Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 13 Aug 1919, 1, p. 6

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€ 60400 o“m«m: LADIES ORGANIZE FOR THE COMING ELECTION The Conservative ladies of,. Temâ€" iskaming District met last week in South Poreupine to marshall â€" their forces for the elections that are imâ€" pending. â€" The officers for the coming year were elected and â€" Commuttees for the. different sections of the Disâ€" triect appointed, and plans of action agreed upon. Mrs. J. O. Thomas, Manager of ‘*The! Iroquois Hotel" at. Ilroquois Falls, was elected President, and Miss MacDonald, of South Poreuâ€" pine, will be the Secretary. IROQUOIS FALLS MASONS SEND ADDRESS TO PRINCE side the picnic.â€"grounas so tThat tC vailway is convenient enough for all attending. The programme for the day promises to be a very enjoyable one. â€" It will include baseball, and other sports, races. for men, ladies, boys, girls, fat men, â€" married ladies swiming races,. canoe races, and other pleasing features. The past suceessâ€" es of these Oddfellows Pienies assure all attending that they will ‘have a pleasant day‘s outing at one of the Poreupine‘s beauty and comfort spots and that the sports of the day will be interesting and keenly contested. BIG TIME AT JI. 0. 0. °F . PICNIC THIS WEEK LACROSSE MATCHES ON THE DISTRICT SCHEDULHE Arrangements are now complete far the fifth annual Oddfellows Pienic, to be ‘held toâ€"day (Wednesday), August 13th, at Wilson‘s Farm, Golden City. There is no more pleasing spot in the whole North Land for such an event than good old Golden City. â€" All that remains now to make the event an unqualified suceess is the right type of weather for the day. ‘The train serâ€" vice now gives easy access to the Picâ€" nie forâ€"all the many who will go from Timmins, Sehumacher and South End, while the~returning rrain leaving the grounds shortly after five o‘clock is also/ eonvenient for the majority. The Rosedale crossing is right alongâ€" The ladies will paign ur the near The lacrosse match seheduled for last Thursday evemag, to be played here between Moelntyre and Timmins, was postponed on account of the Holâ€" linger Dimnner to Returned Men that evening. lt is not definitely known when this match will be played off ; indeed, it will likely be left until the end of the season, and that means that it may not be necessary or convenient to play it at all. Now, the games on the schedule are to be gone on with. On Friday of this week, August 15th, Timmins plays again at Melntyre and on Tuesday next August 19th, Meilnâ€" tyre is scheduled to play here .‘ â€" It is understood that the Melntyres have strengthened their team considerably ard thus, with good practices in the meantime, *will mean that they are prepared to put up a lively contest each came during the balancee of the FIGURING TIE PINS BY THE TON AT THE PAS 4A C PoOsS se Scehedule THE PORCUEBMZE ADVADME lntyre CV start thei future . 1| KW Gnl made, and that the said searf pin will be worth about $1.35. Jim got the nugget from Jacob Cook who in his turn secured it €rom Copper Lake where the recent gold discovery was made. The Herald figures that this nugget would assay $135,000.00 in gold to the ton, but as a searf pin it will only be ‘worth about $1.35. There are several tie pins in the Porâ€" cupine that run over $5.00 in gold each, when Officer R. Allen is not watching, and nuggets from the Croesus in Munroe wouald run even higher in value, and not be very large tie pins at that. There is conâ€" siderable talk of the big gold find at Copper Lake,. but according to all the 2200 tons of ore a day and all that immense quantity averages $10.00 in gold to the ton. The find at Copper Lake is reported as giving no better assay than $14.00 to the tor, while some of the samples run as low as $9. 00 . These would naturally be picked samples, and if the **picked samples‘‘ were used of _ Poreupine ore, it would not take 100,000 small tie pins to make $135,000.00 in gold to the ton. â€" When one of the otfhicials of the Hollinger a couple of years ago was questioned regarding a strike at the Hollinger assaying over $5,000 in gold to the ton, he admitted that ore had been encountered at the mine that beat that figure about 50 ways. "Bul' that 18 1'011]\' of _ importâ€" ance,"‘ he said, t*tthese little pockets of gold are not halr as important as the fact that they oceurred in a good sized body of ore that ran â€" about $100.00 a ton in gold."‘"‘ That is what the Poreupine would eall highâ€"grade, â€"that $100,00 a ton kind. . For a gold find, the Poreupine will take lot Oof beating vyet. siderable talk of the big gold find at Copper Lake, but according to all the information yet given out while the discoverysindicates a highâ€"grade proâ€" position from the general viewpoint, it is not highâ€"grade from the standâ€" ard of the Poreupine. â€"Here, for inâ€" stance, the Hollinger is. milling over IMPORTANT MEETING OF GREAT WAR VETERANS An important meeting of the Goldâ€" fields Branch of the Great. War Vetâ€" erans Association is ealled for Sunâ€" day evening next, August 16th, at 8. 15 p.m. sharp,. in the Club Hooms, over King‘s Amusement _ Parlors. Special business is to be, dealt with and as the posters say, ‘*every memâ€" ber is not only requested, but expectâ€" ed, to be present for the welfare of the Association.‘‘ Pubiic Worship, 11 a.m. ard 7 p.m. Sunday School, 10 a. m. A ceordial invitation is extended to all to attend these sorvices. (Anglican). Tamarack Street and Fifth Avenue. Rev. R. S. Cushing, B.A., L.Th., Rector Phone 131. * Residence, No. 1 Hemlock Street. L. W. Duscharm, Oito Kabel, Sunday School, 3.00 p.m. Baptisms, 4.15 p.m. HMoly Communion:â€"1st. Sunday of month,â€"11.00 a.m.; 3rd Sunday of month, 7.30 p.m.; Festivals, 8.30 a.m. J. Morrison, TIMMINS LODGE, 1.0.0.f. No. 459 Fourth Avenue and Cedar Streets. Sunday Services, 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 Rev. J. D. Parks, B.A., Minister. Phone 138 TIMMINS L.0.L. No. 2592 Meets every first and fourth Monday â€" evemings of each month, Oddfellows Hall, Third avenune. Visiting brethren al}â€" ways welsome. Meets every Tuesday evenâ€" ing in their lodge room on Third avenue. Visiting broâ€" thers requested to attend. M A S O N Brick Work, Plastering Cement Work, Etc. Etc Mail Orders Attended to T. E. Strain â€" South Porcupine BYRNES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Promptly W. G. Smith, Phone 152. P.0O. Box 58 Will visit Timmins first of every month at Daiâ€" ton‘s Livery., Any other times by arrangement Ask your dealer for Dr. Gagâ€" non‘s Veterinary Médicines. DR. L. GCACNON VETERINARY OFFICE HAILEYBURY .

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