Y PAAA ie te fefe ie Te 1e es 1= ie t ierien WILL THE PIKERS KINDLY CEASE THEIR PIKING® Every time there is a match at the athletic grounds ‘here, there are a few pikers who tead to give strangers and visitors a wrong impression of the town and its people. â€" Further the pikers referred to are an annoyance and a loss to good sport. These pikâ€" ers gather on nearby hotel balconies, on the roofs of sheds, and perched on the top of hw'fl tightâ€"board fences like mncompoops ‘Their idea, of course, is to get something for nothâ€" ing. ‘They roost high in the lmpe that they can see a good game‘withâ€" out paying any fee. At the last game here with the Falls there were a numâ€" ber of wagons stopped alongside of the ball grounds fence with pikers standing up peaking over the fence to watch the play. There was also the usual erowd on the hotel balconies and the fence balconies. One man sneaking a view through the gate on the cheap was moved away, only to be found later with a pair of field glasses trying to follow the match from a point outside the pay line. In the hopé thatâ€"most of these pikâ€" ers are acting this way more out of thoughtlessness thin sheer meanness and dishonesty, a word or two may hbe said. All kinds of sports, basebaill, football and all the others, must have financial support. One of the chief forms of support is received through the ‘‘eates"‘ at the various matehes. the ‘‘gates‘‘ at the various matehes Any real: man will be willing to ipa; his way to see a game, or stay away To steal a view of a game is ever; bit as dishonest as to steal a quarte Lo steal a view Of a game is every bit as dishonest as to steal a quarter a half dollar any other way. And it even looks meaner. â€" Because a man is left free to,.see a game or miss it is all the more reason why he should pay if he‘ does enjoy seeing it. It may look like saving money to see a game and avoid the admission but in reality it is a costly trick,â€"it costs a man his self respect and the respect of all who see him at his dirty work at the erossroads. Don‘t piketr and a thief. If you don‘t want to see a game, just don‘t see it. 1i you want to watch the game, pay your share like a good sport. If you want to seea game and really ean‘t afford the quarter or halfâ€"dollar admission, he honest and stay away, and spend be and read all about it in the next Porâ€" cupine Advance. Southern business menâ€" touring North Land under the auspices of Toronto Board of Trade. Lest we forget!‘‘ Sept. 13th., is date of the visit to Timmins of THE PORCUPENE ADVANCE a V FIRE DEPT. SHOWS UP WELL UNDER INSPECTION On Thursday morning last there was an alarm of fire turned in and the Timmins Fire Brigade made the usual speedy response. Arriving on the seene of the supposed fire they had the water on inside of three minutes. Al of this would te searcely news, as it is the ordinary and everyday proâ€" cedure by the Timmins Fire Departâ€" ment when an alarm of fire is turned in,. However, Thursday ‘sâ€"case has perâ€" haps a special interest because there was no fire, but the alarm was turned in by the Fire Underwriters‘ Inspecâ€" tion on an unexpected visit here. There was a regular turnâ€"out of the bricade to the supposed fire and the denartment handled the work in the Fhere was a reguIar tUurnâ€"0Uut OfI tiic bricade to the supposed fire and the department handled the work in the usual effective way. The Inspector apâ€" peared pleased with the prompt resâ€" ponse and the efficiency of the Timâ€" mins Fire Department. ‘Later in the day the usual tests were made of equip ment, etc.. including the use of the fire engine. Fire Chief A. Borland was away: on his vacation at the time of the Inspector‘s visit, but Acting Chief W. . Smith and the iboys of the briâ€" cade upheld the good reputation of the department for speed and efficiâ€" In offering to renew wne five ana i half per cent. Canadian Government bonds maturing December Ist. at the same rate of interest as is carried by the maturing ‘bonds, and allowing a bonus of one month‘s interest, the Minister of Finance is making a maâ€" terial concession to the ‘Canadian inâ€" vestor, as this rate is higher than was paid on the recent Canadian loan in New York. The high class of the seâ€" curity, which is the very best that can be offered in Canada, and the liberal rate of interest should lead to large investment in these Dominion bonds. the lns'pv(-t«n' §3 VISiL W. G. Smith and t cade upheld the the. department for Mrs. Jones was entertaining some of her son‘s little friends. ‘‘Willie,"‘ she said addressing a sixâ€"yearâ€"old who was enjoying a plate of ecold beef, ‘‘are you sure you can cut your own meat?"‘‘ The child who was making desâ€" perate efforts with his knife _ and fork, replied: s thanks, E‘ve Of‘ten hdd it as tough as this at home.‘ Attention is directed to the official adâ€" vertisement givin2z details. nV 2 $0000006008 0 e 0000090800# 466«