gPflRGUPlNE HINGE RM"; Incâ€"mm tion have volunteered f since the beginnin pears hereunder. this district have 1 with outside units be missing from t! our readers to 511] as noted 54) that I WOMOWWOWOWWM A list of the Porcupine men who. I)u}):)ig: 0, have \ulunfeored for m elseas service! Duphgalnu‘, A, since the beginning of the War ap- ! Drake. 5, W, In ars berm. MM. \5 some men flOXlli Inngnuurg. W, II, this distmt i: awe enlisted for seruce. Dnnsi'nrd. Leonard with outside units, their names may! 1.):1w52im. Wm. ('1', be missing from the list. and we ask: ])r;i‘.'m‘tf_ Alhm-t F. Bradley Eridsuu Barnett ‘Bowory Black. Andy Brintun, David Brooks, E. S. Bennett. \Villiam Baillod, James A. Boattie, Ross Biesenthal. Charles Brnskmt, Samuel M. Ball, J. Brvnnan, JiH‘li, killed Barclay, J. Barton, lilm'vard Batterby, \V. F. B 1'0 w n . Wil tfl'l'ed Biusotte, L. Bordclenu, L. Boudroau, J. Buslxtieltl, \V. A. Bartlett, Robert A. Barklmnse. Finlay Bourdignon, Felix Brown, G00. A. Brown, James Baker, Frank Burrows, Arnold (Ian, '1'. r'. Comm, Sergt. T1108. (1‘ ("hilcot‘, J. I). Charbonneau, P. Crapeau, E. Champagne, W. Cadorette, G. Chaylt, C. (:‘ut-lnbortmn, I". Champagne, H. Carr, 3011’ Carmichael, Curpl. Eel. C‘lnso, Archie (‘harlivln Rog. Craig, Erwin Caslnnzm. J. \V. Payne. Larry Craveth, L. C. '(‘iclmnh Gr. Charmn, L. ‘W. ‘.‘lll'i5ti(‘. J. J. Cuswmth, II. 1%. (":11110)‘. J. Lewis Carey. Julm Down-y. B- Dalian. James Desgnlniers, Claude Dottavin. G. Dodds, W. H. Dixon, L-Corpl. H. R. Desarmeau, L Cooper, Jos. M. Carr, l). G. Connolly, I“. Connolly, R. G. C 'awfonl, S. Capes, II. 111. Cooper, (lorpl. .l Gentile, (l. (Ialvcl'ley, R. (‘ussom L.-(‘.orpl Campbell, '1‘. (‘ Canlt‘, l.. Uhnrbonneau, E Clairnu'mt, A. Coleman, J. H. Douglas, 0. Dallere, \V. Booker, Eddiï¬â€˜ ])0011’)', Andy. (70m. L. 70w, E. Cotc, A. Cyr, I’. Coulis, Juhn J. Dcnzil. J. Jan Dorian. Matt. Descoteau, A. Deschano, J. Dobbs. \\'. S. bcsulmer, t1. Doust, A. Cote, A. Cyr, I’. Coulis, Juhn J. C(,)1npcau. J. Curtis, \V. '1‘. Curris, Frank Campbell, C. Y. Cal! :11]. Robert Cote, .luiilaum Cramp. Frvd A. Clark, ‘ Rufus Cretney. John I Foul .le urns, r‘mnk 'ampbell, G. Y. 'alluzn. Robert 'oto, .Iuiilaum 'mmp, Fred A. 'Im'k, . Rnt'us frctney. John Henry 'oulis. Louis L. 'oleman Mullah >10, Manley. lilCOt, x\. \Vm O Samuel llll reference, sincc o strenuous 111 Canadian from Fred Wilfred Torpl. E l the 1} supply ll killed .5 some Ilisted 1 their 11 3 list. :11 Ill in actiun 'OODS killed me the f b tin; Fettcs, 1“ mil; An] 14‘01'1'211'1, 0. meis, . Ins. II. Fleming, Jns. S. I‘Jethaln, “('mley anois. F. Grindy, Herbert (killed Ungnun, I“. J. Ga 11'9“", PM 11 k Goudy, \\'. K. Gmn'in, J. Guel'tin. 1’. . Ivllsonï¬no. G. (.inllmx‘ay, J. (im'dner. Harold Gl'oulx. J. H. Graham, Fred. Gilbertï¬l‘lgean Dunuis. (inmcs. l’eroy Garrydnc Scotty (wntilc, ,A. (Homer. Gnuld, I Hallaglu Hugfln. J. Iladwin, J. M. llnl‘tio, H. Unglus. 