Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 14 Nov 1917, 1, p. 4

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\\ 1111.11 “8111* \'1111111' 1511111114 114 111- 11'11111111111111111-111 111 111'11111111111y 1111 ('11â€" 1 11111111111 111141111144 1111111. 11111 1111111111 111 i g1111111'1 111 11'111 11141111 111111111' 111111; 5111111111. 1' .\[1111111.111-t111'111'.4. 111111111114. 11.011111112111011. 11 ~-â€"1111 111'11 111.1'1'111111 111111 1111' 111111411114 111' ' 11:111'111114111 111111 11111111 11111111. 111111'1' 11.111â€" 1 11.11.11 111 11114 (.111111111'1 .4111111111 11110.4t 1111 1111 111111 111 \11-‘1111'1'11111111401111 '11 1111111, '~\ 11'1111 1.41111111'1111111111 111 1111 11111111'1111t 1'1'11111 '111"(111.1'11111_1 111411 â€"-111111 1111.4 11111. 1111111; ‘11111 111 1111 111111 14111 be 111.411 â€"-â€"will (11 111' '_‘14111111 (1'11 11111' 1111.1 1111t1'111114111 111' 11211 "111 \11'1111‘VB011115. W :51'311,1H111,1101) 114111111 1'111'11'111 1111 ‘11111111'11111111111 ('1111111111 {”111 11111 ‘4114 '11111 1r1111111'111 11111111â€"â€"1;111.1 1.11111 “11111111, ~14 1111111 11111 11111111 11111 MW .. ._ 1'1111' 11111'1411114111'1111111. '11101'1114â€" "-M-'“' M”1 1111‘ +11)“ ”(111111111 1111\1'1'1191, 111” 11 THE M 111111-11 111 (1111111111 111111 the 11111.40. 111 11111111 11111 1111111111111: of 11111 14.411111 “.41111111'4' 111' war” for Cana- 4 11011111111011 111111 in 11111 war. .11 1 11111111 the 4111111111111: 111' the 11111-1144-1 1' 1".‘11111114' 111 (1111111 “11111111 to H1114 51:11 1.1..111'114114 111' 41111111108 111110. "1111121 11111 1111111111111111'11 11t 11111111 ‘1144 111 '1 11:1111111. It 11111 11131111 11111 111.: 111111 11111 11'111'1-4-111' 11111111111: fi- 1111 1111- war. '1‘1111 111111111 “ Victory” 11'-111 111111141111, for 11111 \"111t111'.1' 11111 11":1111'11111111 111' .4111111 11111114. 1111111‘111111111 11.411011 111“"1111 O U 111' In“ M Mi mum “Mu-av in The Porcupine Advance at the regâ€" ular rate of 5cents per line for news type or 7 cents per line for black face type, except where the job work is done at the Advance Printing (mice, “than nntiap. will be inserted free of vâ€"-_._' of entertainments, eta, where a charge is to be made, will be inserted when notice will be charge. («un- Professional and Business Cuds. - 25 cents pe1 insertion or $121.91 year. , L POI Juuvovsv--. To insure insertion. copies of ad- vertisements should be in the hands of the printer by Tuesday noon of each week. \«Uuuu r-.. Advertisements inserted witlmut written instructions will appear until written orders for their discontinu- ance shall have been received Condensed Advertisements.--~ Lost and Found, \Vantcd, For Sale, To Rent, etc., one inch or less. 25 cents per insertion. . ,A_ -.:~ A W'EDNBSDAY, NOVEMBER t . ln opening the \l('tot‘_\' \\:tr Loan . w it «.ampaign at. Toronto, Mr llttnuas White, Minister of Finance, ventured I the predictidn that such would he the‘ interest and enthusiasm roused in (Ta- nada hy the activities in connection with the securing ott' su‘hscriptiom for the Loan. that elections and election talk Would he eclipsetl and become. a t as it were. to the greatt-‘r sitle show. l There. are e\'iâ€"‘ ' l national performance. (lences already to support this sag- gestion. The Victory Loan campaign has been taken up with an enthusiasm and energy that indicate the. spirit and the temper ot' the people. The financial interests otf the country are giving generous and loyal support to the 'aiupaign, in many c :scs making: important sacrifices to secure the sucâ€" cess of t‘auada’s Victory Loan. The professional and commercial interests are no less loyal and ready. As one not he. amiss O evidence of this it may to note the fact that practically every in this issue of The Adâ€" advertiser up his space to the vanee has given emphasizingr ot' the patriotism and pro- lit ot.’ purchasing Victory Bonds. When ”Buy Victory Bonds” is the pronouncement of practically all (‘a- nadian business men. the public, in Mn! mm u'iqnlv follow that; slogan. Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher Office 26 Canada - United States Beading Notices.-â€"~Ronding notices THE VICTORY WAR LOAN Subscription Rates : a - $2.00 a year 1 States - $3.00 a year TELEPIIONES : - pvupiu are nut asked to “give' as luau. They are simply asked Hi”flt over 5‘}; per rout. per zin- iim-rvszdaml un the World's best it}; lt. is largely a question as wthvr thvy will thus “lend" 01' nwu mm free will. or whether wilLlct others c-ui'i'y the responsiâ€" Lm- u-ni' imivmi until they are mt [‘lN‘tlUlh 11ml 111111111111 11c 1111li11s111l {11111 11011111111111 111 i1 \1'1'1111, 111 1110 111111111111 1'111'11111111111. 'l“h11111111'11 111iâ€" 11.111' 111 31111111111 this 3119;- \ 111111'\ 11111111 11:11111111ig111 111111 1111 \1'i1h 1111 01.111111511116111 that 1111111121111 11111. spirit 11p111'111' 11111 people. 'lhe 11111315 111' 11111 111111111) are 1111115 111111 loyal 51111111111 11) 1111111.: 111 subscriptions 1111" 1 Residence 1112 enemy tu giveâ€"like ONTARIO “'31 14th. with From the patriotism standpoint, from the business standpoint, from the selfish standpoint,~â€"-the advice of the advertisers is good;--“Bny a Victory Bond!" ‘°Don't do your BIT! Do your Utmost!" “If you can‘t go across. come aéross!" “Buy i Virtur)’ I’umds. ° " llfllfllfl BABE “The Barrier" by Rex Beach, Dea With a Hero Who Thought His Sweetheart Was a Half-Breed. ‘ 'l'innnins theatre-gums will llflll .1‘ play hy Hex Bear-h as smnething that. shunld nut he missed for stories at this gifted anthur have previunsly been very popular here. “The Barri- er,” by Rex Beaeh, will he the utter- ins: at, the New Empire 'l'heatre. uni Friday and Saturday nt‘ this week. The happiness of the lovers in this play is threatened by the fact that the hem believes his sweetheart to be a half-breed. 'l‘he derelnpment nt' this Sltlliti‘iltnl makes the must heantiâ€" t'nl, heart-stirring,r lore stury put en the screen in recent days. The play deals with Alaskan scenes and inei- dents, and tells the title (if a great love erqssed by “the barrier” at race and hlnnd. “The Barrier" is proâ€" dm-ed by Mr. leaeh's own (,‘mnpany. iaad the staging and interpretation im-eessarilv are faithful in the author’s ideas. From the press ut' the. ClilOS emne very flattering comments en “The Barrier." as a thrilling. exciting: “id interest-lmlding‘ story. ' BIG SALE GOING ON AT BUCOVETSKY BROS. .\s will ln- sewn by llzv hi}: ailvl. (an annlllur page ml" this issue. Himwetâ€" sky l’wos.’ Slul'i' is running a big sale this week. The (event. is atlravting‘ largo rmmls ul’ ~lmyei's. drawn in the. shire by the many genuine bargains lml'm'ml. Large slm'ks ml the host 'linos (if growls are being SOlll at great- ly reiluveil prices, the purlmse living: ltu dispose of all lines of ladies' wear and at the same tinw offer spevial inrlncmnunts in gumls 'l'm' mun. The sale (“loses on Saturday. 1nU Mr The 'l‘mvnship of Tisdalv ('muu-il held a special uweting‘ Saturday oven- ing'. 