Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 14 Nov 1917, 1, p. 5

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A Special shzn'chuhlm's' inm'iing' of the Newmy Minvs. Limited. was held ()1! Thursday Inst in 'l‘tn'lHliU, am! as suggested by The Advunvv {he share- hnlders were pmvtimlly unanimous in 1'; tifying tlw (10:11 with the (‘mwn h’vsei've Mining ('n.. and zinthm'izing' the inm'msc in capital i'i'nin ,1..5()(),()UU in 3,000,004) shares per \‘allln' $1.00. The (31an Hoscrw Mining (‘0. mn- ‘mt'ts tn (lovclup the mine with an 'znnple munthl)’ expenditure. taking: uvm‘ stuck in the amount of 1,800.01)” shares at an average privo «it? 4:3 ovnts a share. Dr. 13. J. Hixh)’. president of the Nowruy, mwnpiml the chair at the meeting. and nmnnxinmt‘cly UM).- (NH) shares u!" tlw minlnln)’ were i'vpi'v- svntml in the \'Ui(‘, whivh was pmvt'i- Shareholders Practically Unanimous. Dominion Reduction Also in Deal. NEWMV RMIHES HEM WM! 388% eally nnaninmns fur the deal. The Umnininn Rednetinn (‘umpamx nt’ (‘0- halt. is nnw :lhm in the deal, having taken nver halt' nt' the ('imrn Reserve interest. and \mrking juintly with the ('rnwn Reserve in the matter. It is understnnd that at the time the deal was put thrnnu'h with the direetm's there were three pmspeetire pnrehas- er~s uf a enntl'uiling‘ interest in .the .\’ewray, the hmnininn liednetiun =(‘n. heing one «it the three. The matter was adjusted hy an agreement fur a juillt interest by the ('ruwn Hen‘erVe and Dmnininn Hednetiun Vumpanies. Already aggressive develnpnient Wurk is under way at the Newray and im- ;mrtant adranees may he expeeted in the mar t'ntnre. yzvl'lnnd. Pt‘v. H. (L Lamb his family here on Sunday “Pte. L:11nh enlisted here in the earâ€" ly stages 111' the war, and in the first battle of th'es, \pt'il 23111., 1915, 11:1s taken prisunu'. He spent nearlv :1 y:e1r and :1 hall :11 (lottiughen mis- 1111 111111) in (le1':111111\. from whi1 l1 place, on :11111111111 ut ill health, he 11:13 sent to S11itzul:1n1[ and often :1 _\e:11' theie 11:15 reputiiated retuining.r to England and theme to Canada. “Pte.L:1111h slums the etfeots of his long stnv in the 111is11n camps of the enenn. but it is expected that the wood old (anadiun air and New On- tario food 11ill soon lestore him to his original health and 1ig0r. He has done his bit tor his home and counâ€" try, and has set :111 example that should be an inspiration to those 101mg.r men 11h11 hme not yet gone turth to strike :1 hl1111 tor heedem. 'l'hc llailgvhm'izm last week 5 ‘-\I'tor a lung inmu'cwntiun wisun ramps u" (h'rnmny, and her stay of many mumlls in Friends will regret to learn that its. Martin Lewis found it necessary a) 5:0 to Hailey-bury this week for L nspital treatment. Mr. Lcwis went .own with hcr tu-day. am last wevk says:â€" ixmn'cemtiun in the Lamb 1'1 m1 a fur- in Swit- tm'ned In “Nationâ€" behave. P. I’I'M'im thu Mi tain th he (mm. In 11'- vial \m if_ |11Lffllllfi| .â€" Large Number of Cases Dealt With by Magitrate Atkinson. MMHEB BUSY W M PIECE WEI Thursday was another busy «lay l'ui' the police ('mn't here. (”unstable (‘n'oor supplied ilu- “lluuzv” ras'vs, lnn'in}: ('liai'g'cs against two men for selling. 11111111111 “'11:; 11151111551111. 11111 11\'1111-111-1_-11 \1'115‘ 11111111111111511'1- 111111 111111111131111gz' 111111 1 111 1111: 111111 51111111011111 11111111 111 111111 1 111111111 \1'111'11 111:1111151 111111111111'. '1'113'111111. 1 11111111113111 111 11.111 111‘ 11111 11111111 11111111111 1111111s11'111s. was 11:11-11 $211111 111111 1111515.. 