Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 24 Jan 1917, 1, p. 5

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pine mining eumpanies this month will he the largest fur any January in histury. llollinger ('unsuliduteil has increased its current four-weekly dis- tribution to $346,000 as .a result of the recent new steel; issue. while Pur- enpine Crown is didmrsing the cus- tunnu'y 3 per cent" 01' $60,000 for the quarter. makin-J: a total uf $306,000. A year ago the Hullinger (luld Mines. Ltcl. (the former mnnmny) was pay- ing 5 per cent.. or $150,000, every 28 3'5, but as the amalgamation an- nmmced during the spring: dated back to the first of (he year and hack divi- dends were allutted to the sharehold- en‘s of the constituent emmmnies. the final arzl‘emizc diszrzbzxtiuns, includ- final Mark I‘Iurris Cl: diuu Mining .\'cw January divhie MOWG‘WOMOWW WWWMQ THE FIRST THING WE LOOK AT. WHEN WE BUY ANYTHING, IS THE NAME OF THE MAKERS. LONG EXPERIENCE IN THE HARDWARE BUSINESS HAS TAUGHT US WHO MAKE RELIABLE GOODS. WE HANDLE ONLY THAT KIND. THEN WE SEE THAT THE PRICE IS RIGHT. PORGUPINE DIVIDENDS FOR MONTH GREATER Cafe Parlor (‘zu‘ service between Nurth Buy and Englclmx't, dmly (except Sunday). Connectionsut Earlton Jot. for Elk Lake branch points, dallv, (except Slmdays). Daily, (exooxÂ¥t.St1nda\') svrx ims between North Bay and Coolnano, operating tluough sleeping our between Cucln'ane and Montreal (‘. 1’. Local Scrkivc between Englehart and Cobalt, daily, (except Sunday). TEMISKAMINGEI NURTHEHN BMW!!! BMW“ Through h'aina daily (except Sundays) hnd (Inchranu, making connectinns :11 [mm pine Branch puints. and operating- through Englehart and (‘m-hrano. New Train “National” 0pc 'ntin}. “innipog . Vin (Rwhmne, leaving Tor day and Saturday leaving Winnipeg and Thursday. immins yaw my ”7 //0'/’0’ware 1/ -+ VI?) 3726 ”7052‘ Refilimfi’r/é’ 1720:4613 3‘01- £1111 p11 xticulars, see curwnt 1111101111110 111 xefer to anv EN 0 Agent. TRAIN SERVICEâ€"EFFECTIVE NOV. 28th, lends pun WS. . A. J. I’ARR, G. 1". P. .' 3N )V (‘ll' val/"m (except Sundays) between Toronto mmections at l’m'qums Jet. for Porcu- . ‘ ' 'Q I ' upemtmg through bleeper», l‘olonto, Hardware 'urru- rating between TM 3' Tumutu ouch Tuosd mp0}; ‘m'h Sunday, HIN‘I' Ill ll] H uh lti.mm,uuo 1x0 4. the H ]\‘ m: H 1N ll that :i [Minn tribe in Bolivia shun whites and lives as in the stun lish wmncn are renowned for the ry ul’ their hands. They regard it'nlnoss 01' the hands above all uakm )5 ni' natural cork expanded tn than twice their normal silo been invented in England for of Porcupine (frown, :lmnunt 1300,1100. 01‘ only $6,000 It‘s being: paid this month. nan ll North B m tn the Government 01' at 8 per cent. secured 0n Bank nl.‘ England started in 1694. invented in . insulation. and GUI." am ’OUL‘ Toronto and '33.. Limited. 21 y. r. Thurs- Tuesday Ont apnns shuns Z all bu .‘xlriin Shui"tâ€"-l>rit'tin:_:' east and west an the lmuntlury vein nu the 1,000 t'nnt level on Melntyre tllltl K-lt'liityre-l‘lx-E tensinn grnunil has heen mlvaneetltm ‘ :i tsitnl length (it' 070 t’eet, over 550 t'eet being: in high grmle millingr nre. l’I'mtuetinu nt’ m‘t' illltl (lm‘elul‘nlnt‘ut nu this level has: been eurtzliletl penil- in: ennipletiun at the new twisting: and trunslmi'tntiun equipment. Stuli-l in}: (bpet'atiuns nuw guilt}: ml SlltHY :1 Witllll ot' t'i‘nm 8 to 40 feet Ht. m'e av- eraging over $15.00 per ton. Drift No. .1020 on the Meliityi'e-l°'.xtensiun grmuul on the 1,000 that is now with- in 133?: feet of the Jupiter Imunilur)‘ iline. the present t'uee is in are assay. ting- m‘el' $10.00 per tun. Work 011' tthis drive tn the east will he pushed j in Ht'tlt‘l' tn test the ground un Jupiter imwt lnt at. this level and ultinmtely 'tu ennneet the main shut't with the .luniter shaft and \mrkiug’s on the ‘ _._..