Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 12 Mar 1919, 1, p. 4

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4T woâ€" men o station soldiers we 4+*+4} TAE MHA.."E BRLOWIN G0LD Mlitt they don‘ lusts VOLILC LW WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th., 411 pany promotion, and last week submutted a MLrT AND WELCOME THL RETURNING SOLDYVSRi M fOVERNMENT ASEED TO PREVENT ‘""WILDâ€"CATTING.‘" rni 1 > unm»uinttes feabitroes a W ell, OQanada = Upnited States tru ectiyvd{ @POW iange, last week . Tmeas, Attornc to seek for l that will prevetr l']ml':l( nemners shed every Wednesday by Geo, Lake, Publisher nCt pvill che weleom tX howes @neriii ition 01 1M is not S1JIVCL me! bill 1n not 11) put Att der 1C2T jeCTl! "»Y includi the St: 0CA for smm e wil! ‘br o1 Om agaimn n(l make tuem a passerby. It or two occasions ecored as heartily castons. Just to POLC ldiers wl NIVS $2.00 a year $3.00 a year 1 C ‘lecomed, Jaug.tâ€" patromzingly, not as lusty as Whv jn ‘blazes nunmb reast re@n t ration al 1 flota ONTARIO ten prom«â€" lard Stock upon Hon Tal of Unâ€" e OI comnâ€" delegation er of sugâ€" 7 ‘alting * e public ion. In interoest turning Hearty 14â€" maks chemeE d the to use critiâ€" P\ eood t de Oll 2l (); 319 PV and ba w PROSPECTORS GOING IN TO CLEAVER TOWNSHIP, 0) has stirred up some interest in prosSâ€" pecting work in that locality and a number of prospectors have gone in to look over the ground. Like most. of. the stories that start about tbag finds, however, there is little definite inâ€" formation obtainable as to what was found or who found it. ~Oldâ€"timers awrree that there is gold in ~Cleaver boi trail tm [Oun(â€" or â€" wuo agree that there Fownship all mgl taking a litt!] rood VC OwImngas s ctinge y The OPENINE UP THIS WEEN w th 1@ diawiwin up on the this woeek to be Sunk to the 200â€"foot Leyol. Good Showings on Property. ti1 Oll (Com list« pY dy~ at work, andâ€" more: extended nmecment may be expested next O report 1E finds \\'nl'k, provE retual 1111 K enet eTuse lit (by 1s pal man ning@# T cal exp 1DnUe 10 mght, ind many oI tuem little trip in to see what ‘ if there is anything doâ€" vâ€"tuwrn out like the find M it work illvy an 1J suuk at prointsing s0 ndication of findin the same time all are worth following t of the prospector‘s may follow a false times. But the next 4@ somethin his and 11101 1t ime prospectors who Baldwin when others rooks who has since come around to his _ following several the property. The irted this wesek, will BABATd lo x1 1ldGaned tuallv 1J projp extensiot wWOT tnat imany dic rtion of the d cently. plage other propert Om pal had 11 wWas T Li« SAAV» 0O ion of the proâ€" ‘ouncil decided ribsence of the heen expsectâ€" of â€" unusiual ver Township ) es "that h n with. An enel i JP oft own Solicit erty 1111 been mad will ing is to éut the property far an 1 a valuâ€" now in ind Councrll ie plans to defer earried ticallv 1TavOTrâ€" ald win of the 11 pusiiâ€" iarleâ€" Newâ€" t the speed The ) the 1NnVCSs (i_ NOb dump ~â€" @2T â€" lrc proâ€" anC OGns 1 i1€ the alnCt TIMMINS LOSES TO BOTH COBALT AND NEW LISKEARD of liquor in the ear of hay. The liquor was seized, but up to date no one.â€"has made a claim for it or for the lay that covered at. While,the Inâ€" spector was in town last week a great many there offered to keep part of the liquor for him, but he did not seem to think hbe needed this sort of "assistâ€" a record seizure C rane, where a carlo ed to Calgary was came from Montre shipned through cl boxes, each box of liquor. Thus of liquor in the liquor was serze ono has made a c 168 CASES OF LIQUOR SBIZED AT COCHRANE smild Timmins last rockey team to mskeard expert he best playve 9t the Silver City team making rnmIOn cense Inspector sed smile last r people had to es, â€" The Tacense i e e on sc ic uin c un IMPERIAL BANK <Las e w ao Pm H. C. McDONALD, » Manager. Branches also at Iroquois Falls, K:rklud Lake, Sonth Porcnpme md New Liskeard, Deposit accounts may be opened and operated by mail, if more conventient to you than personal visits to nearest branch. o. meense Inspector mi ire of liquor at Co carload of hay addre treal and 5.7 bein closed â€" Calgary iy were fiftvâ€"six bu holding three there were 168 4 PC OMOWM ESTABLTISHED 875 SOME SHOCES WEAR OUT QUICKER THAN OTHERS But our repair work lasts the longest and looks the neatost becausoe we use the highest grade materials and bccause we use **Chamâ€" picr‘‘ machinery. Your shoos were made by machinery, so if you want to keej them lookâ€" ing like new, let us revair them by machinâ€" ery,â€"we fix them with the same kind of a machire in which they were made. Our Reâ€" pairing is in a class by Itsolfâ€"Bestâ€"Quickest. TIMMINS BRANCH, + > on m : on dsn NLVT N1 uNA Th!