Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 21 Nov 1917, 1, p. 1

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N02 Vol 3. Objective Already Passed For Victory Loan Bonds mâ€"u....__â€"._â€" ._._. .- ~-_ $84,550 SUBSCRIBED TO MONDAY NIGHT. 433 WRITTEN APPLICA- TIONS. SOUTH PORCUPINE DOING EVEN BETTER THAN TIM- MINS. HOLLINGER TEAM LEADS. ~â€"â€"â€" 'l TI'III I-;IIIIII;.II.III I'IIr 'IIIII sale (1' \‘ie- ten :IIIIIliI-IIIIIIns in this distriet t'IIrthe IIII')’ lamn TTTIlltl‘ is IIIIw I.r.Iin'.I 'wi h a l.Ian. swing. (In .\lIInd.-I.V t"I'('I‘Tll;.' this week sIII. Ill( I iII\(.«IIII.« I1I1\(IIIII1(l(-a IIarIIIII- :It'ter (IIIlV six days III St‘lllllg this (lis- lIIIl\ -.I(IIIII IIIsIIIIns-(I. the IIIIIIIIIit} (I'I Iriel, had (Ifx'eeedeIl Ihe (.l).I(‘t‘Il\"' set III lIIIIIIls SII II'II Twin: III the ‘0” and fur the, Made (IaIIIIIaiga. Iased (III 331”” (lIInIIInina.I(IIIs. The “hig le-ll IIIIIIIIlaIIII-II and a.s.s(Is.sIII(II1I figures. it (st” haVe '\'I'I III he II-:'tIIdI'r<IIII.:II1d. was desired that this di-tI'iI-t sIIIIIIId‘ VIKIIIlIl IIIIt he sIIrIIrIsIIIg it' He (tis- take a? least $72.00“ wIII'th (It' the 'II'iI-t I'eaehed the *I‘JIIIIJNNI mark. \'T|'TUT"\' ’I(IIIIls. l'II III MIIIIIlIII' (IVIIIIâ€" Messrs. l3. \'. llaI'rIsIIII I'nd ll. l.ai(lâ€" in: $54.37)” w.IrtlI had heen sIIld. IIII‘I law haVe lIIen IIlaIIed III ('lIIIl‘ge (It' I‘Ulllllltlg‘ the hands sIIld (III what is sII((~ial team III lIIIIk alter the mines (lit'I'I'IIII‘s i'lhl Hiilt'l'(’1I3'IIIII'I1'ITHTTS (lIIItlg‘ 0 O IIII Inn-(T Ii‘e "agreement III IIIIy eash. lhese latter will IIIII he added IIntIl lIIIsiness here. and Very (t't'ee'tiVe work the last three days (It' the (IIIIIIIIaign. is heiug dIIne III getting these ”hf: The llIIlliIIIIer Teams lead so far with t'ellIst” III line Mr VII-IIII'N l’mnds. $19500 sIIld. Next enmes the. heme Those III' (Ither than t'anadian hirth with $14.55”. while South T)I)I't'll[ITIl(‘!£ll‘(_‘ dIIing e-sIIeeiallV well and Holden t'ity are a (:lIIse third with ing. The nnmher III' (Ither than lh'i-I $T4,5tttl. The team l‘IIr SehIIInaI-het' Iish names (In the lists (It' sIIIIIe (II' the and the .\T¢‘Tl|l}'t't' and SI-IhnmaelIer (IanVassers Is remarkable. and eVen Mines has the ereditahie .sZIIIw-iIII.r (It' thIIse (It' alien enemy (IrigIII are IIIIII $13,100. The T(Iwn (Il' Timmins has neglee iII_I.r the. grand (IIIIIUI'IIIIIIII_\' l'III II. I(II.'Il (II' $ltl.ti;')ll. The team l'IIr the Y.N.T.. llIIllinget' lieserVe. .\i(-\‘.'ra.\'. Anehnrile. \\'esl TTTUIHU. l)(IIn(I .l'ixtenâ€" IsIIIn. llIIIIIe Lake. l’IIreIIIIiIIe ('I'IIwn.‘ (IIIld llidge. \Vilt'llttlillt‘. t'I'IIesIIs. ete..' lltl.\'t‘ a. IIItIIl (II $71.93”. The \lt.I.IalIne (It' 11s >.ll()lll‘l haVe (Ine (Il' these snhserih- VII-IIII'V l‘IIIIals. Many (It‘ the 1"(IreIgII- (Its lIIIIk III (III the VII-IIII'V l'IIInd lhIt- iIItIs‘ Its 21 .sIIIl (Ill IIIIIlg‘II (III-IIiIiz(-11.«II'III. - . ' ' . .I .. .‘ ..; ,. (the (I; IIII In said this week. l.\(1) mi liIVer team's IIIIIII III .\lIIII(lII_\' eVeII- lIIIIIIIIIs sIIIe lIel'IIre l)(e. 1st. III .s'II(Iw ing is $4131"). Kirkland l.ake and .\la- thesun haVe a t(Ital at $210“. Up III (ltt‘te there. IhaVe heen ISIS; writ- (IIII‘ g(I(IIl t'aith. and III :¢:‘I\'I‘ (Is t'rnm any distrust. l'rIIIII the rest (It' the I'lll- ens (Il' (lelltTiLT 'fillltlfll Ill llll’llfll Blll Illll I'Illll Sllllll w Jim Left Camp in Canoe, and Canoe I Sad Accident on Saturday. Mother Found Overturned on River. i Away at Hospital. *IIIIII Inns IIIIIWIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII "a ”â€".- l’riends and IIeIIIIaIIItIIneI-s are (IIIn-I . “â€"- . _ (‘t‘l'llt‘tl (I\'~.'I‘ idle IIISI‘IIIIIIIIII’IIIII‘II Hl’ lieu... .