Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 12 Feb 1919, 1, p. 1

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006 § V o) Htes. 191 preéevious years the earlier dat for all coneerr ready being 0j class gshane f linmll and return,â€"2; The rules as u (l'()p‘i@(] ilr; 1‘()”11 the n Macdonald, not later th Fntry fee, â€" team starts Ing annu Poreupin: cCOHMILTZ C k. â€" PRITARICC any dog team n in Ontfll'i(). Te Stariin its alloted it will tak man cwill : than four dogs. wi‘h same outhit 2. ln passIn passer will turn team will give t team shall use any of. the foll x\n,v violation of Kicking or strik: winp. (c), Any or the administer sS2Ame :â€"â€"iinperiai :) tto Moneta, Poreup ial, Standard, Dom Papcupine, â€"(aroun store, and pass Ki Sdaumacher, (Goldfi al Bank, Timmins. Thyo prizes this year <dlog team whip alre I have ev will know passer wiil LUUPMH LO llis iC1iL, Li1C JULLIEL team will give half the road. â€" Ne:ther team shall use whips in passing. 6. The road will be marked by arâ€" rows and each driver will pass at points where arrow signs are placed. Bet}wu’n these points it is permissable to go as you see fil. is the mins. the anid for Wu fimm lh vPhe course is : will be provided same :â€"â€"Imperial cto Moneta, Pore ial., Standard. prixX nmne tme. previouns yeaYrs: wars amone the mo tract There are some gooxv tleatr Matueson district and it is thst one or more of these here for the big event. The winners, with thear the race in previons years follows :â€"â€" 1918â€"W.. Martin, 1 hown utes: F. M. Wallingtord, 1 L. k. 47 minutes; 48 minutos t houtr and 31 ( 10l8â€"thbere wer teos pected 1916 SiIVC Pln sc men. ma}y a short i1ace for hb , BÂ¥ seconds ninutés, 31 1 18917 ther vÂ¥ve ever mat know that i JS vear hue yope. etitio Teams will .A# 'illl {'.n“u The startin Imperial | 1I1t COHZ d here mong i0 INOs Tie ofther p: P Cup fll +al )‘ nrizes donat mmuber 0o ipe T â€"STrIKIN@ ) Any unn ncernedt tinan i team will pi ig point one starting timt start teaim 1 ron 4 ‘No, 12 lace Tor oys‘ Teams. @ldbe, donator the mpetltlon hn‘ }Mb race 18 re for the rgcs. ‘ it is to have a outside teams competing. Martin, 1 how “'_allin;.:’if.ml. 1 3. Gorman. 1 he l AY, FEBUNT mad THnE PORCUPINE ADVANCE seconds ibLt M s Ban upineé ome 1 ind King 3 x OT "i110.i othe )n i3 a dandyv, because anot het consist ol more ich team to finish nd finislung point k Building#., Timâ€" rad WIIL 18 N c t Intuenza by loeal lso be pr I‘t with ‘Dbutt 0 arvy eruolts milar of the will inelude mulants thle nrizes ; pl‘u‘lmbl( may come liffied for ses :â€"{a) tles. â€"(bD) viita. mpetitor The other "4D Plus vear tor tnes Iour an( The reâ€" n Saturâ€" Ure rae(qne )6 4 d!%lz Hotel), 11| milâ€" ur and and 02 imnclude 1e hbest Lmperi a mnap o winge vÂ¥Ce 11 Bank 1 nile T‘( next n2det line 1(€ OTrE bringing ‘o a start and otuer ant questions had been dealt wuih, de mite the many «lifficulties of the year. The coming year would a eritical me in the history of the town and district, but there was a great future for the Poreupine if all would> bu work together. ~The Toast List oceupied the gatiierâ€" in« until: 1.15, and the'specc’hes were all of a high order, lnwhtoned by wit and humor and story ‘and with nmnv helpful sugzestions. Neither stime nor space will allow an extended reâ€" M q amid tumor and story and willl nAlly helpful sugzestions. Neither time nor space will allow an extended reâ€" port in this issue, but some of the avestions raised will be touched upon in other issues,. The evening‘s proâ€" zsram found pleasing variation in a woellâ€"rendered monologue by Mr. J. K. Moore