- cCHAMPION REPAIR SHOE SHGD WVhere Neolin soles are put on vight. D11 Boishevism is based upon viclence, relies upon force, is deali to right or reason. To force the bowe!s to move by taking castor oil, pills, sailts, mineral waters, cte., is to outrage Nature and "boishevik‘" the body. Beâ€" cause drugs act by produâ€" irritation. Â¥ MmaAadt ad the PTE. LYONS WELCOMED HOME CGN MCNDAY NIGHT. Word was received here this week of the death in Saskatchewan of Mrs Mary White, sister of Mr. J. D. Maecâ€" lean, of town. noped to have CoBait and N~NewW lUisKeâ€" ard come up here for return games in the near future. _ €rom the Anancaral end those taking down the Timmins team also lost in the game, but if the teams come up here the Gold Camp can guarantee better crowds. Pie. Lyons was welcomed home aâ€" wvain on Monday evening, hbeing the second of the Lyon‘s boys to reach here within a fow days, ‘after good service overseas. â€" Mayor Melnunis for the town and President (Geo. Smith for the Great War Veterans were at the station to give official welcoms, and the usual cheers greeted this reâ€" turned soldier. Dov{( pia y( W al At | UTD i+ Mujol Laboratorics, Standard O way, New York. â€" Please send me Danger‘‘â€"constipation and eutoâ€"into Address IX@ame al in the last period VIJleu x JOS. TREBOUTAT 4 CEDAR STREET, HMMINS wias OfT 1138 was Referee for Liskeard Timmins T fight but was ag Cheing 11 to 7. n imnadet o they ecrial d iskeard WA TC Ang LL to /. * Bm ng down from h y P.. Tavinr â€"~D;; : ux. The Timmu n lC in( for U}p gave h enjoyed alt and N\ I a 7 . for tlhus ‘ thet at CT gan hockev ‘boy V . 2M ‘.\ TA Nujol supplies necessary moisture to soften intestinel contents and facilitate easy, thomu"h evacuation at regâ€" ular intervals. Nujo!l makes easier and more effective the scction af :fates tinal muscilies Lisksard follnwe game. in put beat>n bv ISOQODN 0O11, bovs IA(‘I) im not 12 WANTED,â€"GIRL â€" FOR â€"GENERAL HOUSEWORK. â€" Best Wages. Mrs. C. 4. Williams, 9 Hemloek 8t. 11â€" RABBITS FPOR SALEâ€"$2.50, $3.00 ..and $4.00. Apply 50 Fourth Ave... LOS1I Imn O( Mrs. Norman Burke wishes to thank the many friends for their kindness and sympathy shown during the iallâ€" ness and death of her husband. To the Town Council and the Timmins Fire Brigads she expresses â€" special thanks for. tihe ‘beautiful floral triâ€" HOUSEHOLD ~Apply ~Mrs. N. B BOALRD and J youns lady, 3 peectable home« {hnat bute w. MAXR SA LE : Phird Avenue. 1919 1D dition. pls pin( ing terms, ete.,. ‘to mins or Advance Office top a pply D = N6 TPABLE SAWMILL FOR SALY 5 horse power. Secondâ€"han 1 in firstâ€"class eondition. Term rate to responsible parties. Ap Box 641, Timmins. 13â€"15p. (TEDâ€"G U SE WO d sent. M CTIPC \ C1IGARET plated, with rest. Eim rick stt og â€" h A\l)l'l.\' \\ rown Mine and ROOM WANTED, by ladv, in comfortable and reâ€" PIN‘SH winne PARETTE CASE, large 1, with Canadian Maple Finder pleases return Advanes Office 15â€" EOJ Lennanu, 60 Eim St DOG TEAM â€" POR s ~of ‘the 1918:: and 5; in firstâ€"class conâ€" W. Martin, Poreuâ€" ty toâ€" Box »ply with g apply A\ppliy 35¢)_ ible rc NERAL Mys. H. Oorellâ€" 18»1» O Tim rms x\p- Spaci ST. MATTHEW‘S CHURCH. (Anglican). Tamarack Strset and Fifth Avenue 1. Rev. R. S. Cushing, B.A., L.Th., Roctor Phone 131. Residence, Mo. 1 Hemlock Street. Sunday School, 8 Baptisms, 4.15 p. Holy Communion month, 11.00 a.m.; month, 7.30 jp»m.; P In the Matter of the Estate of Sam Markovitch, late of the Township of Tisdale in the District of Temâ€" iskamirg, Miner, doceased......... Pubiic Worship, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School, 2.30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to ill to attend these services. TAKE NOTICK that all persons having claims against the estate. ol the above deceased are to fAle the same duly verified by affidivit withthe undersigned â€"on or before the 25th «dlay of March, A.D.. 1919. AND TPAKE NOTICE that after said date the estate of the said deâ€" ceased will be distrtbuted having reâ€" ward only to such accounts as shall then have been filed. Dated â€" at ~South Poreupine this Fourth Avenue and Cedar Streots. In the matter of Rev. J. . Parks, B.A., Minister. Sunday cious Accommodation. Efficiecat Attention. Graduate Nurse in Attendance BYRNES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Meets every first and fog' Monday evenings of eh month, OQddfellows Hall, Third avenitte.. Visiting bp('tmen alâ€" ways welcome. W. Dusckharm, Otto Kabel, 01 NOTI U 2 TO CREDITORS. I; T OTTC TO CREDITORS s :â€"Private, $18,00 per week,. Seniâ€"Private, $15.00 per week Maternity Cases, $25 per week NMERG @0 Giasit?@ _ LJ W# L a Meets every first onilaveâ€" evenines ‘edar and Fourth Ave ises especially solicited their=Jodge â€"room on ivenue. Visit‘rg broâ€" quested to attend. ‘ of the Estate of Timoâ€" late of the towuship of the District of Tomiskaâ€" r1:â€"1st. Sunday _ ~sard Aimday Festivals, 8.30 ; 11.00 a.rm. and 7.00 e, eÂ¥C~y p‘l ¢Cut0n0 n1 foexi for use n HJ| estate ol | file “H evenâ€" 1} N TD ot ot

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