9'“ onuuoouwooououw‘ FOUR and and ospec'ally in 119 fol-secs remarkable 0 gold mining industry soEid growth in the uholtson returned ‘to wk after giving good 5 and (‘xmntry over- ated with the 228th MI was being recruitâ€" ncrly Dominion Ex- vuth Porcupine, bu-t. 'ulmlt, was a visitor we‘vk. store there \v visited her 33'! week. '(511 will be h! ,day, Janum‘}y 9 receiving < tom-her at Flute. Mr. and Mrs. J. v spent Christâ€" orth Bay. ing the Ieybury wok, stationery H .H‘Ky ()1 ere were ï¬ve ky customers seasun, and taken ’in the was given a r‘ostcr, of a two in Peter- 11111111113 110 g. holl- yea 1‘ are 9 w a s 9. 11d 1‘ Jâ€" the All 0 f Mr. and Mrs Christmas at. S Mr. Clarence Trimblc, of the Max‘- shall-Ecclestone staff, spent Christmas at Cochrane cuplno and 0t Miss \Valion, of Michigan "most of her sister, Mrs. Law Mr. P. Gerard, 0 has been. spending: Timmins renewing; u la n (1 La Mr. and Mrs. Abbvv Sings \"0re at Finch, near Otiawa. last “00. (attend- ing the funeral of 3113. Sims brothel who died in the “'est some days ago. The \Yomen's An Mmtthew's Church. ‘u' Rectory on Thursday this wecl' "t K 0 01001; '101‘ c cnzu. ORGANIZING GREAT VJAB. VET E? \ANS’ ASSOCIATION. \\ (‘(‘1\ â€10 (II ciatiun will be the Porcupine THE REAL ‘ ‘ CHRISTMAS’ ’ KEOUG-H CAUGHT AT LAST. ') C in the Porcupine Camp. Thâ€: special arrangement in regard to graphic tolls, e:(-., the)‘ are ufl'er speedy and efï¬cient service wit chai'ges for messages, etc... :11 lfrom business. paid by the ï¬rm.“ 'handling of orders in the l’urcnpf {Ila-r) facilitated by" n privnte which provides secrcvy and des; 14‘. is probable that Ilunier L. G Company will open an ofï¬ce he the noaf future and in the. mem “(_‘ hzisuua. Keouga, 11:0 1101111111113 wank. so called 11011111150 E10 operated oan 111 11111 has V' 1111111111" season, was amestcd 511110. daVs ago at Altoona, Pena. A. 1’. Macaulay, a. l‘umnto broker 11'011-1-:111111'11 in the North Land, was arrested at St. Lauis a couple of VL 1115 ago as; “-3111'13'1111115" Keoug‘u and 11111.1 {wont difï¬cultv in proving {1111 he was not the guiltV pmtx, 11s merchants 11111111,‘;:01s more that he i115 plan, Mr. H. E. Montgomery 01310 .lt VJ >2 was the man‘passing Worthlc z'lm's on them. 'He spent :1 money omlem'oringx to clear hi but an apology from the court the satixfact ion 11v. obt-linmL The real “C 1111512111215†keo the satisfaction he obtained. The 10211 “(' anistmas ’ Keough ar- rested act Alumna, gives the name of Henry Harris. His game was to re- present himself as a Toronto mining engineer and 11:13 :3 trax 811915 cheques 1n the Bank (if (‘1.nnlnerce. He was 1-.) ('3133'0' at the guune each Christmas 0' that he â€exit away each year with a M. 1‘ that h OFI‘ERS‘ .SPBCIAL SE? VICE TO PORCUPINB CLIENTS. As will be noted by the announce- ment elsewhere in this issue Homer L. Gib: m (‘11.,whilc no: at present in position tu deal “ith their (lients through the medium of their own ofï¬ce in Timmins, still pav especial attention to their friends and gients from business. paid by 1er ï¬rm.‘ The handling of orders in the Porcupine is also facilitated by " a private oode, whieh provides secrecy and despatch. It is probable that Homer L. Gibson Company will open an ottiee here in the near future and in the, meantime they â€are keeping in close touch with the Parchgï¬nc so as to give rapid and “aim service from, the Toronto unite. 1 1‘ .‘u cord d 111 1"; 01 )US ll] at opinion to K L‘. 'H 11101“ )EII [I 'r. Div '50:), of South Porcu- rui the holidays at Toronto points south. .Irs. E. M. Allw t- Stu‘rgeun Fa] . Sullivan, now 0]" Kirk- l'enewcd amnaintances in 0 f t ed 11W 11 'y _\' opporl roqun'es week l} dist ur HDI'OV at in The Admin War Veteran's .1111zin Auxiliary !( THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE. It the success 0': the support of ) them in their .a'ere acquainied ejert‘s and pur- m' Yeterz‘ms 1.3: 'etcran's Asshâ€" ng' a branch in about the mid- mm after of a tire iation RWX‘l 1011 and MO 3 public here to 1dace on the polivy 101 lvam'u 1215 At the '3 not Ul‘i nus 110011 at? 01’ St at n ("C Kiough to tele- ering a 'ith all aï¬ï¬ng '1. The d I18 1111i)â€" W a 1' lC 1f H. B. Wlllï¬ EMS Fiiilfï¬ Bï¬iflï¬iï¬Ã©â€™aï¬i Eiï¬iï¬iï¬ï¬ B 1111 I been lung); and favorably known thrunghnut the mining: camps «if the North for the past 7 years and Mr. Fuller has a host of friends and eli~ ents who will regret to see him retire :“rmn the stock brokerage business. Mr. Fuller's extensive mining inierest [brought the district will, however, require his entire attention during the mining: year which is) the-11min reason {‘m- hi< (liRE)aT)'\'il'l‘!' of the stock {Hawkerâ€" onth’ I] friend rivarte Wire to Be Installed by First l’urcup i‘u: uru. IC )1‘ A deal ol‘ mueh interest uml llllpul'L- we ta lueal ï¬nancial circles was re- ntlv mnnpletul whereby llumiltnn Wills, the well-known ',l,‘uxumto 'uker, maule an outright purchase or e Commission Stuck Brokerage busiâ€" F55 of A. H. Fuller (50., of Tim- Air NIchJunic (:‘r. F. Garrett, former- ly of the Imperial Bank staff here, but for the past year and a half with the Royal Air Force service in Toron- to, last week received his honorable discharge from the service. He came Up on Sunday ’9 National to go to Kirk 'witd Lake where he has a position the new branch of the Imperial Mr. \Yills takes over the sine‘ss on January 1511, [10 :1 private “ire will 1) mm (ding: 'l'immins with (‘ in, inii'uln. Detroit, Rue 3w Yuri (‘it\'. 'llie firm (if A. S. Fuiwr 1 ll {11ch m H. malt I] Holden 13 110.38 ('01! J. P. McLAUGHLIN Mayor 1917-1918. Town Councillor 1916-1918. 0‘ ft your (lisgn :zinos: II 'cml)’ 0 and the ll this CHAS “('1‘ In Be‘avcr Lodge, AF. A.\I., 3.: a Social I'lx'cmng and Dance Mascmic Hall on Friday even- his week .for the members and 1‘0 indie: and its m I'VH‘C )<1ng of the st .a Air. bHdler '5. G. WILLIAMS 1H pcnc 1"u.iu' 0.: fuvorabiy ed up ,‘Sh‘lblis‘ tes the growth 1111‘. ne be ' mu: 1mg 01 a faith in the in the near 01):! 011100 (l <11 11 U I'L tallm haw CC for :1 :1 d 11¢ H (l 11' -. 1.1.11 one to 111' 1 N 11 111 1.11111 way. .11: was going to wit..'.1‘.1'11w as a 1 :1111\11r1111\' candidate so 1'1111 there 1 .1u111311.1e one more of 1: 1e experienced : .‘11111111111ors1'or the Council Board. He ‘ .1~11;;'1.1 that men of mechanical abil- 11 1.111111 be useful and necessary on the 1‘11uncil so he would r1111 as 111‘ 1 ‘1111111111101' this year, and if re- elected ' would se1 ".1 '1 honestly and fairly as in 1 the past. He referred to the fact that ‘ 1111111nditions had not allowed more than $115111) to ’be spent for public’ 1 works in the past tWo \'ears, but he: thought the money had been wiselyi expended. He referred to some 111' the work a1"omp‘i~.11e1l,sueh as stump ’ing and stoning the 5113015. c111. l ‘ 1‘has. Pierce in a 111111101'11115 speech, delended the Semenger Dept. 'lhis war it had 'lnought the 11â€"10 and promisson notes for $4110, while 111st 51.111 it 111111 11151 1311111111. biekness had ‘11111111'111'11 with the work, but it wa ‘1 1111* s11 11.11111' done. Later in the even- , 1111,1115.) showed how in sev r111 in-' stances he had saved the town monev ‘ "11 ditletent waxs. 1 Dr. Moore, Chairman of the Fin-l 11111111. 111nnnittee, in a. brief 11111 111111.} 1 ' .11111: address explained the financial; #1::1 11.1 111 the tow.11 It was a tli1li1'ult 11111 21 to ï¬nance, on account of its new- 11111.15. rapidity of growth, war condiJ3 1111111“ 1, and the stigma attached by out» 'sidets to mining towns. 