Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 3 Dec 1919, 1, p. 6

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Secondâ€"hand furniture of all kinds thoroughly renovated and in firstâ€" class ‘condition, as good as new at much less eost. Also many other arâ€" ticles. Call and seo us no matter what you want, we likely have it. We pay cash for secandâ€"trard furniture or anything els¢e.~â€" What have you to sell? E. La SAIAA, 40 and 40% Third Avaurse. . â€" ©000000008 000000 000 F20 00848 000 00 00 0000800008880 86 Egsâ€"O Baking Powder Co., Limited, Hamilton, Canada FOR Take your Timeâ€"No ne to hurry when you use Office north end of McKelvie Block, Armstrong St. (Four years and a half with the R. A. Veterinary ,Corps.) Veterinary Surgeon New Liskeard, Ont authorities at once. With this obâ€" jeet in view, the North Bay Comteil and Board of Frade, after consuitâ€" ation with the representatives of a number of municipalities, have decidâ€" ed in favour of calling a eonvention of all the municipalities and represent ative bodies of Northern Ontario at North Bay to «diseuss these various questions and any other matters that are of interest to Northern Ontaro. As noted in recent issues of The Ad vance, some weeks ago a Committee was formed at North Bay to organize the whole North Land for the better development and improvement of this great country. The question arose at a meeting of the North Bay Board of Trade, where incidental reference was made to the various causes that held back the North Land from the proâ€" gress and development that the wonâ€" derful resourees and possihilities of this country suggested as its due. It was decided as a result of the Board of Trade discussion to form a Comâ€" mittee to be known as the Northern Ontario Improvement and Develop, ment Committee. This Committee has opened an oflice in North Bay, and the next step is to ‘be the calling of a monster convention of representatives from all parts of the North Land, on January 15th. In a letter to The Adâ€" vance this week Mr. John Ferguson, Mayor of North Bay, says it is desirâ€" ed from the outset to keep the public familiar with what is being done in the way of bringing before the proper authorities the wants and requireâ€" ments of the northern undeveloped portion of our Province. Mayor Ferâ€" guson enecloses a cireular letter which explains itself and reads as follows:â€" Office of Northern Ontarito Improve ment and Development Committee, North Bay, Ont., Nov. 22nd, 1919. It has ‘been felt in the past that Northern Ontarjo has not received due recognition from the Governâ€" ments of the day. The policies adopt ed in reference to our vast natural reâ€" sources such as mines, timber and aâ€" zricultural, have not in a great many «ases ‘been suitable for this part of the Provinee. It is further felt that a greater proportion ofâ€"the revenue derived from these natural resources should be spent in Northern Ontario. There is also the question of power development, transportation, taxation cducation, the refining of _ mnerals and many other matters, which quire immediate proâ€" per adjustment of these matters is urâ€" gent, and the future development of this part of the Province requres that they be brought before the proper authorities at onse. With this obâ€" It is proposed to call the convention about the 15th of January, 1920, and we wish to hear from you at your earliest convenience with a list of sub jeets which you desire to have consiâ€" dered, together with any suggestions you may have to offer. Also advise us as to the number of delegates that will attend from your locality. JOHN FERCGUSON, Mayor. J. W. RHICHARDSON, President of the Board of Trade. In referring to the matter of this proposed Convention, The Advanee some weeks ago suggested that North Bay was not the best pl'u;c for such a gathering. North Bay is more of the type of Old Ontario towns and so not perfectly suited for the ‘‘atmosâ€" phere"‘ for the ideal North Land Conâ€" vention. The â€" Advanee _ previously favoured Cobalt, Haleybury or New Liskeard, as more