Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Sep 1999, C4

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVERC4 AUTOMOTIVE Mazda radically im proves MPV If you're going to design a new minivan, you've got to get it right the first time or else. Billions in development costs can pay off like they did for Caravan, Odyssey and Windstar or JIM ROBINSON Road Worthy it can be close-but-no-cigar like Villager, Previa and more to the point Mazda MPV. Now it wasn't that the MPV was bad, in fact it was quite good. But after 10 years, its compact truck-based architecture was showing its age at a time when front-drive, long wheelbase mini- vans had emeiged as the leading edge here in North America. To market a minivan today, you are already constricted by a num­ ber of "wants" from consumers. They want seven-passenger seat­ ing, V6 power, seat interchangabil- ity, lots of utility and you have to have sliding panels with a large, one-piece liftgate. Oh yeah, it has to offer an audiophile-pleasing stereo system, be parkable in a garage and give good fuel econo­ my. Lastly there is the litmus test of minivans, the 4X8 sheet of ply­ wood. Those that can take the sheet are extended wheelbase minivans like the Dodge Grand Caravan. Those that do not are standard wheelbase minivans like the Dodge Caravan. If you wonder why so many minivans look alike, it's because this is a segment where form really does follow function. Because people all want the same thing, making your minivan stand out comes down to what's included in the package. The 2000 Mazda MPV has been very craftily penned. It gath­ ers together all the best features of a number of current minivans. It is not quite as long as a Grand Caravan nor as short of a Villager but rather in the middle at 4,750 mm. But it is also wide at 1,545 mm front and rear with the wheels The Mazda MPV 2000 has the looks and the price to make it a major contender in the standard wheelbase minivan segment. pushed out to the comers in the current Cab-Forward vogue. That makes for a total of 3,589 litres of cargo volume with the second and third row seats removed and that's square in Dodge Caravan country, MPV's main opponent. With only the second row of seats in place, there is 1,543 litres of space. The back row of sets has a tumble- home (Mazda calls it Tumble- Under) feature that allows it to fold flat and drop into a well at the back. With the third seat up, there is 486 litres of space and you can use the well for dropping in gro­ ceries so they don't move around. Gone are the two back doors of the first MPV, replaced by sliding panels. Previous minivan owners will rejoice that power windows in the door panels are finally offered by someone. Mazda will not include power-sliding doors, citing weight and reliability issues as the reasons. Minivan owners want a V6 and Mazda offers one in the form of the 2.5-litre quad cam, 24-valve unit from the 626 producing 170 hp and 164 ft/lb of torque. There's one transmission, a four-speed elec­ tronic automatic. The suspension is MacStruts at the front with a modi­ fied twist beam at the rear with discs front, drums rear and ABS as an option. In terms of styling, the 2000 MPV is very handsome indeed. It combines crisp character lines that flow back from the grille and final­ ly merge in the dramatically descending rear liftgate curve down to the integrated bumper. This is probably the best looking minivan on the market. But Mazda has really done a number on pricing. The entry level DX with sliding panels, front air conditioning and stereo with CD and four speakers is $24,555. Add the Convenience Package ($995) with cruise, power locks, power windows, power and heated door mirrors and overhead