\ l'iniil‘dllinil.\v "“1 Hill'l“ ‘Tli"“'“l“.'-5 Lmyi.‘ “I... “I”. “nu-III“..- I'(Ir \\'. ("'I'IItalitI (IIâ€"I-nrred at SelIIIIIIIIehI-r (III 'l'Idwards. lle lel't (IIl SIIIIII'dIIV. \'(IV. “ITUI'ITIU' last. “TN” ”WW l”"’Tl“"'I"~ .TITIT’I., II) I'IIIIIII'I l'III' s(t\i((- (II' IIIIIIl\ ('(“’T"â€""' 'l”"“l'Il ””‘T \TTVT‘H' S‘H'lu'm‘ .I'IIr eerIIII-IIIIII. and .I-Iiine then IheIeTNNI IT“ tl1”“““‘"-'T”-"t‘l’lh“'ll” 'has been no traee (It Illlttl (Ither than ““5 LI IN” ”I i‘fâ€"“t'I “"5 .skatmg “'1 an emIIty (IVertIIrned (Ianne (III the ”I“ It": “WI “WIT through; (it’t’f'Iâ€"“K riVer. ThnIIgII seIdIIIII using a. mum III-"I'd 1".) .VI‘IW-‘I WWII III tllt I'esetie hrst. IIII enme In town, he. tried this methnd “WI \ ““"l'o III-”I‘d H .VWH'SI St‘t’lllf-l' TH” (In the “Hull. lle lel't. alIIIIII tizlttl II.III.. T‘V“ l”"’ll“"°-‘3 T” Ill“ water, ”is” INN] saying that he was gIIIng in In l't‘IHH'I I" Tl‘iSiSl.’ “I” ll“ "WI went ‘TI’WT‘I ”I" (Ir II-IIIIl)’ i'nr (IXIIIIIIIIIIIII as it was the litm‘ tIth'I' aid (‘Hllltl reIIeh them the last. (lav allnw'ed far this under the ”WW TINT" \"t‘l‘t‘ heynnd earthly llt’ll‘I Militaiw' Saw“... .\(II A....,,,..,,II. I... 'l‘heV In re the (Ian three boys III the (lid n(It rpm.“ Timmins Im- I”. Pup'z..t.1mil\. and WM deeII sImIIItlH is telt Imse. and later the (I\"'e1t1nne(l eannell‘” ”I“ THIN“! “ll“ T?‘ W he1e.1\ed at. was found llnating in the middle (It ithis time. The Mother with thI (Ither the riVer. lt‘riends thI knew that. helf‘IHI all ‘llll‘T ‘en. “‘3‘“ 111"“ “WI “'1“ 1‘“ was IIIIt I111 exIIIIrt with a eanIIe t'earedinI .Int I“. arms. ‘5 ”t l’l'tI‘S‘m “I 1‘” that. he had met with an aeeident IIIIIl.l“'-"IITIIll ”I ”I“ T “TINT Didi” “11”“ l l’(otill (IT'T’\\ITT(.(T, :TTTIT TTTT' 1),",\'ill‘-i:ll Till (I )(T Ti TITTT \\TTT TTT' TTL‘( (TDUJI..V Th'ITT TTT(‘ l’IIliee were IIIItiIieIl (It' the disappear- “I“... “I ”l’ I” III (late IIHHI :Ilp “.IIand .\lrs. .th(m hI'I\e heen (Ist(eIm(d t"‘I°111th(I (lIIes as In what has lIaIIIIenedIIHHI l|1"lll\' I‘PI‘IN'VINT H’hIITI'HI‘ “I ITH‘ I,‘..-I\(Irth Land I'III :1 IIIImher (Il’ V'seaI . enming III tlIIs I-IIIIIIII'V IIIIm (IalIIII.I l"(Ir a time they liVed III (‘IIlIalt.lI11t IeIeIItl\ ha\e lIeeII residen: (It' I shII- lI is nII Idle Ithrase III sI‘. \ amIIntatiIIn (It (Ine (It her legs. .\lr III the mssing man. so II” as t'riends (Ian learn. l I I ll’T‘I'. I" l'elt I'III' them III the lug .II' ANNIVERSARY "ANLEE IIII'III lit'l'IIII TTI|.\'_§‘. .. I W... To be Held in Masonic Hall on Fridayl l Evening, Nov." a.) 3rd. [PUWEH BBMPANV BA” The I),Y.l§. ('ltth will hold II llaneei "El-AV I" ABVAHBE ' " llall. TIIIIIIIIIIs. (III l"I'I- in the MasIIIIII '(IaV (IVIIIIIng. XIIx'IIIIIlIIII' 'lI'ating' the seeund IIIIIIIMIrsIIrV (It' the l he \IIII( l IIIIHI'JI‘I. Ithat trhe \(‘I'_\' sineerest general swm- '._’.'it‘(I.. ('ele- ”â€"â€" (Irganizatinn (II' the t'lIIlI. lCTOSTng off of Power, for Building ()rehestIII has heen arranged t(II. and ‘ MOVIng Conveniences, Interferes tie “ l‘iats" are III the eaIIalIle hands With Publication ' \.\lt‘s‘. .\T. .\. l‘illis with the ('t‘I'lI‘ei __..- “111v III l) \. l) giils sIIIIIIIIItitIIr het'. HIV. ”2. m .1... .2.....-’ III}: ”I. lthe .m“._ I I)‘ " 1‘ . { ahmt musiealI III I 1am has a TI“. .m da\ I\\(dn(sd-1\) I'm. the WW I’N‘” l”m “1““ t" “k" l'1 “ " d11r111;:t “".'I(I1.en(e and .s alet\ (It the aim in: l (wening. lhe lt.\. l’I. inVIt (me and the “vilwn Build :1” III (IIIIII', Tt‘tHiit” TH“ IlI‘. IIII .It I} g't'nttel tl1e\ maV he in the 'IIiI'IIit (It II.II-ki11-. h.I‘II' .ss Tlt' IIIIIITI ‘in:‘ I (III l"lII111t1 .\\(11110. the issning III I'lhi: .