Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 22 Sep 1920, 1, p. 4

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Da=#t week tne nnai pi made to Hugh Murray ar gridge on the sale of the gridgze property at B payments were only de days on gecount of som and, contrary to reports : in some quarters, there v question of the final p: deferred or passed. it that ‘the Murrayâ€"Mower FINAL PAYMENTS MADE RE MURRAYâ€"MOWGRIDGE. Office 25 WEDNEEDAY, SEPT. 22nd., 1920 INDUSTRIAL CLASSES POPULAR IN DISTRICT. now hbheing amply Ananceiw ana LiA veldpment work will be proce with at full speod ahead.. There possibility that operations on a | seale may ‘ke started within a we« two and the mine placed on a pr( ing@ basis at an early date. Refereonces are made elsewhere to he success of the Evening Classes for Technical and Industrial Education as conducted in Timmins early this year, and the plans outlined now for anâ€" other series of these night classes. Iroquois Falls is making expand the courses there. tended to add an Electrical Also a series of short unit cof pulp mill and paper mill wor being daosigned. South Poreupine intends to Evering Classes this vear.. D met the South hnd school board on Monday afternoon and the question was taken up thoroughly. An advisâ€" ory Committee was appointed as reâ€" quired by the Act, and the Classes were placed under the direction of Miss Lynch. The courses at South Porcupine will include elasses in Mathematics Machine Drawing, Lower Arithmetic; English for nonâ€"Englishâ€" speaking, and a course of general reâ€" view in Engineering. olber series O tbnie Timmins apparently lead in the matter, | in this part of the following closely. Haileybury and Cobalt are to have Evening Industrial Classes for the first time this year. Haileybury is also planning Day Industrial Courses for girls.. Haileybury has had a day schoot for mining, etc., but the Evenâ€" ing Classes are expected to fill a need and reach a large number who could notâ€" take advantage of the Day Cours?gs. The Classes growing Under : snherd 1 eredit maAtter ©000000080009090000880000060 Published every Wednesday by Gso. Lake, Publisher Canada â€" United States PHCNE pLae t for Subscrintion Rates: Telep e nnai payvk Yurrav and 1 (opposite Presbytsrian Church on ith Ave) but ot ~seem ind use ort Education as irly this year, now for anâ€" nicht classes. ryecen iyment is under Mi M tu is ne\ 2.00 year 3.00 vear ONTARIO taken â€" the rer centres 1 also dencee 112 Dr. Millet plant to It is inâ€" 1 Course. murses for will fill a Timmins Technical m to be malit ly Mow avy Moi can be had at the made stood eTCt tey d ) W 3 if FINE OF $1000 IMPOSED FOR BZREACH OF THE 0. T. A. week saw one ol | posed for a sing‘le der thke 0. T. A.., ined $1000 and « selling lionunor. O drinking in 8100.00 and RCBEERIES REPORTED DURING PAST FEW DAYS though all of ally reported case, for inst MARIGOLD MINE MAY BE REâ€"OPENED BY BIG COMPANY @ASsIiI abcdut $150.00 from a local business nlace. money represented part of the ceash sales for the day, entry apparently made through a cellar winâ€" dow. â€" The back door was left open as the robber or robbers dleft mwith the Lucky. CUross, at AItAIts are now being straightened out betâ€" ween the shareholders and ‘bondholdâ€" ers to this effect. There is a good min inz plant, including a small mill on the property, and the Lucky Cross some years ago produced some gold, though only a small amount of develâ€" opment work was done on the proâ€" perty. The Marigold Mining Co. took wver the Lucky Cross after the latter had become involved in ~difficulties. The iMarigold Co., did Yexploratron work and found much encouragement n the results., but found finances inâ€" derstood To Dbe nego{idting® b0. taKe over the Marigold is an established operating mine of the North Land with the best sort of a record, and if the Mawigold is optioned or purchased by this big ‘concern it is a foregone conclusion that it