console plus underseat storage bins and the price is just $25,510. The middle of the MPV range is the LX and this will be about 40 per cent of sales Mazda expects. At $28,455, it's loaded with things like four-wheel ABS, rear air condition­ ing, privacy glass, driver's seat tilt and lift function, the Side-by-Slide second row seating and on and on. Slip the Sports Package ($1,800) into your LX and it costs $30,255 and includes 16-inch alloy wheels as opposed to standard 15-inch steel wheels, premium sound, a six- disc, in-dash CD changer, and tow­ ing package. The Sport should account for about 20 per cent of sales. At the top of the ladder is the ES that lists at $33,080 and offers just about everything you could imag­ ine in terms of creatures "wants". This includes leather throughout, woodgrain trim, power glass sun­ roof, front side airbags, and little things like driver and passenger illuminated vanity minors. The ES will be less that 10 per cent of sales while the DX at the other end should account for 25 per cent. 1 M j P EFFECTIVE F R O M SEPTEMBER 20 T O O C TO B E R 16, 1 9 9 9 Mechanic creeper Made with top quality wood. Heavy-duty steel rollers. ULT 70015"R is lone" en g in e t re a tm e n t Reduces fric tion and wear, and im proves perform ance. CHM 100-LR 950 mL Antifreeze tester For all ethylene glycol permanent solutions. ULT 62235 Radiator flush Removes rust deposits, lime and sludge. 450 mL KFL 708 2 -to n h y d rau lic ja c k Lo ng w h e e l base fo r e x tra s tab ility . L if t range : 5 " to 15" U LT 72240 Radiator stop leak Safe for aluminium. 21 g KFL 714 ALI3PV A L T U P A H IS UAP NAPA CREDIT CARD AND MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED AT PARTICIPATING UAP/NAPA STORES / ? N W (NAPA) A U T O P A R T S 1290 S peers Rd. U nit 3 O akv ille 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -0 2 4 4 Fam ily Fun Farm | RASPBERRIES/APPLE FESTIVAL CRAG FAIR FUNDRAISER - Halton Women's Place Raspberry Cider, Cut Y our Own Flowers: Dahlias, Z in n ia s . S u n flo w e rs . G la d io lu s . E ld e rb e rr ie s . Super Sweet C om , Frozen Fruit, Apples, FARM W INERY Ask about SCHOOL TOURS POMES on Weekends Rosey Free Hay R ides, H aunted Forest, P la yg ro un d , C orn Maze & A n im a l C orra l. North of 401 on Hwy. #25. Drive east on 1 Road #10 or 7 km. west of Trafalgar Rd. on #10 Sideroad. A N D R E W S S C E N I C A C R E S MILTON - (905) 878-5807 Deaths COOPER, James B. "Jim"- At the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Oakville, Ontario on Sunday, September 19,1999, Jim Cooper of Burlington in his 74th year. Beloved husband ol Barbara (nee Kells) Cooper. Loving father ot Stephen and his wife Wendy of Oakville, and Christopher and his wile Maxine of Bolton. Dear grandfather ot Brendan, Carly, Chloe and Aden, Jim was a retired employee of Union Gas, Ha­ milton and long-time organist ot Knox Presbyterian Church Sixteen Oakville. Visitation was at SMITH'S FUNERAL HOME, 485 Brant Street (one block north of City Hall). BURLINGTON (632-3333) on Tuesday 3-5 and 7-9pm. Funeral Service was held at Knox Presbyterian Church Sixteen, Dundas Highway at Lions Valley Park Road, Oakville on Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 11am. Interment Knox Presbyterian Church Sixteen Cemetery, Oakville. If desired expressions of sympathy tp the Canadian Cancer Society would be sincerely appreciated FAIRWEATHER, Colin- Died peacefully, following a lengthy illness, on Monday, Sept. 20,1999. Colin was the beloved husband of Ruth. Dear father ot Keith (his wile Mary), Steven (his wife Janet), Janice, Robbie & Chris and Tracy. "Grandpa" will be sadly missed by Shawn, Wayne, Daniel, Ryan, Meagan and Valerie. Funeral