Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 4 Nov 1964, p. 12

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Page 12-Oakville Beaver, Wed., Nov. 4, 1964 M r s . E .H . R e e v e s V I 4 -0 5 4 7 The Social World Members of the Oak­ ville Historical Society attending the Museum's Workshop of the Ontario Historical S o c i e t y in Vineland were Mrs. C. D. Chisholm, Mrs. N. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Macrae, H e r b e r t Merry and Mrs. Hugh Denison. Two speakers were Miss Marion Macrae; the author of the succes­ sful recently published book "The A n c e s t r a l Roof" and Dr. L o u i s Jones, director of Coop- erstown Museum in New York. The autumn meeting of the S o c i e t y will take place Nov. 17 at the Win- nett Baptist Church. * * * Art Drysdale of the Sheridan Nurseries was guest speaker at the No­ vember meeting of the Bronte Horticultural So­ ciety on Monday. Mr. Drysdale, a graduate of the Niagara Parks Com­ mission School of Horti­ culture, talked about the Vienna Garden Show. He also answered questions on v a r i o u s gardening queries. * * * The Canadian Mental Health Association, Hal- ton County Branch, has formed an Oakville divi­ sion to decrease its cur­ rent area. There are two direct­ ing bodies - one based in Oakville - the other in Burlington. The entire board will meet every two months. Cecil Thom of Riverside Dr., is pre­ sident of the county group and chairman of the Oakville section. ' P l a n s include the showing of a film "The 91st Day* - the story of a high school teacher who is afflicted with a mental problem. The public are invited to the meeting at St. John' s United church on Nov. 27. Mrs. C e c i l Thom agreed to look after the 1964 c a m p a i g n for Christmas gifts. Work on the project - Lifting Shadows - has already begun. Mrs. Colin Mc- Gillivray will organize the C.M.H.A. Christmas card sale. This is the first time cards have been sold by the asso­ ciation. * * * Kit Gallagher, 17, of 96 Trafalgar St., will receive a scholarship from the University Wo­ men' s Club on Friday. The award will be pre­ sented by Mrs. R. F. Le Brocq at Thomas A. Blakelock High School' s annual graduation. Miss Gallagher is cur­ rently attending Queen' s University where she is taking an honors arts course - studying for a law degree. Th e scholarship is presented to a top Grade 13 girl. Miss Gallagher received an average of 88.3 percent on nine pa­ pers in her final high school year. * * * The Syb i l Bennett chapter of the I.O.D.E. met recently at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Oatley on Wedgewood Dr. They are again plan­ ning to give financial assistance to the Christ­ mas Bureau for Oak­ v ille ' s needy citizens. Recently the chapter assumed responsibility of a bowling outing for children at Bruce Lyn School. They will pro­ vide both transportation and supervision. The librarian at the chapter' s adopted Jam­ aican school has re­ quested novels. Each member will donate at least one book. The chapter will look after the Christmas party for the new Cana­ dian English class. Mrs. Gordon French will or­ ganize the party. * * * More than 100 gift bags have been made by the members of the An­ gela Bruce chapter of the I.O.D.E. for patients at the Ontario Hospital in Hamilton. They con­ tain lipstick, shampoo, powder, playing cards and shaving needs for both men and women who are admitted to the hos­ pital. Mrs. Colin McGil- livray and Mrs. Hugh Bartram of the services at home and abroad organization, took the items to Hamilton last week and presented them to Mrs. John Kaposy of the social work depart­ ment. The chapter is holding a bridge in the upper Canada Country Club on Nov. 12. It was organi­ zed by Mrs. Colin Mc- Gillivray. Mrs. G. D. Harvey is preparing the tables; Mrs. D. J. Ker- H o r n e 1, decor ations; Mrs. George Bain, re­ freshments; and Mrs. L. D. Papple is looking after ticket sales. Proceeds will go to the scholarship fund and the O a k v i l l e Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. * * * The University Wo­ men's Club will hold the annual membership tea Nov. 22. * * * The Trafalgar Dupli­ cate Bridge Club met on October 27 at the Catho­ lic Centre on Morden Road. Members of the Oakville Club' s Dupli­ cate Bridge club and the Ortonna Barrack' s Du­ plicate Bridge Club were guests. Winners were: North- south - Mr. and Mrs. T. