Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 15 Aug 1917, 1, p. 2

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T nuvnur.i‘um CASE REGARDING THE TEAMIHE RV. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1917 Reading Noticesâ€"Reading notices of entertairments, etc., where a charge is to be made, will be inserted in The Poreupine Advance at the regâ€" ular rate of Seents per line for news type or 7 cents per line for black face type, exceept where the job work is done at the Advance Printing Office, when notice will be inserted free of charge. Professional and Business Cards.â€" 25 cents per insertion or $12 per year. Advertisements â€" inserted without written instructions will appear until written orders for theit discontinuâ€" ance shall have been received Gondensed Advertisements.â€" Lost and Found, Wanted, For Sale, To Rezt, etc., one inch or less, 25 cents per insertion. 0# Li D w ’ To insure insertion, copi« vertisements should be in t of the printer by Tuesday each week. The spirit that ventured murder in the dynamiting of Lord Athelâ€" stan‘s residence near Montreal 18 but the logical extengion and deâ€" velopment of the spirit that promptâ€" ed the tearing down of Luieut. Munâ€" roe‘s recruiting sign in ‘Timmins. Those who. encourage or excuse the <enseiess fanaticis and m treason an evil spirit grow U traitort great d to his « manity. est evide to nothin the cams« the game," Selfishness two forees t and disorde where the on scins. Ignorat take the se man or a b all the duti« can live vreater c pends u and sup <~â€"the. fincge, Oor â€" now â€" breeds ClVl ntter TIOn. ishlv ince. of Office 260 Canada ~ United States the wires, 1 of thos Selfishness and ignorance are the vo forces that make for ‘disloyalty d disorder, and no man can saV lhere the one ends and the other beâ€" ins. Ignorance breeds selfishness and a the other hand,; sefishness in s very essence‘is ignorance. To ke the selfish viewpoint that one an or a body of men can shoulder 1 the duties and l‘espullsll)llltles and erifices onto other isâ€"to show ignorâ€" the vital facts of life. Selâ€" to pro rat ndad bru @(L Std bly . c ‘oldier heâ€" br mercet would Men t (seeret rrest scap he ignorance this Nelfislhne ake urag y 111 ds CMIS illed Tli¢ LV ery C tUsot at I enlistment PLAY THE GAME ! Subseription Rates bret x ONTAMO TELEPHONES : mrit that in the end rampant riet and %0 0 . if Cunchecked. It as ‘ toâ€"day of every man 1 intry, to himself and to ) frown upon even the sli ce of that spirit that L hnt evil.â€" Men must *‘ este rt Lake, Publisher nutt notil nee that is Selfishness inmess that is Ignovrance, red opposition to volunâ€" nt in the world‘s battle It is the same Ignorâ€" same Selfishness, that opposition ‘to â€"Conseripâ€" we same spirit that foolâ€" y threats and. treasons ie ~common® duty. _ The their attitude is emphaâ€" act that if selfish powe: N) lead now to petty disâ€"| ttered words of «halfâ€" know that they foster} that in the end \\'ill! rart al OlL selfishness, and no iself alone, becaus r degree every malt 3 neighbor for sa It is this Ignor <lJDDOseAC amp awaitingâ€" instruetions hy Residence 112 p1 Prov. t onsta into eustody tten off at i Ire He is being hold $2.00 a year $3.00 a year Y itenanee saay noon )P( mnon C toâ€"day duty 44 1C o open It is the man loval tl that foolâ€" treasons | Ey. ; . §® is emphaâ€"| ish power | ; the um'ep-‘ e 1 noranct hain it m all lli( Cazse Against Exâ€"Mayor to Determine Strength of Byâ€"law NEWS 1N oNE Evidence was heard by Magistrate Atkinson on Thursday last in the case preferred against: exâ€"Mayor Ww H. Wilson for teaming without a license in the town of Timmins. Acting Chief Sally explained that the case was not pressed with the purpose of securing a fine, but simply to test the validity of the byâ€"law, and find avhether in such cases the license fee could be collected. The first witnesses called were Mr. Jules Timmins and Mr. Webhb of the Hollinger, who explained that some vears ago the Hollinger had sold all its teams to Mr. Wilson with the underâ€" standing that he should do all their teaming at a certain specified rate. The Hollinger never advertised for tenders for contracts for teaming. Mr. Hagcan had done same teaming once this year for the mine, but that was only because Mr. Wilson could not supply another team at the moment. The mine had the eall on all his teams if necessary. They usually averaged t» 1 Mr. Wilson‘s evidence was to the effect that he bought the teams on the understanding that he would get all the work. The ealk, was for not less than five: teams a day, and as many more as needed. The agreeâ€" ment was a verbal one. He had done teaming work in town last year, but he had a teaming license then. He had refused town work this year. He did mo other work in Timmins, but he did teaming in Tisdale, having a license there. To Acting Chief Sally he admitted that he did â€"some work with a team in town, but it was simply to help out in a friendly way. Mr. Wilson said he had opposed the license when he was in the