\d\'anee has heetl (Telzued this "5 T'TW glt’l< WIIIII “m. and J” “ndi\\II(l\‘.;1<I'lI‘I'II’lI' IIIIWI‘I‘TSII IIIM‘I‘I‘SSI'I} (‘YI‘IIVTHNTN III TIIIVI’ :I I‘I‘I‘Il _r.I(I(T ITlllI‘lI IIW Iltt' llllHl\IH’ ilIIIT PI'I’SM'. Ill 11.1”" I u .i (v 0 A t‘: “Ill““hâ€" I” 'l ” ‘1‘"l‘ (I‘IlII-II. l.1e \deInIe ti‘nsts readers :II TlII‘ (lztttt'e. This VIIIII‘ the I'lIIlI has, small (IIIIII‘~::' III the ;.'I'IIIlI"IIIetIH IIII‘ I-lIts‘ ..\t111i\'ersar_\’ lIanee, lIIIt as all TilIIIVI' 1;;t;i .t!‘.Il gIIIId time all round e that and Iain all Iiitll (III.-(Is (In the IT'IIWI'I' (‘Il' the .I... \lnlw .I\s I.'II\eII (III sin .1 III I asI (I Is It} thI‘I I),\.lI. thIIe s:IIII1ld. .lllITITi'IIt‘ will ll‘CO IT‘IIITTEE ROOMS ‘*'T.)L‘ £1 liii‘ut‘ .‘tilI'lltTtlllI'I‘ Hi T.itl‘k‘ \"II I: FOR THE PARTIES . l 1”,; Li I'HT IIIII~:(°, :IHHT Il;l!1('.Ii.'. j..(III(TI’ -â€"-....___.._. 1'1) git)" IIIIII .'I gmul IIIIII'. g... .... -7 ._. . 0.... r...“ The l.a'I Ir l’arty t‘andidate 'IIIs se~ - --â€"â€"â€"..-.._.../. I'III‘I’IT lite IlTIl T':TTTI’TT'I' 'T‘Til‘dil.“ l'IIl‘ The IIIIIeIIIIg at SIIIIIFI I’..;I..‘..,.m. ”a .‘TUTTITHV “\V‘TT“; T“ Th" TTTTI'TK“. ‘ III. IIII‘ . IT I‘ Tit‘\i III‘IIiI l. l'IIiun ”"Vm‘mm‘m TT‘TN.‘ T’I‘I‘iif-s'i‘fi an as a IIIIIIIIIIIttI-II 1'.IIIm for the l. l.. l’. enthusiastie IIIIIIienI-e III till we I.t(‘-I cred IIV .‘dr. (3. ti. 5’. Lindsey. Mr. V. l l‘itilplt‘t' lI.- (“ream l’arlzsr) III-\t III the Gordon . ~ (‘IIIIIIeillIIr .l. 'l. lIlasIIIn was chagrinan.IIIIIIII-II I{.I.I:II.., TIMMTNS, ON FARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER leII, 1917. .\s (II-XII((l(d. :Ind (lIsII‘ (d the; Ii-‘Elllll was instI'IIeIed III III‘ INTI] I" I\-..\'IIIIh \erV eheerV. a sale and III'IItitahle iIIVestment lIlI e . \ '” "M ‘T'I'. ill ae-IIIIII (It'11 aIIIIIIgV and (IxIIlIIInI-‘ the MINI III he TT‘I‘TTI and t'IIIIt. T-Im .‘lafladet‘NtXew IIIIIIIIIII Theatre 111‘ t.I1(ir ('(IIn-. CU NE ADVANCE M.‘..._ . Single Copies 5 Cents lion. Frank Cochrane and A. W. Roebuck Nominated Insniit BIIIIIIBII IIII Invariant l IIIllII 315v SESSIIIII PIIPIIIIII III IIIIIII -â€"â€"â€".. â€"â€"â€"â€"_ rporai Widdifield Says They Even Read the Advts. WAR TIME ELECTION IS NOW UNDER WAY. UNION GOVERN» l’z'am I‘III'IIIII'al W. .\l. \\'Idditield. MENT POLICY UPHELD AT MEETING AFTER NOMINATION I. 1351.)” ) .\(I II (‘HIHIHIII‘V‘ (21912.! IN TTMMIK'S. "I- l‘i. l".. l‘raIII-e. there was I'I'I'I'TVI‘IT il-‘I “"‘rlx' (me (It' his ”I'VIIII'III hright last week (IIIII (II' his I‘VIIICHT I.I l)(Imi11I(III l'ileetiun (IIIntest IIIIIk the hest men in hIIth .m.I._i.,s.__(,._)ll.‘. I (3 0 Taxes and Other Matters Dealt With. .â€" Finances, The regular me(ti11I.I' (II' Tisdale ITIIwnshiII t'IIIIneil was held (III Satur- I :day. with lleeVe Kennedy and (‘IIIIII- leillIIrs l’IIIVle and Tlaekie present. I . . ' . . . ‘I (InsIdeI'alI le rIIIIIIne 'IIIIsIIIess. Inelnd- °/. - .~-.---_ â€"c. 'T‘Tlt‘ IIIIIIITIIIIIIIIII (II Wfl (Iandidales Terithat' IIII (Ine IIIII'TIV.‘ IIIIIV a union of I llnIr the IIIssi 11g (11' salarV and (Ithei â€" IIlaI-(IIIII )lendaw In I'I . (‘IIIIIIIIil t‘ham- lIIIIie III .IIIIIIIIIVII the M:- things now III-1's. 'l‘immins. w Ith III-turning tIIlieer Tlt't‘t‘SSIII"\'.“'-'Illt‘ (-(In.s(IriIIIi(III (III wealttI and interesting letters. things he \\'t'(Ite: Amen}: (Ither I.Ie net Ial :Ie ( (IItnts. w Is he law the ( (IIIII- leil. (In mIIIIIIn (II' (IIaneIllIIIs lIIII\l(I Iand .