11’. H 11!, \\. H ]l z'mis, L. \V. ll«=pl<ins, Russell llE‘xlliwell, Ralph llnwkins, Peter. Holland, G. Hutchinson. Austin llu’i‘vhinson, Reg. Hughes, Owen J. .lll-m'x. 'l‘. (l. 1! ll 1! 11 Laduc, C. Lamse. Mac. Leyoux, Joseph E. Ledgard, Fri-11k hemay, A. 1.;1Plane. J. Imlieve. \V. Lloyd, H. Langlois. I. Lyons, Thus. Lyons, Jean. Lumiault, H. K imlin, T. h'indLV, H. Eihson, Thus. hmthim, U. ,IIHIQS. S. .av Mary, A. «whine. J. abovitch, .avalle, \V m'alle, A. m 21C 161‘ ’lt elly. J. J. elk-y, GOO. illiam. Roy eene, I. annedy, George enning. Fred L nnedy, Gerald A Milo. ng §m\\'ik. J vksun, A. U Imson, J. rmyn. Chas ‘xmston, J. ‘ (fries, A. G hnstono. If. (fries, Len mes. '1‘. mos. 'l‘ll()::._ ssal‘d. Roy H l( Ill' 41111251 1080!! (‘clx H Wm i‘mnk Arnold 0. . \V. Stanley n d row If (£00. kndrew ll l( lbe ‘ul‘pl. P. fI ) Lt , killed in action H. II. I} ’7 killed in artiun Levalley. M. Lvons, E. Lang... Mac. ._. 1:0 \V Murray, J. G. Maloney, Mild) Munro, John Mumne, Jmk NIullm". Fled A. Maimille, Ham 0y MuCDUnuld, John Morsten, Norman I Mick, .awronce C. Martin, Philip S. Manion, John Marclmn, A. Mitchell, Art B Mansfield 31001‘9, G. M M M Lille Lott, M 1V. M9171 31mm Meyers. J. R. BInxwvelL I)u\1> Mt'mi‘g'nmol'jf \V. Mam'illo, J. Blurph); \'nlcent 31tu1roo, Jtl4i Blclia33 11. BI. 3(1)†‘pnnrlam 91mm ““UJN 901111031) ‘OIIIJJV ‘110.11];)12:.10]\r '(I ‘A\ 0.1 p u \r.) N . "S ‘O-IA'WIDN 'II 'I’Imwfl'mN 1113a ‘1zo.1.).)1\1 «mg ‘quan' maxpuv ‘01.1.11;11().)N 'f '11 ‘110.11[.'m:,[al;\.: '11 '1' ‘ugna'pm 2M ‘IIIEIUH‘WV 'f ‘Joï¬aagom 10111130 ‘111211110r1.)]\1 1109109 ‘SIIIIBNON ’S’Gf ‘A‘ausoqgom 0111;).1V ‘0.1.\‘1u1.i)m ‘XOIV ‘1)03'1.)N 'uuu ‘pnaqu '11::(1 ‘sauulaw 9112.1an ‘ppzuouom 811101 bang)“: '009 ""4“ ‘1]11: 19.1111 '1“ ‘9‘ISIIIL)’I\I '8‘ â€WW“ II ‘aalkpm II I' 'I' ‘mqm PN 111111111 ‘uouuaqlw uqoolum ‘poaqom PIBUWI ‘I’OO'ION â€"â€" ‘111)S.191](1;)N_ '1101131: 111 11011131 ‘â€"â€"â€" ‘;{‘13}I.)]\: 1113ng ‘nuï¬noqom 'pm‘q ‘A'lzInVJK almad ‘A'ulnvom m ‘OJJEIHVJN 'S 'N ‘pluumpm auung‘x 1101mm XL â€III-â€7N 'V innmuam K ‘I’H‘IIIIH v ‘111..)1111.113]\ \\ ‘munmm I’I‘WI II‘I‘WPN M Nivlmlson, John Nelson, Frank Nicholson. Lieui Nicholsun, J. 1V1 ()'(f‘ummr. H. ()'Leary, L. ()sh'nm, Fwd. ()swnld, Jaek ()'(“mmm*, J. ('7. () ’(H'nnml', \V. H. ()stram, J. C. Osborne. R. ()lmstoml, \Vm. / O'Connor. Neil (ï¬'ilx'io, \V. A. JO Battery. J. 11. Rogers, L. T. Richardson. Andrew Reid, Dennis Rutherford. CI xristophcr Robertson, Angus Richardson, Frank Ronth, Horace C. Rhoda, Russell. Pettv, Seigt. H. (i‘. Praxigele}. Albert E I’liilbin, S. Palmei, E. Philbin, P. Patrick, Henry Phuyre, A. Richard Papillion, Ned. Phillips, Geo. Pointer, Roy Paluzzi, I). J’leroy, Capt. L7. . P025011, Arthur .0 .110 '. 1.. 1’ th ae1 111%" P031110, Stanley I’llsworth. B. L. Payne, Roland H ’nyno, Kola] Pietro, S. P. Piotrâ€. S. D Parnell, \V. 1 Peterson, U. Inn 1m ousoau, acauln) iller, I‘J iller, S Orrisml unst'ield, Rt alunoy, M. arino, G. Math). 1’. ascinli, ('7. 