Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 19 Mar 1919, 1, p. 6

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§ _ ~Phone 78 â€" Phone 95 B $ MMO“WWOMOMW ET AWQO ©00000000000048008%0 MWW““QO; 6 oooooooooooooooooooooeooo0000000000000000000000000000 We Never Sleep Warâ€"Savings Stamps Your Wâ€"S.S. can be registered to secure you against loss by theft, fire or ‘otherwise. Buy now for $4.02 Sell 1st day of 1924 for $5.00 Government Security Thrift Stamps cost 25 cents each. Sixteen on a Thrift Card represent $4.00 in the purchase of a Warâ€" Savings Stamp. Your Mcney is Safe in Plhone 39 TIMMINS RINK CLOSED KoOW FOR THE SEASON. Timmins Rink has been closed down, and Mr. H. Mulhcron, the manager, has deeided not to reâ€"open it agam this season. Any who have left their skates at the Rink should call at the Hotel Goldfields and get their properâ€" A BLACK JOKE ON THE RATEPAYERS‘ ASSOCIATION The blackâ€"faced minstrels at Wedâ€" nesday nights‘s show in the New Lm- pire turned a joke on the Ratepay ers‘ Association that made several laugh till they were black in the faceâ€"the next day when they had time to see the juke. One of the end imen was speaking of Mr. Bartleman. ‘‘He asked if I belonged to tho Ratepayers‘ Associaâ€" tion,""‘ said â€"the â€" blackâ€"face artist. One of the end imnen was speaking of Mr. Bartleman. *‘He askod if hulon"od to tho Ratepayers‘ Associaâ€" tion,""‘ said â€"the â€" blackâ€"face artist. ‘‘I said I did not.‘‘ ‘*He said, ‘Then, why don‘t you join.' and osard, ‘Why don‘t I join . the Ratepayers‘ Association? Ain‘t it bad enough to be a nigger!‘ THEY SMELL TO HIGH HFEAVEN AGAINST O.T.A. There is one form of drunkness or druggery all too common, especi ially among the foreigners, at the present time.~ This is the result of the use as a beverage of Hoffman‘s Drops, a preparation made from alcohol _ and ether. This concoction has legitiâ€" mate uses, it is said, but just what these proper uses may be it is hard | to understand, after one whif. from | the breath of a Hoffman Drops drunk A man drugzed or intoxteated by Hofiman Drops earries around witbh im ar aroma that would make Jimâ€" burgzer chéceo smell like new cream by comparison or a wlue fhctory but a pextumo empmmm in degree. The effecat on those â€" using â€" Hoffman Dropo as a means for getting drunk is just as objectionaible as the smell of the ~,tufl to otiers. Many of the first vietims ofâ€" the "‘Flu‘‘ inythis Camp are said to have hbeen foreignâ€" ers whose constitutions »wetres underâ€"_ mined by the intemperate use of Hoffman‘s Drops. Recently there have been several cases of more or less serious illness through ‘drunks‘ of this kind. Et would be a * good thing if the O.T.A. were revi:ed so that Hoffamn Drops and other injuariâ€" ous objectiona‘ble goods of the samé type were put beyond the reach of those delermmcd at any. cost fo get ‘"‘full."‘ It would be better for a hundred cases of good liquor to he umsumod than one ease of such evilâ€" smelling stuff with such injurious efâ€" ‘f cts and. afterâ€"effects. On account of the mild weather thq WOMAN SAYS THAT GEORGE BACCN SMASHED HER story stEOTrv ])USHP( other story has any card that Bason smas with this first, hit otherwise wbuse th2 Chief ‘her br on Sunday, and : thha DT UHUISCLL 1LaCoOi @PHLâ€" on Sunday, and also laid a: complaint sbout the matter. FWheon was arrestâ€" ed, and on Monday was releaged on $1000.00 bail. In t_'heme:\;imc Chiet Wilson intends to lay charges aga‘nst Mrs. Capra and G. Capra for allowâ€" ing gambling in their house on the Lord‘s Day. The storiecs to be told in the police court regarding the atâ€" fair will no douwbt be interesting. The parties concerned are all Roumaman, Austrian or Russian. § 4 The Haileyburian eays;â€"**The youngsters are plavmv marbles Tlus is the surest sign of spming." .. Phe Haileyburian gpoke too *on p* het st, hit her on the head and abused her. Nike â€" showed ier bruised facekand head l W nan.,. Aat 5@0 o laid a: FPheon was arr y was released che mearkime C lay charges aca" .. GCzora‘ for all LIS M 1 Ier 1n t\ TCGIin aC ( tivatl and he MATTAGAMI PULP AND all.