11 was ditli- 21111 to make outsiders realize that ‘immins was a permanent town built 11,: 11.1 a valuable and legitimate in- -..-?".'.1 11. and so bonds were haid 11 1 1 lot. 1111: teeent sale of watt-11111111 '11:;1;;'1111]:1'es,1he money for 11111111 . 1.111'111 1e along in a few days, "'111 11 lhelp (onsiderably and make possible 1111111111 waterworks extensions neces- 11111 111111 desira‘ble. In the past econ- 111111 had been absolutely necessary _ and certain needed works had to he ‘111e1er1'ed, but better things were a- " head. In explaining the ï¬nancial standpoint, Dr. Moore showed that the town was practically $39, 000 ‘bet- _' ter off than a year ago. Summariz- pronns ylar it interfc not so ï¬x! he. ter off than a year ago. Summariz- ing the assets and liabilities, the town Had really a credit. balance of approx- ii‘iately $7,000 at the end of the 3' 'ar. the Police Dept. was a revenue pro- :i‘.1<-‘31', the \Vaterworks practicaliy 113.1 for itself, and the Fire Dept. 111:; 1193] \Vorth the $6 000 t'1at it cost, â€"--ie.~:s than one per cent. on the Valu- 11110:) of. the. buildings protected t» >:1\' nothing: ot the safetV for 011101 pm, >erI.V' and the SbcllliKV for 1i\ es 'I take oft 111V hat to the Fire (‘ niet and the Bimigade, .aid D1. Home. Dr. Moore said he had been asked to stand tor the mayoralty and it' elm-ted Mr. W 111 .111) [51111 11021111111 out 11111111 necessary 111111155 for the town’s pru- z‘ru-sa, esourm's, labor and 011-01111111- 111111. Two of these were here and he 11:11 1110 necessity 131' m- -operati1m 111111 H111 re;u1.1::entz1tio11 111 the (01111111 01; fall (11115512: 111 1‘10 c11111111u11iut3'. N11 one understood a. 1101-11111g1111111pr11- blem like 11 \1'111'ki11g111z111. “If there had â€been 11 live. worker 1111 the (“111111- ril," he 311111, "I hardly think that \1'111'111112'1111121 would have been garni- vil," he said, “I hardly think that \vorking'x'non would have been garni- shecd for taxes without- any notice at 11 cost of some $700 to thetmvm†110 endorsed the idea of a ;_;'cnoral hospiâ€" tal for the Camp. Messrs. L. S. Xo‘wtun, 1‘). L. Long~ more, Dayton ()strosser, Jos. Theriâ€" lult, J. K. Muorv. L. A. Herod, N. J. Iemmett, I" S. Noble. M. B. Scott J. far amthe number 01‘ earned. In addition 3: conviotod ut‘ mbbery camp, there were or other cases of any i‘ latter eases were to r ’m' him as an able, p. .pected citizen of the ( Dr. Molnnis nursed a .0 the retiring Mayor f n 311» past 1w.» wars, aarriul Maynr lemug nutting by wishing fa mppy future, a grand S( municipal board. and It. :noms‘ :"r' the ‘wasmv. L.‘-..-'. Thursdau' was 11 sort 111' Christ :11 1:151 11111111111 ti1111- 1r M1gistrate Aâ€"t ki11:..1n in 1'10 "11111111ine, at 1011': t 511 far as. the 1111n1hei1111-nses was 110114 eerned. In addition :11 the young 1111111 . canvirted 111' :11..he.ry at ()‘Mam’s camp, there were only 11 1111111120. 01' other cases of any interest. These latter eases were 111 remvei' fares ud- tam-C11 111 11 (1:111:11 e 111' nun who tame up here to work fur a lumbering ï¬rm. I‘he tirm alleged that the men had not kept t.1e contract under “hieh their fare money had been obtained, but that instead they had «Vurked only a day or so and then left. The defence of the men was “that. they had come to act as cooks, «but had been required to work as bush men, for which they were neither suited nor inclined. Ma- x'stratc Atkinson dismxwed‘the eases. \‘11. Jr. W would give his best services to 1,210 )1 Eur Brnzeau .xkers that t. amcillors \N L!) Council Thursdau' was a idan time 101‘ ..- 6' n 11â€â€,an .H‘S WCFC amp