will be tested out thoroughly and mace into a real mine ‘O0urse oT ma K is opinion of se Can ver the m the se, for instance al good liquor s e usual idea tha is and th Duri There is reason for believin company M the gceused and this witness he himself .was charged with ing in a public place was fined 0 and costs. Magistrate Atkinâ€" s following the precedent set in ntth in regard to breaches of the TrepI‘( arlg@Ooli rden‘s Office was connecetion with t sentative urs da\ UD 1DnCQ 4 prepar Mine, 0. BOX 8 \f3 amount is sentence in vidence and t} cused assisti y 1€ astika. Affairs htened out betâ€" 5 and ‘bondholdâ€" iviest fines Thursday iring dliquor ) take ove: merlvy the town 1JASI1 recent fire 1} t 1M 111 HARVEST THANKSGIVING EZRVICES AT ST. MATTHEW‘S. lhe Harvest lhanksgiving Services at St. Matthew‘s chureh will be held next Sunday, Sept. 26th as follows :â€" 8.30 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11. a.m.â€"Morning Praver and Holy NEW LISXKEARD MAN TELLS ABOUT EASY TIMBER LAND. rore }@2st, PrOVInCiI@aL IL10( had beén given a license for miles of timber limits in Stanl ship, without competition. _A ston said that le had seen . guson and his deputy, Mr. G after several interviews had the permit. He had put up n and it had cost hinvy nothing few hundred dollars for trav penses. He had found m« money and was given a third in the permit and later sold $3,000. â€"He could give no p FALLS‘ OPINION CGN THE RECENT TORNAMENT. $3,000, could gove no parucuar reason why she show‘d have. been favoured, but he maintained under the closest crossâ€"examination that he ‘had been prompted to go after the permit only because he had heard that such former Min Mines, vet | Referring to the recent tennis tourn ament between Timmins and Iroquois Falls players at Timmins the last issue of the The Broke Hustler says: A team from the Falls travelled to Timmins on Saturday and had their revoenze in the ‘‘Doubles"" w‘hich Timâ€" _ 0. ‘Hallora: MeDonald G6â€"4, 6 V. H.. W yvlie W y i Doubles y 2t J. O‘Halloranand J. H. Anson, jr. (Falls) beat H. C. MeDonald and W. H. Wylie (Timmins) 6â€"2, 6â€"4. C. G. Wiliams and J. MeLaren (Timmins) beat C. Russell and H. J. â€"O‘Halloran (Falls) beat C. G. Laren hy defauit were showr »lavers and #4%00%600600666 g,' Anson Ings were ns captured on Labor Day. The following were the results: Singles J. O.‘Halloran (Falls) beat F h me mnUunton .M halll @ R IJT. ()‘H M Wrylie (Timmins) beaf F. H. 4 alloran (Falis) beat W. H. . (Game stopped on account nister of Lands, Forests,â€" he declared that shortly be ast Provinceial Elections h riven a license for 81 squar mber limits in Stanley Tow: out competition. Mr. King that lhre had seen Mr. Fer Children‘s Servic Evening Praver. oran and layers cannot speaXk 100 1e _ treatment â€" accorded were / motors at their dis the ladies of the party Store to Rent and _ E; IH.> A1 Williams and J x 30, to recxt in the Recd Block, The business. Apply to ctore and location are such as to be most desirable for almost any kind of ound men _ â€"<â€"with n a third interest later sold this for TLE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Wellâ€"fnished and mcodern store, 14 s oOf tne party mines and the ne 1limnmns; were rovally JB El Timmins, Ont. ney # and V e 11 L\ UT # % ()X] up for paut, but attention ILS *Aik M 1 NE V 771’.:;' ‘8 UA _.1” RECORDS [ g\fl YA Tll many friends . _ M. Allworth ie job‘‘ again Di/ ‘again ral weeks ie paid no V nrie stepping on 11 is feot slipped and body of the machine V C â€"< couple of a coupie are pleased to c able to he I i after being 5 with illness. event The Love Nostâ€"Fox Trotâ€"Coleâ€" min‘s Orchesiraâ€"aondâ€"SBo Long! Trot Radermaun‘s Novelty Orch. 216173 Anytime, Anyday. Anywhereâ€" Fox Trotâ€"Colsman‘s Orchesiraâ€"â€"» aniâ€"â€"Sudanâ€"Fox Trot laderman‘s Novelty Orch. 216176 i‘s Only a Dream of the Pastâ€" 0O aeâ€"Stepâ€"andâ€"Maryâ€"Fox Trot Diamond Trio 316178 Pelils of St. Mary‘sâ€"Oneâ€"Step â€"andâ€"Ga!l By Jingoâ€"Oneâ€" Step Henri‘s Orchestra | Your Eyes Have FTold Me Soâ€" Waltzâ€"a»n;/â€"Chuâ€"Chuâ€"Sanâ€" JSapanese Fox Trot days owing of fracturâ€" n his auto and lhe fell chine strikâ€" BY \ Leading Dance Orchestras A‘ 66 n f iLny "His Master‘s * t ~z â€" Je L tÂ¥ % t m es n i e i y h e i i e i e e o o m en e en een off back laid Henri‘s Orchestra 216155 <@ | Manulectured by Borliner Gramâ€"oâ€"phone Co., Lmuted. ‘Montregl 2014 NICE FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT; with all conveniences. â€" Phone 42. Timmins. 