Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 20 Oct 1999, C6

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, October 20, 1999 Gentek Building Products Limited, Burlington Plant, manufacturer of vinyl siding has openings for: AZ DRIVER Wanted for food service dstribution. Call 1-800-268-0975 ext 247 between 9 and noon Monday through Friday ADULT carriers required to deliver the Burlington Post in Aldershot. Car may be required. Call Bob, 6320588, ext.255___________ MATURE part/ full-time re quired for a Burlington Mall Kiosk. From Nov.1 to Dec.24. call (905)-8925891__________________ ROOFING Labourers re quired part-time & full-time. Reliable, own transport an asset. Please call (905) 849-1926______________ PAINTERS & Painters H elper wanted full-tim e . E xperience preferred. Leave message, (905)2570663__________________ COUNTER person with autom otive experience required for 6 days /week. Call Jason 905-664-7650. LABOURERS and Assem blers needed for manufacturing Co. in Milton. S tarting wage $9. Fax: (905)878-3012__________ LABOURERS & assem blers needed for manufacturing company in Milton, starting wage $9. Fax (905)878-3012. LOT person wanted for busy new car dealership. Duties include: Washing & cleaning of cars. Full-time. Apply in person, Gary Croxon, Terrance Ford Lincoln M ercury, 900 Walkers Line or call 905632-5671_______________ SICK of working evenings & weekends? Work 8:30am3pm, M on-Fri., cleaning houses. Great exercise, wages competitive. Drivers license an asset. Please call 681-7600 I telem arketers D ANA C A N A D A INC. "Pcnf/tc 'pindiHC < 1 J S rrtV t 7{/city 0 Caring Today... Growing fo r Tomorrow! Work close to home... Oakrille or Milton sites GENERAL LABOURERS To qualify, you m ust have a Gr. 12 education and be fluent in English. Plastic extrusion and shiftw o rk experience w ould be an asset. We currently offer $12.58/hr + shift prem ium s and a g e n e ro u s b e n e fits package in c lu d in g a dental and drug plan. Interested candidates are invited to mail or fax their resume before Oct. 2 9 ,1 9 9 9 to: Gentek Building Products Limited 1001 Corporate Drive Burlington, Ontario L7L 5V5 Fax: (905) 319-5600 Please no phone calls Gentek Building Products is an E.O.E. Long Manufacturing, a producer of heat exchangers, has an opening for a MANUFACTURING ENGINEER Minimum requirements are: an Engineering Degree with 2 years of Manufacturing Engineering experi ence, Automation equipment experience is essential, with automotive experience an asset. Superior analyt ical and problem solving skills along with a hands on attitude are required (must be able to perform minor equipment adjustments). RN's & RPN's PART-TIME Nanny required M on.-Fri., 3pm6pm., in our R iver Oaks home fo r 2 school-aged children. Vehicle required. N on-sm oker. Senior/ student welcom e. (905) 257-6813 CHILDCARE/ Housekeeper caring, mature individual wanted to look after 2 girls, ages 11 & 14, Mon-Thurs.. 2:30-5:30pm., in our home. 8th Line/ Upper Middle. Din ner preparation, errands, some laundry. Car required. E xcellent rem uneration. 842-0155 after 6pm. Burlington Bowl requires a full-time Dana Corporation-Long Manufacturing Human Resources Department 1400 Advance Rd., Oakville,On L6L 6L6 Fax: (905)-825-8425 No phone calls please!. Only those selected for an Interview will contacted. Asst. M echanic Rotating shifts & wee kends. No experience necessary- we will train mechanically inclined person. Call for appointment (905) 681-2727 PART-TIME Sales/Marketing - growing play centre re quires self-motivated indi vidual. excellent phone skills, experience neces sary. Fax resume; (905) 469-1580.______________ COME Boogie with us! Fred Astaire Dance Studio needs 25 enthusiastic, at tractive people to train to become Dance Instructors. No experience necessary!. We tra in- Goood pay + many benefits including expense paid trips. Call between 1pm-6pm (905)842-3797, 225 Lakeshore Rd.E. Oakville MOLLY Maid-- requires mature, reliable full-tim e personnel. Drivers License required. Training/ trans portation provided. No nights. No weekends. Ben efits available. For ap pointm ent call 905-6817484 Ask about our sign up Bonus! SORTERSrequired to in spect/ pack products in O akville. No experience neccessary, own transportation. $10/hr. On call casual part-time bases. Varied hours. Send resume: Venpro, Lakeport Rd., Box 28102, 600 Ontario Street, St. Catherines, Ont. L2N 7P8_______ INDUSTRIAL Janitorial Company, Mon-Sat even ings, average 20 hrs/wk. Perfect for post- secondary student! Drivers Lie. an as set. Heavy lifting part of the job. Experience not re quired Call (905)6325225; Fax: (905)632-0012 PART-TIME Sales/Marketing - growing play centre re quires self-motivated indi