111' 11111 11.411111 11-1111 111 .11111, 1111' 51111111111 111111111“ 111 11 11111 (11‘ 111111111 111 years 111' 1111111. '1‘115'111111'5 511111}' was 111111 ““1 1111112111 11111 111111111' 1'1'11111 11153111111111111.1 1115 (11111111135111 111111111 11 1111111 1111' 111111- 1-11115' 1111\‘111'115 '111\111111. 115 1111 11115 1111‘ 1111111.~11'11111.~‘. 111111 11111-"‘11-\\1111;i111_.1 1111111 “1111 1111111111)‘ 111 311111111111 11111 11» 11111‘ 1 1 1 1 1111111111 111111 11111111 1111111 111 11 111111111 11111 311111151111111 11.11a- 11111 111111111111 111 11111- 1111112 “11' is 111111 111111111111 111 1111 51.111- 11111 111111111 1 1 1121-11 :1111111111 1111111 " s11111 \11111151111111 \11111151111, “11111 1 111111 <1111w .1111 S\llll)il111\ 111 11 1111111 \11111 51115 111111 mg lu‘unr In mun 2m Mngi‘st m1 0 A t kilm m, no sympathy tn :1 m stufi' tn lads." l’x'uvim-inl (Wit-m- twn funmus lighting heful'v Hm rmn't. .\ charged with :xsszmlti 1’1'1'11'111111111 011111111' .\11k1'11.\'11 111111 11111 111'11 11111111115 11311111113: Austrian 111111115 1111111111 H111 111111'1. M1111 Kl1111111 11:15 1111:11' 1111l 1"11111:15.5:111l1i11;,1 1111111111111 \115- .:\1111zm1 11:15 11.1:111_11111 1111‘1 1155:1111121111; 11'111111 .\111:1'/.1)11. :11111 11111 11111111' .\115111:111 31:111. 'l'1111 1111111111111 11'115 1111111, 511'111111'. 1'1111'1111111 211111 111-11'1111 1111 1111111 5111115, 111111 11111 M:1111.511:1111 11151111551111 111)1l111:511.5. 7'111\1\1H” 1 H‘ “”1110” 1” be ”'UlHl 111111 1” ant m \‘fll'icd behave. .\ iiioi'l charge laid by tho I’l'M'iiu-iul ()flivm' was also dismissed Hm (‘\'i(i(‘ll('(' living iiisuiiicicn't in 5115- tain iiH‘. «charge. Auut‘hei1 intcrostin}: vusv lining-ht I'ui'wzu'il by the l’rnvin- rial was :1 number (if assault charges against :1 11111111111 nt' Russians. whu [12111 unt‘. (1:1 in :1 dispute in :1 1nu:11i11.: 111111<u.'l'iw smiivs tuld bv ('()lll})iilill- an! and II 11 «li Uncut partivs :lN‘ll‘Od \n1'iul 210ml). and Magistratv \1ki11- 1123!!!” had .- u .â€" v I h” I-. 1 so 8H1 Schumacher Red Cross Society presiding. Aftm' ru 011:4 nwetil The":lrm51 lures as $254%.$)2:, leavmg a hand 0f $6335.60. A full rexmrt of the ye was road, giving particula moms rcveixed. goods sh‘i material an hand, etc., “hi sent to Torontu; also a full be pub' Fished as soon as ‘ which are being: audited, am This being the end of the Sclmmaclu ulvinin us! :1 nmnm gnan in a 4 <0. LN? sznl'i and [to (“111 (d greatly. m dismissed HM It I'C UVCH )1} 0:1“. minutes of the previ- m: “we read and amnmml mer :4 he-pnrt, which “as al- «I L'EHC the month 5 expendi- Iii-18.92) ). leavmg a balance m ll ht 1r hush soon as the 00055, mdited, are returned. m1 of the fiscal year ' particulars of the goods shipped and i, etc., which will be also a full report to soon as the banks, (‘ilSt‘ .ness meeting ni’ the ('mss Society was t.. Mrs. R-ichardsnn ESE“ am! BUY A VEBTIRY W“ LOAN BOND If the canvassers do not see you--- see the canvassers towels; .\I1's.J. (‘111~k|)111'11. I} suits 11)". 111111113. .. ’strtchm 1111115 1 1'1111'111'511cks; Mrs. A. 1.111v1111',(i 111111111' slips. 1’ tuwvls; Mrs. 1’111111, (1 111111113; M12. (11011. 11011110131111, (5 111111115. (1 111111111; ')‘3 811115: .1118.111111111111111\1‘s. .1.1 towels: Mm. 111111 1111.1211111111». Miss K. Hivh- 1111151111, ’1 [11111' 111,. sucks; Mrs. \V. 1". Hi11l1111'1151111. 111 511115 111' 11yjz111111s. :31 111111' $111415; Mrs. .1..\ .\111.\111l1‘0\\'. 12 111111111' slips. Marguerite Hicks, Svcl'vtm'y

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