arrangements are private. The family extends many heartfelt "thanks'-to Ian Anderson House and Dr. Feldman; also to the V.O.N. tor their support during this difficult time. May he rest in peace. GRANT, James MacNeill P a s s e d a w a y in h is 7 6 th y e a r , o n S e p te m b e r 16 , 1 9 9 9 , a t th e O a k v i l le T ra fa lg a r M em oria l H osp ita l, in the a rm s o f h is w ife a n d d a u g h te rs , a f t e r a cou rageous battle . B e loved husband and b e s t fr ie n d o f 4 3 ye a rs to L o ttie , lov in g fa th e r o f C h a rlo tte (S co tt M e issn e r) and M a rg u e r i te (P e g g y ) (D o u g M o o re ) , G ra ndp e re to C harde , C h ris tin e , A ndrew a n d C o l in . D e a r b r o th e r to Is a b e l M acD onald and H elen Rodd, uncle to Bill R odd o f V ancouver. J im w as bo rn and educa ted in E dm onton , jo ined the R C N VR , pa rtic ipa ted as a te le g ­ rapher on Land ing C ra ft L .C .I.(L )., 249 in the firs t w ave o f the D -D ay Battle a t Juno B e a c h . H e a tte n d e d th e U n iv e rs ity o f A lberta and M cG ill U nivers ity . H is career as an e xp lo ra tio n g e o lo g is t w o rk in g w ith Labrador M in ing and E xp lo ra tion Co. w as s p e n t m a in ly in the U n g a v a / L a b ra d o r region o f O uebec. He w as a Fe llow o f the G eo log ica l A ssoc ia tion o f C anada. C re m a t io n , fo l lo w e d b y a g ra v e s id e serv ice a t St. Ju d e 's C em e te ry a t 3 :30p.m . on Thursday S ep tem ber 23rd. The fam ily w ill be re ce iv in g fr ie n d s to ho n o u r J im 's life fo llow ing the g raves ide serv ice at The O akville M useum , 8 N avy S treet, O akville from 4 :30 to 6 :30p.m . S incere tha nks to Dr. John D. D enby. A ve ry specia l thanks to the nu rs ing s ta ff a t 4 E ast- O .T .M .H . w hose co m p a ss io n fo r J im m a d e th e la s t fe w d a y s a s c o m fo rta b le as p o s s ib le . D o n a tio n s in J im 's m e m o ry m ay be m a de to O a kv ille T r a fa lg a r M e m o r ia l H o s p ita l o r Ia n A n d e rs o n H o u s e . A r ra n g e m e n ts en trus ted to O akv iew Funera l Hom e. MCKAY, Sylvia O n S u n d a y S e p te m b e r 19 , 1 9 9 9 a t O akville L ifecare C enter. S y lv ia C oote, in h e r 9 4 th y e a r . B e lo v e d m o th e r o f M a rgue rite and he r h u sband Joh n Ing le , S h e lia C ro o ks , R a ym o n d D add a n d h is w ife Vera . Loved by 9 g randch ild ren and 8 g rea t grandch ild ren . S is ter o f D oris and S y b il. V is ita t io n a t th e K o p r iv a T a y lo r C om m un ity Funera l H om e, 64 Lakeshore Road W est, O akv ille one hour p rio r to the serv ice . Funera l Serv ice 1pm W ednesday (today). In te rm en t St. Jude 's C em etery. T h o s e w h o w is h m a y m a k e m e m o ria l c o n tr ib u t io n s to th e O n ta r io H e a r t an d S troke Foundation . Funeral Directors OAKVIEW FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors • Don C larke • D oug las M anners • T a n ia Di C enso - G regory S idora 84 2 -2 2 5 2 W A R D Funeral Homes H E L P IN G T O M A K E IT P E R S O N A L 1 0 9 R e y n o ld s S tre e t, O a k v il le 905 - 844-3221 A n n F u th e r C h a r le s G ib b s Family Services A lc o h o lic s A nonym ous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Wednesday, September 22, 1999 InM em oriam s CARLEY - In Loving M em ory o f G eorge O sb o rn e . W h o P assed A w a y tw o yea rs ago S eptem ber 22, 1997. W e often th ink of days gone by W hen w e w ere all toge the r The fam ily ties are broken now A nd Life is no t the sam e. T w o years ago you left us T o be free o f all you r pain A nd eve ry day w e th ink o f you U ntil w e m eet again. R em e m be red A lw a ys and M issed eve ry