'the «MM and only business being tlw mvm'ding' 01" the mntl'zuet tfnr 11w ‘lmihling ol' the new fire station at IMulletil. Hill, ('lzu'ke lv'l'zmris were iawul'ded Hu' (-nnh'uvf, 11w priw‘ total- lim: $1737.04. WW I; HMMINS NEW IN BRIEF (‘unstaihlc ('. )lrlnnis, tlw 110w police ntlivcr at Mmu‘tn, mmlv a little raid nn Smut-u}; um-mupaniwl by ('mxstablo Greer and l’i‘tn'incial ()ttivm' At'ki‘nytl. As a mnsmlm-m-c. W. Perri. A. lsulu uml S. Sunnizl \wro lwt‘mw Justin! of the l’oat-v Bluntgmnm'y (m Mmulay i-lizn'gml with gauuhlin}: on the Lm'tl's “ELY. They were (‘tlt‘ll lined $1.0M 41ml wists, 01‘ $6.50 UiH‘ll. The Trustees of the National Sani- tarium Assuviutinn have established an [‘Indmvml Hod at the Muskuka Froo [luspiitul l‘nr ('unsumptiws to run for 11', tn be known as . .---‘ I‘IV“ :1 perind of ”no ye: the This is in uppreeiatiun of the. re.- spnnse given In the appeal ul’ Field Secretary, Mr. J. H. Dyke. during his revent Leelure in this 1mm. $327.27 was the umuunt of rush remitted with ,a pussihility nt' mnl‘e tn l’ullow. l There are nearly illH) Patients now in residence at the Muskuku Free Hos- pital, must u'i’ whmu are unable to pay 1anyihin: luwunls Itheir own nminten- ant-e. Such generous assistance ~38 ltlml of the liimll)’ ('itiZens of Sault \Ste. Marie gues l'ur tmvunls helping.r tlu~ mm; “1' mriu: l‘ur these poor Mrs. 1’0. limit I i'iéll'(i(‘551)llu. 2'. Minnesota, is visiting 2mm. 5 that 0f t] 1519. Mari t}: 0 mm; A GBNEROSITY APPRECIATBD SAl'lIl‘ S'l‘. 3mm»: man To re 1's PRIIBlEM SfllVEll 11110550110. fur 'c-gnors will hail :1 h as something that .ssed for sturius nt' V have previuusly lwre. “The Barri- 1. l ‘ i l ‘1 .2 ‘ ’ u 11 ’ ‘ ‘). | ll 1 ) Rex Beach. Deals 1101' St)“. vouple M. 'rwo momns' mascm'non 'ro rm: ADVANCEâ€"FREE, Readers of The Advance who have not done themselves and the district the justice and advantage of being al- tsé'gsubse‘niliers, should be specially in- terested in the opportunity uttered by The Advance giving a subscription to this paper to any address in Canada from now until January lot... 1918 for only $2.00 For the same term United States subscriptions will be ac- cepted at the ‘ate of $23.00 The Advance is the only newspaper that gives the news and views of the Porcupine, covering all the real local and mining news of this great district, and acting as a medium between the people of the Porcupine. and between the Porcupine and the outside world. The average citizen does not usually stop 'to consider the convenience and the benetit to a community that comes from a good newspaper. As soon as the matter is considerml. however, the advantage and the usefulness are ack- nowledged. The more general and the more generous support that is given a, newspaper the greater can be its helpfulness and benefit to the com- munity. Accordingly, all citizens owe it to themselves and to the district to support their own newspaper. Those who are acquainted with The Advance cheerfully give it support in the line of subscriptions. To encourage those who are not already subscribers the above offer is made.â€"â€"'l‘he Advance from now to Jan. .l. 1019. for only $101) in Canada, and $35.00 in the ['llllt‘ll States. Also, it may not be amiss to suggest that 'to many away from here nothing would be more acceptable or "pleasing as a season’s git't than a year's sub- scription to this paper, to keep 'them posted as to what 's what and what's doing in the good old Porcupine. ' 'l‘hink it over, and do it now ! t FINNISH NEWSPAPER STARTED IN SUDBURY A fourth newspaper has started publication in Sudbury. The new paper will be published in the Finnish language and issued twiee a week. "Yapaus,” whieh in English in “Lib- erty," and it annnunees its puliey of giving general news and artieles (if inâ€" Iterest partieularly tn the wurking Eelasses. The editor is Yryu Makela. More than ltlllt) paid subseriptinns were sent the paper bel’nre the first eupy was printed. There are thousâ€" ands of Finlamlers in Canada, and fur a time they have felt the need for a newspaper in their uwn tnng'ue. 1ti is in be hoped that: the new paper will ldn a uset’ul part in eniphazing,r the elliberties and advantages whiel) th! people t'rmn ,li‘inland have seeured in this new land, and that its tune will he one. of loyalty to this country. If “Vapans” does its part it may play a very helpful rule in the building: at" , ltritishâ€"(Ianadian citizenship in this {tland nt'.