Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 19 Mar 1919, 1, p. 4

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fl\JlH(l(‘l or alni otnersâ€" conâ€" petine \\}thoztf paying taxes withi busi ntss men who were dheavy ratepayers. it was ppinted _out thai there is also a Ihmyâ€"law to cover \ quUunel.10r :\y\kl‘ in justice of dra yine WATERWORKS EXTENSION AND SBEWERAGE CONSIDERED 'l"xw matter of financing, dowever, as tie vnpn!mnt (qhsstion, so.at the sn:‘:vwlu n of the Mayor, tas matter was deferred u.nt:l the next regular meeting ‘of the Council.~ In the mean time, tire Chairmnan of the Finance Committee will prepare a statement showing <the finaneial conditions ‘and a«gsinst . PaJâ€" g pointing out «desirable typ» various breacl Te Maxor su bast, week Provincial Officer Moore ami Oficer Allen made a seizure of imuor ftrom some foreigners down in nor?hâ€"east corner of the,. town. There was a regular pfocession carry ing boozs past the Fire Hall for safe «3Â¥ [ AND, THE POOR FELLOW HAD TO CARRY HIS OWN KEG. roba hlities GRAND MILLINERY OPENING AND SATURDAY. next year‘s Huds have prizes to th This year‘s Derb ‘arry prizes to 4 It is pretty certai som Bay teamsâ€" w up the swallow, and it is zgood citizenry of few additional t! interesting enough byâ€" racing stars."" Last year the casy prizes for the Hudson Bay Demby awere much less than $500 and t‘ms year the eash prizées for the c eventâ€"do not ‘exceed that amount. It was CASH PRIZES that The Advance referred to, but for that matter the Poreupine will raise the Pas to anvy amount if the gcame T int PDOCARE AQARCE TNMMING NEWS IN BAE HMCV a9f ald WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19t1, 1919 €H0p here TIMMINX S3 BIG DOG RACE TALK ; ‘â€" AT THE PAS, MANITOBA 1 vÂ¥ern 2 nuIsan« m» at }ar: <ed for t Y Published every Wednresday by Geo, Lake, Publisher Canada United States sted WVCD (Cominu breaches of law ar xor suggested that ‘be granted the : efi of l’nli«e'bo ll’fl(‘t('l‘ of tht‘ app X. Booker called a sance and jevil of in tawn 4 wil Subscription Rates : Â¥a â€" $2.00 a year Btates â€"â€" $3.00 a year 1t nce @come Dbeiore poltes court the lawvers Provincial Officer Moore P. P 1 T Ap w 3 n( x (l 11 fllfllSufl PW air procession carry Fire Hall for sate tion. â€" The Officers ‘oreupme t Res:dence 112 dogs â€"runeâ€" C%ni«xt‘ Wilson in‘tof allâ€"dogs ouncil pointed a byâ€"law ind that it be} ird A venu aCL OWn ~ 00 in one d that the n 1 make it W 1J [) 16 Operator Swayne spent the woeekâ€" enud at North Bay in the interest of the O.R.T. He states it is very dry ‘n« dn-“ at Lha.“bm‘. w ce ho e t ud d ture and we can=â€"say Tor pure unrdultered seditious_ language,; it takes the palin over anything that we have seen during any part of the war. We strongly recommend all our loyâ€" al readers that they give every posâ€" sible support to the authorities in bringing into line and breaking down, all those who ars responsible for this actrion, apdowe have no ~doubt that the police authorities will receive the support which we anticipate for them But last The on mormng . an operation for appendicitis. The late Mr. Fraser was one of Cochrane‘s leading business men, popular and esâ€" teemed by all. Last July Mr. Fraser purchased the M. J. Roche jewelry business in Cockrane, with which he had been connected for some four years previously. To the widow, formerly Miss K. Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke, of Timâ€" mins, and to the other near telatiyes and friends the sincere sympathy of all in â€"thisâ€"loss will be extended, wi hbuildin lear leading busin« teemed by all purchased th business in C NEWS OF IROQUIiS faus hn tae town, wOurryli At tize «R :C .