__. __..._~._.- .. ‘. .- -_... .. mm“.“‘__ ”o le Swedish mate: derided to reduce the «min; to te fact that hidden the export of this «lriw tn the east will he pushed in tlt'tlt‘l' tn tvst the gruuml (m Jupiter \\'t'~‘.l lnt at, this level 21ml ultimately In mimort the main shal’t with tho Jupiter shaft and \mrking‘s 011 the Jupiter cast lnt. .\lvlntyre-Jupiter .‘lllltfâ€"“lhll‘lllg' the quarter 5.465) runs at urv from this prnpvrtv \Vt'l‘t‘ millwl at an average \ uluo at $1.22.!) per tun. resulting in :t g'l‘nss profit at $23,081.60. lmlcr the terms of mnsulitlutimi this and all profits previousa; earned by the Mrlntyro-lupitor ('mupmiy become thv m'um-rtv (if the McIntyrtul’urou- the terms of consuliq‘lart‘mn “HS and all pmtits [\l'eVlOUSlf’ earned by the Melntyi'e-lupiter ('mnpany become the property at ‘the Melntyn‘wl’ui'en- pine Company. Milling ()pei'atimisâ€"Jl'he installa- tinn ut' the new hoisting: anal crushing plant at the Main Shaft has been held up on account of delays in delivery nl' plant. The Aerial Tramway has, however. been eumpleted and tonnage of ure tn the will has been increased nllH't‘ the first «if the new year, and has now reached 500 tons per day. tutu] tmmng‘u 017 MM} mmc t'mm thew \x'url: Inn! 011‘ lmdivs wen 111v workings Snnth t‘ NH. 5 Shahâ€"w'l'hv quark and | Eli 1,06)” 511:!“ hull i'm'i ln'mi qua h 33333533 33 333 .3333 33mm 3333 i 33 mar 3333333 ton 1H ZIVPI‘I .‘qnzll 11) MM] 15011 3115 "‘10.“ moralin}: profits. Advunws f'mm H. 1916: l’h‘ifin‘. )!)(, )I H («I M) Hw mm i'uut :unl vvls «m N0. 5 win and um H. .\H Hw i'm-vs (-nntinn 'mlo milling (we. D 133 ivHV Illll 11310111 01‘ it from !( m-ti tex' H‘ uorld's hig ms been bui um navy .it-3 Int nu \V 11>”. ()4 u st; " lxlmh' 4 Shaft UH )iaxmmd (i1 unmmlt ox ll mt l'm' zmnv ml mt umumm (’11 \‘Ll-l )llll )Iluwinf: (m and l'l in .‘s Letter to .Shareholdzrs Development of McIn yre :cugmc Mines Limited HH,‘ Tm} fun" lé‘VOl scnznplvted. St‘uii H 80H and SW” t'mét‘ nnw lwin: driven ll 1111505 lvvcl In Hm nu'v been m; u (SIN) font :1 m' hvin}: driven in I'm: Mics 2111':_'(~1d\ lm'ntml ( rnestne m bins, m HIS If 1tyre )Sl, 113.: 1 ()re )l rt with um" passes tn “1' tl'zlllspnl'iz:fiull (m 11111111 ll .l N l'(‘('()\‘(‘_ t, $151 (:1 )Crati highest-powered motor built in Italy for the its oil muturs develop- iHlO Hi. 5 t 4‘) 1w: milled per IVE St) 111 mm): DH :ness tn the nthvr my 01' 1'11 ll Porcupine t‘v name «if and issued 1m death. will I to 110:1er all. 3.811 HpOZ'utinn mm furturies have size of matches Russia has for- aspeu wood. ll H mmml (lrillit 1;:5. .\u mun vnmumm'ml H 0 H lm'ol St‘zliiul 1mm ()1 ISSXH ll l'l‘ ll THE PCRCUPINE ADVANCE ”1211” :Itt l't) :mtm Ninv ult with in ll HHS ‘ ntcrt m from ms \‘zllm 10.153422 111111“ 1min I‘C 11 ( (HI haw cm .‘ in hi H Slut H flung In uH'icial milled 1mm )l ll tu In \H illltlt Ill VHS Hm]; l'mm 93"”.- lil\'( tl It (’H H lll l'( JAE“ MUNHE RENE fBflM THE [BURT uH (H J: PEIâ€"=1: Wm _,,_ 3W W,%fl% M J ll ls l'l'lnN-ss 1h HIL‘ lmttlvs n Ylvrvs. (Eivvm'h) cr Boxer and Mayor of Elk Lake Returning to the Porcupine. THE NORTHERN CANADA SUPPLY C0. From week to week henceforth this space will contain “SPEClALS” of particular interest in values and in prices to all who buy Hardware and supplies, lt‘is the desire of the Northern Canada Supply Company to give the best in service and in goods and to keep the public inform..u of this at all times. These weekly advertisements commencing next week will list “SPECIALS,” with illustrations, that you can not afford to overlook. Watch for them each week. Get the habit of reading them. It will pay you. H K I\'( )\V Munro .