vidual. excellent phone skills, experience neces sary. Fax resume; (905) 469-1580._____________ full & part-time Emergency & Observation Medical/Surgical Floors Transitional Care Unit toakviiie) Maternal Child Program · Prenatal Clinic · Birthing Suite · Unit Clerk Ward Clerk Em ergency/Am bulatory Care (M ilton) EXPERIENCED Nannies/ housekeepers in Philippines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina, (416)699-6931. OPEN HOUSED D ro p in to EXPERIENCED Olsten Staffing Service, 5000 New St., on Sat., Oct. 30, between 10am-4pm. COPY SHOP PERSON Full-tim e Mon-Fri 8:30am -5pm Large volume & color copy experience necessary (ie. Xerox, Kodak). Customer Service & computer knowledge necessary. Previous printshop experi ence a must. Fax or send resume to: We have immediate openings and looking lor personnel for the following positions: · Pharmacists · Pharmacy Technician · Occupational Therapist part-tim e, experienced and/or interested in G eriatric Medicine NANNY live-in/ out required to care fo r 4 & 7-yr. old g irls, drive r's license required, car an asset, varied hours. Paul 3317547 or fax 335-5012. · Accounts Payables & Receivables Clerk(s) · Customer Service Reps · Administrative Assistant · S w itchboard/R eceptionist · Physiotherapist fu ll & part-tim e (M ilton) · Data Entry Operators · Warehouse and Production · Payroll Administrator S 3 ree, nr*: 409 Guelph Line, Burlington, On. L7R 3L7 or fax 333-9366 Come care with us! Please apply in w ritin g , indicating your preference, to: Human Resources, Helton Healthcare Services, 327 Reynolds Street, Oakville, Ontario L6J 3L7 Fax: (905) 338-4137 e-mail: aamold@otmh.on.ca Halton Healthcare Services is an amalgamation of Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and Milton District Hospital NANNY/ Housekeeper needed, 4 children (8.5.4,2) Mon., Wed., Thurs., Sat. 10am6pm. Some evenings. Headon Road area $25Q/wk. 331-7840 ^ O lste n Staffing Services' Ph:905-634-4445 or fax 905-634-0011 mm MATiHG-Ain coNomoNiHG-HHCPLACts mm Universal HVAC Systems A leading heating, air conditioning and fireplace company is looking for k UNIVERSAL I t Experienced, Professional Salespeople MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 PROGRESSIVE DISTRIBUTION COMPANY HIRING FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BURLINGTON Call Centre requires appointm ent setters, 5-10pm, Mon-Fri. Guaranteed $9./hr +bonus. All leads provided. Mrs. W alker. 333-1737 after 1pm. F R E S H M A R K E T C U IS IN E · IN C R E D IB L E D E S S E R T S · Order Assemblers · Checkers P le a s e CALIFORNIA Hair Works is looking for a full-time As sistant or Apprentice with experience. Call (905)6344466__________________ HAIRSTYLIST -ambitiousto manage new shop in East Waterdown- Hwy 5/ Birke St. or possible part nership or rent to own or buy with a small down pay ment. call 905-629-2654 for their growing area. To arrange an interview call (905)637-0102 or fax resume to (905)637-1269 `Talented C ook ' F/T, P/T Experience and quality conscious positive attitude required. Please contact Jason or Martha at The Pearl Street Cafe. THE- PEARL -STREET A ll replies held in strictest confidence. sales help & agents 530 sales help & agents apply in person only 2226 South Service Rd. W., Oakville, Ontario JOIN OUR WINNING TEAM! 6 3 9 -9 4 5 0 IN C R E D IB L E D E S S E R T S · ASSISTANT TO SALES MANAGER wanted to join our highly respected team in the heavy used truck industry. Sales or te le m a rk e tin g e xp e rie n ce n e cessa ry, truck or automotive experience an asset. Unlimited earning potential. Full benefits. 383 Pearl Street at Lakeshore, Burlington IN N O V A T IV E C A T E R IN G CAFE To place yo u r C lassified Ad Call 632-4440, 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 or Fax 632-8165 S e e us on the internet at www.haltonsearch.com Upscale Salon in Oakville requires Shampoo Assistant Gel/Nail Technician ·Receptionst FOUND: gold earing, Navy & Robinson. Call 338-5768 FOUND: pair of prescription sunglasses in front of No Frills store, Brant St.. Oct. 14th. 632-2471.