Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 Sep 1919, 1, p. 1

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TWO GHILOREN RESCUED FROM BURNING HOVSE Avenue 1¢ 4111 Firemen Do Good Work at Bi No 71 Fourth Avenue to â€"secure an the meantimg tanks were c A+t ing ill from was hastily children the youngsters w were simply focating effe in the housse, Geot LW TY 2eMIR!iTt €11 return one oT Tili could not wWas upstairs. bad but Firem fought his way i the and carrying it to tl man Alex Borla J TY maln AILGX take it down 1 youngsters were smoke, the littl 18 set borin ches. dropyp insid J OP tion 11 the SIHIO K t €3]1 built CITIZENS BAND GIVE PLEASING FIRST CONCERT and eJP3 tlamt worl in tC $§300 but hb yv the iimmins their first b TT Til able T2A T allo Li mMNS1t Leagt® and the H ners of ‘the Poreupi gue, will again try wame is scheduled 4.30 p. m. sharp. T greatest game aof th 1Tout 11 nd 11 le; . 1en +c The second W inl 00 â€" insgut On 1N n erowd 1is first 1094 .00 O 1 11 and some da ®*OooOd anid wWAl 10011 and Lhney mall pi Ireman »rland SUIMMON 6 ere not Durnt sho w 1 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Ti 11 1t attention al 1 uall U *L iA l ADVISES TIMMIMNGS 10 FANT TREES 0N STRETS 1i rt in Charge of Forestry Car Thinks Timmins Would Be About Right Then. rnâ€"{)n oxville, 1] 0C soOom C betweeon 101 M mept ue Indan 11 TX . QOI 11( §10N m Cl 111 11 [) 11 C 12th, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs 1e1 C SO T jjury o1 c and _ A ul OuUr tim \ rgy and hemselve upplies uture ill these air deal nbDersii1p 4.00(0 HOSPITAL T 11« pUu s5pecl 11 north town continue sever? Ontari E* it protect £ fires tion S80(1 rortlx ornIia, 31 ITQOn Tim No TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1919. W Wa t M () to Delegates Chose is well known throughout the North Among the special features of the Convention were addresses by Hon (¢. Howard Ferguson, Minister _ of Lands, Forésts and Mines, and Dr. Forbes Godfrey, MP:.P. â€" Hon. Mr Ferguson dwelt at some length on the North Country and its needs and opâ€" portunities, and both he and Dr Godfrey spoke of the need for united action to cearry their candidate ts bezn mentiont sibhle â€"strongz ca POTTER, OF MATHESON, CONSERVATIVE GANDIOATE IC is woell Amon mIines S iie ole ie ole ols oBe ole obe Te oTe in oBe aBeâ€" Ne ht ohe ale ol ofe ww ohe ofr oo ohe oie Te ofe effe ole ohe ohe oD it QOOQC““-‘Q“ ‘ ...(.‘. ‘.‘1 ie sfe ols of oTe Te ae se vBe Te ohe oTe ate oBe ols aTe oTe oTe aBe oo lave the NV next 0 nally lea« imond drillin 11 Notes, Comments and Opinions Of Interest To Mining World 1p C@THl JjCCI M 17 Harley dollar ; from Cochrane Riding e Standardâ€"Bearer for Provincial Election <nown Int candidate n. MtT nit Iro ulation. Japan â€" comes ur dollars gold to every In the matter of the ild on hand, Russia actâ€" 1e world, but on account \\ H of ept the leaders 11 O W ilent o1 iL eryVy Lere him insul resi(ded malnv indidate M rl tatli it 11 noml Mr. (Clin‘ 1 V 1| 111 r this riding, in the North s a capable Dresenl 2:‘ 1 d for unite indidate _ 1 reuson â€" ha lim the VEeal doll 1n®¥9ernmliln heson. perty .l(]il ind mine. een cbuilt pint we Dal Ineri Lnoug 