Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 28 Dec 2017, p. 32

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w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, D ecem ber 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 | 3 2 Oakville Chamber Orchestra to present free concert Jan. 19 T he O akville Cham ber Orchestra w ill present a free concert on Friday, Jan. 19 at the O akville Centre for the Perform ing Arts to replace the concert cu t short by fire at St. S im on ' s A nglican Church. T he concert, entitled Talent A blaze, w ill begin at 8 p.m . and features three yo u n g Canadian p rizew in n in g soloists: J.J. Bui on piano, D u n can M cD ougall o n v io lin and m ezzo-soprano N ico le Stocks. "T he O CO board approved the free concert as a gesture o f thanks to our subscribers, for 3 4 years o f support; to our sponsors and donors, for sustaining u s to the threshold o f our u p co m in g 3 5th anniver sary; to our excellen t m usicians; and, to all O akville residents," said orchestra president Julie Palmer, in a press release. Fire broke ou t at St. Sim on ' s A n glican Church on L itchfield Road on Nov. 2 6 , shortly before the cham ber orchestra w as set to perform . All m u sician s and concert patrons w ere evacuated safely w ith o u t any reported injuries. D o n ation s to h elp offset the free concert w ill be accepted through the O akville Cham ber Orchestra w eb site, oakvillechamber.org. Bui, 15, w ill perform Frederic C h op in ' s piano C oncerto N o. 2 in its entirety. A t the age o f 11, Bui w o n an international piano com p etition in Iowa. H e has also w o n first prize in CBC M u sic' s 2 0 1 6 Piano Hero contest. Stocks to perform a fter intermission After interm ission , Stocks w ill be perform ing three arias in clu d in g the Habanera from C arm en, w ritten by George Bizet, as w e ll as arias from G ioch in o R ossini and Richard Strauss. F ollow in g Stocks, 15-year-old M cD ougall w ill play the Dm itri Kabalevsky V iolin C oncerto in C Major, OP 48. M cD ougall has w o n first-place awards and scholarships from the Rotary Burl in gton , Toronto K iwanis and N orth York m u sic festivals. T he O akville C ham ber Orchestra w ill also be playing a piece from F rench A rgentine singer, songw riter and com poser Carlos Gardel and the Ritual Fire D ance, w ritten by the Spanish com poser M anuel de Falla. Tickets are available b egin n in g Friday, D ec. 29 through the O akville Centre for the Perform ing Arts b o x office at oakvillecentre.ca, or call 9 0 5 -8 1 5 -2 0 2 1 . T he O akville Centre for the Perform ing Arts is located at 130 N avy St., Oakville. Cantabile Choir presents Christmas concert on Epiphany Cantabile C hoir presents a Yuletide Joy Christmas Concert o n Saturday, Jan. 6, at Central Baptist C hurch, 3 4 0 R ebecca St., in Oakville. T he concert, w h ic h b egin s at 7 p.m ., features an instrum ental en sem b le, so lo ists, and gu est performer, soprano Kinga M itrowska. T he choir w ill be presenting a series of P olish and E nglish carols in both tradi tional and m od ern versions. Saturday, Jan. 6, is the holiday o f E piphany, celebrating the arrival o f the Three K ings to B ethlehem . Additionally, in the P olish tradition, the birth o f C hrist is cel ebrated and carols are su n g up until the end o f January Located in O akville, the Polish-C anadian Cantabile C hoir has been active for m ore than five years, con tin u in g the lega cy o f the previous A gnus D ei Choir. C on d u cted by Maria Lesniak, the choir operates as the parish choir for St. A n th o ny' s Parish and also organizes independent concerts. R ecent concerts in clu d e the Spring Charm Concert and the perform ance of the n ew contem porary-styled Oratorium Jezu U fam Tobie (Jesus I trust in y o u ) by W ojciech B ochenek. Tickets for a Yuletide Joy Christmas Con cert are $25 per person and can be pur chased on lin e at goo.gl/U n 6q 8c. Every on e is w elcom e. For m ore inform ation about Cantabile C hoir visit w w w .cantabilechoir.ca. filmca General $8.501Children & Seniors $6.501All seatsTues $5.00 FILM.CA CINEMAS SHOWTIMES FOR DECEMBER 29,2017-JANUARY4,2018 STAR WARS THE LASTJEDI (PG) Fri-Thurs: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:45 FERDINAND (PG) Fri-Thurs: 12:00,2:15, 4:45, 6:30, 8:50 R educe Reuse R ecycle BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPERRETRACTIONFOR THE BESTBUYDECEMBER 2 5 CORPORATEFLYER THE GREATEST SHOWMAN (PG) Fri-Thurs: 12:20,2:30, 4:40, 7:00, 9:20 JUMANJI: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE (PG) Fri-Thurs: 1:30,4:00, 7:15, 9:50 p it c h p e r f e c t 3 Night Owl 1080p 6-Camera 1TB DVR SecuritySystem: In the December 25th flyer, page 13, the Night Owl 1080p 6-Camera 1TB DVR Security System (Web Code:10670011)was advertised w ith an incorrect feature. Please be advised that this product is wired directly to DVR. Please see a ProductSpecialist for com plete details. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE (PG) NEWSPAPERRETRACTIONFOR THE BESTBUYDECEMBER 2 5 CORPORATEFLYER Fri-Thurs: 1:10, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 171 Speers Road, Oakville (at Kerr St.) 905-338-6397 (MEWS) w w w .f ilm .c a AcerAMDA9-9420APU Laptop: In the December25th flyer, on the cover page,theAcerAM DA9-9420APU Laptop (Web Code: 11649068) was advertised with an incorrect processor type. Please be advised that this product is equipped with adual-core processor. Please see a Product Specialist for complete details. W e sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. AST CM film c a 90 5-33 8-63 97 www.film.ca cinemas 171 Speers Road (at Kerr) Oakville facebook.com/filmca @Film CaCinem as STAR WARS: THE LAST je d i (st c ) D e c e m b e r 15 th F E R D IN A N D (STC) D E C E M B E R 15 th Ju MANJI: w e l c o m e t o THE Ju NGLE (STC) D E C E M B E R 20 th THE GREATEST SHOW MAN (STC) D E C E M B E R 20 th PITCH PERFECT 3 (STC) D E C E M B E R 2 2 nd

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