‘laekie. the tender (It' llill. t'lItt'k d: .l' raneis tIIr the additiIIn (It' an (Intâ€" l)r. llaentsI-hIl III'esidIng. tlnl)‘ IwII as well as men. the sIIIIIIIIIIg III‘ lm' I-andidates wIIIe IIIIIIIII:.I:(Id.I llIIII. titeering, and the tall IIIII-IIIIIIIaIIIIn II" Frank ('(III'. rane heing named i'IIr the t‘anada III the war. “'l‘ltanks \'('I‘\' mneh I'IIr the intermaâ€" IIIIII gIVen. news. ete. VIIII anIw it seems like III-Iting IIIIIIIeV t‘rIInI heme :‘ lle gaVII warninz' I'IIIIIII (TIIVI'l'lllllt‘lII. and .\thIIr\\'(I1Its nIIt III IIllIIw ltt't't'lllx‘.‘ III lH‘ drawn “Vt" m â€"_..â€".-.__.--â€" -W-â€".n ._._ T b . .. . , ' . l l . . . '\ I“ . '\- - .sIde sIaIIwa} tIII IIH 1““ lllt'III‘HIIII get sII llltlt‘ll news II'IIIII lImmIns. ihnilding at .\l(IIIet.I was tII'H‘IIlt-‘IT. the pine heing $7.3. .\ retaining fee (It . . I \\'Hl'lll '(It‘lttlt‘l' lI‘Itl‘" Illt‘ (Itt‘ ~‘I IIIII'I- lltt' II‘IT ( ' l I i . III . . ‘ . ‘ \nd tnIIse IIIIIIeI'sl \\ ell. ‘IIIIIV make I‘ \ i " I ‘T l M‘ H T” "‘u‘ “’ l" “’“l‘h‘” the whale hIIIIeh (It' the TIH‘V4 Item the ed TIIV TI‘II' .lndI'IIeIIIleIzt l.ahI 1' l’:'11t\" in IIIdiVid Ials sIekInI.I IIII“lI (Iwn endI. and IIII‘ IIaIIIIier wing (It' the IIIIIIIII \ :IniIIzI (II all gIIIId IIII'eIIs was neees- l .‘I l \Ve (‘-\'('II I'I':I(l Ilte (i- Slaght. T” lid“ "1““ WWW” \is'filthIS. and the Indy (IIImIIlain: is that Tisdztlt'. T’I'U'T'TI‘HT‘ “IN" "HTTMTTV‘NTitltt't'e seetns‘ III he IIIII little III IlIe IIlsII III l). W. (I'Snlliran. 'l‘IIIIIIIins, “”lIIIIIH'I'. Ynu shIIIIld in...-....... it IH a ('II‘IoHlllll Ill. I'Xllt'ltses III The “150““It'tlIHlng'ttt' :IIZI‘ tllttl i5“... ll (lttllfi‘ I” ESIIIIIII Vs. 'l‘IIsdIIle. I l‘l<tl'llt‘ and “It’ll. lsat‘y at this time. \lt'. (.i Ii. 5‘. lIitnlseV. Iit‘esidettl I II' I \(Ittllt lIIIIIttIII TIIIIII'II Il I\.ss(I('l:lIT(II also spoke in hehalt at ”an. lI‘raIIII C(Ieihrane. He said he was with tlII l'IIiIIII (IIIVernIIIent lIeeaIIse (it. was by IIIlIeI'al l’art\ .\t.er the t'IIrnIal IIIIIIIIIIaIIIIns. (In the suggest IIIn til. ('IIIII. .‘l;tgl;tdet‘}'. the usual .I-(Iint IIIIIetiIIg was held In giVII the ('IIIIIIIdIIIes (Ir their I't'ietnls (III- IIIIIIIIIITI\ t(I(I\'IIlain 1311(I1 IIIIlieies. IIIe. Trim”'_‘° Smith "'5'I111eet' (IIIr requirements. That l'IIreII- Th“ “mmm' (I“””"IIine .\(lVane(I is some paper. The mittee I'IIIIIII'IIIl that IIIe ltIIIIeI-I-Il m“... (Tm l (“MI :1 letter ”Hm l‘TI'ttltli. I‘M. was n!) (Ine '1.” ~I1eak t.” ‘lr I ‘mk 'lH‘T “”“T‘HV '-"‘”‘T“1 Th“ (x l( aIthight sawing he saw my IIIIIIIellI’IIeIIIIek and neither did he aIIIIear ““‘THT "T‘lii' “"l“‘l m" “”‘T sntlnient Iand nnmlIeI ' IThII .\dVIIn(-e. l°'rankllrimselt'. The lI’etnrning ()tlieer \\'tts 11“] TH" ” l"”"”““1 T” "m" “11 SUM" and nIImheI III The .\IlVan(-e. Frank IIreVailed IIIIIIII III take the ehair.al'ter| lIII.ItIT I'IIIttl-s'llintts lI'II (Itl\illlIL‘.q IIIIlII' ll'\'llt'.". SIIIIIIISHTI. . lieeVe H.\'l\eslet‘ Kt'tttlml)‘ In“! Ilt‘t'lltt~ The l“lt‘e (Y laght III he (lune tIIIw. liilIet'IIls had tIIIlIlI‘ Is now III thili. lxing l". Smith. Neil and IIIVselt' are all new e IIIIIII- als and earn thI siiIIes. \\I are all (Inite ll.l[tII.\' and are not wiIhIIIIl IIgIIIId time (IeeasiIInIIlly. (IVIIII though in the army. \\’(- I'Iink I\'(I. IsehIIIIl (*‘(IIIII :I'IIIIIIs. ed the lIIIIlHI'. Stirring addresses III' lI’Ixmmittee I'IIIIIII'IeIl that (I light: at a IIIIn-IIaII;Isan eharaeter were deliVI-r- (Id h)‘ Messrs. \\'. (IIII'dIIn and (1‘. ti. Lindsey. 'II’III-III-sIIIII had IIII‘I III-(III lIIIrIIIng IIII ILTHI) (In t.1(ms(l\(s and the IIIIIII_\_ same time. near ll. t'anley's residenee and the (‘lIIrk was instrIIetIId III take the matter IIII with Mr. llarrIsIIn. 'lIhe l’IIlIlie \\'(I1'ks t‘IImmittee reIIIIrtâ€" ed that the lII'iIlge III l’eIII'l lIIIke had time." said Mr. Lindsey. .TTI'. IiIII'IlIIII ttt‘;."