Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 6 Oct 1920, 1, p. 4

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[HE PORCUPINE ADVANGE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1920. Appeal is being heard t Osgoods Haill, Toronto, in with the assessment of c eupine mines. Practicall mines of consequence in | are concerned in the appe Office 2 APPEALS RE ASSESSMENT OF PORCUPINE MINES. exception of tae Hollinger is in the and has made no ap essment as revised Revision of the T The other mines b ship of Tisdale wer assessment plan p1 B. Morgan when he dale and by others This plan materia THE DEMAND FOR MINING SHARES ON THE INCREASE, B,. Morgan from order Municipal 1 setting asid #san and Murdock and R. < mining C 1ng compani «1.1]0, ard <© were not as argued, but ward 1 ut in for nlinin Â¥erVv siIroIt tute part ic dustry ard and practica usually ind ustt CGanada â€" United States tse geropli Day week fl]) for a Pilot C ‘oll for about HMe spent keard as Ville Mar demonsttrs started a~ started a couple ol weeks ago to Toronto, but misjudged the landâ€" ing@ place at Liskeard Beach on acâ€" «ount of the reflection on the water. He and Dareâ€"Devil Landrigan landed | with the machine in the water and werae rescued with diffieulty. The seroplane was dameged to quite an extent and the necessary repairs and new parts made the trip impossible until this week. FOUH Â¥@r T. ~a ublished every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher ons, @182 1 at umt 4. TICGp to Subscription Rates: itions of Onrtario Railway and oard of 2#th. May 1920, e assessment of the minâ€" es by the Towaship of Tis leclaring that the mines ssessable. Appea‘s partly Telephones : sX wWild Ns t several weeks in well as visiting ie and other place L.AL sessable. . Ap not concluded the pilot who brougat Residence 112 $2.00 year $3.00 year mining@ sJares. re usual fluctuâ€" ady 0: e with is for Labour! appoinmted. J keard on Mon | Brown, ~â€"Mis t to Toronto.| Kari. After _ North Land| Carter gave : his aeroplane. | ment to help ; in New Lasâ€"| â€" The follow ONTARIO m ; week at nnection . ete. : He ago to leave d the landâ€" ach on acâ€" deman{ sery eW LASâ€" % % * Timmins, ; to gcive merst 11 will nstiâ€" row 1€ EVENING CLASSES HERE . COMMENGE OGTOBER 13 Opportunity Given All For Technical And Industrial Education. held here early this year under the aus pices of the Public School Board in conjunction with the Ontario Board of Education proved very successful and senerally helpful. The succeess and hbelpfulness of the new series opening in the Timmins Public School on Octâ€" ober 19th should be even more markâ€" ed. With the experience gained last session the instructors and others conâ€" cerned are in position to render those accepting the present opportunity even more aid than at the last classes, while the success of, the previous classes should encourage an increased attendance this session. The Evenine Class»s which will com "nence nhere Onâ€" UOCL. ‘ YYiiL l the following coursas :â€"â€" English for nonâ€"English sp«< and coming Canadians. Bookâ€"keepi Machine Design and Sketchin Mathematies and Arithmetic. Caourses for Metal Miners an â€"LTOP tLEL@AL 3 AAAAA Workers. ' Sewing Classes. In addition, classes will be opened in other subjects, (such as Electricity, for example), if a suflicient number offer for enrollment in such subjects. The cost of the courses is merely nominal. â€" They offer unuscal opportâ€" unity for ‘betterment, improvement and advancement. No man or woman young or old, should miss the opport: unity thus afforded. BORNâ€"In Buffalo, N. Y., on im day, Oct. 2nd. 1920. to Mr. and F. M. Burke, of Timmins, Ont daughter Mr. John Massie and pected to come home to week. On Saturday Co by a vote of 107 t byâ€"law to purchase The Technical and Industrial Classes tatr Miss Sarnev, of Ottawa, has been * , , appointed matron of the Lady Minto Hospital ‘to take the place of Miss Butler who is now on her way to England on the iS..S. Missanabi. in 1t VIC ~ orPIGE L Carter gave a few words of encourage ment to help the success of the work. The following programme has been arranged for this Friday :â€"Piano solo by Miss K. Brown; Recitation, by Miss F. Kendall; Reading, by }a(-k Ferguson; Song, by (Miss 8. Moses Reading, by Miss B. MeCracken; Reâ€" citation, by George MHawley; Reading, hbv Miss F. Carson: Son#, by Miss D. Ferguson; DYy ‘(AMLISs s~. AMJSO3, Reading, by Miss B. MeCracken; Reâ€" citation, by George MHawley; Reading, by Miss E. Carson; Song, by Miss D. Dodge; Recitation, by Miss M. Cole; Reading, by Frank Curnow; Recitaâ€" tion, by Wilfred Hardy. Parents and friends interested in this work are welcome to any of the meetings, held in the classâ€"room, Friâ€" days, 3.30 p.m. Her many friends he TIMMINS NEWS IN BRIEF. been ur MHaAileyb 4 presi( AD D W J’.