'artrhioni, T 0880. Jack ’oa ram: tc ll n 23-31va Capt. 71911, H. R. ieux. Ed. 'SOll III'C 1.56119, Or Jim I] Rt 11111, H 11(0. 11‘ 11. \V ~'z‘xpt‘. C. M \V. I I 011 Lforpl. J amucl I Lieut‘. \V. J. M. Jlf \V. A 11'1')’, drowned killed in killed in killed ix THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE 10D. 01'}. “Hev. Jimmy smvll lovely’." In Cuba tobacco is planted. grmvn and gathorvd in ninety days. California is 1,000,000 acres in (From The Slum-h Tommy (home on lea“- teen nluntlls in the trmu ready to praise all familiar Australia boasts uf tlio tallest :ruwn on British soil. Stzwk, John Shone, L.â€"(‘or1»l. L. E. Smith, 1". R. Sutherland. J. Stoinhvl‘g. T. Simmill. Jas. 11. Steven, R. A. Stevenson. Thos. Shields, \Villiam Smith, Arthur Schlolnnller, Goo. Shone, L. E. Smith. Arnold Hugh )1. Stevens. Sutherland, M. G. Sim, Thomas Spiegelhalter, John Salkcld, Digby Scott, Geo. \V. Scott, George Stockwell, Frank (Sonthond) Smith, Alex Sullivan, J. E. Singleton, L. J. Smith, F. H. Rhude, Byron. Roche, Peter. Reid, Hugh Rowe. John C. Held. John I Smith. \V. II. Shoolmn, Phil. Smith, 0. R. Stevenson. T1109. Sullivan, Jus. Smith, Len. Simms, A. (7. Spears, Clarence Stockwell, 1“. II. Struthcrs. James Saugon, E. BLIGHTY, SWEET BLICIITY! Straw, Sander Smith. Sett, I4. Sett, R. Stewart. A. Sweet, S. G. Sullield, Digby Stokes, \Vm. Seymour, 1?}. Sinmson, Frank Stucco. G. Tibbitts, Victor (Killed) Teevens. Charles Tuer, \Vm. Todd, Lieut. T1103. Totton, C. Torranoe, Thos. Tibet, Harry Thompson, Alex Thomas, Sergt. A. B P. Taylor, J. S. Taylor, \Vm. Torlonia, G. Thompson, Jolzn M. Talbot, Emery Tripp, Nioholls Temple. Thus. Tarras, Neil. Stoughtun, John. Strain, Thus. Studor, J. M. Studnr, Max. Studor, \V. K. Valencia, Victor Udall, 1:. O. Upton, H. \Vax, .' ..W Roscoe “ allaere, ll )l, t. Weldon, Leslie S. Weldon. John Russell Wylie, W. ll. \I’ei'nierlee, Mike \Valieï¬eld, II. G. White \Villiam \\ itlivcmnbe, J. \\ oodio“, lrl. \\11M>1\S\\an Rut/he] Ralph, {0111116 \Vako, J’. \Vatts, J. R. \Voodwm'd. F. ‘ \Vhitton, Jack \Vhitttm, F. H. \Vright, \V. Wilson, '1‘. G. \Vilson. 11. J. \Villizuns, Get». \Y. \Vhecler, Harold A Watt. Jolm \Vright. Lewis. Young, 1“. J. \Valloy. Julm. r(’)h1( 1'0 1 hnlt 1‘02! 'r. Milton Denis. L. )IE tsun. Oscar rfurd, Joseph J. . Jas. R. Mun, YV. J. hm. A. K. Albert \V ) I II Dun about in irrigate San Joaquin valley. lt‘ u H (-r (it'- -hcs. and thin W t 1'005 «H'KS Eï¬gï¬$gï¬gï¬$§ï¬gï¬i HE! iEF‘TJ! {El lmv out m lit l'( Ill liquor to that put? booby toils I'm trim t‘x'lmm. smu :1053 but 01 (101‘ m1 upon 1 outside The ‘ dressed as Frnzen la: ing‘ with his ln'utlw 121119111103. Ho knew to gain an inkling n1 t'iun in a w bly music: 11 “()ni,tselnu1n “Juulugwuiu“11utn yin: ()tli, y'llxvllllxl «Illilirsll. ()l1i 11()l{lllllzlxl, ()xli, (1()(111tzll<)l;lllll«), I:11(l." “A1Hl\vhat«h»}wnlrallthnt?"ask ()(l tli(3 ,jl1(l;:a9. " “1W)ere's n‘» lnistakjlu: flu! t1u2( “There's 1m mistaking the tune, anyway," nhsvrved )Iul'riszm when the ynuth had shaken his head. It’s a church hymn ut' sume sort, and quite the prupor vapor for Christ- mas.