| _ PAPER CO. HAD GOOD YEAR 1 mss DOMINION POLICE HERE AGAIN AFTER DEFAULTERS. Three Dominion Police, i Inspector C. Tomhnson, last week and will make their headquartors for their headquartors for some time. Another member of the Dominion Police is also stationed at ITroquois Falls. The Dominion Police are enâ€" gaged in making a roundâ€"up of deâ€" faulters under the Military Service Aet and apprehending deserters, etc. It is the intention to bring to trial and justice all who failed to do their patriotic duty in living up to the law regarding military service. INDIANS IN FAR NORTH IN DEPLORABLE CONDITION Mr. Neil Faulkenham, of Matheson, was a visitor to town last week after a furâ€"buying visit to the Indians of the far north. Leaving Grant on the Transcontinental Railway he went north seventy or eighty miles by dog team, and covered considerable porâ€" tions of the country east and west. On one trip to a tribe of Indians, he left his team hehind on account civihzation, but at the samse tlime In the interests of humanity and because of the historie mast and the moral force of the treaties made for the white man‘s advantage, the Governâ€" ment would do well to investigate the conditions under which these bands of Indians exist and give some help and comfort to them as soon as posâ€" BOLSHEVIKI LITERATURE DISTRIBUTED IN DISTRICT. As noted in last week‘s Advance there was an effort some days ago to make a general distribution of Bolâ€" sheviki literature in this part of the North Land. On Monday evening quantities of the objectionable literaâ€" ture were spread: around in South Poreupine, Schumacher, Moneta and Timmins. â€" The eirculars wére printed in English and advocated the seizing of the mines, the railways and everyâ€" thing else. _ Some reference to the soldiers coming back diseased From overseas roused the anger of the reâ€" turned men and if the distributors of this evil and foolish trash had heen aucht by any of the returned men they would likely have been taught ‘both sense and doceney by the only % Â¥ iwa\ that they can nnde,1at.and.~â€"-t,lm physical dppeal Timmins escaped fairly well from the distribution, the Bolsheviki only sbheing able to get a '.f'e‘w eiteulars out and the polics here securing most of these. The eirenâ€" lars were enclosed in plain envelopes | and dropped on the street. In Iroâ€" | quois Falls there was a wide distriâ€" ‘nutlun of the objectionsalble literature | and the authorities there are making every effort to bring the offenders to pumshment The police here also are busy in their efforts to find the eneâ€" ‘mies who are seeking to work on the 10n0rant and evilâ€"minded in the comâ€" mumt\ The cirenalars are ridiculous | to intelligent people, but to the foolâ€" ish and the stupid, especially the forâ€" eigners, this sort of trasa has anâ€"apâ€" {peal that often lesds to trowble, just lt es ‘l.l } l\llsb.d. ; The fiseal year of the Mattagaml] Pulp Paper Company closes thc end of the present month and according ‘to advance reports of the 1918 operaâ€" ]tipns of this company will be highly satisfactory to the shareholders who will receive the annual statemont aâ€" % showed net: of oi which $101,793 was written off to reâ€" bout May 1st. The company for the| first eight months of its fiseal year $ I | < serve for depletion of timber agcount this reserve standing at $200,900 at the end of 1918. After this dedutâ€" tion there was 242,787. available, equal to three times the hbond interest. During the year the company ‘s third digester was eompleted, and all that is required to increase the capacity of the plant to 45,000 tons per annum is the installation of # new drying machine which is now being proceedâ€" ed with. ek and wil cadquartors râ€" membeor is also sta The Doimi in making i charg came | ne here Timmibs of SUBSCRIBE NOW § J #40@0000%06%C 0#9000000000000000900000000000064404§00@ OU will find satisfaction and profit in buying your Clocks W atches, Jewelry, Ete. at this store. We make a specialty of Repairs. Satisfaction guaranteed H. HORWITZ â€" Jeweller â€" Timmins Next Canadian Bank of Commerce MNOOOO“MWQ: Where Neolin soles JOS'TR%“iUT‘T : are put on right. 4 CEDAR Sthtii, TIMMING z <p SOME SHOES WEAR OUT QUICKEN THAN OTHERS But our répair work lasts the longest and looks the neatest because we use the highest grade materials and because we use ‘*Chamâ€" pion‘‘ machinery. Your shoes were made by machinery, so if you want to kee; them lookâ€" ing like new, let us repair them by machinâ€" ery,â€"we fix them with the same kind of a machine in which they were ma ie, Our Reâ€" pairing is in a class by Its olfâ€"â€"Bezt~chkest THE REPAIR SX0E SHOP

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