Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 3 Sep 1919, 1, p. 2

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Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingstcn, Winnipeg, Cai'*ary, PO rt A_ T t iur, S C John, N.B,. Branches at THRE FLAVOUR LASTS S$O DOES THE PRICE! Jersey Cream Sodas c a package c a package 6 a package Factory at LONDON, Canada sealed airtight packages. Sold fresh everywhere ormick‘s fhe war before the war PROBATIONER WANTED for Cotâ€" tage Hospital, Apply Box 535, Timmins Ount. NQOW FORD. ROADSTER FOR SALE in pertect $3000 ; 000 Y‘ # # *®pe0 * Â¥. PUunnin condition Heath P‘ri lce 1. W.W. VISITOR hfi GIVEN TWD YFAR TERBM John Toivar, Finnish American Brought I. W. W. Literature Into Camp sSAVAL CERTAINLY SURPRISED SOMEWHAT Savéel Proux, an alien man wellâ€"known in the past frequent and generous contr to the town treasury, through dium of poliece court fines, . week have perhaps another or maybe more, to do some m tributing. In any event he i bail and will be called upon row‘to Taceca‘c illegally. Othe sibhle . For sc a,/ Pine street oflice where he acled as a sort of cearetaker. â€" Officer Collins hid himself a night or two in the building, but though the man apparâ€" ently ecame around to do some tidying up he never went near the booze at nights. â€" Officer Colling then decided he would Otry dayâ€"time watching. Acceoradingly he chid himself in the coal hbin in the basement, seeing that the door was left earefully locked beâ€" hind him. For hours he waited paâ€" tiently but no one â€"came along. â€" Just as it seemed to look hopeless again, Mr. Saval opens the door with his own key and comes in. From behind some hboxes the Officer says he took a ean of high wines partly filled a botâ€" tle he had with him, went into the lavatory and completed the filling of lavatory and compleled T the bottle from a water and then: eareftully concea tle in this clothes. _ Just putting the finshing _ tou justing _ the bottle, Ofi( came suddenly out from bin.â€" Saval was so astou Iy stand up str eventually land still Offic evetr unexpecte receovery may eventuate days. It is difficult to and particularly a Ford 1 the boys are doing their I n”i!ls 10W II n T but duly nbe 1 y..; ~AXU)ther For some time s ‘had the idea t liquor that he had Â¥IH: ttit eryVy otf ute from the su Collins took h he asked Saval 11€ DoozZeé rop oft r ~some tfime past â€" U the idea that Saval that he had access to aval might be sprea rround . After some i work â€" the Officer de s PV( FUCSsI 1l_\’lnr floor uUnea t rtlyâ€"f nes in.â€" From behind Officer says he took a es partly filled a botâ€" i him, went into the mpleted the filling of i a water tap there, lly concealed the botâ€" es. . Just as he was shingâ€" touches to adâ€" e . Not goods La XeCS tfo the Town: of d at tiire cells : the surprise. ook Inm away w to it that Monday ed as Labor Day by boyvs at the Fire Hall . 110 is in the hospiâ€" are entertained that THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. perations by Drs. iobson and others ntuate in a few from â€"‘the istounded t he could t ki rad like result uUpon havin aI C ~aAS A¢. AvÂ¥i muches to ad â€"â€" Collin 'all«m a * 4 UDC ‘e Drougit rantly seâ€" objectionâ€" the ignorâ€" _of action tribhutions will was not and seâ€" and atâ€" Aand un rCTE [Oâ€"mnorâ€" liquor 30 posâ€" OfMicer al had to and ceading out on ance () U (|I ntle 1t rded )n T C 11!} Works Con eamneer tha‘t larged on 1 On motion DeFeu.it lowaneg of to $05;00 3 NOTES OF INTEREST ABOUT PORCUPINE PROPERTIES Diamond drill hole No. 2 has been started on the Gold Reef. The reâ€" sult from the other recent diamond drill work are said to hbe eminently encouraging . Dome Lake is taking on more and more men from week to week,. Report ‘has it that the Poreupine Crown is considering the Moneta Mine as a possible addition to the company‘s holdings in the Camp. A meeting of the V. N. T. is exâ€" pected this month to see about futâ€" ure plans for the working of the proâ€" perties held. The local stock market has experiâ€" enced great activity in the buying of the Pore upmo-l‘lsd.fle Mine shares by people in the Camp. 1t is currently reported that outside interest (posâ€" ~nhl\' New York*inv estors) are seekâ€" ing blocks of the stock and this reâ€" port, together with the suggesti@®n that would prompt such buying, has tended to the purchase of this gtock by people in the Camp. 1 Another, current â€" rumor suggests that the Mining Corporation is negoâ€" tiating for the purchase of a controlâ€" ling@ interest in the Thompson Kuist. CHIEFLY ROUTINE WORK AT LAST COUNCIL MEET 1 ne Council was TaKEN CNICLLyY (WIlll LUULLLG business. Acting Mayor A. Brazeau presided and Councillors Fogg, Deâ€" Feu and Newton were also present. The Treasurer was