and a piano solo hy Mr. J. A. Devansey that avon merited applause. Mr. H. W. Martin very capably preâ€" sided at the piano during the evening yded at the pmnn during t;je evening The toast to trie Town of Tim:mins was proposed by Mr. K. J, Jemmett who suggesied â€" greater eoâ€"operation between the citizens, and rosponded to by exâ€"Mayor MceLaughlin and Rev. Fr. Theriault, the latter in his usual happy vein but with much of good suzgestion and ‘helpful interest. The exâ€" \Id}Ol‘ pointed to the wonderful umwtl‘l of the town durlno' us ‘brief existence and the further posmblhtles if all would work together. The fire department, the police, the waterâ€" works system, the good schools also received their due meed of praise with ant words of commendation for those could depend on his | The Mining Indus Mr., 4: WK. Rood, was Major Mac Lang, member for this ridinz in the Provineial House, was an enthusiastic greeting on risâ€" inz to respond to the toast, ‘‘Our Visitor,‘‘ proposed by Mr. F. C. H. Simmus. â€" Major Lang said "he had iften thought of the people of the Poreupine when overseas and the was happy indeed o be back with his friends again. He disclaauned all thought of being a hero. HMehad not heen in the fighting line and he said all honor should be reserve@® for the "laddies whoâ€"fought and won."" He tariway and ne. NDrougyut _ rpplause by his reference to the fact that in replying to question in Otâ€" tawa as to what was most needed he hbad emphasized (he building of the C.NX.R. through Timmins to open up @iis rich mineral courtry. Speaking Heâ€" showe No mast uapl 280 Of BARQUET t sucerss H Bvent at Hctol Officers of Board for now heing eileécted president 107 1JI1J3} .. oJ. Jeommett, viceâ€"president; . C. MceDonald, secretaryâ€"{reasâ€" and Messrs. J. P. MeLaughlin, King, J. K. Moore. L. 8. Newton prairte, Dr. Brown, J. P. Taillon %. Ostrosser being elected the J (Continued on page 4.) irte, Dr. Brown, J. P. Taillon Ostrosser being elected the of the Board for the year. . Brigham was as «t i1 ~were among tae Board had taken a } € )re W »vidin <eep S OE °C ausually k of Mi C Over fift he Board of Frade capable presiding of the annual meet sed ()f'. Mr. \\Y. s ( ) ry, propased responded to {eneral Manas 1 other impert mack and thin ind eve over the matters hand in a n( Trade 11 1919 1@V TIMMINS, ONTARI), WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 191~. road from Mathbeson to the Porcupine Camp was discussed ,and it was event ually moved by Councillor Mackie and seconded by Councillor Hutelhâ€" somn ‘‘that the Reeve be authorized to communicate with the Colonization Roads Branch of the Department of Publiece Works, Toronto, and to take such other steps as he deems necessâ€" ary to induce the dgovernment o commence work on the proposed trunk road from Iroquois Falls to Timmins, through Porquis Junetion, Connatight and Hoyle.‘‘â€"Carried. The question of roadâ€"making was then taken up, and the Clerk was inâ€" structed to obtain prices onâ€" rock crushers, conveyors, etec., also on boxâ€" es for the sceavenging contractors. Reeve Morzan stated that he had a letter from Mr. W. 8. Macplherson to the effect that ‘he was unable to acâ€" cept the appointment as Clerk and Treasurer. It was moved hy Counâ€" LITYT, MYERS } ClE 0 N§SBME TP. HALLY mnoved DY â€" andâ€" seconded by C somâ€"‘‘that the Reeve communicate with Treasurer. It was moved / cillor Walton, seconded by C( Hutchison, and carried, . th Raymond Myers be appoint and Treasurer at a salary of month. Herb. Blood was after the upkesp ol bine fire pump at S $25 per month. Councillor W alton had loouked into the the old fire hall at.A rexdeffee" Golden Bea (Wednesday *4 a*. wte oo e + #*4 se Vo s . l‘ O" "0 00‘ '.