†' li‘crozen [Car's \'{()(‘ll eonlrilmï¬on settled the matter so fat ' as the court was (-oneerned, and in a minute or No the pot held tim dollzu's whieh the judge “as to expend as he saw fit â€"-“eals' barred, for the jail cool: was To he separately subsidized. This last was necessary il" they desired real plum pudding. as eggs were two dollars a dozen, real butter the same prim per pound, and other ingredi- pru-u per pmm cuts in pmpm Returning to as trusty, he w of his time, Du tnr Ynun}: the 1 for a jail (.‘hl'it‘ Sim lIl Chang-v. Although no sun him guilty of the attack 111 he no lung'er considered hi1 ï¬ll}: at around cm the him guilty of the attack upon Forster he no lung'ei' considered him a harden- ed, desperate criminal. lie caught himself ('untinually ï¬nding excuse for the slip, nutragenus as it was, in the “Nui'th madness" that he had so of~ ten encountered prot’ossiunally. “ Whv. no, marshal. l just wonder- a deputy. The hm wen: t'ox'th shortly into the driftedâ€"in town. l‘lXeept for the oeew sion of his appearanee before the eoni~ missioner. this was I)uee.nes ï¬rst moe outside the jail sinee he had been brought in a prisoner. Although the fall of snow had not been more than twelve feet, it was tlourlike, and had piled itself up about the houses and tents until the very roots were covered, and entrance was only possi- ble through the tunnels. \Yher they reached a point “which looked out over Bering Sea, the pris- oner paused and gazed toward the south over the miles of frozen hum- moeks. It was an hour after midday, and the sun had been over the horizon and was now settingidirectly in the haw Reilly Ill Hl '1) )ml 1:551 )I'UV Lt'l'lll 18]) 1103.110 \Vt it \\'( (( 1C {u 1] ; 1n pmpurlmn. otm'ning: to the uuter ullioo, whore rusty, he was able to spend muoh )is time, Dumnv unfolded to Hec- Ynun}: the plan of the mock (901m: a jail (,‘hl'istmus. Aml I suppose yuu'd likelo g0 wing-'1’" asked the nurshal, with .11: I: )l) And I‘ suppose ynu'd 111(0‘10 gm ping?" asked the marshal, with in. ‘\\'ith avquziiuth-e, his feel- tuwzu'xl Durxniw had undergone 21. um. “1111011311 1:0 still mnsidered . q j'uilh «it the at: zlvk upon 1‘01‘3tcr ll rules. but U l'l )ll U Kn and 11C U Ian wily take tlu‘ mrk while a Reilly Mastm itch “'0 l' )ll mm Ul‘t hm Km ’i'( idt‘ h'll 1(‘( a ï¬nance aid ï¬nally jail ) NU lll‘ 11119; [in native.- 'm'tuinly ed Due: runs put up mar: :0 to \‘0 ll 11 11(‘6 ('ll'( (ml OLD 11:) 3111;] it jevi .111 A STORY GOLD the tmuhle of get- enuugh gifts to go 'aised the money. '†(lewd for a Imnnont. .me with ynu, Du- mlly. “It's against don't think anyone up a howl. (7mm ' mvn shopping. I’ll «me Ht I’m [’11] H It) INC mix an)' nï¬sthï¬mun . trave uf lï¬ttcr- [1) write out an ‘ a suitable draft .nul h1 the safe mt d !'U\\'Xl-l 11101)] )UI‘ Ill but h 110ml it'ulh‘ l( l‘t 15 PVC 1' ti ll rt WCl' ll 100nm lutly. m1 ’ O For his; )91‘ of the been made ll tft 1!) winsky Ill SIU ll ll ask- 1d ll ll ll l) n mail nhn Ill (“it ics Nome ï¬rst; i) u S ()1’1 For those who remained there had been limitless time to prepare. As for 11111111141112, the t'ew women in ramp had only to go out; to their own storehouses, whieh 111111 been tilled hel'ore the winter prices had gone into 111111111. 