Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 12 Mar 1919, 1, p. 8

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©4900¢%0+* 4 R.CGRDON T9 S. PORCUPIN es 18 J.8. GURDON; SCHUMACHER POROGUPINE 2 uts ols ds c ces ts M k is 8084000084000# ¢ O# 61 opecials 10r fr;éay'and 3 Saturday _ Young Lamb, for Stewing, per Ib.. 25c Fresh Lean Chopped Steak, per Ib. .....23c¢ Cholice Steer Shoulder Roasts per‘lb. ...:;..:..;.... Cheoice Steer Chuck Roasts, per Ib,....23c¢ Milkâ€"Fed VYeal, for Stewing, per Ib.... 25c Legs Spring Lamb per ID;..:..::.:=...;..... 380 Shoulders Spring Lamb, por Ib......... 332C €¥ Halibut Steaks, per lb ..30c Halibut whole, per lb ..25¢ Salmon Steaks, per lb .. Salmon whole, per lb .. Fresh Caught White Fish 20¢ Fresh Caught Pike..... 15¢ Presh Caugat Plaise ,..1l5¢ 3c 0¢ b9 Fresh Sea Herrings, 2 T ry our Pork Sausage Fresh Caught Smeilts...20c Labrador Herring, per $1.00 Meat Department. B.C. Eating Apples (small gizesy Ibs for....... . 25c. Bulk Rolled Oats, 4 lbs 25¢ Carrots, 8 lbs for ..... 25c. Potatses, 9 lbs. for ...25c. doren‘...l.: %...%. $1.00 Scotch Herring, per doz 40c. Salt Saimon, per lb ...15¢c. Milk Fed Young Chickens FPrime Fatted Foul. St. George Milk (hnotel : °o tins for .....:....: .. St. George Milk (famuly * tinas foOr ...... ..... Jelly Powders, package. 10c »800000000000004044006 All our Meats are Government PHONE 56a TIMMINS. SCHKUMACHELR Buy Where Your Money goes the Furthestâ€"â€" You Pay Less Here. Fish Department wC lbs for 4900400604064A 406A404 Grocery Dept. Poultry Dept. The fnest in the Country Inspected (hotel size) ....... 45¢, License No. 8â€"19800 §S12¢ Sbe. Kitchener Rebekabhs are g ecuchre party in the Oddfellon South Poreupine, on Friday Mr. James Grant, who has been at Kirkland Lake, has returned to the Camp. of this week and all enjoying a pleasant social evening are invited to attend and share in the good of the evening‘s program, including a tasty Mr. D. ‘W. O‘Suulivan left last veek for a holiday trip to the south, ind it is understood that he will reâ€" turn in about weeks accomâ€" panied ‘by his bride. Official announcement is made that the Ontario Govermment will proceed this summer with the coastruction of a good road from Boston Creek siaâ€" tion to the various mining properties being opened up in the Boston Creek district. Mt.. L. Halperin of Timmins, has been elected as the delegate from the Porcunine, Coclhrane, Sudbury, Coâ€" malt, Englehart and North Bay and other centres in the North Land, to represent this big ~district. at the Jewish Coneress to be held in Monâ€" Mrs. Norman Burke returned to cown last week and has been busy packing up her househoid furniâ€" for shipment. Mrs. Burke exâ€" neets to leave the end of this week with her children fow Kirk‘s Ferry, iuabec, wihere they will reside in fuâ€" menace. Ine toverument nas DPi.dlls perfected for the removal of all timâ€" ber and slash that may be around the differenrt communities in thae North Land and these plans are expected to avoid the danger of disastrous forest fires. _ The present intention is to start the work of removal of timber and slash in the ecarly spring The sad news was received here last week that Albert Cosgrove, form erly employed by the Hollinger here, and a son of Mr. Dan Cosgrove, reâ€" cently of the Timmins Fire Doepartâ€" meont, «dlied ‘last week at his home in Buskingham, Que. .«Mr. D. Cosgrove leit here ten days ago when he learnâ€" ed of the illness of his wife and son vhar were suffering from the prevaâ€" mnany old Triends most OL WHom Nad aot had opportunity toâ€" greet since his return from service overâ€" lent epidemic of influenza. ‘The son succumbed to the disease, but Mrs. Cosgrove is making progress to reâ€" covery according to the latest word received. ‘The sympathy of all will be extended to the family in thoir beâ€" reavement. Messrs. W. Joiinstonâ€" and Osecar Robertson were delegates from the Grand Army of Canada, South Porâ€" cupine branch, to the South Poreuâ€" nine Patristic Socicty. meeting.. last ZXPMRY ~OL â€" _ U LN3 1 £1000.06â€" . Akxd an independent politieal . body that will have eandidates at the noxt Fedâ€" eral and Provincial elections, whie the Veterans avoid all political @onâ€" nections as a body while leaving the memibers free to follow their own opinions and fsclings in poiftical matters. Lieut. Howard Barton, formerly of 1e Camp, hut now of Cobalt, was a isitor to Timmins during the weekâ€" nd and was warmly greeted by his ianvy old friends most of whom had Among the soldiers returning from erseas ‘to South â€" Poreupine â€" last sent 13198 DIQ sh Congress to be held on Sunday, March 16th s ‘to South â€" Poreupmune _ I; ere Messrs3. Frank Smith a Racicot. The latter whas Timmins News in Brief r@l@ot. T he ns â€" brother n Toronto last week May vas promised the fullest c of the Government in « for preventing rhe forest fi The G@overument has pla irade runceil â€" las £300,00 to purpos t are ‘s Mall, evening d Glco hrad Mavotr of new ind l fire thase muith imins Jown tâ€"ouncl! Â¥ Monday evening next. Mr. R. south, lus being â€"tal Englehart (ieneral sympathy will be extended to Mr. Jacobh Shulman, Jewish Rabhi here, in the death of his infant daughâ€" tor, aged 1 year, 2 months, ‘The death was due to bronehial pneumonâ€" ia. Interment was made at Krugersâ€" dorf this week. A Lenten service St. Matthew‘s chureh inz at 