0o tion by 11 ud to C U301N pos had ol( deâ€" T‘C )€ rad I1¢ 11 C Mr. Hamilton B. Wilis Offers An other Trophy for North Land Baseball Competition new taw n GUP FOR NORTR LAND wInnet JjuUus thi Dams to as IOrIy Coftages. A be laid out at the Dav proposal is to increas city to 800 tons dailv. rei orthern Ya a*a a*4 1Ya 1* To Te aFe aTa aTe se esentation by M w â€" Northern °C iampionship Cup ‘ate and mereast udden d tnrrougit Aail {NorLIe as his Poreupine B vear aroused so mu( 2PA wAas YÂ¥orkâ€" of _ Mines, © only OrrCll It1 with. From remarks the meeting it is un ie Dome Mine is still Ot death game decide the Ts a"s at. vie ofe whe rict ihle l 11MAS 100 more lainpions byv Mr. it ) V 1 € meetin the di ut it 1 CAague mptly emisk |} t l T ‘ nterest in Northern O ea t I1 tV directors of the it is understood () 11 rryv out the 1919 l1 doâ€" mut a ul imns mgnt play it some neutral iampionship of and that the challenge the lTIlO Cup. Wills of routine â€" were marks â€" made is understood WO it V rest n Dase ern Ontario aseball Cu NTA ist wee 1¢ M 111 TA Dail attention Z1 111. nee Millur +1 seball Wills W W work om}pâ€" M 1 ) WweTt mild Lree will will bal} 118 )t to n U Authorit as C and ATTENTION DIRECTED 10 EXPRESS COMPANIF3S even dilute limi expre complaint would INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL sSCHEDULED FOR THHE 24TH H C mnpanie 11 rolU All Hithc able ser TTA 0n Je 11 n unlyv nat. tiH matte thi A V mAaln »hol, only at «one ‘b ies Asked to Protect Nort} Land in the Matter. 1¢ nas ind 11 4 d meet theâ€" . snowed d artial shipment had 1 arently on its way. . ‘complaints for shorta ms to unreasonable de is for fair rates and vice, the attitude of )1 TDHe vely DC 1Tl N ut iro 1l']mu TL npanit se off pub hardlyv curses. e local m s olner just clar npanies go throu and red tape. ‘F uor shipments in tained the standi 1, or a public jol JjuryVy TA LT]} public. her up U‘sC 10 w etr public )11 Intern: 11 in blame filled 11 ind int] )1 live expre constru app{ 2 anntt Railwa 1€ {) uthori A } 146 ‘aAt1 trc o mibli 11 rea )i LV , 1 Lt nd A 11 play in Hamilt« tO CC P a gone only possible of Falls team O l'l] V to men IROQUDIS FALLG WING OF THREE GAMES 11 )11 1i¢ Inol and n C xÂ¥( ind 11 )1 1t irdi Single Copies 5 Cents H Un ) H teaIm <~entered a of ‘the players vetual _ employed or at least onl iVT pia V iTter 1}} »lli (1 TlbGSs n any C ine furt 185 4R / | desirable goods i ale should eont crowds of duvers of Quat yV pia ye 116 U RETURNS ON CEDRIC should present and id 1} T. CAIS protest i. and (NAUCGHT H iT 1st iw upon mpanied the team more would ‘have hortness of notice ryp* ne. The Iroquois a protest against rs cfaiming â€" that vees of the> Holâ€" 1€ dis the PC continue to atâ€" tl *Armv and Â¥ijl] mila \ 18 1 VIn enthnusiasts bAaG > Lown to s for the pine â€" ‘Cup. the other understood was made, Lroquois not likelv NHeld MeNiver weOre M 113 VeekK: was Serzeant battery 1) .. Moâ€" )C 8 WYVCE 1nmBDBralt ne bulâ€" mother L Tthat id not ale reâ€" 10 o‘ all the ... etc., pot € LVI}I 101s (l LV C 1pint n 11 OV IT C3 l tfrom tiaimâ€" thirâ€" has hotel hall TC the ind YLP~â€" n ‘s 14 1Q )1

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