Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 Dec 1919, 1, p. 11

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4 t § SNOW t" 4046400084006 TheGe;." i"é}g}irHardware Co. L.td. PHONE 179. Timmins Cobailt 3 Ifâ€" Lo Lk Ee L Afo Afey poc # HARKESS % New Liskeard Cochrane ~ Gook Mitchell KOTARIES. Timmins, â€" Seabh Porcsupine Toroxto SOLICOITORS » 82.75 to $6.00 each Casseroles GAUTHIER BROWN Barristers, Solictors, Notaries. Timmins and South Poreupine. Mr. A. C. Brown in charge of the Timmins Office, New Empine Theatre Block. mm 20 L AV Te "a uTe V ie in‘ is ts‘ ts ts ts Pocket Kanives Pocket Knives Watch this advt. each week for specials that will save you money CA | TALK OF T. N.0. BHAXG TAKEN OVER BY DOMINION Premier Drury Said to Look On Matter Favorably. Recently there has ‘been considerâ€" able talk regarding the Dominion Goâ€" vernment taking over the T. N. O Railway. Premier Drury apparently started the recent discussion by some remarks made in one of/his many reâ€" 3â€"piece set in lined case, $8.50 to $12 5-piece set in lined case, .$10 to $20 Pcoarl handf@le Table Sets, $20 to $30 50c to $5.00 Carving Sets 10 J) THE POROGUPINE ADVAX Hockey Skates ...... $1.95 to $7.00 Hockey Boots Hockey Skates and Boots H n ce â€" "a ver the| N4 Emâ€"!j, s that|p, thand | ap _ â€" North Land to be considered, but there is also a further very important matter to be kept in view. The T. N. 0. is distinctly a North Land insâ€" titution, built for the assistance of colonization in this country and to aid settlement and development. The whole line is within the confines of the North Land. If this North Land is to separate from the rest of the Province of Ontario, the T. N. O. would be one of the assets for which it would be very ready to make favor able settlement. The rest of the Proâ€" vince has no right to dispose of so typically a North Land asset without special thought of the future of the North Land. The T. N. O.was open ly built as a **‘eolonization‘‘ road. UnGer proper guidance it is invaluâ€" able for this purpose. Ontario has no right to consider the disposal of this railroad at this time to the Doâ€" minion Government or to anybody élse, Nothing can alter the faet of the "imnportance of the T. N. 0. to the importance of the T. N. 0. to the North Land. It has not been without its faults while under the control of the Province, yet the people would assuredly prefer to see it remain as a Provincial property than have it pass into the hands of interests still furâ€" ther removed from the influence and knowledge of this country. SUED NEIGHBOR FOR CALLING HIM A GERMAN. At the District Court Sittings: at Haifeyhury a man named Keiser livâ€" inss at CHiroux Lake asked $500.00 daâ€" mages from a neighbor, Mr. Chitty, because the latter had called him a (German. There was a little argument between these two neighbors and in the lieat of the moment Mr. Chitty called Keiser ‘"a German"‘ Ke‘ser :ays he was born in this country, ags his father was before him, and he reâ€" Dr..Jolhn B. Aiken, of Torun‘u), has opened a dvxm try office in the R sed biumuding. Dr! Aiken has hag six years practice in Toronto as a dentist and has a thorough knowledge and <experâ€" ience in all branches of the profession He is uluippmg his office here with the latest and most. upâ€"toâ€"date equigâ€" ment. Some months ago, Ur. Aixen, who has relatives in the Camp, visited Timimins with the idea of opening an otfics here, and last week he came here and completed arrangements for locat ing in Timmins. sented the térm ‘‘Germman‘‘ as the most desperate of insults. The Judge awarded him $25.00 damages. n Government Nothing ean alt ctance of the T i Land. It has mlts while und ?rovinee, yet t $5.00 to $8.25 COTTAGE HOSPITAL |$ Amessits Marriage Licensss Hunting and Trapping L1â€" Cor, Cedar and Fourth Avo. eenses <in Season. _ Typeâ€" TIMMINS, ONT. writingâ€"Special attention to Rates:â€"Private, $20.00 per week. corr@[mndnnco and Mining Samiâ€"Private, $18.00 per woek Engineers‘ Reporis. All Matecmity Cases, $25 per woek. work absolutely ('.(mfldcn(i.:xl. Spacious Accommodation. Bruce Avenue , Opp King Eflicient Attention. George Hotel. P O Box 102 Gradmate Wurse in Attenrdance sOUTH PORCUPINE, Ont Mategnity Cases especially solicited. §$00000000098000 > Municipal and Power work a specialty. All forms of Mine and Land Surveying performed CIVIL ENGINEERS AND ONâ€" TARIO LAND SURVEYORS Office : Block, Sutcliffe Neelands New Empire Theatre K .+ W.H.WILSON J.P., (TEMISKAMINC) Afdarvits, Marmnage Licenses Hunting and Trapping L1â€" eenses < in Season. _ Typeâ€" writingâ€"Special attention to gorrespondence and â€" Mining Engineers‘ Reporis. All work absolutely confldential. Bruce Avenue , Opp King George Hotel. P O Box 102 sOUTH PORCUPINE, Ont : ; CHAS. SKMKITTH, BOX 150, SCHUMâ€" ACHERB, representing the Martinâ€"Orâ€" me Prams for the Poreupine District. Usad qmermrce TfTor sala or to rent, on easy terma. â€"p3Q» FURXIHHERD ROOMS TO RENTâ€" Apply 50 Fourth Avenue, Timmins. %¢ DOG HARNESS ? 400046046446

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