004064804 Geils Herman LBé44% 6 §6%%08 Ak §040040990000000080900008400000008§000606%000606060¢§066 0 M FIGURES ARE THE LIFPE BLOOD OF BUSINESS. 4/ ESpruce St. Wholesale Fruits, Vegetablbes, Confectionery, Tobaccos. Pine St Accountant and Auditor Expert and experienced workmanship. Glothing effectâ€" ively made to your measure. You will be pleased with the service and satisfaction given here. The Timmins Conservatory, H. F. Schroeder, Director. Faculty «e of five experienced teachers.. Vocal, Violin, Piano, Theory and Wind Instruments, and Languages. Highest artistic standards. Now in wellâ€"appointed new quarters Foot of Third Ave. For parviculars, write H. F. Schroeder, St. Onge Bldg., Timmins. fficiency nergy quipment 0. 9 SPRVU CE ST Northern â€" Furniture Exchange 9 Spruce St. GIFT BEYOND VALUE Northern Furniture Exchange M. J. BROVENDER, PROPRIETOR pruce St. Timmins _( Opp. Freight Shed Offices Reed Block Timmins, Ont. Telephone*66 Your Photograph We buy, sell and exchange. We pay the highest prices for new and used furniture. If you have anything to sell call at No. 9, Spruce St. or phone 303. We assure you prompt service and perfect satisfaction. xt to Dalton‘s, Third Avenue, Timmins] Timminsg Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekalh Lodge, No 173 Two good Homesteads in Township of Mountjoy; partly cleared ; best of land ; immediate possession given. Also, 10 H.P. Ggsoline Enome, Fairâ€" banks Morse; used about fifteen months, and in good order. Apply UNION COAL CO., = Dr. L. Gagnon â€" Isabclla Vollet, Meets every Z2nd and 4th Thursday in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Third Aveâ€" nue. Night and Day ealls promptly attendâ€" ed to. Ask your Dealer for Doctor Gagnon‘ 8 Prepared Medicines. Visiting Brothc wavys welcome. Now open for business. Firstâ€"elass rooms, and steam heated All upâ€"toâ€"date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Rooimn for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. Next Dominion Bank PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. Veterinary Office Timmins, Ont [ S [mas ( Fmnt H1l (on L B 1B Fund U Fam ) m B Fam and SBisters alâ€" Ethel Keene, <iec. bea. Cochrane, Ont. immins, Ont 5,000 PEOPLE HERE PASS THROUGH FDORESTRY CAR Timmins Makes Record Attendance Fn Visit of Canadian Forestry Association Car. Crease e@r1on tion. matte criation U ARNDAaAdIian protection forest we Yisits 1as T he 1J rest fires in ectrieally l1 Cedar St rdian a mnembershnip ( efforts of the A: S dfasoedt compart nere, each year seeing. ald 11â€" of interest. ‘The car is sent the expense and under the dirâ€" of the Canadian Forestry Assoâ€" , a volunfary organization of an citizens interested in the ion and development of the wealthâ€" of <this country. . (the ian Forestrv Association now 121 GeéestHUH restPry m hill Ht10n AopnonshnensnsnecnNenan ry tar mad each vear seein n# the re Jt e inf. P year i1s. CVell than in previous into compartments dealing with a speâ€" re of the good wourk Forestry Associaâ€" socrtation are ( ilth pe:s TAE POLCUPINE ADLDVANCE made matio Ycrlation now se tm 13.000 1 l t1 UeLeluls a N{ Timmins 1) several an inâ€" 121 insects and other pests that injure the forests. It is pointed out that millions are lost in Canada each year through the ravages of these pests. In this section there are exhibits of various injurious insects, together with samâ€" ples of their evil work and suggestions for.â€"their extinction or eurbing. In the latter connection there is an interâ€" esting display of mounted birds of the forest, with the suggestion that these particular birds do noble service in helping rid the forests of injurious inâ€" seets of various kinds. Noteworthwattention is paid by the Forestry Car to the pulp and paper industry. A cleverly designed model paper mill and town is shown. Statisâ€" ties given in this department show that Canada now has 100 pulp mills, employing over 31,000 people, and utilizing over 600,000 horse power of electrical energy in this industrial branch. Innumerable samples of pulp and paper are shown, including fine writing paper, blotting paper, ete., made in Canada. Some of the less senerally known uses to which the products of the