‘ British “Liberty.” 1111i111111111'1' had 11 11111 11111 time last 11 wk 111' 511,-â€" 11 \eritable 110111101111111 111’ 11 ti11111. There were eight fire alarms within 11 \1110k. but the 1111111111111 11111; 11111 in 11111111i1151'11ith the number 0t 11111111153111 ev'my 1111511, 11'111111) their 111511'1111' 1"e1?011l, the Hail111'11111'1' 111'11- 1111-11 saved the 1111111 111 1111151 >111 that it 11111)‘ 1111 511111 later for taxes, 11111111111: and in most. cases firemen, true also to their historic record managed to put out the fire before damage. was done to any extent. The Dominion Boarding: House was destroyed by one tire believed to be of ineendii‘ir)’ origin, as the building has been vaeaut for Some time, and yet the blaze seemed to eommeuee inside. The Salvation ’Army citadel was another building to be damaged by fire in llaileybury. Between $300 and $400 damage was done to the citadel. This would like- ly be the work of the devil. A numb- er of dirty stove pipes. overheated ehimneys, .rubbish barrels, ete.. oaused the other runs for the firemen. ()h, the sport awakes as the morn-' ing breaks. with a head like a load of P3 hrirk: and his eyes are red in his head, a] tand his poor old stomaeh’s siek. His (‘ ‘mouth is furred and he thinks some birdâ€"a blizzardâ€"has nested there; ‘ this throat is dry and he thinks he’ll ” 'die, and there’s free lunch in his hair. “ He notes with dread that he went to hed attired in'his hoes and hat; and a he sees a bear on his bedroom chair.-â€"â€" 1 hut it's only the Thomas eat. He!t groans and sighs as he tries to liise from his eroueh of misery. t “This lets me out from the festal rout.â€"it's never again. Says he. To the joint he links for some saving drinks. the hair of the (log you know; ‘a few g'uml jerks for the weakened wm'ks.â€"â€"he'll quit when the tremors tgt». int a slug of gin, when it’s safe I it i D D D D | p D D D D within. rails loud for a running mate; and the poor old sport takes another snort. and hits up the same old gait. And the sport awakes when the morn- .ing breaks as sick as a glanflmecfl on ' eat to Tom head. his (-omre’eek f‘" be pubfishe fill your \vLLcwis went which are l , .,. ”mm-4 This being: tse’. his eyes are roll-Q s 10 sleep you 0: gain.” Says he. :s for some saving the (log you know; for the weakened when the tremors gin, when it"s safe )1‘ a running mate; 'l'omlors will be received by Hu- m:- llt‘l'filg’lthl up to and inrlmling Mundny the Ilnl (lay of Devemlwr next, for the right to out the timber (m :1 pui'tim] ur' the Township of ltlingtnn in the Distrivt ul’ Algoma. and :1 [mrtiun of the 'l'mvnsliip ()t' ()wvns in the. his- h'irt ut' 'l‘imiskaming. situate ml the lino nt‘ the National Transmmtinontal lltailwu)’. ut‘ .. . A The area upnn whieh the timber in ldingt'nn and Owens 'lhm'nships is ofâ€" fered lini' sale (rmnpi'ises Ill acres nl't’ the\l’mnt ()t' eaeh lnt in the said tmvnships, and 'in addition the mad al-lmvanee between the several emu-es- sinns'therein. This may more partic- ularly be (lesei'ibed as t'nlhm's. \‘lZ,-- being a strip at land 8 ehains 92 