\ng_rus “P; "U ’01)“ )\\‘ It u! ll H ll “HIM H. u!" was 111:; (Cu-um «I safely with Hm «lug said that, (luspito {ha the muh'zu'y, ‘Iiuhln :g'lwl arrow: tn 1’1‘3mu mslV M enlisted 1914. with ' Pills. wee k N. \\' I‘m lll l\ Ht )V ’m'rupmo promoter led all l’un'u- with the rum Is. and was 1"estnbvl‘t. Sf. md Szmrtumw' 1'0 ll'HS PHONE 20 Imluwl, it um tlw lmat lwin}; pulled l(‘ t\\‘-:) (lays ‘Yull would l'llfi. lust for die ti warm \\‘ IL at lmhrml. ml MI in H pnl‘t (H N \' (‘ new and l! nu “'21.". LUS‘ at H His HI) lll l'l ll n to If Hl’urshm hmv Inwn Inventml h) polishing: either stoves «:1‘ 811005 thu haw 21 rvwl'mir wmtmlled by :1 min tn fowl polish tn the brir‘tles. mule A SPY AT W'ORK AT NEW EMPIRE TH plvilm St with hi Mum lll NH IEHIH H. )H'ml‘v 1) )ll'l ll ll llkl 1115 in love wit ivtm'o a! the ." H )\ 'allzmt 11:1 A\' :1! 11 ll l( l “'3 \\ 0 lrvn In If .ll Hi H (1 k ) 1'1 five u! HRS ”NH“! H Flt it HHH't .t' igh H't‘( LIMITED 110m story H 1H lax hi (h \\' l! “'215 '\ L' \‘ 1 av 1 .c of ‘Wit However 1V ll ll( IV H mlm't 3 L110:- rented for Shoes that )nut TIMMINS NO.“ \\' \V O U ’l‘l H 11m )U M hf 01 suggmtinn m s'mul‘l run 1 :ulvvrtisezm-nt' nmrv printm should be fair 011an \'('l'(li( In man\' of the la 3.:0 I'aiiml States rhurc.~hos the question at proper ad- vertising has revvivml muvh attvation with gratifying" results. It is row;- lliZL‘tl that if the people are to know at anything there must hv advvrtising‘. newspaper advertising partirnlarly. .\ guml way to “hoop a thing: quiot' is tn “keep it, out at the patwrs. This applies tn (-hurchos. as to uther in<titutimis aml atl'airs. 'l‘hi- 51190055- t‘ul I’uitod States ('hurvhvs. thorvt'urv. arv tho (mm who haw kept. their pnr- paws and their activities legitimately hvl'uro the pouple. ' ('aiizulian uhurohc: are nuw hogin- 11in}: tn shuw an interest. in this same q: .“lt aiun nl mlH‘lIlslnnz‘ \t a rvvczit mamting wt 1.0 \lat hmlt t Mi iisteiial 99 nvss basis. nmmmnont intelligent Ix fififlfiflHES Siifiifilfi QBVEEHSi {iii 11 Bfifiifiififi M515 ifimfigfigfigfiflfigfigfifl So Says the Winnipeg Methodist. Ministerial Association. It IV UH 01mm fur t. )(flil mama'rua HOW W :1 OS HI the T? advertising: ms 1'0 form )0 lzur enough : in pay Mr it. v nt‘ thv minister U (annulamm 0i] ll‘ Ht H 1pm IIIUH Irvhcs m LS IN 1m 111 r prmm Did the )1! I‘( :lml :mwih. The adver- smuld he put ml :1 husi- pm'v paid for. and an~ made parsintoml)‘ and Tim sum-03.4. of news- isiu: t’m‘ pnh'intiv pur- forrml to. and the M12" 22mm!) \vm'k i‘l‘omwnt 21th 81‘ zuluu {15in 1H mm :‘evmvvu nun-:1 at! g‘ results. It is the people are m ore must he ndvcr lvvrtising‘ pm‘tiv \ “lump :1 thing « H ml \n illit H %%m I? rit)‘ h Many minis that :ulvm'li Salli! ll N hul'vlu o h)! the penpl ; (no people, km.“ ml the aims 01' ll be little chum .' mmpzug'n, and rumla in 21 pumm- I'isl; nt' :1 wealthy uvmshmluwing‘ a advertising. um- :III the (’hm'c‘m-s no sizv standard urvhos should use {. anyway. and In and furâ€"sighted ., was. the gmwml H: l and fur-sight , was. 1110 g‘vm‘ ,N's‘. 215:1(‘mhlod at it; was just as "right 10 ml- .l'k by similar uttvznms to get" an: IM‘ Mum"! :lil' 11w intulli mld mnduct z 'l'hv sucross- s. thm'vf'urv. )t their Inn'- legitimately FIVE ' plan pm's was l their lisin 'n P" PH n2 :13." was people know UH pnl. 21m (‘lll Egg are: _,

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