Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 19 Mar 1919, 1, p. 8

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Miss 1. Maltais returned from a three weeks‘ visit â€" ind other points south whe ended the I#g millinery nd displays of the most n of headvwear. T 4e Town of Cobalt and theTownâ€" "ip» of Coleman are combining forees ) give a big banquet to the returned ‘diers of the Camp on \pril 22nd. ucke Tow nshlp may also join in the vlan, and the event on April 22nd may then be made the first of aâ€"series of ~anquets to the returned men. â€" The Cabalt Soldiers‘ Reception Commuttee "ave adopted this banquet idea as the best available plan to show the solâ€" diers the ‘*Welcome‘‘ thoughts of the municipalities towards the returned men. The Timmins Open Discussion Club met on Thursday evening last in the basement of the Presbyterian church with about fifteen men present. The subject for discussion was.‘‘ITmmigraâ€" tion,‘‘ and Mr. J. A. Devaney gave the law on the question. Both Mr. Devaney‘s address and the . following discussion were interesting and inâ€" Mrs. Norman Burke and children eft last week for Kirk‘s Ferry, Que., where they will reside in futule. The friends made in this Camp durâ€" ‘ng ‘the family‘s residence here, as vyell as the many who knew and csâ€" teemed theim in the Cobalt Camp, will regret Mrs. Burke‘s removal from the North Land. Among the Dominion Police station d hbhere this week is Constable Anderâ€" son who was here last, year in a simiâ€" lar capacity and who made many friâ€" nds in We town and district at that formative and many new liglits on the immigration proiblem were dmolopcd. The next meeting of the Timmins Open Discussion Club will be held on Thursday evening of this week. the.danger was over, Fire Chief Borâ€" land had the offending â€"st woepip*s takon down and thorougaly cleaned before being put up again. Dan was Inot any too welil pleased ahbout this pweedure, but he should comfort him se‘t with the tbought that it is better to clean stme,p:pe:. than to bu. dl a â€" bouse. Marshsllâ€"Ecclestono, Limited, this week delighted the Timmins Fireâ€" mon‘s Club with the handsoms donaâ€" tion of a cheque for $50.00 to be used for the purposes of the Club. Mr. J. P MceLaughlin has promised the boys also a Cheque for $100,00. ‘‘When Nearly fifty from , Timmins went wer on Monday evening to the St. Patrick‘s Night danee at South Porâ€" upine, attracted thither by the origiâ€" ial advertising of the ‘*O‘Boyles, the Y‘ and the Seotty O‘Wilson"‘ \l1 had a good time. Colombo‘s orâ€" hestra supplied the music, and all he other features of the evening were f the same pleasing type. we get that we will be Jake,"" the felows say. At the Clubâ€"now there is a diberal supply of, newspapers, magazines, etece. A Sonora gramoâ€" phone and a long list of good records are on hand. â€" Aâ€"shower bath and toilet "have been installed, and the Club is going along in splendid fashâ€" thief Wilson was busy this woek in connection with a Dominion Veterinâ€" ary Inspector sent here becaus» of reâ€" ports that there were eases of hog cholera or swine fever in the district. The Inspector, under the guidance of Chies? Wilson, found no less than seven cases in town and the animals were condemued and ordered disposed of. The Veterinary Inspector also directed special attention to the law against feeding garbage to pigs, cept under certain special conditions. The feeding of the refuse from reâ€" staurants is a fruitful sourece of spreading disease among hogs, and the practice must be stopped in the district. An alarm of fire was sent in on Wednesday evening last about quartâ€" or to nine, and the Fire Brigade made a vervy prompt response. _ The fire was at the house of Dan. Samoviteb, Fifth Avenne, and was no more seriâ€" ous than the ordinary echimney fire. Apparently it was due to stovesmpes that needed cleaning. and so, after A number of the young people of 1e town enjoyed a very pleasant vening at the home of Mr. anrd Mrs. .â€"E. Wilson last week, the occasion Mr. E. J. Meyers sok aller a visit to ftr. D. 1 a party in honor of Mrs. Wuilâ€" sister, Miss Franceis Tripp who from Cobalt on a visit here. Timmins News in Brief visitor Jemmett, of Cobalt, was isitor to the Camp last s south where she at â€" millinery openings the most modern syle returned the south. Toronto this Lenten sorvices wil Matthew‘s Chaurech o at 7.30 p.m. ' All will regret the iliness Sharpe, nurse at the Cottage Hospiâ€" tal, and will wish her a speedy and complete recovery. At the time of writing Miss Sharpe is improving and on the way to reeovered health,. Jfi Sudbur last week ; the staff of Mr. and Mrs. T/ H| Leverton return ed on Friday evening last from their extended visit to the south, aecomâ€" panied by their baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Leverton were visiting at their old home in Shannonville, near Kinoston. Last week Cobalt Council appointed W. Stinson, formerly driver of the Cobalt Fire Team, as Fire Chief of the Town of Cobalt on six months‘ trial dating from January l1st. _ He has been acting as Fire Chief since the first of the year. P()Mr r # ('up?