‘ # *2 .* #, .® J se oie BPe * 0...» whe Te se se se ate * % resdt Official denial reports in mar literature of â€"st Poreupine Crom sonâ€"Krist prope v'. o.‘ . #, " v" A' e ste s*o o1 Te yie ofe 7: ofe »P *. _Â¥ # * n ooo «Ba oBe vie aTo afle aTe aTe oTe ofe vTe sB vio se se sis \ entral nent worl aveo A syndicate. has been formed to deâ€" velop the Knox claims in the W est 10 € 0 U 6 Consideration is no number of propose o Ontario Mining derlving these an In ‘‘the past few weeks it is said it about 300.000 shares of Davidson ne stock have heen bought up by w cinterests in the Company, and it an enlarged program of develop int wark may follow as a result of iquor . Gone to Move C lerlying these amendments is to ko matters easier for REAL qprosâ€" tors without undue advantage to culators and promoters. ns awill Notes, Comments and Opinions Of Interest To Mining World lâ€"opmpped . 1 amalgamation but the idea was m Hutehison BhiP nolreo tAait at the next n the Coun e C HImMmAchet iect Depu on Frida 11 Corncil Cha note OÂ¥( €Consolidate LV 1e properties are ail and the l(mfl'u-()dkea iz plant, modern and Promoters of the idea n see imany advantâ€" ie propased merger. dividend 1 € 18 new interests 18 Grand Masteér im visit dze,. Tiimmins, 1e / 4 ImmnDers now J21n Express Co 1d at Ni ‘ebruar;y [ all (‘l cngaged to look tihe electrice turâ€" ith Poreupine at meen given to the »tters and other mrokers that the N.T. and Thomp were to be amalâ€" mnol pracicai. n and Muskett amendneon A N( CC , . that Jacob ointed Clerk y of $120 per r motion 0o ; _and olftices announceâ€" this issue (OU The idea Mi d 1aSs Counâ€" reillor vren to uUurin intro llors mew OT 118 dance for 8 mins day WASs ste oprmone the Club, also a pool table, and to have everything â€" put in firstâ€"class shape for an attractive social and entertainment â€" meeting _ place. ()n moltion. of Fireman J. Morrison, seâ€" conded by iChief Bormand, it was deâ€" cided to confine the membership in the Firemen‘s Recreation â€".Club_. at present to members of" the Brigads, with ‘the Mayor, the Town Councillâ€" ors, Civic employees, and the editors of the loeal papers, as honorary mem bers. â€"Members are privileged _ to bring their friends to the Club rooms and enjoy the pleasures of the place. After the Firemen‘s meeting, there was a meeting of the newlyâ€"organizâ€" ed Firemen‘s Cliub. â€" Chief A. Borâ€" land was elected President, Morts Fire was a meeting@ ol tH ed Firemen‘s Cliub. land was elected P Dalkher secretaryâ€"tre executive of three,â€" D. Maclean and G. were also elected for ter the conduct of present the plans ar but it intent A i oversaig iÂ¥I thal who is ‘back agai cupine after more t! spent in England an tive service. rooms niee improved; papet the n Phe HMall Shiningtree district, and other proâ€" perties there, it is said, will ibe develâ€" oped in the near future. The Knox claims have gsampled 500 feet Bf a body of ore disclosed to a length of about 1000 feet. and all sampled is said to nave syown gsod commercial values. . An ore shoot 300 feet long and averaging five feet wide assays $14 or $15 in gold to the ton acecordâ€" ing to the reports made. _ Another promusing property is the Atlas, which Mr. A. M. Bilsky says has given samples richer than the ore from any North Land mine with the exceeption of the Croesus. There are persistent rumors about this mine and What mine **reâ€"opening at onee."