‘I‘)t I1€ ing Classos whuea will . com on Oct. 19th will m('lude i1z courses :â€"â€" for nonâ€"English speaking Canadians. Committ H RARY SOCIRTY iERS AND PROGRAMM Presi tin oltheers wert TQpDot O Miss* MaArgaI Selina .fi oses. OT O€ nd bride are exâ€" to Timmins this Y., on Haturâ€" Mr. â€"and Mrs. davy dlas 11 n DC opportâ€" vement woman, opportâ€" nont .: st wA ol Mill MUNICIPALITY OF TIMMINS, DISTRICT OF TEMISEKAMING. ) L ND d Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the perâ€" sons mentioned in Section 9 of The Ontario Voters‘ Lists Act the copies required by said Sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said act, of all perâ€" sons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municiâ€" pality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Memâ€" bers for the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said List was first posted up at my Office at Timmins, Ont. on the 2nd. Day of October, 1920, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected acâ€" cordinz to law. H. E. MONTGOMERY, Clerk Dated at the Town of Timmins, October, 2nd, 1920. All persons desiring Water ‘Conâ€" nections to be laid this year should make application fmmediately at the 8086 000030§000000000:000000:00000:000000:6:0‘ Town Hall #% ; 06000000000000000000008000000°0000000L0400040600666666688 io in n 1 TOWN OF TIMMINS WATER CONNECTIONS. «71 hh hAAA 41 )t LpiF Un h4 36. y3 l hi ./‘. VOTERS‘ LIST, 1920. Glean F. Honderson, Town Engineer 060003000@0@2‘2:00000@06063000000000@0§0®N¢0§66§:0¢00§000¢00§0020000000 41 Third Avenue vicinity now I and cther largs contres. Tip have a complete range of the sw Fall Suitings and overâ€" Top Ta mecasu coatings and will take your Tip Tep Tailors guarantee of catisfact®n or wmoney back. (opposits Presbyterian C:urch on 4th Ave) ororto, Montrsal, Gttawa I he L arge stt 116 asure and give the usual Mext Wednesday, October 13th, with their wonderful Â¥ 3 can be had at the reurssentatives +b a OVvVERLAND CARE FOR SALE â€" Priced moderatelyâ€"Hurtubise Livâ€" ery, Cedar St. Timmigg. _â€"_Farm for saleâ€"160 acres in Mountâ€" joy Township on east side of Mattagaâ€" mi River ; 10 acres , cleared ; house 16 x 20 ; one and a quarter miles from town of Timmins ; frontage or river, half width of lot; well timbered ; good graded road running through it. Will sell at a bargain for cash, or on good terms. | to Box M., Advance Office, ~One Bay Mare been over on the Mattagami Road for three months and straying onto my premises. Owner may have same by calling for it and paying for damage done by it in my carden. @ â€"40 p Timmins One Store, 20 x 80, Pine street, Tlm mins. One 6 room House, â€" Mattagam River Roack. Apply Marshallâ€"Ecelestone â€" Ltd., Timmirs. assortment of woollens a Well Ventilated T. DESSUTELLS, Timmins, P. 0O d 36â€"40p TYPEWRITER FOR SALE, cheap; FOR SALE National Cash Register for saleâ€"â€" Apply Porecupine Advance Offite, Timâ€" mins. $0600980000000000000000000000000004§000000 0000000000664 00000090090000600000000000000000060000000600600006060484¢, WOOMWQ“OM MQMWMOWQOO in good condition. Apply Box B., Advance Office, Timmins. The Gold Medals awarded by t‘ie Remington Typewriter Company forâ€"exceptional speed and accuracy in typewriting, were during the pact two years all won by our students. The training our students get is recogn‘zed to be unsxcelled anyâ€" where. ~ All our colleges have been officially approved for the Vocational training of Soldiers. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 7. For Particulars write WILLIAMS ROSS 9. C Proprietors Branches:â€"North Bay, Sudbury, Bracebridge, Collingwood. Haileybury Business College Supericr Business Training at The Haileybury Business College HAILEYBURY, ONT. Timmins, Ont. est one price tailoring pla to wsearer‘ at strictly one be duplicated elsewkere for t:an the Tip Top price. Inâ€" veztigate this great natisonal cne price tailoring value beâ€" fore spending your money for fall and winter clothing. Tip Top TO RENTâ€"FURNISHED HOUSE, 4 COLUMBIA PHOQONOGRAPH FOR sâ€"$27.00, They camot t from the world‘s larg rooms; 58 Broadway. Call at 58 or at 60 Broadway.â€"B. Lennan. 38â€" SALE.â€"Cabinet Mahogany finish Apply to M.S. Nagle, 31 Tamaract street. â€"â€" 38â€" v«i0 to $15 more are D. C. ROSS, A4 W Principal Phone Â¥ ;5,'5

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