(‘(l lite (lI'(IIIIIiIII__-' III ‘ " ' ' . .. (III-t. that. IIIe lIII.t I I . ... ' ‘1 .mem has Ill-3'1 as 2mm] “Hm.” l . s m(,n III thI lIIlIIIIII . - .se tishness and III-IsIIII. Il ..IIIlIIti(Ins. and the IIIIIIIn (It all land me II IIII the winâ€" ning (II the war. Despite all the and men as ('Ullltl he I'III121d III any . lIItIIT the Tillltlll ('(IV'I' ' *' (IIIIIIIIIIIIV III the army. Here are I ( nmInt. AM“ It‘\ \‘Ithll‘.’ III'IIgress already made he V lIeen I'eIIIIit‘eIl. lIeitIg‘ (-(I\'('l'e(l with Ii (Itti P .1 ”um“. 1. ”II ”NIIIIII’II ”ml (”up ineh IIlank. .l. and X. lTrIIyie, Selin- maeher. asked for a rehate (II' the in- eIIme taxes as theV had lIIInght II IIrIIII- lerty paying taxes. (lne halt' (II the .. .._~..- c...- -_.â€"~.._.- -.__~.â€". --. ‘ . b .3; I' I I)“ ‘) (r- I l).l\' TllI Tl \\TTTT Tl‘ TTTIT Tlll TI T TT.â€". ?\()I'l(| lTTiTV‘TTT”. INTTTTTI'S TTTTITTU \‘ilh' ”“l\ (Ine 1.~.sII(I t<I(lI1\ _.â€"»the (IaIrVIng (It the ing III the "('hain gang. and all ..-_._..___-_ ._..-._-_.____._.__._.__. _... . (.I'IIIId t'IIllIst. so you see I am neVeI ,_ .. Iw'ai (III In \T(“lt)l\. witlIIInt gIIIId II'Iends lell liank 'lhe IIlI"1tI(IIm an- the (changes in the. milit- II’} adminis- lnIInneed hV lIIIth IIaIties w as mIIeh the 111mm. and union alone. that (‘a‘nadrt ('(IIITIT get the things done that (Ittght. III‘IIIIIIdent I'III' IIIIIIIII in the lIisIIIr'ie event. (It‘ t'(Inl'etlet'aitinn. when leading liihet‘als like (II-(I. llt'nwn. (llIVI't' .\l(I\\ .' at and (Ithers had retleeted hIInIIr and “\\II want no party Vie-IIII'y at this lle IIIIintetI I .II IV tlIrIInghIIIII the (‘IIIIIIII'V were lie-1 throw of the IIaer IIaItI'IInage (IVIii. the measines IIII enntrIIl IIrIItiteerIng, l . . . . .,. . ‘ .- II'IIIIIIII, Illt‘ :IeI'; I-I I --II' - IIW” ”1mm“ “‘M'I‘ “3‘ " T’Jt‘d' ( 1“" lIaIIIIIieI l m(t his lIIIIIheI last IIII'..ht I . I 1 . . “I l“ l’”‘““’“‘“ T“ ~‘““‘~ ‘x‘tl’ ”11 I H‘ (IIIesIIIIII (It I‘(II1- send ieIIII(IreenI(I11ts.~~â€".\lr. Lindsm d ent'WIIIIe the ()ntIIiII l‘IeIIIIIIIaIIIIe \(t “1mm” " ”Him,“ . AT" (“MINT Tmmlwl “”T I‘l’I’“ ITI‘IT iIIl‘ .snIIIInIt I'IIr llIIn )II IIlIIIt. II” III lII\'(II' (II t (Insctiptinn I IN‘ iII .Ine .‘.n(l Ilte l' 'nI(In IIIIVII‘IIIIIOII‘I lhe l’(IlieII ((Immittee IeIIIIIt IId (III . shIIIIhl neeessarilv . II, I; I 5I'llllllltlt‘llt‘l l ‘ \II} I I I lit T IlltIll , as the (ml) way In adVanee these I ‘(IIIVIII'IIIIIIIIII.. He also made it plain things and make them IIIIssIhle. â€" (InmIIlainIs regardIng (IIInditinns. and the matter was laId IUVL‘I' t(I next meeting. MESSRS. ROWELL AND GUTHRIE TO BE HERE. "‘ Iflflfflucx wnuln "0]. (It‘s .‘IIHIITIT gel II'I'). IFII, $7 and 3;“) 1,... law. and soldiers Ian N41 III [1. h ‘ I ' I (it! - i ‘ T - ' ’ ° - T THIRD ANNIVERSARY 0F It i e.\'II( .. 'lUl t Iat th( I III In \ “i. WHUM m...” “ate git'ing the latter $2.2” REPEAI- flflnscfllpTlu" TNT ‘1313‘. lle also w(IIIld ask that al' PORCUPINE LODGE, 1.0..0F Innent IIIIIIV will hIIld II series IIt'utIts lIII (IIIIIIIsI-ated. .\IIII.IIIIIII (II I”. ._._... l IIe( 1.1l meetings in TiIIIIIIIns and dis-I 1d.Ias was that sIIldIers he alluwmi Candidate Says Should Be Paid $220 III emne hIIme III their l'amilies III'te“ serVing a. .I‘ am “ M I I I i l I l I \T‘ THHT‘ W H ‘Tl’l’ ’Hllml :Ill minim. I“I‘ttltl \\'t' lttlil 3‘. I't.‘tllf.1'III1(l IIIIII.‘ lIIt' II IOWI â€"- ____‘_._, ._..- .\ IIl(asaIIt e\e11iIII.I w as (‘IIHII‘HI'IT (I11 .IiIt in the. \(II\' near I'I1IIII'II. and it MIIndIIV (Inning In the lII'I'IIIhII 11 (II is the IIIesent intentIIIII III lIIiIIg heIe IIUHIHIIIIII- TANT‘VI‘. XII, ~I.).