘LdGey lost practically all their possessions, however, in the fire. It is said that Lung also was able to get out of the burning building, but that he rushed back of his own aceord. One story has it that his return was for the purâ€" pose of rescuing a pet cat that he neâ€" lieved was left in the blazinâ€" hmildinâ€" nil all1l} orTston started in his i the origin of which UD § 6 (0 unde * il] lere nglel death rursday. morugth immins _ Opp. Freight Shed réturn was tfor the purâ€" g a pet cat that he peâ€" in the blazing Dbuilding. is to ‘the effect that it Amelia., Grassie undryman, fire that s huilding. [ nhne rushed One story tor the purâ€" that he beâ€" seems The * (t(‘n FOR SALEâ€" Hle Fhimibor with expert skill. By that we mean that vou should get next phone and fixed and we‘ll ¢( Cedar St. corner lots} aone rami Post Office 1 fix that pipe so it will stas should ‘be eet long a pipe starts to leak it SfononenNs commumcate witin us 11 tended to at onece house and lot: Apply to Mattaâ€" asoline ho you proper Timmins. te