Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 Sep 1919, 1, p. 6

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©00000000000000000000000080060008000008804009 ON?QMWO 0““00002 » BIG MARKET COMING ) Bs @ Q4G64G0 h $ 0@0000°00°000%000°00000004§@4 a E \Phone 78 _ _ Phone 95B > j WWO“NW 6600660400 aual Silver and 11 It is the concensus of opinion 0o throughout Northern Ontario t a very big market in the gold a THIS opinion is also ‘held by a ers, not only in Canada, but also my opinion tliat it is now #2 ¢ BUVYING TIMB WITH my Direct Private Wire System offices together with the upâ€"toâ€"date and contained in my Weekly Market Despat upon request, I am in a position to give thern Ontario the finest possible Broker: Porcupine Office, Po r C upin C Excavations for Cellars, Contracts of All Hi Timmins, Ont. Al kinds second hand Mining Machinery in firstâ€"class condition. Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, etc. MOMWOWO@MWW% Mead Office 1(6 466004 @8 @ uinber, Building Materi Coal and Coke, Niine and Mill Supplies AGENT FOR Colonial Steel Comparies Famous RED STAR DRILL STEEL n Derbhyv Jeweller and Opfician LEO MASCIOL LC STOCK BROKER Member Standard Stock Exe LH . AALPEKIN CONTRACTOR Toronto amonds d that and an 1nc o Detroit ork. mMmMAnl re best posted mining men we are soon to experience silver stocks. lewceler â€" Optician TiMMINS PHONE 141 â€" P.0. BOX 588 lirds Take asing number of brokâ€" nited States, ard it is Y ard and Warehouse â€" HALPERIN all my accurate information h: which is sent Free the investors of Norâ€" 1ze Service. 2C Sewers, Efc. 1 € VN Stocks bought for uiffalo cash or margin Phone No. 32 PPIIFS T Rochester als successful and enjoyable should any lover of good the deputy man. The LADIES AUXILIARY TO GIVE EUCHRE AND DANCIH a cold and this later developed into intestinal influenza and despite: all that medical care and attention could do she died last week. The late Mrs. Petferik was was ‘born in many ve cnt of 1 years.â€" »41 ed }‘).\" _ all v is much re bereaved VW a V ren 11 IRS. P. PETERIK DISS AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS HE CLIMATE CF TH d ib L SHOULD ATTEND THE FIREMEN‘S BENEFIT DANCE be so much cursed. That is one of the beauties ofâ€"the long winters here,â€" that there are no black flies all that time. The black flies, bhowever, recede from the settled â€" portions, so even this objection to the summer is not 11 insurmountable Masonic Hall m. â€" Colombo C@I [e O1 st Wednesday terik had sufif nd this later 1IV € : of good dancing should iremen‘s Benefit Danee on assUtUtrCo Tetted.>lnâ€" ushand fou 10 knew T( IT.{\. 19th, tor the Firemen deserved reputation for 1€ heâ€" an §SoCIal CV Auxiliary ind Dance on ptember 22nd. Hall. aig" Daneing at VoOounges 1 t ew ALEAT â€"AnNnCt CStecHiâ€" ier and her death n addition to the portions, so even the summer is not e one. Dancing : Orchestra dances. Nor fellows miss event for it THE PORCUPINE ADVANOR mall child prince oi M TC it nmins 10 1 C sant 11 ind 1¢ 1€ MISS MALTAIS‘ MILLINERY OPENING THIS WEEXK Third â€" Avenue pleasing showli tend ladi men wRo we W week death J€ 35 Fourth Ave., Timmins Wholesale Tobaccos and GConfectionery no witness used ‘his de me forward may al iUdGson 11 ougints bC An ingus« nd the B1A or:â€"1Ifn 111 related to ethner and chioroform, and not a stimulant. A man was once brought out of ether who had taken eight cunces, and a man was once brought cut of chloroform who had taken 2214 ounces, but no man ever revivâ€" ed who swallowed five ounces of alcohol