forests are turned are also illustrated ‘by the products exâ€" SUDBURY COAL NOT VERY GQGOD SAYS PROV. GEOLOGIST 1¢€ Un Sunday lC rodu 1j Ires WH ous. _‘ Mi on exhihi 17 QrC the: Bandâ€" C one made and Forestry Asso wastefulness ie effective n there w t Ccare Aan public fore a brief bu "His Master‘s V orce Vï¬dm‘ Records on Sale Kickyâ€"Koo A Sieepy 1 Swanse Bluebirdâ€"Fox Trot "The Benson Orenest Just Becauge You‘re Youâ€"Fox Trot â€" All Star 4 10â€"inch doubleâ€"sided records.’:'c. Who‘ll Take Georgetteâ€"I My Mother (Tenor) at any "His Master‘s V Ooice" dealers an nigzh 11 C one rlue forest Manufactured by Berliner Gramâ€"oâ€"phone Co., mmild in is a mov fire proâ€" Empire Concert tC rener ether im My Place (When I‘m Gone Ask to hear them played on the reputation the other way about. . At any rate the suwbstance of his report on the matter is to the effect that the coal deposits of the Sudbury district are not of great commercial value. This report is now in the hands of Mr, Thos. W. Gibson, Deputy Minister This report Mr, Thos. \W of Mines. ‘*While the. mode of cccurrence. of the anthraxolite veins at Siw@bury and of the true anthracite seams are quite different,"" states Mr. Knight. ‘*‘I feel nevertheless that the distincetion by the name anthraxolite is an artifiâ€" cial one, since the analysis of the pure material from the Sudbury occurrence shows it to have the composition of a very pure anthracite. But apart from the minor question of a name for the coaly material we must remember that there are only two important points to consider first, how much of the coaly material is in sight; and second, what material is in sight} and second, what is the quality of the materials? As to the first question, one may say that there are only a few hundreds, or at most a thousand or two, tons in sight; L would prefer to say a few hundred tons. Then as to quality, while the pure coaly material shows on analysis to chave as high a â€"per cent. of fixed canbon as 90 per cent. and as low an ash content as 4 per cent., still the point to ‘be remembered is that the coaly material is mixed with quartz and that this impurity brings the ash content up to as high as 36 per centâ€" PNEW LISKEARD FALL FARG d Y cx~CrY Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 14, 15, 16 $2000.00 Offered in Prizes For Live Stock, Farm and Garden Products, Fine Arts, Ladies‘ Manufactures, Mineral Exhibits, Prize Bssays, etq Undsr auspices of Turf Club and Athletic Assocmtmn Management there will be HORSE RACES and BASE BALL Games on Friday and Saturday afternoons. Also other attractions. Liskeard Citizens, by private donations, are putting up over $1000 to assist the Agricultural Society, so that upwards of $2000 will be availâ€" able for prizeâ€"winners. Premier Drury, Hon. Manning Doherty and Hon. Dunâ€" can Marshall are expeced to deliver addresses. Temiskaming Associated Boards of Trade will meet at New Liskeard during Fair Days. 4 Special Day of Sports ns on Labour 10â€"inch Red Seal $1.50 tins impurity ip to as high ; .2‘1':1(1(‘ of _ auspictC Farss ONLY ONE CENT PER MILE from all points on The Benson Orches Open to visitors from noon on 15th. otf nal the Pleasure at sept. 4th. Club Club ~ s hestra of Chi_cago} ir ‘Frio and Orch. x Trot Royal Orchestra Royal Orchestra CE Orville Limited, Montreal FOR SALEâ€"One house and corner lots; one gasoline 1 h.p., 20 feet long. Apply to gami Post Office. â€"â€"â€" sons mentioned in section 9 of The Ontario Voters‘ Lists Act the copies required by sections to ibe so transmitâ€" ted or delivered of the list made pugf‘\ suant to the Act, of all persons aps pearing by the last revised AssesR ment Roll of the said Municipality KÂ¥ be ‘entitled to vote in the said Muniâ€" cipality at Elections for Members of The Legislative Assembly and at Muâ€" nicipal Elections; and the said List was first posted up at my Office at 38 Fourth Avenue Timmins, on the 21st., day of August 1922, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected acâ€" cording to law. \| Dated at Timmins this 21st. day of Aucust, 1922 H New Empire Theatre Block TIMMINS, ONT. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. *111 Voters‘ List, 1922 H. E. MONTGOMERY, Clerk