Couneil as he considered the rate prolhibitive ind tenfdin® to create a monopoly:. Mr. Wilson sarid he had opp license when he was in the as he considered the rate p1 and tending to create a mon Acting Chief Sally asked adjournment to allow Town for a week An Austrian is in ing preliminary trial attempted rape. brot to The regular meeting will be held on Augeust 20th. The Russian shift boss arnid one of lle Austrian workers at the Aeme chaft© had so serious a mixâ€"up on luesda\ that it was necessary to eall n the aid of the police to bring peace, o _ naars" : "Pha~ inixâ€"ni» "will be number gathered at the Old Empire Theatre for the event and had an informal talk on town affairs. , Monday Mrs. N The D.Y.B. Club Weekly Report evenl ten n :A ns are also talh me patriotic he The Football and Baseball boys inâ€" bave their own ¢‘Big ‘Day‘~ on * pt. 3rd in Timmins. heron seryvye Owing to the many otue d counterâ€"attractions on ening there was no regul the Board of Trade, imber gathered at the C rtvâ€"five me OTY » Misses Lilian and Marion Noâ€" of ‘Toronto,> are visiting their gr. â€"â€" 8:«Noble, of.; Timmuns. VC .. ~During the _© es gave. an intere the Red TCross wor ier home town, an rt 1ient was reservred in °0 â€" AAK@N Shirts. U V membders Goldfield , August _ ‘e, _ Amon Humph: e men left Cobalt this week the harvest fields of Eastâ€" : A numbér from . Timâ€" so talking about giving the tie help at this time. evelb gave a Travelling in 11 out 11 a t in; 10 par Work given 1¢ Te sitors of "the : D. s3 Hotel on 13th with a b, rreument interesting NCK S evening â€" Mrs omfter whic wit the cells awaitâ€" on a charge of at Demerst of the Town Monday next, 1 TOr. ‘an Solticitor on the meetings Thursday r meeting though a the ca 0 1) it PARENT FINED FOR BOVS‘ DELINQUENGY ‘"T‘ll give Them $14 Worth of Teachâ€" ing Now,‘‘ said the Father The boys who took the eollection of goods from the store next to the Old Empire Theatre recently, were before Magistrate Atkinson on Thursâ€" day last. Mr. R. LeHeup, Agent of the Children‘s Aid Society, attended court for the case, and assisted in disâ€" covering the inwardness of the trouble Some of the lads concerned had been in ‘trouble so often that the police were a little discouraged as to the efficacy of letting them escape each time. The Magistrate and Mr. Leâ€" Heup, however, both had faith in the boys if they had special care and attention, and to stir this special atâ€" titude in the homes and pay for the losses incurred by the delinquency®of the boys, the Magistrate imposed a fine and eosts, amounting to $14.75 on the boys concerned seemed to be very bFight little fellows, with nothing worâ€" se about them than the too much love of mischief and too much illâ€"directed erergy. With striect and thoughtful home eontrol, they will all likely turn out firstâ€"class, and as the law permits the fining of parents for the delinâ€" quency of boys in such eases, it will be worth while for the parents to Motorcyele, Exeelsior L win, seâ€"power, 96 miles per hour. stone new tires. Light, hom chains. I paid $320 for tlus last July. It has been run al miles. As gdood as new. I cheap for eash, or trade in car. Apply H. G. Frams, He Hall, Dome Mines. j The Council of the above municiâ€" pality invite tenders for the work. of seavenging the western section of the Township, comprising chiefly, Moneta, Schumacher Rochester Townâ€" sites, for the period of six months, Tenders must be marked **Tender for Seavenging Contract‘‘ and must be filed with the undersigned not latâ€" er than 12 ojelock noon on Saturday the 18th day of August, 1917. Dated at South Poreupine this 15th day of August, 1917. The lowest or any tender not necâ€" essarily accepted. wW. H. WILSON, Clerk of the Municipality $ BRANCH OFFICE:â€"CONNAUGHT HOTEL, South Porcupine WO”OO“QO“OOWQNWOOOWQNOOW’WQN@ONO TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE ) miles per hour. tires. Light, horn, Weed aid $320 for this machine [t has been run about 300 good as new. Will sell ash, or trade in on Ford H. G. Frams, Recreation Mines. fr 4) Opposite Goldfields Hotel THE PORCUPINE ADVANOE ho 440000686 Announcement Wwwmm nc mm it W“M Owing to the retirement of Mr. S. I. Bucovetsky from the busiâ€" ness, the firm of Bucovetsky Bros. has been dissolved, and â€"the business will hereafter be continued by Samuel Bucovetsky. I thank the many customers and friends who have eaven . suci large patronage to the store in the past and ask for a continuâ€" ance of this patronage, promising the best of service and the fairest of prices, as in the past. To secure more room and better service for the store‘s customâ€" ers, I am centering the business on the lines of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Furnishings, etc., the grocery department being discontinued. With the increased space and larger attention now possible to these lines, and with our big new stocks of goods, the best values, service and attention will be given. SAMUEL BUCOVETSKY TIMMINS

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