'l‘heir pudding had been boiled. frozen, 111111 111111;: 11p to await the 111 1st day. ()111)' within the saloons and hotels Could have been t'ound the crowds. For 31w veral days miners had been 1111111111: 111 11111111 the ereeks 1.111 a brief respite from 1the awful spaces and sile111111.'.l1ut Young kept his prison- er to the street and the store 1111' the trading companv. About the rare .nt lot whieh had been turned into a (5'11rist‘inas-‘tree mart they found amnething 111' holiday activity, due to the 1'1111t that the loads of fragrant spruce had just. been breught in. There had been a con- siderable rush, it seemed, but from the ether serag'g'ly assortment left. Dueane seleetied a tree. and asked the priee. 11111111111588 from the per 211111 tinsel for 11:"111 15111111 01111111 1111‘ tive 1911111111111. 1111:1115 whites, 111111 11111111}: 11112 111111'511111'5 111111-11 I'( HY Ned I" said I)! the 1112112511;th uflicia “Your ('hristma: while You were nut greetinx to Duvanc the jail nf'iivv. “The has :zlllod that pro remark: â€chane's Inn must be (:mmistency.†“’Ti;-; .1 jewel, I’ve 114 turned ‘ astms, grinning. _ ( thin Hung up. (solumissium “'hcn Dd tn his fell turned to t TCIPSCUMP spectacles have been in- vonted fur persons who are so ex- tremely near-sighted that ordinary lenses du nut offset the defect. i, I mat-i passing: through the by JAM- iv [in hick at i’eterboro, Canada, are lifted a total distance of sixty-Eva feet, in one and one-half minutes. . T) ll lt‘nlx 1t .\1'( OUND s but Tht * that and ' that (‘hrist (x O F ALA 5 KA N COUNTRY ‘IH tn (Continued W ( IS (l W C 12st (-1‘ EMMED-EMERJER n: deputy, ‘ 110 mm (mar at to! Dlh'ilnï¬â€˜ hm 111 ll )Il cu l‘l 11 the mum street. when? mt had 1709!] made to dial" v drifted snow and oxpnso ml saloon fronts. Although twn (lays lwi'uro (‘ln'istlnns. namingr 01' the rush and attends that piâ€"‘i‘iml in the towns ni' “unï¬t-ates. In had all ventral nmnml the 1mm; instalment attendant; m'tm'e of the lust steamer. Hum l‘( 'zme had gone in to report nv 1mt'ortunwtcs, Young {no new (leputy with the Ducane's middle name Ill! 0N the )lll‘. US must as to ynu 1‘ nt It'll ht in next issue.) H my t'mm I'ow \mmen 111 out to their uwn had been ï¬lled prim‘s hm! gnne uulding had been 0 Furster,†0h- hnt there’s some- 3 you before the U 19110.0 m] 11 street X3! I'll .\n (eh )( 1n VOS I“ If willinj was at heard, ' qu ‘En'lstlnas. rush and .ml in the if. H 11 4:: SET?! 5 UE {U Fl 01' Yu mt the 1 they n to 5K0 out E“ i551! 1| )ll :E’u' U 1T Ull 'm )l' IO I'C- n