-’I. l.tl.0.l‘.. IIIIIIIiinenI. (Intside sIIe.Ik(Is (It IIaIiIIn- d . . T h. .. T v r ' ' ' e and VIIsI-IIIIg hrnthers IrIIm .l‘Immms al 11I1I1(Ir-tanee and reIIIItIIIIIIn. Aâ€" p r ay and Come Home After . . - . . ‘ . _ ‘ ' . . a Year. . (IIIllIII-IIIIII was taken up at -th. ‘Illtl (Ither IIl'IIees Ithe (Ieeastnn helng‘ mung thnse e.\IIeeted III lll(',s('lll, l‘.lt’ . . _ . I . . I . ' - . , , , , ‘ . IIIeeIIIIg III delI‘aV exIIIInses. (IV.III MINI HI... thIrd amnwysarV (II tIIIe Lodge. IIlIIIIIII'In (It the IIIIIIII (IIIH'I'IIIIIL’III‘ --â€"~‘ 1 .I ' l' l . . . n i q rv' ' ' I \. ‘ . ,1 ’(TT 1:: rviT. T/.U( . lIIsIrII-I; l)eIIntV (Irand Master II. I.!I)ill'l_\' III lImmIns III the. near t11t11retlhe.\ew lIImIIIre lheatre. was erIIw- ‘ Ward. (It' (‘(I(IIhraII(‘,. Imid his (Illieial are ”(111. I\'. \\'. ltIIw‘ell. TI‘IUTI‘Y‘ “I “'9 led to th( (Innis Manda) eVening IIII Visit III the Lodge and (leliVered an tIntarIII lahel'z‘d party. HIIW 11- IIII‘UITH‘I the me( tinI.I in the interests (II .\II. .\ . . - . ' ° ' , , . I. ' ‘ I iIIIsIIIrIng address III the lIrethren. (It the [men (I(I\eInmenI. t.1l1111(t.l{(IIlIIIIk. Independent I..IIIIII H15”- AI'HII- the bulge lIIIsiness. a deligh'tt'nl and Mr. llIIgII (hithrte I'IIr many )‘(IIII'SI\ I) (.IndidIIte. lIhe IIIIIeting was (III- “HWITH’ Ill-*IIIIfs'HI-‘IH‘II "Memher I'III' \Vel-‘thnsiastie, and the mere, mention of â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"--â€"â€"â€"-I- liMlfillllMlllli lllI'IllllL'I sIIeiIIl time was IIIIjIIyeIl h)‘ It”. _ . . I - . 0’ I' v' I‘ ' 9 III' the IIIII‘Ilt‘IIltIl' IIleasIIIg leatIIres (It llIII‘JIIIn. Mr \\1]lied TIaIIrIer s name hrnnght the evening was the IIresentatnIII In. t'erVent aIIIIlaIIse (In eaeh (‘I(I(I.asi(In. _~” suggesting the attitude at manV (II' III Very pleasing and helIIt'nl t'raier- tIhIIsII attending. ThIIse (I11 7tl1<IIIIIII- nal ”10mm;- was I...“ I,V 'I‘iIIIIII'ins. I'IIrm iIIelIIdeIlr-«J. (IIII'maII, II. New- } (I.I.II'.III.,.\I5 ()tl 'T‘lll‘StlIl)' (wetting.\\l1t‘llIlHH. IT. \\. \lttlIIIII. \\. l)tl‘t'lt Iltltl' " the IIISIIIIIIII ”(IIIIIIN (Irand MasteIl‘ ll.IIIh(II l’.IIt\ 111.111 t1(Im lI(I(I11(Iis l.Ills. l.iet.II .\. T. Skill I'IIrIIIIIer minInI.I' t'. Ward paid an tIlTthlilT Visit III lliel The I'll 1.11m..11 \TI “Pl HI. 1n\1.ted l l l l’ast Distriet lleIIntV (Irand Master ldtts l". li-I'I.\.‘le (Il' an l’IIsI Masters. Next. â€"â€"...- Mr. I". \h'ltl‘lt‘lt‘, in (harge (Il' Ith- â€"-__..â€"â€" I'II'(((I1(lI_I1 at llk Lake. and we-ll anIwn lmdge. Visiting lIIetIII(11 were alsII .\l. ‘I.\"(It \lI -l.aIII.Ihlin. l)r. .\lelnnis, I IhIIInI.Ih(I11t the .\Hl'lll Land. was re- Iesent t'mm .qnuth T’IIII‘IIIIIIIIII. ("(Ieh- lI’eeIe l\(‘IttI(I(l) and Mr. lh(Is. l\iI1I. (entl\ reIIIIrted amIIng IhIIse killedlrane and (Ithers IIIIints. .\t7te1' the III the IIlatlIIIm. hIIt (they did not re- In aetinn. lle let't with the 159th w'IIrk of list’ Lodge a Very ('ll'III‘VilTITt' sImItIl. Tl!“ I'lllt’I' speakers “"‘P'I‘ lIattaliIIn. .\ wIdIIw and three (Ihild- sneialttime was spent lI)‘ those present. Messrs. Malian and ltnehnek 111 lIIIIg- “Mk-)0“; New lIiskeIIr,d $222,.Stltlz l‘itv In.“ liVing' in 'l‘III'IIIIIII. are left In There was :1. large allendanee (It' in- lish. and Mr. Newton in lt‘reneh. Tht. i glehIart. $5.100: TInImins. $86,050. riet IIIIw totals $300,850 for lihe Vii IIII'I' \Var l.(Ian l’IIInds. I (Iehrane. ”M IIIIInI'n this lIIss. lterested and entlmsiastie lII'I-thren. lIalIIIr l’art)‘ reIIresenItatIIVe t'rIIm ll'tI- (Innis halls read the IIlI‘nks (II' the l.:1lI(Ir l’arty IIlatt'III'm and also ad- \'Ilt'tllt'tl l'I'ee nIIIIIIIIal selnIIIls. where “IHI lilttl Wllll lllll .Iaannnuaaav.aaaaaaaeeeeeeeewwvueee neeeeeeeeeeeeeee» . '1'I _ . _ '1‘ I neither I'aee llIIl' ereed IIIIr religion HNOteS comments and OpifliOns Eziwnnld haVe any standing. .