‘ The Dome, the Schumachâ€" er, the V.N.T. and other properties are freely mentioned. In this conâ€" nection it is absolutely correct to sugâ€" cest that the rumors in practirieallyv our2n, 11 the idea indicezati ary preparations Tor tne resuming of milling. All these preparations take time and a good supply of labor, and the Poreupine Crown is not likely to be ‘‘going full blast"" untit Spring. The Sehumacher is generally classed as the next one to reâ€"open, and by Spring ({not so far away now) it will be trug cnoux‘t that \he **mines reâ€" open a id r s th *A mon € 1I} rIlhard VCO 11 helpful FOr " AIL SOCiill inment â€" meeting _ place. < of Fireman J.â€" Morrison, ~by Chief Borand, it was to vunfim* the membershiy remen‘s Recreation _ .Club t to members of the Brig 2@ questio0om ol remen‘s Reo ring, e first in ing QGramophons cines, Etc., and Their Room make )81 n e 1 ll( enou a2xrCQ C 111] r1ZI1M u5C 0 ner ldet Yarations itc 111( at on( intention furnisaed, instal ~a roo Teen COr: a pool t attractive r and to pur( Ovemnen isant ni ...... 1 in _ smsoul ran three IH 1. 0 W C ns COoOsy., Ccon in ecvery way it â€" Committe ractiv{( [Q a lenglin O1 all sampled is od ccommercial :;‘)“ r(“\l[{ lt'nz theâ€" USe O table, and to in â€" firstâ€"class e social and nlace. â€" On reurnmn ‘a s dent rer, \\ rer, ~and (%+. mt Macdona rule Steve{ ‘orrect to sugâ€" in practirealiy 1_\' correot enâ€" membet rald 1CCâ€">~01 wert mont L\ Fiven Po 1 _ Briâ€" Smith ies Table loted rTall}â€" 11 t mder not sent O 1 OIT n to $ Rf 821,751 are shown. The mming proâ€" perties are valued at $21,130,244 and the plant, after provision for depreâ€" ciation, is valued at $2,0706,462. . Curâ€" rent assets are given as £2,206,235, and bullion assets as $257,299. The average cost shown .to be â€"$4.93 value $10.24., ‘The 1918 was $5,008,3. with $4,271,260 in profit was $2,083, wiltir 14 In 1918 ends. In his report General Manager A. F. Brigham S‘ates that about $150,000 will be required to complete the new mill, the work having ‘keen stopped early in 1918 owing to scarcity of ‘abor and the prohibitive pricec of machinery, ete. Speaking of the ore reserves Mr. Brigham says that the veins," °/ says o Drigham s repoLk, *‘* have «wum"\hy inaintained _ their values, and in the case of No. 84 mark ed diimprovement thas obtained below > 425 and 800â€"foot levels. _ Below the 900 work has practically been susâ€" pended, pending better conditions.‘ Reference is made ‘by the General Manazer to the good work in the mill ing department. The adverse condiâ€" tions during amwar time are commented upon also. ‘‘Now, however,"‘ ‘he con cludes, ‘‘with peace assured, all are thankfully and hopefully looking to the futurse for a return to more norâ€" mal ceonditions when the process of in ns address to OX presses satisfaction at the improveâ€" ment in labor conditions and states that the mine will be able to employ a large number of additional men at good wages. Plans are also under way, he states, for further housing ac cormmedation. â€"Regarding the sending of all bullion to Ottawa to be refined, Mr yt e purchased _ $1,5735,000 _ of YÂ¥ retor Bonds and now sholds highâ€"grade Gov vernment and Municipal securities t tihe amount of $1,687,717. Recarding dividends Presiden Tim mins savs perati0:ndt we W in regard to the question oi dividâ€" ends. as so much depends upon conâ€" ditions ‘beyond our «ontrol. _ Shareâ€" holders will be kept informed of the position ofthe company by interim re ports mailed to them from time to time."