at a single dose.. The unconsciousness or coma produced by alcohol if not broken within ten or twelve hours is followed by practically certain death. Alcohol as medicine has been expelled Alcohol as medicine has been expelled from the American Pharmaâ€" copocia by the American Medical Association. «hk +. n x*â€" / * * .0. iX Spirits). _ The Beer of the Ballot isintozxicating. Three s Beer of the Ballot contains as much alcohol as a glass of w! Whert you are asked are you in favor of beer containing hol by weightâ€"in shops, bars, or anywhere else, vote 11 Ontario Referendum Committees JOHN MACDONALD, Chairman. ind "Nol‘â€"Four T imesâ€""f LIT and All Forms fi‘f\.‘" ?;‘ se i 4A 2 <4 «# $ N h thiue Sae Doctors BSBay It is a Menace int otfhers of ‘his countryâ€" jealous of his respectâ€" to have him set back ttom of LV is Kno t is ‘being ‘held thi cause of Olenski‘ ‘ not be made clear cut ot HE. beer of the ballot contains 2.51% alcohol by weightâ€"over twice as strong as the beer of the Ontario Temperance Act (2.50 Proof Sptrits\. _ The Beer of the Ballot is"ntozicating. Three glasses of the 1 itation to nmins, i the lat milline: «l 1020} â€" ot T more o innovanct Save yourself, save your family, save your country for t! God intended unhandicapped by "booze." Be carefulâ€"mark your ballot after each question with an X column headed "No," or your vote will be lost to Temperance. mne mont n( OV 1im i0onger outr gelSs nim in alcoholic. Leve*ams are poison, 1C@lC ind ruthor uppostâ€" W 1¢€ ed I1 {) 1 Cé ~has EestaniiSncd ‘nar and a narcotic chemically nd chloroform, and not a was once brought out of aleohol will k:ill a fullâ€" WMWMON0 $T. MATTHSBW‘S CHURCH (Anglican). Tamarack Street and Fifth Avenue Rev. R. 8. Cushing, B.A., L.Th., Rector Meets every Tuesday evenâ€" ing in their lodge room on Third avenue. Visiting broâ€" thers reqauested to attend. J. Morrison, W. G. Smith, NMRMRS 100GE, LO.0.F, No. 459 hone 131. Residence, No. 1 Hemlock Streot. . W. Duscharm, SuUund 4 it A. J. SHEPHARD 4644644 Plastering â€"Contractor Ornamental, Plain, and Roughâ€" cast Plaster Work. Terms moderate. Best of Work. A trial solicited. MASON WOR K Brick Work, Plastering Cement Work, Etc. Etc Mail Orders Attended to T. E. Strain â€" South Porcupine Meets every first and fourth Monday â€" evenings of « each month, Oddfellows Hall, Third averue. Visiting brethren alâ€" ways welcome. n within ten hours. but repeated doses zer but gets him in LD RIVER ROAD â€" BOX i7!, TIMMINS TIMMINS LLL 2592 tisms v Servict School, 3.00 p.m. ns, 4.15 p.m. ‘ommunion :â€"1st. 1:00 ‘a.m.. 3rd C k C K Promptly Do L0 T reasurer. 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 â€"lst. Sunday of ird â€"Sunday of tivals, 8.30 a.m. COtto Kabel, V iceâ€"Cheirman and Srcretary, (1CO01 Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto.) _ TIMMINS . LUNCH CAR §4%%4¢%@%%94 o try for the destiry Fourth Avenue and Csdar Stroets. Rev. J. D. Parks, B.A., Minister. Phone 138 Phone 152. P.O. Box 458 Will visit Timmins of every month at Daiâ€" ton‘s Livery. Any other times by arrangement DR. L. GACNON Ask your dealer for Dr. Gagâ€" non‘s Veterinary Medicines. BYRNES PRESBYTERIAN® CHURCKH. if , The best of Hot Meals at any hour, day or night Try our Special Coffee made fresh and right from our own specially selected coffee beans, fresh ground here Call on Us Once and You Will Call Again Joe Brisson â€" Lunch Gar VETERINARY OFFICE HAILEYBURY. Opposite Station Next the Theatre uader the 2.51% alcoâ€"

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