\lr. i.\la- :TII l(In (‘Hlltlt‘lttltt‘tl the l'niIIn (IIIVIIrn- 3 meat as simply the (Ild (iIIVermIIent It 9:01 4- 0:9 I under (Ither I-IIlIIrs. He said Ithat (Int (II' 223, 133% (Ir Lil IIIeIIIlIers the new I H _ _ ('ahinet had (Inly six straight I'IIrmer l The new 'Tett-Ilt'lll (IIIIIIIII'IIssIII' (Il Iltt“ TIII’ I IIIIIIILII‘IS .\TIIIII. (I\‘I‘Ilt’t‘.s' (II the TIITIOI‘IITS. \'..\'.T. is mm in (IIII-ratIIIn and I‘\'t‘l"\'â€" .\Iai(l(I11s-.\lel)IIIIald and â€"...~ Of Interest To Mining World w"’3"1-€".‘°l'60 'I’X“"l'1”§“§“3'. .3 “+4.4": ml '7. i... “4002003? ‘3' ’z‘ "3”:':°':":"‘“:“:"5’§‘4‘*+*“’:":‘+'} #0:”... come . W15}! 30118 CHIâ€"and Perhaps Oth- er Adornment. â€"-.â€"â€" “The (iit'l \VlIII TTTIT NUT (‘III‘I‘H tshe .«IIIIIIial for Friday and Hatttrda lie was nut sure that Mewâ€" . Am‘TWI'III‘lhIIrn. Hallantyne (Ir t'rerar had heen TTTTTTL‘ T\ \\UT‘T\TTT_'_" .‘iITIlTSTTTTI'TUl‘.\'. )ITTTPD‘ TTT T)’.’TITTIIT. TIT.“ III) TIT ITTTTI' Th(.:T1TT‘I‘TI'TT\‘ ll“ TITITTI'TTTI‘IT II“; I(l(1u ITT . heaVIest. single InVest rs (in I (IlIalt m. i 10” tItItI “H. 11 1mm t ”.1...“ winmnIr the l l I Q v- I v ' ' \ IetIIry Bands. walnut." -‘.~’3tt,tIIItl warm I“ . ‘ ‘ ' ‘, ‘ . v; ). (‘2 'TIOT ' lIII .Ilimng I ”III”1 '“t'” ‘l 111. T‘ (II the hands. wIaI. and elaimed that IIIIIre helII '(Itllltl he giVen h)“ III'IIITIIHITIIH. (Ite. lle o o a .Ie'II'IIsHl the IitIVt‘l'lllllt’tlI (.l' Killing THII‘I'I‘ST T” 1'11“ Lightning HIV“? III" VIIlIIIIIarV eIIlI>IIIIent. Mr. .\lal‘I(In exâ€" “HVI'I'TI’S T” I'll“ ATHITTIT (Tl-"TIT“T ('“ll' IIt'I-ssed lIIIs (‘tllllllllII‘IT (II’IIIIIIlenee III TTTT'TMI ““1 many lm’filwmm" ”V“ 71‘" Sir lIIIII‘ieI' and his Ithility I(I l'IIrm II T”! Tm" ”I“ ""‘ll'I'II'.\'I .\ trail Iv' “H“ ‘llttll-III‘II'ITfitllI national gIIVernIIIent I'III IeiIII.r t'III from the Kirkland Lake see-lg}... IH Iter .,I-.,.(I..III-I.m .,I' the war. SI ‘ Ti‘m TM” Ti?“ “PW l”'”>'li”‘t'l ITI'TIL Lake \\iltied liIIIIIieI had neVer hrIIken II . c a Share Mine interests at KirklandIIIIIIdg'e. said the ;~II(I;Il»\'(II‘. \(lI‘l)l(Ite(l lIIlIIII' market and II ditII- 113”” 4”" “â€"‘TI‘H'THT T” “4”“ taken If”; i l I e o ' are preparing III (liamIInd drill the felaims reeently Iatrehased in lx’iekard I |F‘ l‘IIwnshIII. (In the III'IIIII'IIss and re- “‘“W' “ re 1" “” ”-‘7" T"’l‘T”I.'-s' Hl’” stilts (II' this wIIrk will depend In great -T( .\te II. the ”human” I“ the .\lIitilIi lung. IIstIIIIiall‘v it' the Girl is nII: “uld lands in whieh there 1111s heen I" SII lllllt'fl reeent Interest. ‘ fi Sex lIIIre. “’ Tha'. IliIl IIIII sutlnd III'I New YIIr'II. l/ieense t'IIIIIIIIIssIIIner s11: lhe (IandidatI I1(I(-11sII(l the T'IIIIIII gested tun titles. “A \Varnihg t' IIVIII'IIIIIIIIII (II‘I I.\lll'.' III hide huIIind t.I(I ~ki1'ts (It (lisgt‘IIIntIIl IJTTTI‘rTTTS. as lIIItIIl ~' II-IIIIIlitiIIIIs.â€"â€"I:II‘I‘ IIIIsIIIInsilIle fur the o o o r... H‘Illttl t'IIIIn. lITI‘t'l'l‘ilSt‘ III the gIIld III‘IIdIIIItiIIn I'IIr I I-IIIIdI- ”I 'IUEI (In sn'ne (It the Lightning lI'iVIII' III‘IIsIIIII-I s, A u. _( tilt IIIIIIIII'ials IIIaI'kets.-I- lIIIth ItIIIns heing traeeahle III w'IIrld and war, .._...- m“--... ° 9 TITilITSTTTTI) ZTTTIT iTTllIT'TTTL" ill'”'TTTlTl‘Tll\' ”lift“! [Tni“n (}(I\'(Il-””“Int*‘._fhp ()\'(II.. $590,850 lflll llllll Cobalt Leads With $114,850, Cochrane North Land \‘IetIIry IIIIan eamIIaigI , this IIIIII'IIing' wired \V. S. .\laeIIh( rs(II . seerIIIarV I'IIIf this (lisfriet. that In -â€" IIIII'ts In last night shIIw the I'IIllIIwin.‘ :IIIals: “'(‘Hlltlll $114 .850; lI;1il(I_VlIIIII;.. sIIII,sI.-'I( I, 'l‘enriskaming Tl )i~- lllll lillltf” l5 lillMlllE Will be Here Friday and Saturday (It' :his week. Most. men lIaVe -.