Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 21 Aug 1918, 1, p. 4

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Day make a VISH especially pleasant * eoesqsecsscess0s seosceevco® ' sports a / visit J.R.GORDON : Specials for Saturday ; TIMMINS sOoUTXLX PORCGUPINE 4 | i temporariiy C gining that be knew so: * p?:\_\'ix‘.g. There are two question, and this is a h Prime Steer Briskets Pois:ts, per Ib. ... 20¢ Prime Steer Briskets Centre Cuts perjb....:............... 242C Choice Shoulder Roasts, per Ib.... 25c Choice Steer Chuck Roasts, per lIb... 25c Fresh Chopped Lean Steak, per lh...... 28¢ Breakfast Bacon, whole or iaif, 45¢ Meat Department. GEORGE HENRY, Killed in Action, Nov. 1917. JAMES RALPH HENRY GROULX LEN CHARRON HARLRLY WIXON ROMEO ALLERY Try our Pure Pork Sausage It is in a class by itself, made from choice, selected, Govâ€" ernment â€" inspected young Fork, mildly seasoned with pure spices and Made Fresh Every Day DON‘T buy Sansage made four or five hundred miles away. It is gencrally about 10 days old and lifble to be time, and included for o Y TEal tried, you will Fancy Milk Fed Youn§ Roast ing Chickens, Fins Fatted Fowl Fine Freshâ€"Caught Nipigon Trout and White Fish. The best fish in Canada. Rhubarb, REadish, Greon Onâ€" ions, Parsley, Water Cress, Fresh Mint. Leoituce. Liptons Grey Label Tea, per 1b. Fresh Vegetables on that Qusbec Maple Syrc», gt. Laottlies ...... ......>: 148C Comfort Soap, 5 bars for 20¢ Buy where your monty §C€S furthest, you pay less here. ‘ish Department Pouitry Dest. Grecery Dept. UOlit Sanborn # 3 the a TIMMINS. ga SCHKUMACHER L ])l;‘ ‘A'(fl]( * ) 4 NJ 44 | scE nutty agested, and treat. â€" Once use no othor. per 1D PORCUTINE rmn Seal tin.. o# ># m l License No. breast muple 5b5b¢ hfft Dck agains )lding him there. \ ho happoned L"‘,‘“den t he has been 3 i w yv of the recently lora pr Last week was not Bill lueky week. At the baseball Wednesday at TIroquois Fall sliding to a base, he got abou of the paper town gravel in 1 of his left hand, and then late week a window fell on lhuis hea about a yard of sealp ofl. juries are as he says, "*sore serious."‘ Mr. Chas. Barnard, who has hbeen driver of the town fire team for the past sixteen or seventeen months, and given excellent satisfaction in that caâ€" pacitv, has resigned, desiring a change of oceupation. His place has hbeen taken by Mr. Murray Bates, of Matâ€" tagami, who started in his new work cerDnt Several from Timmins, im-lmlingi Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Wilson, enjoyed | _ The fore the social evening and danee given at |opened a st the Conmnnaught Hotel Jlast Tuesday: town a few evening by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King,| ous session of South End. The evening proved a| their busine very pleasant one to the friends of tion to the Mr. and Mrs. King, about 60 couples| Code they 1 being present, and dancing, cards, | here and music by Colombo‘s Orchestra and a | from the c daintv lunch heing amonz the onjn.\'-fwm'c they s 1 mus!C daint y ments Again the announcement is made once more already yet some further, tlhat Premier Borden is making arâ€" anreements whereby a law will be angements whereby a law will be possible compelling all aliens of the Alliica nations living in Canada, and of military age, to either join the Canadian military forces or be deportâ€" cd to their own lands. What was i thaet the Governor of South Carolmna remarked about the length of time? LPV the fire hball on Tuesday mornin properties 11 €*1V C1 Kceo Timmins News in Brief N1 l)l'() hasu igainst: théed w as 2407 43'2“"‘.