Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 5 Feb 1919, 1, p. 8

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Timmins News in Brief Eddlestone left on Tuesday ts week for Boston Creek hbas some vromisinz claims eclosed for over a year, r Theatre has reâ€"openâ€" former management. ine promisin; to further de on â€" Friday â€" was lace, the eause on this that itâ€"was not on evening one ofT of the proceed ion to Wor. Br Jone mad? KW imnâ€" » have anytiing to he very properly nx an officer of the the imâ€" the adminisfration eeent trial in Hailâ€" ence of the Royal tlus week to Desâ€" it of a few days imins and district. n the staff of the of Tororto, was a ‘lraae, itie. ILmetlâ€" has been hesiezed other one ‘before t 230 adian Bank of muned the reltuI Y@ryV here, being ther sports, f thorougshâ€" o duty, and n him rapid beenr Flig@ht aITr 1nsUran O t M J n ITilliA|â€" and the iddition 10th in C !:0 l d A. 1¢ ged with the theft of material from the Hollinzer Mine. Guta has heen out on ‘bail since last summer when he was arrested by Ofecer Aller on the charge of nnh\"?ully havirg a quantity of gold ore in ‘his possession Mr. Feldman has also been under ‘bail ALor . several months in connectiop with some siee serap. taken_â€" The report of the Government Creamery at New TLuiskeard for 1918 shows that a very prosperous and suceossful year has been passed, From November Ist., 1917, to 31st, 1918, ithe C 1(*amm' produced 48 tons of ‘butter, over 272,834 pounds of eream being used, gathered from 222 patrons with 800 eows on the total list. â€" Over $34,000.00 was paid to the farmeors of the distris. for the cream I2armol duripa linger property, iladieyJ;ury kiremen rave purenased the Haileybury Rink and are now busy it into shape, part of tle inâ€" terior having been torn out by the pre vious owners, the Timmins Brothers. The Firemen seeured it on good terms,â€"$2500 ‘being the pmce, $500 down and $250 every six months unâ€" fil paid f‘or. 1t is e\peeted to be in shape for skating this week. The County Qrange Lodge held its arnual meetingoius week at Iroquois Falls, where delegates from all the Lodzoes of the district gathered on Tuesday for the business of the Counâ€" ty Lodge. Lasft night there was a banquet given the delogates hy Iroâ€" quois Falls Lodge, with aâ€"noteworthy menu and toast list. Several deleâ€" gates went over from Timmins for the event. ' than Englishâ€"speaking citizens, there will he interest here no doubt in the fact that at the laust meeting of the Sudbury Town Council the Assessor and ‘Tax ColHector was authorized <o secure an assistant for three months, the town to pay this assistant $100.00 a month while employed. eC Sp Saturday it Just at this pantiecwlar time, and in view of the fact that many people zee a strikirg similarity in the probâ€" lcus cof the towos of Sudbury and Cimmins, especially on account of the difficulties arising from ‘both towns jlavinz so large a proportion of other Â¥tr. At. < L. South Poreupi Clerk and Tre of Teck, with ¢ There will be a big nigh; at the Oddfellows‘ Lodge next Tuesday evenâ€" ing, and all members are specially reâ€" quested to ‘be on uand. WOE 1Â¥ on neasant ** Brid in Monday avr‘ti nid nd t nie JOf1 GAncin V S Otheer is weot *XA Mrs. V e@erV adtarTim a‘amm [ and iflg‘l 1't r), on Monday just befFore noon. Ciremen reade a very speedy reâ€" e, only 45 seconds elapsing . from Jarm to the time of arrival of ns therd olly n 111 re; un m 2l D. Laprairie and childgén ave ire gelttir he Cinnas. Melnnis of Tisdale was hose going to Hadleybury this | commuection with the «ourt Oldâ€"time1 4ocl ftordon Mitchell l isit to North Ba y proints soutlh. R.