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. D. Parks, pastor : of »the Byrmes Presbyterian church, was in Cobalt last Thursday attending the meeting of the Temiskaming Presbyâ€" tetry. . ming. â€" neéew rousecs ‘will JC 10CILâ€" ed in what is now termed the swamp, north west of the fire hall. Tthe swamp will be drained, and the hoab(,s while not farge or pretml‘auus will be comfortable and of modern style. The expected building of, these new houses will help in the solving of the probable housing problem « that is looming up ‘with ‘the advent of so many new people to the town. Mr. Jack White, Bank, Kirkland Lake end in Timmins. Mr. A. H. Cook, who has bee the south for about six months j returned last woeek to the Camp Bornâ€"In Timmins, on Tuesday, March 11th, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. A. men‘ s U intention a gramophone for and whenthe found The Hollingeor Consolidated â€" Gold Mines intend to buld twenty or twonâ€" tyâ€"five house this spring for ‘the acâ€" commodation of employees of the mine. â€"The new houses ‘will be locatâ€" ed in what is now termed the swamp, north west of the fire thall. Tthe swamp will be drained, and the houses while not darge or pretmtwus will be comfortable and of modern style. * a sreat thing to be on the Soldiers‘ Reeeption Committee these days,""‘ says one loeal citizen. . *‘ You see,"‘ he explains, now go out any night around eleven, or stay out after that hour and the wife doesn‘t kick at all. If she asks where, I have been or where I am xoing, I tell her that the Committee is expecting some soldiers home again on the late train, and everything is all right."*? To the natriotic wives The Advance Mr. and M Sudbury., but _§11 already beon seew his interest in the that he would help by sending them a the patriotic wives ‘The Advance would give this tip,â€"turn out yourâ€" selves to the reeeptions to the réturaâ€" inz heroes.. The soldiers themselves would be delighted to have you, and your presence would atso have a tenâ€" doney to keep the old man straight and truthful. ‘ «£ Tuesday eve An alarm of fire hbetwaen. eleven ahd tweive on â€" Woednesday. night brought a prompt response from the Fire â€" Brigade, with about â€" fifteen menmibers turning out at the start. The alarm was due to a chimney fire at the Ideal Rooming House. No damage was done, and the fire was extinguished without turning.on the water, though the hose was coupled and ready for use if necessary. This chimney fire looked like a dangerous fire for a few minutes, partly on acâ€" count of its location in a prominent block of wooden buildings and partly because the cold and heavy air of the evening made the blaze show up. It was soon put out, however, by the brivade. xD OE ahd twelve on brought a prony shift system has made it difficuit for ambitious miners to take ful advanâ€" tage of night study. â€" The. copresponâ€" dence course will be aceessihle to ali young men of British citizenship in the Province and much ad\'a;:tage to the men and to the industry is exâ€" pected. f When Mr. of ‘the of se In ti nft syste 1e OT us place at taken by V regular meeting of own Council will 3 i enc [r, J. P. MeLaughlin lsarnâ€" organization ‘of the Fireâ€" b he at once signified his f presenting the hoys with rone for theitr club room, onard trom rd is visiting in tne J. P. MceDAaughilin‘s Mi. McKinley, of rTrO® ed he still showed Club by promising on their good work cheque for $100.00 that V( M ar: of the Imperial , spent the awveek ‘HE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. will be held in on Friday evenâ€" n( @teher, n of t‘hs ad on dud?ation, s c4Ilt1 held n of M imd. t Lhe t for fotr i) V HALF MILLION PRODUCED IN YEAR BY LAKE SHORE snn This week the Lake Shore Mine ai Kirkland Lake reached the end of its first year as a producer and the reâ€" cord is a decidely good, one. During the year the mine hbas produced over a ‘half a million doliars in gold and is going stronger than ever toâ€"day. Apparently the mine is one of the wonders of the North Land as a high erade producer. _ When production opened a year ago the average grade per ton was about $23.00 per ton and some thought operations must be conâ€" ducted from specially selected ore, 7 Vl.\ J\hfmfh .:\c, Steadily, year by year, the demand for this cigar has grown. GConvincing proof to us of its uniform quality and value. ut during the year the average grade in each month was higher than the first one, the January record of this vear being a recovery of $26.12 in zold per ton. It is a highâ€"grade mine witha large ore bodies of unusually hoh g#old contents. HUNDRED HAD TO BE TURNED AWAY WEDNESDAY. Fully a hunadred people had to be turned away from the New Empire Theatre on Wednesday evening, winle every available seat was taken in the hbis theatre and all the legal standing room utilized. â€" Wednesday night was amateur night as nsual and the amaâ€" teur items ~being earefully selected and coached by the manageiment are proving very popular and a hig drawâ€" ing ecard with the crowds. ‘The amaâ€" tenr program last week was varied and interesting, ineludimng **Cohen: on the Telepuone;3‘‘* Jean â€" Roberts. in Seatch Songs; singing dancaing by Dolly Varden; and a threeâ€"round boxing hbhout between two lads who put up an interesting exhibition, w rth Sot. Shankman and L Ln’\xlskl j seconds and C, J. Appel as l.eferct;.

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