‘ ihe oreâ€"reseryes _ .are C 11,080,005 as compared a 5 in the previous year agze of ore is 4,489,080, Speaking of the new general mar ager, the President says:â€"**Mr. Bri nnage was na? last Mr. N. A ns addre r part in Qmiding up ibne rves of Canada, ar« acting eration with the Minister eeâ€"we chave decaded to s llion to Ottawa, receilving New York excehange."‘ On the question of finance nt Timmins shows that t ny‘s cash position is much cowith amount carried forw mstruction is scomplete Annua valu« rge is approXximatel st year‘s report, as n <to increase t re adverse Jlabor «wor (erec: ~ag_ yvery: s the halance sheet 6Ol nnmmins savys was T20 )J@1T1 11 }} $5,008,327 .200 in 1091 1 T N veal t dividends Presicde â€"*The resumption dividends during t Deing $2,08583,00. 14 in the $0,000 wa Up Str M i previous Dest year‘s ld_recovered last year ,702,370, as compared in 19174, and $5,0738,â€" 2.071 C cWilIG: 1 ns milled ts as, $257,2090. cost of ore treated 41093 and the average The total imcome fo nmIns, . _sup brea: ding NC Urca ong 2R piuies .assets of gas il](l des l1 O rowas previous rere is also the in 1916 there ‘d. in 1918 the as _ compared ‘, and the ne as compared previons year paid in divid Ill nl'd('l‘ compal ns One aem 1N d 1 eflo ne gnl(' {ing@ in rade. mates l1 0 £4 n aAVe@erâ€" will ‘be NP V B V i inproyâ€" ard thus DC npany Lher mark tonâ€" ()W D and all y 0l 1 CV GuUr A 11 m â€" th 1t ¢ 111 )rV it do SERVICES | LITTLE DAUGHTER OF MR. AND MRS. ALLWORTH DEAD Nill ing cert There will be general _ sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Allworth in the death at an early hour Monday morning of their little daughter, Kath erine, aged 2 years and 1 month. ‘The cause of death was bronchial pneuâ€" monia, the child only being all a few days. â€" ‘The remains were LCaken to u u" flâ€"a~.~ vr§’7 , f ~ 1J .- (| l n u:. 41 .1:. [X tertainmen OF c~LGAg Cchnu fFollowed by ENTHUBIAGTIC WELCOME GIVI‘Z‘T MAJOR MAC LANG. mno wuere nhe «ild try Battalion tigh Isles, vi and was a g Trade. Bangy On arrival n Avend itten (UOn ADJOUERNED INQUEST TO EBE HELD TOâ€"MORROW. Oj nalus whil able due ; injur shadt‘lt i€ last w DIED HERKE FROM ON FIRST TRIP NORTH ner . | that it cor for interms years of ag Nova Seot! Ti( 105 wias s gardin imnfant ham ecame to u3 ~from South Atrca where he was manager of the great Jazersfontein diamondâ€" miness â€" The company is to be congratulated upon having been able to seeure the serâ€" vices of such an eminent mining enâ€" gincer _ andâ€" experienced _ company ow and Te nquired into »eo broken no M luen idies WO N1 clal S nd Co: Single Copies 5 Cents iJ 1‘ l lancd ({0) to ind l me cooking served in the hal churech from 5.30 to 8 p.m., 1 by a firstâ€"elass concert. The Aid has a wellâ€"merited repuâ€" or the best of suppers and enâ€" mients so no one will make‘a in reserving Monday ‘evenâ€" attend this Supper and Coneâ€" child ind 1 JOU waV on 11 wil work ent uld ine time was TR: in Dempster, tras mack Biseuit Com @ay on Saturday m al ‘hore. It was T V the ingmiry 1 O evening, t mcees of the 1e Soctal « , interes lay even S10OW1II He w 111 on wl 7( Maoaon ‘rom in received it the Melntvre last ME OPLl )10 upped to Ottaw tlh NC (l(‘u Memb interment rvytimnmn COI1S from overseas k in the Foresâ€" e anrd the Briâ€" Club Commitâ€" per of delectâ€" 11) lay.. . Supper y Evening. SOTH woent peratnh innmnversary evon larger mmid mall mntinue uary 17th, adies‘ Aid rning dat us first as taken inued at noquest no furâ€" |)(uly ®(O® internal 1 in the (alling inv who o| + and wAs Inposs~ â€"of Inâ€" Word of â€"Mr wther h us notice 118 to nex! ather npster rvived mak N. real the Z6 there the ridâ€" POI t1em!} chevy eJ 0 6

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