day. W ife V io le t and Fam ily HASSALL, Glen In Loving M em ory o f a dear H usband and F a th e r w h o p a s s e d a w a y S e p te m b e r 2 0 th ,1987. It's tw elve years ago today since you went aw ay, In ou r H earts yo u r m em ories are kept T o o specia l a p lace fo r us to forget. M em ories are like threads o f gold, T h ey ne ve r ta rn ish o r grow old. A lw ays R em em bered by; W ife L inda and Son T revor HASSALL, Glen In Lo v in g M em ory o f a de a r S on-In -L aw W h o P assed A w a y on S e p te m b e r 20 th , 1987 T w e lv e y e a rs h a ve c o m e a n d g o n e so fast, B ut ou r che rished m em ories o f you will Forever last, Specia l though ts o f you are qu ie tly kept Inside, but still w ish ing tha t w e d id n 't , Have to say goodbye, S a d ly M isse d and A lw a y s re m e m b e re d by; M om and Dad and John Legal Notice Notice to Creditors and Others IN THE ESTATE OF NANCY RITA BURDENY late of the Town of Oakville in the Regional Municipality of Halton Province of Ontario All persons having claims against the Estate of NAN­ CY RITA BURDENY, late of the Town of Oakville, who died on or about the 9th day of February, 1998, are hereby notified to send particulars ol same to the un­ dersigned on or before the 29th day of October, 1999, after which date the estate will be distributed, with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person ol whose claim it shall not then have notice. SALEM & McMULLOUGH Barristers & Solicitors 2828 Howard Avenue WINDSOR, Ontario N 8X 3Y 3 Solicitors for the Estate Trustee With a Will Employment_____________ STUDENTS WANTED! For after School shifts and Saturday's Hours Flexible for more information contact Andre @ The Oakville Beaver 844-0577 A M e t r o l a n d N e w s m a g a z in e F o r C i ty F am ilies Experienced Account Executive re q u ire d C a n a d a 's le a d in g p a re n t in g p u b lic a t io n re q u ire s a p ro fe s s io n a l A c c o u n t E x e c u t iv e to re p re s e n t th e H a m ilto n / H a lto n a re a . T h is is a fu l l- t im e p o s it io n th a t in c lu d e s c o m p e t itv e s a la ry , c o m m is s io n a n d m ile a g e e x p e n s e s . T h e id e a l c a n d id a te is a n e n th u s ia s t ic s e lf - s ta r te r w ith a p ro v e n tra c k re c o rd in p r in t a d v e r t is in g s a le s . P le a s e fo rw a rd re s u m e in c o n f id e n c e to : A d v e r t is in g M a n a g e r C ity P a re n t 4 6 7 S p e e rs R d ., O a k v il le , O N L 6 K 3 S 4 F a x : (9 0 5 ) 3 3 7 -5 5 7 1 METROLAND SALES REPRESENTATIVE W e have an im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r an exp erien ced S a les R epresen ta tive , w ho is h ig h ly m o t iv a te d a n d c a n a c h ie v e results. Be an im portan t pa rt o f an aw ard w inning sa les team , w ith an attractive com pensa­ tion package w h ich inc ludes sa la ry and com m iss ion. If you have: • con fiden t ou tgo ing persona lity • good o rgan iza tiona l skills • the ab ility to m anage several p ro jects concurren tly • a keen desire to succeed Forward your resume in confidence to: The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4 Attention: Lisa Caputi No telephone calls please AUTOMOTIVE Mazda radically improves MPV Mechanic creeper "Rislone" engine treatment Antifreeze tester Radiator flush 2-ton hydraulic jack Radiator stop leak FARM WINERY Ask about SCHOOL TOURS POMES on Weekends Deaths Funeral Directors OAKVIEW FUNERAL HOME Funeral Directors WARD Family Services InMemoriams Legal Notice Notice to Creditors and Others Employment The Oakville Beaver 844-0577 Experienced Account Executive METROLAND SALES REPRESENTATIVE

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