â€" Allen © tendin on the scene. the Chairman : Departmenrt ha simply as a test ‘ek, ‘but are. maxkinrg ind all will wish t rn to heakth. YVCRI cil ‘hnere s Clhuildren‘s arm was turned in Fairbairn, formerly of ne, has been appointed asurer of the Township offices at Kuirkland Lake T )n @eVConlI aillon #ave S â€" / U » ready to ready for 18 111 are 1 ELE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. tC,. »RArC in of <he. Fire had turned in test. The test * ‘ go Ocln"hlc t N a y , Harlsybury sessions of commeneesd the Hall . on . the best e, the atâ€" enjoying rad music i re noon. eedy reâ€" in@ from A it +4\ practice the hi@ Deneâ€" peopie tone s social t'x'nm nta Bert Dewar of South Poreupine is going into the wood husiness in partâ€" with Sovey of the same Address. They have a steam pump now working to pump water out of the cellar under the green house to get the boiler out which was installed there for heating purposes. That boiler, combined with new upâ€"toâ€"da‘te machinery for ssawing purposes will be pvlaced on skids so as to be movâ€" able to any place desired. This will be the only steamâ€"power machine in the north for cutting stovewood. Dewar Stovey figurc three men they can cut a cords a day. They will | awccept work for cw.ting | of this week. Lieut. Vic. Emery, a popular oldâ€" timer of the Camp, returned to the Camp last week after many months‘ service overseas. â€" After a pleasant visit here, during which time he was warmly greeted by all his old frisnds, he went south again this week. _ He will likely return to the Camp once more in April. f wWOOD CUTTING INDUSTRY IN SOUTH PORCUPINH. c Conditetor Sheppard is back on thus branch of the T. £N.0. for the present 59 Our greatest efforts to build up our business are made with the two great factors Efficiency and Service. DRUDCE CLEANSER . for the Kitchen, regular 10¢, at 2 pkgs. for . 10c QUEEN‘S TALCUM 2 for â€" . s _ 25 cents WINE OF CODLIVER OIL regular $1, special 2 for $1. to a customer. Not more than tw o CIN PiLLS for the Kidneys, reg. 50c, for . . .. $1 Not more than three to a Price. We want you to know this store and our methods of fair dealing. We never appeal to you on price alone; we aim higher than that, We want you to speak of this store first of all as a highâ€"class drug store: high in standard of service and high quaâ€" lity ‘of goods. . This week as a special inâ€" ducement, we are offerâ€" ing quality goods at far below the regular Next comes AROMATIG CASCARA Regular 25¢, 2 for ; 25¢ THOMAS‘ ECLEGTRIG OIL Regular 25¢, each . 15¢ SNAP HAKND CLEANER Regular 25¢, 2 for Not more than two to a . customer. HOTâ€"WATER BOTTLES The manufacturers have dupiicated our order on w [or the Kidneys, reg. 50c, s iboxs=a for â€" . ... $1 Not more than three to a customer. Regular 25¢, 2 for . 25¢ WHITE PINZE AND TAR COUCH SYRUP ‘tovey figure that with y ean cut at least fifty They will ‘be ready to for (by the end . Ad. VeJ U ueJ l i) [ _ "Ialy‘s ; Flaming Front 4408060« Admission 25c and 40c. {2 prices. Our stock is continually fresh and clean. You get the best at special prices. Learn for yourself the economy of dealing at 0 An Austrian Airoplane attacks an Italian Eattleship â€"Allied Plancs to tho Rescue They bring kim down but not uatil he severely Damages the Italian Battleship by Dropping Bombs on it. T iis Picture contains all that you have not seen. YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE A REALLY AUTHBNTIC WAR PICTURKE. TIFERELENT LOCATIONS TO CATCIH ALL MOVEMENTi3 Friday and Saturday, Feb. Zth and 8th, Wls s P s NP No y SE im . s N s P it w P e s We W c NE s B o s e m o o s en 1 EC S t Li s Sm n o s e s Te S en is in c oo s on se i t o e e oi o o oo oo oo PC NP Ne sAE o ue EW EMPIRE THEATRE] ‘he only Air Battle ever Photographed 6 Reels of One Entire Battie. Teneon, The manufacturers have dupiicated our order on this line. They have given us a special price on them We give you the benefit. Regular $2 each, special offer 2 for ‘.. . . $§2 Regular 25¢, 2 for . 25c Not more than two to a customer. All Guaranteed

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