~‘llfimmms from the nandinge the Battalion to Fcclestone left on las National "Igay S11 mal sore hut not bout a yard in the palm later in the head taking ex l1 gaine on ills, while in tfown f\’l‘ l)t" redâ€"t pl udlan )NA )T maturday to CV HaVâ€" ing been formally discharged from the Army after several months‘ service in Canada and overseas. \Mr. J. R Gordon has rece from Fred Harris, one of ployees at Cobalt, and wel the North Land. T‘te. ] wounded on July 4th and hospital * somewhere in Er The trouble between the Mayor and the Chief of Police of Hairleybury apâ€" parently was to ibe fixed up with a letier of apology to hbe written to the Counecil by the Chief. Last week the letter was receeived, but was not satisâ€" faciory, and Chief Collins was given to understand that he must write one in which such phrases as ‘‘alleged and other qualifying wards are absoent. It is a funny world The foreign Forvtune Tellers that opened a stand_ on Third Avenue leff town a few days ago altter a properâ€" ous session in Timmins. â€" Although their business seemed in direct opposiâ€" words are absc tion to the provisions of the Code they were allowed to d here and they raked in d Code they were allowed to ao business here and they raked in the money from the eredulous. So flittle afraid were they of the Chief of Police that they actually touted for business on the street. One of those approached to **have his palm read‘‘ was one of the Town Councillors. Instead of acâ€" cepting this invitation the Couneillor in turn invited the police to get busy. This is getting to be a funny town. The blue ate district The recent f the blueberr ent reach of TOIHl r ] ' w\ CA A 55 ;-â€" ndactnds: * ud e ro fops*are reporis of bumper crops Eucherries. In the i ®â€"ict, for instance, the blueberries are reported in some sections as unâ€" usually good. The Poreupine thuis vear, however, will have to bhe content with an unusually good yield of raspâ€" berries. During the past few weeks Mi made A dert A ech suciai phrases as other re absent. It is a fu North Country. Dressln 1OlU=z this a 1¢ 5 ) i _A mp ) e ... 2. cht gc'-rmmnh but furtaer Alexo Mine 11€ imeth Deacon 17( berry crop in this immediâ€" is nothing to write about. frosts fi: 1i~;'|0d the most of ‘ry patche® v# . coai, o PP CC *Con AZ oYy (nunn ln: I prry m 4 w [so VisItC( stTIiC In{t0o servli( lls again, oC 1C Reed, 24 He ecovering. Dl has received a eard one of his old emâ€" and wellâ€"known in it Pte. Harms was h and is now in ‘HE LORCUPINE ADVANOER W â€" reéturned o civil life, havyâ€" icKing ras}p! hbeen large, ave taken 1 n« hbarefoot 1 € Dt from lIroâ€" His here riminal of raspâ€" w weeks JrC l'zl.-:piwrâ€" ree, and 11 V sigeet ainpy elecetri« thei plant plant facetâ€" ])zl(l App Sm ad .® 4 ‘,I Ne s o i wl n sn . 0C $ O : PA T “"35' cA C Sss ta aAass »A l4A + 4* y 5 w# * ®* P the above mentioned period 1hland will not be held responsible for (]L’hta contracted during that periâ€" cal.ul by the Club Lu'un. I, Fong Wo. no interest in the business whatâ€" soever except as an eimployee of the owner of the said bhusiness, Fong Kim, hose name a license to upclatc i l\s! 1‘('51‘;:1!1‘2\1\1’ was granted. 