Office 26 WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23rd., 1922 NO ONE SHOULD COUNTENANCE SD2R2ZT OF,MEAN THEFT frozen to death had he not Carada â€" United States Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher N _ J Subscription Rates: Telephones: Residence 112 #2.00 year $3.00 year of any pikers who abuse their ‘hosâ€" pitality he should assist in bringing such pikers to justice. For the general good of the traveller the outlying camps should be fully protected and every man should do his part. HORSES CAUSE SERIOUS DAMAGE TO GARDENS local people were recently fined for allowing their horses and cattle to rm( at large on the streets, the practice is still allowed by some thoughtless owners of animals. ‘The police have been watching the matter carefully in the interests of the general public, but even the police can not catch all the stray animals that may be allowed to roam. (Good citizens have to do their part by seeing that their animals are kept at home. The townjs too large, and there are too many nice lawns and fine gardens for the practice of pasturinz the horses on the streets ai. night to be permitted in any way. Last week, as a sample, horses got into Mr. W. Field‘s garden and made sad desâ€" truction. Flowers and vegethles were ruined and labour of months spoiled. The nice crop of eorn in which Mr. Field had been taking special pride was consumed or spoiled the wanâ€" dering horses. It is hard indeed for those who give their time and energy to gardens to have their work thus destroyed. Those who make gardens bloom and blossom here are doing a fine work for the community and the country. Those who allow stray anâ€" imals to destroy this good work are doing poor work indeed. Keep your horses, cattle, and so on, where they will not cause unnecessary injury to eood citizens. Many thanks! Despite the fact that t p number of Mr. F.â€"E. Thompson, President of the Temiskaming Baseball League and manager of the Liskeard Intermediate team, was fined $10.00 and costs last week at Cobalt on a charge of disorâ€" derly conduct, the case arising from a disagreement with the umpire at a ball game between Haileybury and Liskeard. Fred is understood to have openly resented what he consideredgan unfair decision. Many of the foothball fans hereabouts sympathize with the Liskeard man. **While interference with officials should never be countenâ€" anced, of course, still it is asking too much of human nature to expect men put up with some decisions someâ€" times,"‘ they suggest. GIRL WANTBED for general work. Apply 48 Elm street. WOMAN WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Wanted ‘by young couple Wwith two children, 244 years and 8 months, woâ€" man for ve'neral housework.â€" Qne able to cook and willing to do children‘s laundry. Small new house.. Wages $25.00 to $35.00 per month, depending on whether do all laurdry or only part. Reply H. G. Schanche, Iroquois Falls, Ontario. : 34â€"35p. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE 10Us ROOM VACANT, suitable Fire Wood in any rengtos to suit, from 14 inches to wood in log. â€" Dry and green Jackpine. Prices very reaâ€" sonable. Order your wood now beâ€" fore the rush. FURNITURE, ETC., FOR SALEâ€"A In the matter of the Estate of Jacob Taipale late of the township of Tisâ€" dale in the district of Temiskaming, Miner, deceased. Take Notice Fhat all persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of October, 1918, are to file the same duly verified by aftidavit with the undersigned on or before the tenth day of September, 1922. And Take Notice that after said date the estate of the said deceased will be distributed having regard only to such accounts as shall then have been ‘filed. Mated at Timmins this 12th day of Aungust, A.D., 1922. i Toronto General T‘rusts Corporation 85 Bay St.,/..Toronto, Ont. ! Administrators of said Estate. D. W. O‘SULLIVAN, iTimmins, Ont. Solicitor for Administrators. 33â€"35 quantity of good household ture for sale; also 13 young ens. . Will be sold cheap as is leaving town. Apply to 2 Avenue. o )JOM VACANT, suitable for one or two. Private house. Excellent board if required. Apply 64 Second Ave. ALL KINDS OF WOOD FOR SALE. 0 Cedar street, Timmins o wner Sixth furniâ€" chickâ€" Farm for sale, near Cochrane, Ont. splendid location; clay loam; house 16 by 20. Will sell cheap for cash Apply to Box J. M., Advance Office Timmins. 33â€"30p. WANTED TO RENTâ€"Furnished ap artment or small house in Timimins, Schumacher, or possibly South Porâ€" cupine considered. References furâ€" nished and best of care given preâ€" mises Aand equipment. No children. Cannot consider unfurnished. Apâ€" ply to Box F,. H., Advance Office, Timmins. 32â€"34p Very choice Lots 45 x 133 feet; 18 ft. lawn seeded aeross front 45 ft. wide, being eut by lawn mower; ceâ€" ment sidewalk; fine ornamental enâ€" trance gateways; and lots of trees both sides of road. Price, $300~Terms. Adjoining â€" Hollinger new townsite north side. Apply to K. Waite, at Adjoining â€" Hollins north side. Appl preperty, Timmins REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE Anyone‘interested in Christian Sciâ€" ence is cordially invited to attend an informal meeting every Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, Timmins, 13â€"333 at Boiled Corn Supper and Dance Thursday, Aug. 24 Apply to 59 Fourth Ave. Good car and bus service right to the hall. Admission: $1.00. Corn Supper 25c. All you can eat. HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER TREMBLAY ROCHEFORT, FINN HALL, POTTSVILLE Boarding House Schumacher â€" Ont. In connection with the O ‘Connor House. p.m . COOD SERVICE $8.00 PEKR WEEK l1 cheap for eash [., Advance Office 33â€"30p. ropmetors 32â€"33p Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows â€" Hall, Third Avenue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. W, L. Lainsbury, Geo. S. Drew, TMMING LODGE, 1.0.0.F. No. 483 TIMMINS GARACE The Best of Good Milk 12‘%0. a Quart 8 Tickets for a Dollar. 16 Pints for a Dollar. Mattagami Clean Stables, Clean Cows, Clean Barrister, Solicitor, Nctary Public. Etc. Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. Box 703 Phone 32 COBALT, ONTARIO Handling, Clean Milk,. WATCH FOR THE BLACK HORSE AND THE RED RIG. PROMPT and PLEASING SERVICE Wlien wishing to have a pleasant motor drive, call Timmins Garage Auto Service, Phone 227. Child‘s Welfare Clinics, Wednes days, 1.30 to 3 p.m. l1st. Wed. each month. Dr. Minthorna. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. Melnnis. 4th, Wed. each month, Dr. Moore. Nurse at Clinie Room daily 1.30 to 3 p.m. CLEAN UP YOUR BACK YARD If refuse is exposed flies will come, and two flies now may mean two milâ€" lion flies in July or August if precanuâ€" tions are not taken. Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE,. 0. B. elKEPj TIMMINS â€"GARAGE Safety First Boil the Water BOARD OF AEALTH GOLUMN Ontario KM.*0, H.