central for ths whole immense territory involved and also more typically ‘‘North Land." However, in reply to this suggestion it is pointed out that North Bay is possibly the best town for the purpose from the viewpoint of accommodation as the number attending the Convenâ€" tion will tax even North Bay‘s powers of accommodation. Perhaps neither Cobalt, â€" Haileybury Liskeard could give accommodations to as large a gathering as will meet at this Monsâ€" ter Convention. After the Convention in January, however, no doubt further mectings will be required and these should certainly be staged at the typâ€" ieal North Land towns. ND 0 2 1 00000000000 0. 0 â€" Wt ts ustt es t ts 006 N t n O PA iscc i. c t itc in t it e . N ie S ts ons ul ns t ‘d0CST TRE NORTH LARD GONVENTION, JAMN. 15th The Committee in charge of the errangements for the reeent benefit danee in South Poreupine, for the benefit of one of that town‘s most popular and esteemed young ladies, bavre handed their financial report to The Advance for publication. The report shows that the net receipts from the event were $200.00, a nice neat sum. The event which was held on Nov. llst was a very successful and enjoyrable social affair in every way. The attendance at the I. 0. O. F. Hall was unusually large, the muâ€" sic by ‘‘*Seotty‘‘ Wilson‘s Orchestra was excellent, and everyvthirg else 8UCCESSFUL BENEFIT DANCE AT SOUTH END. Northern Ontario Improvement and Development Committee Open Office at North Bay. +_proâ€" is utrâ€" nt â€"of s Tliat about the evening wWas w« ie vest Orâ€" der. The total receipts from the event totalled $290.50. The expenses were ‘$40 50. The balanee thus was $250.00 even. The expenses are detailed as follows:â€"for music, W. H. Wilson, $10.00; ‘"Lefty‘‘ Farr, $8.00; for live ry, Dalton‘s, $6.00; printing and adâ€" vertising, $6.75;, flowers, J. R. Todd, $6.75; ham, $3.50. The Committec wish to thank all those who made the event so great a suceess by their gonâ€" erous assistance in so many ways. The Committee is particularly grateâ€" ful to the merchants who donated their part of the refreshments for the event; to the ladies who brought cakes, etc; to Mr. James Reid, who came up specially from Connaught to assist with the musie, and who generâ€" ously refused to consider any charge even for expenses in connection with the trip; to the Oddfellows for the free use of their hall; and to all others who contributed in one way or another to the success of the evening. The Committee in charge of the event rere:â€"‘Mr. J. E. Boyle, Miss Ollie Orr and Miss Susie Bartlett. Meets every first and fourth Monday â€" of â€" each month, Oddfellows Hall, Third avenue. Visiting brethren alâ€" ways welcome. L. W. Duscharm, Otto Kabel, An alarm of fire was sent in to the Timmins Fire Hall on Wednesday last, Pierce‘s mill, which is outside the town limits, being on fire. Fire Chief Borland had everything in readi ness to render any assistance possible in the fighting of this fire but reserved the leaving of the town until such a course was clearly necessary and the required steps were taken to protect the town. In the meantime, however, the staff at Pieree‘s mill and others in the neighborhood were making satisâ€" factory progress in fighting the small blaze‘tand eventually succeeded in exâ€" tinguishing it. Phone 152. P.0. Box 458 Wiill visit Timmins first of every month at Daiâ€" ton‘s Livery. Any cther times by arrangement Ask your dealer for Dr. Gagâ€" non‘s Veterinary Medicines. DR L CACNOK VETERINARY OFPFICHE HAILEYBURY. Every sparkling crystal SU@ is absolutely pure;every process of its manufacâ€" ture is safeguarded with unceasing vigiâ€" lance. Dominion Crystal Sugar adds to the natural deliciousness of pie fillâ€" ingsâ€"sweetens too tart fruits without destroying their fresh fruit DOMINION SUCAR COMPANY, LIMITED Refineries at Wallacoburg, Chatham and Kitchener $Q008800000000009090060008 000006606600§6608600806066060464 6 Poreupine Cobalt Torontoâ€" Detroit _ Buflalo _ Rochester New York!" Byracuse, N.Y.

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