authorized to pay $331.88 interest on debentures preâ€" viously charged to H. A. Colson,. Mr. Colson purchased some town deâ€" bentures and was charged with inâ€" terest for a greater length of time tferest for a greater length of Time than he considered himself liable for. The question was before the Councll on previous occeasions and it was felt that Mr. Colson‘s protest was justiâ€" fied at least to the extent of the reâ€" fund now provided for. ‘The matter of tenders for sidewalks was left with the chairman of the Public Works Committee and the Town Engineer to deal with. â€" On motion of‘\ Councillors Fogg and DeFeu, the recommendaâ€" tion of the chairman of the Water Works Committee and the Town Enâ€" gineer that the sewerage pipe be enâ€" larged on Birech street was approved. On motion of Councillors Newton and DeFou it was decided to raise the alâ€" lowaneg of Mrs. Potvin from $50.00 *A 11. A YÂ¥ € W 21 ton ‘g for no Mr. ‘Thos. Forrancee Monday evening from a at his home in North other points south. In the Matter of the Estate of George Kellar, late of the Township of Tisâ€" dale in the District of Teomiskaâ€" ming, Miner, deceased. Take Notice that all persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased are to file same duly verified by affiGavit with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of Septembher, date â€" will h tOo ~Such aAaccounts Asy Shall then uid been filed . Dated at South Poreupine this 12 day of Augunst, A,.D. 1919. Solictors for John T. Easto COOoK MTTCHELL, Administrator of sarid THE COMPLETE FURNISHINGS OF THE 70 ROOM HOTEL .. D., 40190 . And. Take N osted in the said holel Copmes â€" will ‘hbe furn ime Of the sale and m idvance npon applicati( lersigned . Dated â€" at South P 22nd day oft August, 19 yod THE CONNAUGHT HOTEL AT SOUTH PORCUPTINE PC nshiD 0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS last meeting â€" of the Town held on Monday of last week en up chiefly with routine Acting Mavor A. Brazeau «einz l6 of ‘the: Council Monday evenin account ILIFTP‘S SALBE W > Notice that affer ate of the said dec ibuted having regard counts as shall then listed é(@1TOI outh Poreupine this 15th 8t 19109 rs" for John ‘P . Easton. H. W \Warren month money 1e be : H. W. WARREN, + inventory id hotel. beâ€" furnish etc., kitchen furni eqaurpment . 1nd m d V t September 1e afternoon sold hy oods and South Port qollector. 11( that after sai e said deceased 11 Trom and tha l)bv sen O H 1910 . inventori¢ returned â€" on holiday spent Bay and at the premise moon wWwili( 1N e( pproved . wton and se the alâ€" m $500.00 h fhittin om a t 19190 only neen rilifi av e € id the in CGordon H. Gauthier Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc Timmins and South Poreupine Mr. A. C,. Brown in charge of the Timmins OfGce, New Empire Theatre Block. My Swanee Homeâ€"Divian Holtâ€"Lillian Trosedaleâ€"andâ€"â€" Alabama Butterf{ly Charies Hartâ€"Elliott Shaw â€" 185656 Anything is Nice if It Comes from Dixiclandâ€"American Quartetâ€"andâ€"Eyes That Say "I Love You" L oC 9 m NE # CAÂ¥ dX You‘re Still an O!ld Swecthcart of Mineâ€"Spencerâ€"Burrâ€"and â€"TheGates of Gladness Lewis Jamesâ€"Shannon Four In the Heart of a Foolâ€"andâ€"I Found You Henry Burr Take Your Girlie to the Moviesâ€"Billy Muarrayâ€"andâ€"Baby I Ain‘t en Got ‘on No Time to Have the Binesâ€"Billy Murrayâ€" Ed Smaileâ€"andâ€"Take Mo to the Land of Tell Mcoâ€"andâ€"The Yampâ€"Fox Trots Peter Ruspanaâ€"Oneâ€"Stepâ€"andâ€"Have a Smileâ€"Medicy Fox Trot ° Pietro Fidgety Foetâ€"Oneâ€"Stepâ€"andâ€"Lazy Daddy Red Seal Records at Greatly Reduced Catalogue Prices La Campano di San Giusto (TCenor) Enrico Caruso For You a Rose (RBaritone) imilio de Gogorza La Traviataâ€"Ah, fors‘ Iui (Sopranc) Galliâ€"Curci Turkish March (Diolin) Jascha Heifetz Beautiful Ohio (Wiolin) Kreister The First Rose of Summer (Tenos) John McCormack Manufactured by Berliner Gramâ€"oâ€"phone Co., Limited Montreal Vidtrolas from $34 up to $597, sold on easy payments, if desired. Ask for free copy of our 624â€"page Musical Encyâ€" clopedia listing over 9000 "His Master‘s Voice"" Records. Hear them at any "His Master‘s Voice" dealers HERE are a few selections from this month‘s offerings amongst which wili be found selections to suit all tastes, including Popular, Dance, Instrumental and Operatic numbers beautifully renâ€" dered by foremost artists. Come early and make your choice froema tull stock. Now on Sale 90 cents for 10â€"inch, doubleâ€"sided * U1% ary Daddyâ€"Fox Trot Orizinal Dixicland Jazz Band Irving and Jack Kaufman â€"Fox Trot Six Brown Brothers Enrico Caruso lio de Gogorza Galliâ€"Curci Jascha Heifetz Kreister Marion Harrls Henry Burr and4â€"Baby Arthur Fields a‘s Orch. 18590 1 8591 645818 6@ L 1

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