38â€" oneâ€"storey two storey mMmIns 111 Postmaster H. Peters on Friday last gave ‘him the necessary explanafion. It appears that the letter had been duly placed in the box when it arrived. The box being just about wide enough to hold an envelope this size, and apâ€" paren\tly there being a crowded boxâ€" full of mail matter the day it was disâ€" tributed, it would seem that the letter was jammed np against the very top of the box and held there by the close fit it made. Mail was taken out of the box daily by Mr. Field, but this thin detter crowded against the top of the box was not noticed. It could not be seen easily from the front of the box on account of the projecting edges of the framework of the box fronts. In any event it beld its place safely for several months, until one of the staff in putting mail into this box last week run aeross the fugitive letter and placed it on the bottom of the box in full view. This explanation should tempt all boxâ€"holders to have a look at the roofs of their boxes. They may find an occasional detter containing a cheque, or, more likely, a dunner, or a card saying the box rent is due. tembe Live‘y catchy numbers that make dJdancins delishtful For Saleâ€"1 Warehouse, 410 x 106 eâ€"storey; 1 Warehouse, 20 x 100 o storey ; 1 lot, Monceta; all on sid rchestra 216155 RaJlerman‘s Novelty Orch. 216143 NCH DOUBLEâ€"SIDED AT $1.00â€"WE PAY THE TAX. Ais Master‘s Voice" dealer wili gladly play any selection P you wish to hear A'(""_ nnnl FOR GENTLEMAN rcuping 16167 FOR FOR SALE Desert Dreamsâ€"Fox Trotâ€"and â€"When the Stgn Goes Downin Cairo Townâ€"FKox Trot Korinthiaâ€"One Stepâ€"andâ€" Sunshine Roseâ€"Waltz . There‘s a Typicail Tipperary Over Hereâ€"Oneâ€"Stenâ€"Henri‘s Orch,. â€"4xd â€"Wh.spering Heartsâ€" Waltz Miro‘s Band 316169 Come Play Wiz Meâ€"Oneâ€"Stepâ€" Hexri‘s Orch. â€"an iâ€"â€"In My Sweet Lâ€"ttle Allce Blue Gownâ€"Waltz Billy Murray‘s Melody Men 216148 Mike That Trombone Laughâ€" tox Trotâ€"â€"andâ€"Deenah â€"Fox a let n Ren ne stt estone Mattaganmi Cl, Henri‘s Orchestra 2161062 Van Eps Quartet 216161 100, 100, Tim |Connancht Hotel at Sonth Poreupine, Ont. This elegantly constructed huildâ€" ‘ing contains eighty rooms together g with bath rooms, toilet, ete., hot water system," furnace, radiators, electric plant and piping all in good eondition. \This building containg approximately 225.000 feet of sound lumber, part of which is made up of 20,000 feet of No. I Hardwood flooring, the ceilings throughout being of Georgia Pine. Inside doors and trimmings all of TO EENTâ€"PUO RNISXED HOUSH se For Saleâ€" the ‘end of Pifth Avenu OV ERLAND CARE FOR SALS Priced moderatelyâ€"Hurtubise 1 erv., Cedar S8t. Timmins. HLOUSH FOR SALHâ€"At 19 1 W ANTEDâ€"HOUNSJI throughout ‘being of Georgia Pine. Inside â€"doors and trimmings all of clear pine. Walls finished in Burlap. Exterior of building clad in rock metal siding, measuring about 15,000 square square Iset. Bids for above building will he reâ€" ceived up to first day of October next. For inspection permit communicate with E. H. Hill, P. 0. Box 508, South witnh .. I1. I1l] Poreupine, Ont mt rooms ; 58 Broadway at 6O Broadway.â€"B mM NOTICE TO BUILDERS. all convenieni OJ enue FPARM FOR SALBE T PHONOGRAPH FOR C"arinet Mahogany finish. 1Imnit cow wnhnrch wJ ‘ptember. _4 Tiimmins. M., Apply Marsh: 111 Olfice Gâ€"401) )11 €

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