11â€" ll\ 1€ lyi OF CLUB LUNCH, SCHUMACHER, ONTARIO. WANTED to LOANXâ€"$2,000 at 10 per cent intérest; good security; safe investment; apply Box 306, South Porenpine, Ont. Opgrated by One Fong Kim, during the period of October, 1917, to March, 1918. FOR SALEâ€"HYSLOP _ I, Fong HWHorn, was owner of the building known as the Club Lunch, and which I rented to Fong Kim who obtained a lieense and carried on a restanurant business in lus own name. I. Fong Horn, had no interest in any way in the business and will not be held ligble for any debts contracted during the above mentioned period by the Club Luneh. LOSTâ€"Between Burke‘s Drug Store and the theatre on Thursday night, $15 in bills. Finder please leave at The Advanee Oftice, or send to Box 414, Timmins, P.O. 39p. OF CLUB LUNCH, SCHUMATHER, ONTARIO. Opcrated by One Fong Kim, during the period of October, 1917, to March, 1918. { ub Lunvh at AÂ¥ h]b p .. Yas 1[1 1t TSMIN3 10066, LQ.0f, No highâ€"grade bicycle, â€" in _ firstâ€"class condition ; *ixed hub; gear 81; Dunâ€" lop traction tread tires. $30 cash. Apply W, Box 511, South Poreupine IJ. W. Faithful, 1) mIins Mects every Tuesday evenâ€" ing in their lodge room on Third avenne. Visifting broâ€" thers reauested to attend. 4. Carson, NOTICE TO CREDITORS SQLMCITOR, NKOTARY PUBLIC 9â€"109 Royal Exckange Bldg., Cobalt Phonse £8. Moore Bldg., Timmins Gook Mitchell mg Wo, was employed in tl ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, KOoTARIELS. Timmins, _ South Poreupine Toronto Signed, (FONG HORN.) . YÂ¥. Makhk COND HAXD COAI F affectionately (FOXG@ WO.) a mpontkly, waoee . â€"_OoI _ eacln Hall, Third bmtlne,l alâ€" J. Morrison, and fourth 0904 6008000004 0090806 P Cc 000C $ Fall Term begins f August 19th. § A. W. WILLIAMS, President. D. C. ROSS, Principal. i whe ie sBe ofe ofle oBe oBe aite olz te oBe oBe oBe aBe oBe ofe oBe ofe oBe aBe oBe ote # OWNNMMOOMONOQWMWWMOO WWO“OO“OWOQMOOOOM: ztooooooooooooooeooooeoeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o C *4 J. 1. EASTON Funeral Director and Embalmer Office Stationery In addition to the staff of last year, a depariment of Gregg shorthand will be instituted, under the supervision of Miss €. Fuiâ€" ton, a Normal graduate of the Gregg School of Methods, Chiecago, and formerly instructor in the Euler Business College, Kitchener. Our Commereial Course is identical with that taught by the gov ecrnment to returned soldiers. It is the best. Pitman shorthand will be taught as usual, and from the latest and briefest text, 1’1tman s Rapid Course. Only | twenty lessons casily learned. Write, phone or eall on us and get dll particulans. Having installed the most mcedern and compiete equipment, our optical deâ€" partment is now open for the accomâ€" wmodation of the public. It is in charge of a kighly qualified graduate of the best optical college cn the conâ€" tinent, anrd all the latest and most apâ€" proved methods of cyceâ€"testing and fiiting are cmployed. Gome in and let us prove the advantâ€" ages of our mesthods..... .... s Heact.lcl.y iâ€"none 32 TIMMINS Make arrangements with us on that date. â€" The demand for Bookkeepers and Stenographers far exceeds the supply. Salaries are higher than ever before. Every graduate is in a lucrative position yelund for Cedar Point, Putâ€"inâ€"! uh. z.o and Cleveland ure good f. ner.can Express Agent fore ticke ‘Tri~, with 2 days return limit, azle chart of The Great Sinp *‘ page pietorial and descriptive + "Ernie" Bridger 111 wor We shall be Â¥ou an invite service in a Faclitate w for c Opposite‘ Post Offhice L. HALPERIN Near Station Agent for Hayes Bros. Tombs tones. SATISFACTION IS CUARANTEED A NDbLEE eding twmal o ind lad tes sunt on receipt of ‘, pasie, x3 that ve time ) ot ou

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