« Church on Monday evenming there were special 8t. Paâ€" trick‘s services, largely attended and of special interest,. Rev. Father Brosâ€" sean, of Maileybhury, «lelivered _ a striking ‘and elogquent sermon in bury To be nan to date, however resulted favoral ing a silence in eins: Utie wag imilar servi it last Friday he travelled fto Porâ€" quis, and there _ | . He met a voungs maiden amazingly And he never, to be late Eforts are being continuned in the muth to secure a commutation or stay i proecedings in the case of Charles ooper recently sentenced at Haileyâ€" ury to be hanged for murder. Up ) date, however, the efforts have not »sulted favorably. Ottawa maintainâ€" the ertyâ€" with ’Jn t nore wWilil â€" j as well a c property rlas e dinger uis * litt the last ‘or over e owill bhbe ot the de: mnird 1l1 W i) V ) 0O+€ int next to IAl imterest, hAey. P of HMHmleybury, « ‘and eloquent he ceave" interestin rTDQos 1s eussed~ at that maid, ited the ties xÂ¥ to Iroquorts Falls! OrPeéluU t1i mnuldin CTC Om I red and dngered with theâ€"Aflower t> train . had deft there râ€"an hour. S 44 + n‘t find him a bedâ€"room O0pM WOU dGeat..l hrane y AG AyÂ¥diC 11s Ti 14â€" ‘I% \\'i“ lj)(- a boy who‘s employ * Freight,"" iYs wagon the Building oif the wheel is and so 1 ) nevetr, was known the matter olner wo 11 eves, that maid, 1 a terrible pas 11 who conducted a he early days of a Junch car on ngrai; regat of : Mr. who passed _ followin )een"* C a car on eatre and oppoâ€" ar is on wheels, was in and the Ttoads expected that sold to provide up of developâ€" sceale. . Some ral 80â€" mMmUuUSt he Some pvu})lv hber 1if it 1 wiped italization 000000 to atrH 11 orcupine. n it does » byvâ€"law,. U on tue results it will and i rove Subscribe to your local paper ©§0@6000000000060600060 lltheltt dbt Grard Millinery Play Ope“mg Friday and Saturday, Mar. 21â€"22 MISS L. MALTAIS : 990000908 b@©600006060606466 Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone 52 TIMMINS i J. T. EASTON o oBe aBe on B on We aGe on se on n on Je on on oo on on on aZe se on aBe aBe on oBe oo ae se uze oL The insistent demand for and prevailing high prices of lumber hare made the development of this industry essential and profitable, This Bank can assist your plans, Consult our local Manager, 13 PORCUPINE COBALT TORONTO NEW YORK ROCHESTER BUFFALO DETROIT Exclusive Private Wire Connecting All Offices Stocks Bought and Sold for Cash cr Margin B5 T ABLASH ED: 1 8 7 5 H. C. McDONALD, e Manager. Branches also at Iroquois Falls, Kirkhnd Lake, Solth Porcupme nd New Liskeard. HAMILTON B. WILLS PHONE>AO®, TIMMINS Third Avenue, Tiimimins «. Ien 4 TIMMINS BRANCH, OF CANADA LUMBERING All the latest and best in the new spring styles. You are specially invited to this display, Agent for Hayes Bros. Tombstones. (From the Broke Hustler.) The attention of Parents is earnestâ€" ly called to the Byâ€"law concerning the welfare of children under sixteen years of age after the alarm of the curfew. Considerable comment is goâ€" ing on in town the numhber of children who are allowed to attend, both the theatre at the town hall and also at ‘the Wye, without any @apparâ€" en‘t guardianship. We are informed that Town Council have given the Chief of Police notice that on and after this date he is to inforee the law in all cireumâ€" stances and invall Cases, as ebildren should not be allowed on the streets alone atter the curfew alarm. We are sure that any of our readers, who will just consider for a moment, will see point that we are‘trying to make, as they cannot have failed to notice the increasing number of schildren aâ€" round at night, in many cases quite late. KEEP THE CHILDREN OFPF THE STREETS AT NIGHT RABBITS FOR SALEâ€"$2.50, $3.00 and $4.00. Appiy 50 Fourth Ave. POSsFEION â€" WANTED.:.