-e(II the girl thI did I,I(It " hut -tIhiI‘ shIIII d nut Ike-(II the III awat IrIIm Iltl" I_rII(IIl lIIIILIEIIg, as in this ease. Th:- (Iriginzd IEIIII (II' this IIietnre was “Th-I IIIII‘ I'~It‘ Sittnlny Selnml IIHIIITI'. St) the I \ViVIIs” and ".\ l.e.«sIIn t(I lltIrII Sn all married IIIIIIIIle shIIIIlI ll(«:1id the hattlI IsIII tIIIis IIIIIIIII'I. I'III' sIIIIIII wires nee. (TITII'TI‘IT figures are IIIIt .\'I'i IIII'rIlished ‘ I”. III. (IIIIII ;IIIIII(-I' II .\ and de III III( 1.1( \ 'a ‘I'I'aI'IIiIIIj: and must hushands (II . the lirst nine IIIIIIIIIIs III' INT. J" I’I'- as I” III“ MI'THI.\'1"‘ I’I't'dIII'i'I"l IVY-tithe (It his IIfIiases wIIs lt is lllIIlt‘ .-'I‘t‘\I' :I lII-sun. la the IIjIetIIrII play I‘Tmld' "”“””“""‘T ”UT-"TIM." 1" Til" PM" I“ H""'l“"'- S" III” 1" X‘N'I‘HI'N'I" IlItr'IIIII'IIIIaIIt II. III-at IIIII llIIn at l:(II.1II lII'I'l :;:.::';.e(l II IzzIIlII IIII-I; IIII “III . lie luv the tlnIIII'iII linrean III' .‘Ilines. ed «.IIIIeIIIIInts IIIIw heing IIhsIIrI'I-d. t’III'I'IaII ahrnad.” llt' I'HIHTI‘TBIIII‘IT the Iiirl” frII-‘II 'It diteh '.'-.'Ier(- --?I(I i-.-I-.‘ Tic"? TIT“ nine ““11““ ”T HUD “W" 3””! ””TH'WTTNI l“"""""“"~ I: ‘TI‘TMTIIII In (TIIVIII'IIIIIIIII': IIIId llIIn. Frank hes-III thruua at' (Ir :1 drunken III 'I l . 0..-V -.I,' .6 . ' . . . ’ _ I r , i‘fj _ . . ' . . . V.. _ ' ‘ at a \alne (II MImIL-I-IJI II Ill“ 1‘" "1‘ "I“ 31' Tm)“ “I-“T‘ I1 11““ IIIâ€"II H‘I'HY‘II.IIIIIl-aaniInstratInn III Itlill-Illlhl‘lllull. the .I‘III.I‘III'I'. IIII'I'IMIII'. tl:(I tI'IIIIIIlI Sillllt‘ PCT'TINT Tll TTITIT let‘l't‘ “'(‘I'I‘ TITL- TH (TI‘IIH‘T, S9. 7211‘ as X.,-.'.II“II.II- EH:\~I'1‘;H. l I I I‘:l(_‘(‘IlHH .\(It was :IlsII ~sI-IIrIIII as mean .‘IIIIIIIII' and I-FIIIrIII and striktn- gIIne IIII III date this InIInth wIil .s I III (II-IIIlIIIr, . -- - . . ' . -I ., I. _ . , ‘ . .. ;tl.'I:I IIIIIIees (It a \a TIIII (It .7I,.Il.I. .I nntaIr In IIIIt IIllIIw'Ing IIII: \‘(Ite III all sItIIaIIIIn-s and III'IIrest. and. as we I '11“ IIII'I‘I'IIISI‘ II‘I'I‘!‘ :In RITTIII'IIIIIIIII and III IIIIIIII‘IIliZeIT ('iIIIZIIns HT. all ends ht; IIIIIlV. (IVeI'VIIIIIIy ”sIuIIIl. II II' the III]? IIIIIdm IiIIn te TI‘I‘H‘IT III I 1“! II”! III.» TlTllt‘ “IIITTTLT,‘.. I It .\Tt Tlll_\l(~§.l\t'l' I-III :IITITO.’ (II (If! TMTltf.’ Tl't‘tllt'tl I‘fitI‘-H.-lng HT. T'I‘IN‘iTlTll‘.’ Ill" ITIITI‘TI'I'TIITIUH ('lTlIT .. "1‘”... \II'IIIll'l TINT .IIII'IHI'TI’ ET SUI’; g59.779 IIIInees and the lIIIIIIe TISJII‘IIreeently 1s: alsII I‘(’INI!'I.I.1 m. IIIgiIIII'iAI-I, lIIII wIIIIld try III IIIIIIrIIVe it. He sII ail (can I(III this play with a (IlIIII . ' 1.. I;i.t it ahsttrd tha. IIIIIIIIII:III wurh- I‘IIII- 'iI'IIN :1: l"1'IIl.Ij and .";I‘.IIrIlII;I'. l l.I-Imees. Ititun III‘mivIIIs months. I. l ' ”WW THAT”) ””1“.” “Ti (mm I’r‘ulm'ml that m h'm’ l'r”‘T“"TT”” ”WT “"i l'r"' (III IIIane I‘III' neaer (IIIIII'I'thinf: train and all LII-I II'IIII'IIlI-s llt‘LfiiI'I sIIIIn. l-. l esv v - g T a i ) ‘ n O ' 1' .’ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' l . ' “ l ' ‘ . I i . i i . - ., c I o I . l.III IIIIII:; IIIIIIII-rnment l’aI‘I‘N Ttil\'t‘II"""'Tl”n( I'IINTHIHT “H1 -I‘T”I”“” ”Zr-I sums III he going IIIIIIsI1.Ill\ III” III Iahen enemw (IrIgIn. .\l1.l{IIIIlIII(Ik .sald W'HII‘}. 'Tleie IIIII- l(IV( inteiests :In-' . t q ) ‘ p ‘ l j g "i ' 9 T ' . ‘ . n . .e. . T . . “Itre <III‘I‘iIII' addresses were dth-Ireated t:.- «the II'IIrIIIeer the .\(Iw':T‘I“ “MUM-"T .‘T'T‘Tm' “'1 (It- ”Tm” T‘“ “‘ Tm)“ TUHIIIIIIII .\II11(s.l.II-II....‘ I. .IIHIUI I... would III,., III; In other '1 1m .II interess 121 the stun. p »»»»»»»

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