links in width, or beingr 4 chains 41}. links measured at right angles nn eaeh side at" the. eenti'e line nl' said mad allmvanee. Terms and Conditions of Sale. "l‘endei'el's will state (I) the amount they are prepared tn pay [01' Pine ,and other timber i'espeetix'ely in ad- ditiun to (‘I'an dues ut' $22 per thous- and t'eet board measure: (2) the a- innunt. per tie in addition to ("mwn dues (it Be each fur sueh timber as may be suitable the making railway ties: (It) the, rate per em'd t'm' Spruce pulpwnud in addition tn t'mwn dues nt' 40c per card; (â€"1) the. rate per mm] . fur nthei' "timber «suitable t'ui' pulp- ; wmul such as Balsam, .laelipine, and h l’nplar in addition tn (‘i'mvn dues of 2th: per (-m'd; (5) the rate per (card {'m‘ em‘quud for t'uel pui'pnses in ad- dition tn (‘i'uwn dues nt' L’tle per . Curd. Meets every first an! fourth Munday evenings of each month, Oddfellows Hall. Third avenue. Visiting brethren al- ways welcome. W.’ FAITHPUL, o. KABBL. and dispose of all underhush and shall also dispose of all dehris *aused by cutting or removal of the timber hereinhet'ore memtioned. said cutting to he under the supervision and per- formed to the satisfaction ol.‘ an of- ficer or otlieers of the Department of Lands. Forests and Mines, all cutting and other work to he, mmpleted by 1st day of June 1918. 2. The. timber is to he sold suhject =to the Manufaeturing' (‘ondition, that 1. [he successful tenderer shall cut I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 it: is to he mannlaetured in ' is to say the Dominion ot,‘ (‘anada. ll. Tenders to be t'or each Town- ship separately. l‘Iach tender to be accompanied by a marked cheque for ”53.000.00 payable. to the order of the Provincial 'l‘reasurer. the deposit to he held by the Department 'to insure terms proper compliance with all the and conditions of sale. ' 4. The sale to be subject to ‘the 'l‘imher Regulations, excepting in so far as the same may he. incon- sistent with any conditions herein ed. and to such .\cts or Orders. or may here- or (‘rown specili in-(‘ouncil as now' exist ,1 at‘ter he passed al't'twtinu‘ iimher ' tm-ritorv under timher license from “WINS 1.0.1. No. 2552 SALE OF TIMBER after he passed a1 tm'ritnry under H: Um Frown. The Department m accent the highe h) accept [no mgucu m m... nu.--“ 'l‘ouders to he addressed tn the Min- ister of Lands, Forests and Mines, 'l‘umntn, and marked “Tender for 'l‘indfior. Mbps showing tho 'l‘mvnshilw inay he Obtained upon application to the undersigned, or fmm Mr. George A. ‘lflémner, the (‘ruwn Timber Agent :1! (‘uohmna Opportunities lie on every 30 (In a lot of peoplv. G. H. FERGI'SON. Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. 0. Ont. October 30th.. 1917. .â€"No unautlmrized publication s notice will he paid for. It duos nut hind itself heat “1' any tender. ldth'vsscd tn the Min- Fnrests and Mines, arkml “Tender for he suhjm't tn Mm rulatiuns, excepting unw may he incon- mmditiuus lzervin ON...”””900”MNWWNMҤOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUY VICTORY BONDS BUY VICTORY BONDS,â€"-â€"A PINE PRESENT FOR YOURâ€" SELF OR ANYONE ELSE. OTHER AGREEABLE AND PLEASING PRESENTS TO SUIT ALL TASTES AND PUR- SES AT THE GIFT SHOP OF QUALITY. ISSUER LIARRIAGE LICENSES. EYES ‘ Opposite the Post Office, Timmins and as many of them as you can They are profitable and patriotic and are within the reach of most '3. H. Lyons, Manager 'l‘immins Brunch DON’T DO YOUR BIT DO YOUR UTMOST CANADIAN lNGERSOLL-RAND MININI} MACHINERY We Lead : Others Follow DISPENSBD BY GRADU- .15 EYES TESTED IN THIS WEEK 'NONOOOON

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