â€"â€"Fi Accountant, Bookâ€"keeper, e ally expert ealeulator, with erabhls Stores Department ence, and very persussive pondont, desires position. ent references. Apply â€"F Porcupine Advance, Timmiu W. MARTIN‘S DOG SALE; winners oi 1919 Do# Racts: i1 E tity of POR \ALI'--â€"(ABI\H' T,. with glass tup. in good condition; apply 25 Tamarack street. 16. WANTEDâ€"GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply to Mrs. R. WV Robhins, 15 Hemlock Street â€"16 ‘OR SALEâ€"FOUR ~MAHOGAXY finis‘h diningâ€"room chairs. Mrs. H. (i. kmlom, Schumachker. "3; i. one mile dition in good loeations ; reasonable rent apply B. F. Lennan, 60 Eim St. 5; winners of the Dog Racts; in first . > Apply..AVY. Mart Crown Mine. wards, WOOD FOR SA LI Aa CK nCily‘ L0 from i1 eord in s, Mat ikman xs GIV EN al attentio number of HOUSES ine ; 16â€" 111 Stor agami Heights, P. Dros., Timmins 19 NnmMlnhns id( AXM _ FOIl 1918° an Ustâ€"ciass exception 1 considâ€" (1~ road ply W quan ‘TCSs xeell Orel 181 18p * n ply V € TIMMINS 10DGE, 1.0.0.f., Xa, 459 Secondâ€"hand furniture ef all kinds thoroughly renovated and. in . firstâ€" class condition, as good as new at much less cost. Also many other arâ€" ticles. Call and see us no matter whai you want, we likely have it. We pay cash for secondâ€"hand furnture or anything else. _ What have you to sell? 1. La SALLE, 40 and 404 sell*_ La Third Avenne Sunday School, 3.00 p.m Baptisms, 4.15 p.r. Holy Communion:â€"1st.> month, 11.9090 a.m.; 3rd month, 7 30 p.ut.s Festivals Rev. R. 8. Cushing, B.A., L.Th.. Rector l’lmne 131. Residencs, No. 1 Hemlock Street. Sunday Services, 11.00 a.m. and p.m. (Anglican). Tamarack Street and Fifth Avenue. Pubiie Worship, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School, 2.30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these serviess. Maternity Cases especially solicited. Spacious Accommodation. Efficient Attention. Graduate Nurse in Attendance Those. who have left skates at the Rink this year are asked to call at the Hotel Goldfields as soon as possible and secure their property, the Rink is closed for the season. Fourth Avenue and Cedar Streets. . W. DuscBarm, Otte Kabel. Rey. J. D. Parks, B.A., Minister. Rates:â€"Private, $18.00 per week. _ Semiâ€"Private, $15.00 per week. Maternuty Cases,$25 per week. avenue. Visiting brethren ways welcome. Meets every Tuesday evenâ€" ing in ther lodge room on Tlurd avenne. Visiting broâ€" thers requested to attend. G. Carson, J. Hepplestone, Meets every first and feurth Monday evenings of _ egé)» month, Oddfellows HaX, Third BUSINESS AND PROPERTY FOR SALHE. Cor. Ced BYRNES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCKH. When the Grocer is the Milkman It is such ‘a convenience to simply say *"Klim" to your grocer and get a week‘s supply of pure pasteurized separated milk. Klim is a dry powder that will not freeze or spoil. Use it for baking and cooking. (It has the natural, nilk unchanged. NOTICE TO SKATERS. 10 Communion:â€"1st. Sunday of 11.00 a.m.; 3rd SBunday o i 30 p.ut.; Festivals, 8.30 a.m. CARD OP THANKS. TIMMINS, ONT. W1 streot,. Good store, well location. Lot, 30 feet with 2â€"stvrey bmldmg all conveniences. A“; 0 Pine street, and Fourth Ave trionery, c n ‘trado POâ€" ‘ell

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