Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 25 Jun 1919, 1, p. 8

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Work was commenced this week on the construction _ of an â€" additional storey on the Reed Block. The addiâ€" tion will be the full size of the present building and like the rest of the building will be brick and fitted and furnished in the ‘best modern style. The new storey will be arranged for use as office buildings. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wedgerfield of Little Current, Ont., announce the marriage of their daughter, Eva 1., to Mr. J . M .‘ MeGill, on Wednesday, May‘l4th. Mr. MeGill is well known Speaking of the fligcht aeross the Atlantie by airship made by Capt. Alcock and Lieut. A. W. Brown in sixteen hours, Friend Irish Pete now suggests a weekâ€"end trip from Poreupine to Belfast, leaving there Saturday, getting ‘halfâ€"seasâ€"over overâ€" seas, and being back at work in the mines for the first shift on Monday. in the Camp where he was manager of the â€"Carr Hardware Stote at South Poreupine for â€" some time, and ‘ms many friends here will extend heartiâ€" est congratulations and good wishes. â€"In a letter to a friend in town, Mr. Ivan C. Stadelman, ow living in Brantford, Ontario, but formerly con ducting Stadelman Co‘s store in Timmins, sends best regards to his friends and aequaintances here. The letter also incidentally refers to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Stadelman are now the proud parents of a fine son and heir. The Miners‘ Union in securing liynâ€" ber to make the boxes needed for the Mucking Contestâ€" on July 1st, for which the Union is giving three prizes of $30, $15, and $10, were nicely treatâ€" ed by Knight Bro. MeKinnon who generously â€" donated the necessary lumber when the firm® Jearned what the material was to be used for and the cireunstances under which * the tre material was to be the cireunstances und event was to take place Angelo Guisseppir was the winner of the two beautiful handâ€"made,.centre pieces made by Mrs, . Robertson, of Haileybury. Mrs. Robertson‘s Jhusâ€" band has been all for,a year or more and she chas been doing faney work of this kind in the minutes that could be spared <~from attention. to him, Friends here took the plan of drawing A gentleman from Iroquois Falls in town last week said that the Fire Brigade, the Band, the Baseball Team and a big group of supporters were down to New Liskeard on Domâ€" inion Day for the Firemen‘s Tournâ€" ament. will be quite a numâ€" ber at the Falls, however, who will shmp, great p1 Capt. Aleock and theirâ€" wonderful es the first suceessful Qcean. °C anyway, it took thie Yanks to show themhow to ‘fiy ueross,"" boasted one enthusiâ€" astie fellow from the U. 8. A. This was too much for one old prospector who hadâ€"taken little part in the conâ€" versationâ€" up. to this point. **Get out, you mutt,‘‘ hesinterrupted, ‘‘the Yanks never made any fliitht across the Atlantic."* The Yank looked very puzszled at this> statement. ** What do you Wasn‘t it the Yanks whoâ€"** But the old prospector inâ€" terrupited. himagain. **Naw,"‘ he saig, *‘they didn‘t fly across at all; they just ‘*portaged‘‘ across.‘‘ couple of these centre pieces, goodly. sum was metted. The of the djucky number was Mr. »pi who won with Number 49. Timmins News in Brief present train wetr noCs 11} m C al business and conte: and to complete arrange ly 12th, and also for tu lte on July 6th. Meeting of Gold _ Leat B., will be held in the Hall on Monday, June in the sm Ahil tatic July N111 nion in securing liynâ€" MeDonald, Employâ€" t the Abitibi Power iy‘s plant at Iroâ€" MaDonald, Employâ€" a residence, his v t‘he Old Country During the past bairn left last Wedâ€" rdelphia where he + ovesidence. hms wife eC the Big Day All you can expect a the Paper st day â€"of sports. resident of tmis valued mermmbers ball Team. He here in football t the friends he vishing him the nonâ€"stop fiight ‘*Well, anyway, A tlant sperit y W 18 itly discussing wA it. BI 1 1 miliarhy by airâ€" makin 1ven for Tew Mrs, Dayton Ostrosser and childâ€" ren are spending a few weeks at (Grimsby Beach, near Hamuilton, Ont . Work is in progr ing and improvemen tennis ceourt . Owing to the dance in the New Empire Theatre basement last night, the Troquois Falls Orchestra ‘holding tlte dance in the Union Hall decided to call the latter event off, and instead will hold it on July 1st. Mr. J. A. Howse received a wire Tuesday morning of this week inâ€" forming him of the sad news of the death of his mother at Orillia, Ont. Mr. Howse Jleft on the noon train yesterday to be present at the funerâ€" al which will take place on Tharsday of this week. Pte. E. Morgan is visiting thi§ sisâ€" ter, Mrs. Lake, on ‘his return from overseas service. Previous to enlistment, Pte. Morgan was at Montesano, Washington, and erossed over to British Columbia to enlist with the Canadian Army and go overâ€" seas for active service. to play on the have" m arrangeil came before football ga morning â€" at match in ti cerved officially ficiency . these e Misses â€" Lillian _ Wadsworth â€"and Bertha: Charette, having successfully passed the required examinations in (Gregg Shorthand Writing, have reâ€" ceived â€" their complete â€" certificates, officially testifyvinge to their: proâ€" ficieney. Tlhrse pupils recently tried these examinations at the Separate School ‘here, the answer papers being forwarded to New York. ‘The two young ladies mentioned ‘have received their certificates, but the‘third candiâ€" date has not yvet received word as to Messrs. George DeMagne and J . Mortenson, who have been conducting tlie Ideal Poolroom and â€" Rooming House, â€" opposite the theatre, for nearly two years past, last week sold out the building and business to Mr. J. Rouchon, who formerly conducted the theatre in Timmins in the early davs» Mr. and Mrs. DeMagnee and here in imnany this district d AJn C 11 present though the K NO w 1n the ball and from view in aust er standing bhuns tealms woOrke( present. In point of play the Porâ€" cupineâ€"Dome team gave them a good run for their moneyphowever, and on a â€" better _ ground the _ result might have been different. The Meâ€" Intyre now heads the League for wins not been defeated at all this season . rds wor as well as 1@ .Y C . \ r OM d N1 @1 iâ€" In Timmins on Frid 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. vorth.â€" a daughter. teant ball nade room ind Mi NP . 1M rOl iumâ€" will a t uen Tthe programme was ail ind timed before tire request re the Committee. The boys ame will\be run off in the at 9.00, and the ‘baseball the evening commencine at tow1 5 aseball nv wayv mind hbaving a w In point of . _ J, Perrault, of New rly of Timmins, were last week and this. en( the piayers were jOst he clouds of sard and play stirregd up. Both hard, as «did also the f rooters on each side. i Timmins were over to Melntvre has lots of and football games July, the Committee for the two junior ralla x AsSKeE Tress on hereafter feel they } ds there that they iem round and help itested on Â¥ys a fast game a winning streak at HE POKRCUPINE ADVANCE. cothall cball diftic 10 reupit winnin OO( i1 agree that s of the game rtainly played The Sehumâ€" L are amâ€" i8101 ie enlargâ€" Matthews MIich mssE being espeâ€" old (G¢olden y between ecâ€"Dome reâ€" a V 1 chanecee 31 mes bo 12 Jiume .‘lQIIlC l all H.c

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