( , n q e The Pas Herald does not seem to he pleased because the hay dealers in the Pas, Manitoba, are wharging $20 and $21.50 a ton for baled hay, while hay in the stack is offered from $9 to $16 per ton. What would The Herâ€" ald say or think if it had to con.sxder the hay question in Timmins ° In the North Land hay in the stacks brings no more than it does at the Pas, but baled hay runs from $30 a ton up. As on previous occeasions the free carnations given on Friday and Satur day by the Curtis Drug Co. proved an attractive business The Curâ€" tis Drug Co. had a large and pleasing display of flowers on hand for the ocâ€" The St. Patrick‘s Night dance in the Miners‘ Union Hall on Mornday evening was a very successful and pleasant evening. The attendance was large, the hall being crowded, and all present had a very en)o\able time. The Women‘s Auxiliary, under whose auspices the event was held, are to be complimented on the success and enjoyment of this dance ceasion. On account of the of Magisâ€" trate Atkinson last week there was no regular session of the police court here. All the ceases to come before the court here were adjourned for a week and will be heard by Magistrate Atkinson this week when he «comes to Timmins. All will be pleased to know that Magistrate Atkinson nas recoverâ€" ed imm his indisposition and is able to look after his duties as usual now. foroe the meeting of the Hatepayers Assaciation on Friday evening of this ‘ week in the C€ouncil Chamber. This lis a matter of very great interest to all eitizens, and the opimons and ideas of all are desired. At the meet ing of the Town Council on Monday evening it was suggested that the rRatepayers _ Association _ meeting would ‘be a good plaeec to learn the feelings of the people on the matiter and for this reason a specially large and representative meeting is to be hoped for on Friday evening. * The â€" International Clothing _ and Gents‘ Furnishings Company is openâ€" ing an upâ€"toâ€"date men ‘s wear store in the stand recently occupied by Geil‘s the Tailor, next to Duncan‘s Limited, Pine streot. The formal opening of tle new store of the International Clothing and Gents‘ Furnishings Co., as will be seen by the advertisement dlsew here, is to take place on Saturâ€" day of this week and the event should be in attractive one as there are big new stocks of the best goods for men and everything is to be sold at cost price for the opening day and in addiâ€" tion the firm is giving a cap free as a souvenir to every purchaser of a suit. Late on Wednesday evening and early on Thurgday morning last week the thermometer registered the lowest this year, 26 degrees below being the record.. The mildness of this is illustrated by the fact that in this country this year 26 below zero is con sidered almost as much of a record as the figures reversed (62 below) would have been thought in some years past. Miss Hoggarth returned on Sunday from Toronto. Mrs. Hoggarth inâ€" tends to remain in the south until her son, Robt., returns from overseas. He is expected back the next fow wecks. The question of the advisability of procecding now with the construction at a sewerage system forthe Town of Timmin§ will be the chief question beâ€" Tim foro Mr. J. 0. Stewart, of the Camp some day le on with ine Brown, formerly of the rown, bhut more reeently returned to the Camp d has taken a position on ho Hollinger Gold Mines. InNInin » ventu \~HE PORCUPINE ADVANCE be held in riday eove; Or A steam laundry is one of the new businesses promised for Timmns in the near future. A gentleman who formerly conducted a steam laundry at Cochrane has a site here and other preparations made for the commeneeâ€" ment of a steam launrdry here. 1i The T. N.0. Commissioners priâ€" vate car came in last night on one of the nrouthly visits over the line. In the party were:â€"Mr. W.H.Maund, secretaryâ€"treasurer of the Commissâ€" fon‘;". Mt. CGeo. W._Lec, AX. J . Parr, Mr. W.A.Griffin and My. S. Sapper Alex. Borland returned on Monday afternoon from his visit to Toronto where he went recently to see awhout his final discharge from milâ€" itary service. . He was about two years and a half in khaki, and saw much dangerous service overseas, so has more than earned the right to get back to civil life and a peaceful callâ€" ing. latte} ment ons Mr. Geo Parr, Mr. W.. B.Clement. r. Durcan Graq of Blind River, staif or the Curt r. C. a: last week for T râ€" will undergo O ay, graduate drugâ€" ‘r, last wook joined irtis Drug Co. nere. Miss Florence Lynett and her broth er, Mr. James Lynett, of Toronto, are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. 1 Newâ€" ton. â€"Mr. Lynett is taking a position at the Mollinger (Giold Mines. The Greatest Work of the Age Sixteen volumes: Ten ready for immediate delivery, six after the peace conference. | Cloth binding costs you $6.00 a month for sixteen months. Half Morocco binding costs . $8 Full Morocco binding costs . $10 Full Persian binding costs . $12 Expressed to you prepaid. Pay hy the month. The Times Hlsmry of THE CVYRTIS DRUC COMPANY Necar the Post Office T immins Edited by .. Lord Northcliffe District Agents Mr. Andrew BHowlind, one of ‘ wellâ€"known oldâ€"timem® | of â€" and recently returned from overseas service, â€" renewed in Tinmmumins last week 2J U

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