Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 5 Feb 1919, 1, p. 3

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in df MWW“QNMWNW 00846 -Q“W“«'. .;0“0“0“““" #00080000800080000080060008004§4866 Hil l{Il! ma_â€"~â€"â€" Opposite the Goldficlds TV M MINS LVR ‘The Greatest Name in Goodyâ€"Land Emm““"” P MILES WALLINGFORD | Dealer in Logs, Lumber, and Wood ESTATE HOOL E B Mining Contracts â€"â€" Mining Claims Shaftâ€"Sinking a Specialty . ol l¢ E‘-I WRIGLEYS (Successors to 6. G. Dickson ) ROU know the reaim of childâ€" hood dreams is a land of INSURANCOCE Make some of those dreams a delightful Fealifty bY tatking hoine frequentiy. Rsidence PHONE 118. ONTARIQ PORCUPINE NAVY LEAGUE HAS 106 MEMBERS NOW Intend to Hold Big Public Mve.,mg in Near Future. was in g000G COndiL10HRH, _ ZiCUCUEIUIHg, LV | the Secretary‘s books there are now . 186 members in the Branch. . It 1as che intention to greatly increase the memâ€" bership, thowever, and plans to thas end were discussed. Last Year in the campaign to _ secure . members, the Branch was handicapped by a great many â€" unforeseen â€" andâ€" unavoidable ,dl‘h( ulties, the Influenza epidemic mak ing further efforts iinpractica At South Poreupine _ and Sv.m.nm'nor very h«mmwh canvasses were mwade, Mr. B.. Morgzan securing an unusâ€" ,ually lawe membership at South End just before the epidemic commenced. In Timinins, however, there was no regular ecanvass made, and consequent ly thers are many new members olâ€" tainable here. _ _Unlike mostâ€"of the ])dtll()tl(‘ societies, the usefulness of the Navy League does not end with the war. â€" The Navy League did good work before the war and will have a large seope of usefulness after the war is finally settled. _ So long as there is a British Empire there will be need for aâ€"Navy,and so long as there is a Navy there will usofnl- ness for the Navy League. And there will be a Navy League, a Navy and a British Empire for a long time yet! The President, Dr. Melanis, explaim ed that the Charter of the Admiral Beresford Branch of the Navy League had been duly received and he whought it would be appropriate to have it framed and ‘hung up in some suitable public â€"place. On motion ~of Mrs. Rees, seconded ‘by G. A. Maedonald, it was decided to have the charter sw.tably framed and hung up in the Town ‘Council CGhamber, the Town Council permitting. Reference was made to the promised visit of Councillor Peter Wright of whe British Seamens‘ Union to Haileyâ€" bury, and it was suggested that ts noted Britis? Seaman he brought to Timmins when he visits the North Land. It was the general opinion of TOWN COUNCIL CHAMEER NOT COMMODIOUS SNOUGH ers.iip buttfOongs nov members who have ed their buttons n iOor Ti UuSsg oT MIineFsâ€" UIHIOD PIAIL for Division Court purposes, and it was explained that the present Counrâ€" were not considered big enouwh for holdinz Division Court O WIL Inst? pplicatior 18 sunicie Â¥i AanDC ind Monday evening rere wre two cof 1 of the atternoon â€" jlast, Dr. Melnais in ‘ eorres \nndem’ n the Headquar ragard to the an the transgferring ie bank of $618.48 on Dec. rat financially the Branch condition. â€" According to y‘s books there are now s in the Branch. â€" Itas wche ereatly increase the memâ€" rever, and plans to thas seussed. â€" Last WYear in the Headquari Dr. Meln 111C N Treasurer to 00:00 to the 1 gue, a furthi adse after the 1¢ the »n»ne) cupine ons is received. reasurer, Mr at there wa ~$618.458 on 1 s town net e meeting mmodated iA DCA anada O ncil , meelting in unusually epayers, and rri@wht in beâ€" nd )1 V mImIns er of 111 mnoew dwindlin rcil mee mnsold mne 0n at NHOouUug.) In the menl) etino In no could 11 Aa nV ) W II 111 Jna y gequ THE ‘‘OLD SETTLER‘‘ wWRITBES FROM BE PTE. P. W. McCOYÂ¥ NOW OVBR THE RHINE IN GERMANY Mr. Hiram AMlexander has just reâ€" ceived an interesting posteard and a letter from Friend ‘‘Paddy*‘ MeCoy, one the oldâ€"timers of sthe Camp. The postcard saows a colored photoâ€" craph of the bridge over the RMhine used by the Canadians in crossing inâ€" to G@ermany. ‘‘Paddy‘""* bas written on the face of the eard, ""I was just thinkinz of the cold in Timmins. 1 have just come in,â€"and the sun was so ho here it made me laugh thinkâ€" ing of the snow and cold up in 'l"}(x- mins. â€" The pics ure on the otherAide is the bridge that we cross. _ Say, Hiram, let me know all the news. Where is Andy Dooley? And how are theâ€"games coming up?"‘‘â€"Pte. P. W. MeCov, 3039379, 19th Battalion, The ‘‘*Old Settler‘"‘ sends best reâ€" eards to all his old friends in the Camp,. A. Company, Bb.L.t., brance. In his letter, dated December 26th, Pte. MeCoy tells about meeting Dan Dooley and the ‘‘real Robert Muirâ€" kead‘‘ in France, and. how delighted he was co see these oldâ€"timers. From the latter he of the death of several who ecame over with him, inâ€" cloding â€"Jim Wailsh, Sam Denning, and a brother of ‘his own who was killâ€" ed on August 28th.. He has eseaped so far and ‘hbelieves that they will alil PAPER PRODUCTION OF ABITIBI CO. NOTEWORTHY mMmIard{ Lt : now â€"that fin:shed. 11‘001)5 of ine to Pte would amount to 617,026 tons of papâ€" er, 18,826 tors of sulphite pu‘p and 932 tons of ground wood pulp. These figures show the importance of the sig plant at Iroquois Falls, which is now ackmowledzed as one of the leadin# producing paper mills in Canada. The «ofmcigal figure the Abitibi Power plant at Iroquois Fs leading industries of suggzest the importa Du the n« mth e1] ift * tir€ Abitil 1e verâ€"and 16,.884 t T 1J LGUIM. ‘ountry. of 1918 4. Ernest H. Pridger, Timmins : Local Agent PORCUPINE COBALT TORONTO NEW YORK ROCHESTER BUFFALOC DETROIT Exclusive Private Wire Connecting All Offices Stocks Bought and Sold for Cash or Margin HAMILTON B. WILLS PHONE 100, TIMMINS Member Standard Stock Exchango

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