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wade, Dr. F. V. Stryk, and R. Hausen. East- west - L. Flowers, R. Flowers, Mrs. T. Kra­ mer, Norman Lowe, L. Rambo, and John Chap­ man. The Wade' s are members of the Oakville club and the other win­ ners were from the Tra­ falgar club. The Oakville club won with a high average ot 159 points. The Trafal­ gar club had 156 1/2 points. * * * ✓ The UCW group 3 of St. John' s United Church held a Lucky Luncheon Thursday. Mrs. H. J. Clarke, group leader, welcomed guest s . A committee headed by Mrs. L. D. Papple plan­ ned the decorations. A hat show was held by Mrs. C athie Robinson and Miss Susan Moore of the Hat Box. They showed a wide selection of winter cha­ peaus. Mrs. Murdo Mac- Kenzie was commenta­ tor. The members mo­ delling hats were Mrs. John Wakely, Mrs. G.G. Gracie, Mrs. C. A. Bail­ ey and Mrs. H. W. For­ ster. * * * Douglas Howard of Eighth Line, an execu­ tive m e m b e r of the C anadian C ancer Society South Halton unit, atten­ ded a conference in Tor­ onto l a s t week. The growth of branches in Ontario was discussed. * * * WEDDINGS • 3 Lakeside Dining Rooms • Banquets & Private Parties Fromt16 to 400 • Dancing Facilities • Ample Parking YHe est a m in et NE4-3344 F U L L Y LICEN SED CAR INSURANCE FOR LOWEST COST WITH BROADEST COVERAGE Shop the rest then buy the best for less at ffijRN viC Hi u - -* RES. VI. 4-9093 est. 1923 123 Drnidas St. VI 5-7144 Toronto 923-5763 MARGUERITE BROWN of Oakville was married to Anthony Thompson of Norwich, Ontario recently at St. Judes Anglican Church in Oakville. Cannon C.N.E. Blagrave officiated. Murray Belford photo Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Milne of Ennisclare Dr. recently enjoyed sev­ eral weeks holiday at Myrtle Beach, N.C. * * * St. Cuthbert' s Angli­ can Church women's group will hold the annual Christmas B a z a a r at Maple Grove School Nov. 14 from 2-5 p.m. Orga­ nizer Mrs. Wm. Bauman will s e r v e tea. Mrs. Everett Slacer, Mrs . Tom Lee and Mrs. D. A. Leigh will assist. Booths will include sale of Can­ dy, Home Baking, Trea­ sure Chest, Handicrafts, and a Children's corner. * * * A reception was held recently by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley LeBrocq of En­ nisclare Dr. following the christening of their grandson, Charles Le B r o c q at St. Jude's Anglican Church. Char­ les is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Le Brocq. Service was con­ ducted by Rev. C. N. P. Blagrave, assisted by Rev. Raymond Stokes. The godparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Hendrie and Wm. Southam Bal­ four. Out of town guests included the baby' s ma­ t e r n a l gr andmother, Mrs. Frederick J. Kemp of Niagara Falls; Flor­ ence Horne, great aunt, of Hamilton; Mrs. Vic­ tor Vallanve of Port Nelson; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Vallance, Bur­ lington and Mrs. W. S. Balfour, Ancaster. * * * Mrs. Barry Yates of Rebecca St. was hostess last week when the area public relations section of the White Oak area of Girl Guides met at her home to discuss this year's plans. Arrange­ ments were also discus­ sed for an open house at the newly built Camp Wyoka at Clifford. * * * (Con' t. on page 2A) Virginia Stairs FLYING DAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS NEW! SAVE 25% on economy domestic family plan fares Arlen Rabjohn ADVENTURE HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE LTD. 345 Kerr St. Oakville VI 5-6631 Josef o f Rom e PERMENANT NOVEMBER SPECIALS O F F E R GOOD U N T IL NOV. 30 REG. $10.50- 12.50. 15.50. 18.50. 20.50. 25.00. 30.00. 35.00. SP EC IA L ....$8.40 ....10.00 ..:.12.40 ....14.80 ....16.40 ....20.00 ....24.00 ....28.00 JOSEF OF ROM E 342 Colborne St. .V I 5-03 3 L Hopedale P la za VA7-4561 Mrs. E.H. Reeves VI 4-0547 The Social World WEDDINGS NE4-3344 FULLY LICENSED FOR LOWEST COST WITH BROADEST COVERAGE 123 Drnidas St. VI 5-7144 Toronto 923-5763 MARGUERITE BROWN of Oakville was married FLYING DAYS NEW! SAVE 25% on economy domestic family plan fares ADVENTURE HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE LTD. 345 Kerr St. Oakville VI 5-6631 REG. $10.50- 12.50. 15.50. 18.50. 20.50. 25.00. 30.00. 35.00. SPECIAL ....$8.40 ..:.12.40 ....14.80 ....16.40 ....24.00 ....28.00

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