______ REWARD. Lost: 'Sadie* fe male short-haired black/ w hite cat w /m icrochip, vaccinated, West Oak Trails. Sept.30. (905)8478544._________________ F a x R e s u m e to : (905) 3 3 9 -0 9 4 8 CROSSWORD 1 1 12 15 18 2 3 4 The Family Place, a childcare organization with centres in Milton and Oakville is looking for supply staff. Guaranteed Hours. Experience with groups of children essential. Preference to E.C.E.'s. RETAIL S ales/ Support person needed at Burling ton flooring store. Some evenings and weekend work required. Pleasant work environment. Send or fax resume to: Roseland Carpet One, 2388 Fairview St., fax (905)-632-1909 WAREHOUSE supervisorfo r busy m edical supply company. Please send re sume along with drivers abstract to Ludlow Medical Products Inc., 595 Speers Rd.. Oakville, L6K-2G4. at tention: A llison Young Schranz. GENERAL Labourers and M achine O perators re quired. Various Burlington locations. Days & midnight shifts available. Apply in person: CWC, 3040 New Street, Burlington (E.of Guelph Line)____________ (905)844-5290 Please call for an interview Call 905-469-0888 or 878-0121 PART-TIM E SEASONAL WORK We need men, wom en & kids to fill a variety of roles available in : catalogues & flyers, tashion shows & hair show s, magazines & brochures, T V. C om m ercials & extra w ork, film work etc. B e g in n e rs w e lc o m e . If a c c e p te d a g e n c y agrees to cover fu ll tra ining & reg. costs. M IS SISSAU G A 9 0 5 - 8 0 3 - 9 0 4 0 O n lin e : W W W .s h o p c a n a d a .c o m /z a id i.h tm l e -m a il: z a id i @ s h o p c a n a d a .c o m . FOLDING Machine Opera tor needed for a growing Mississauga Company's af ternoon shift. This is a full time job with benefits. Ex perience with mini folding machines a plus. Please fax resumes to (905)795-8775, Attn. Sean._____________ EXPANDING Construction com pany is seeking a qualified carpenter with ex perience in re sid e n tial/ commercial work. Full time or sub-contract. Please call (905)689-0974__________ CABINET Maker, with mini mum 3-5 years experience. Working with high pressure laminate required. Call 905822-0068.______________ LOCAL Milton repair shop requires full-time licensed mechanic. No weekends. Call Lee 905-875-7737 LUBE Technician-Part-time required immediately. Must be able to work nights and w eekends. Experience preferred. Please contact Gary Croxon 632-5671. 900 Walkers Line;Burlington L y L ] office-clerical The Paper Factory Retail Party Store requires · Mature Help · All shifts Apply in person: r 4 25 36 10 11 THE PAPER FACTORY, 3455 Fairview St,, Burlington. Not suitable for students! BATHROOM R enova tions, ceramic tiles, drywall and handyman serv ices. Free estim ates call George (905)849-8996. 26 27 28 33 37 29 30 1 535 hospital, medical, dental 535 hospital, medical, dental TOTAL Rubbish Removaldemolition clean-ups, dispo sals, tree cu ttin g and bobcat services. Call Ted's mobile (905)469-2962. 41 47 50 56 51 52 48 49 Alliance Healthcare Professionals I n c o r p o r a t e d Is ottering a unique opportunity tor health care professionals. If you are an NEW Faces W anted- all ages, all sizes for fashion/ hair shows, movie extras, catalog work & TV. $20-90/ hr. (905)336-5455________ INDEPENDENT Adult carriers required for early m orning delivery of the National Post in Oakville R eliable vehicle a must. Please call (416)573-8429 with name and telephone number BURGER King. Now Hiring ·Managers -Days -Nights W ill tra in. C ontact Kim O'Hearn or Rita Paquett, 1120 Brant Street. Powercentre, B urlington. No phone calls, please.______ CASHIER/ Customer Serv ice required part-tim e evenings and Saturdays or Sundays Days. Apply w ithin O akville Italian Bakery, 251 Speers, Oakvilte-______________ ' GENERAL Labour (M/F) Packagers/ Assem blers needed for Oak./ Burl./ Mil. area. Shiftwork. Apply in person: A.H.R., 850 Legion Road, Ste.#8, Burlington. Tel: (905)631-9920 SUPERINTENDENT Couple required for 159 unit Building -Downtown Burlington. References/ experienced necessary. Good salary and 2 bedroom apartment, call (416)-4829040__________________ NIGHT-TIME Cleaners re quired part-time. Oakville. Own transportation neces sary. Fax resume: (905)774-1222, Attn: Mar lene DRYCLEANER/ SpotterExperienced only for quality plant. Also Counter person experienced or will train. 5days/week. Benefits. Call (905)-338-9695__________ WANTED: experienced au tomotive Cieaner/Detailer. Good working conditions. Apply in person w/resume to:1240 Plains Rd. East, Unit# 1, Burlington._______ LIGHT packagers/ Labour ers. Oakville/ Burlington. Day/ Afternoon Shifts, MonFri. R equest Personnel Services, 494 Brant St., Burlington, 905-632-4362 FULL/ Part-time staff/ Man agers fo r C hristm as gift booths, Oakville. Dixie. Mapleview m alls, Nov.D ec.31st. Fax resume: (519)743-5161___________ CAN you manage a tempo rary retail store? $500$600 w eekly. Need e nthusiastic individuals. Part-tim e also available. Greg 416-953-0614 WILLIAMS Coffee Pub re quires m ature kitchen & front of house staff. Apply in person to: 1250 Brant Street, Burlington, or fax resume to: 319-7939______ OAKVILLE company re quires Receptionist/ Ware house worker. Duties- an swering phones to stock preparation. $9/hr. Fax 905-842-2623___________ PART-TIME job with Cana dian Forces 23 Service B attalion. Seeking Me chanics, Truckers. Medics MP's & Clerks. Phone 905972-4000 ext. 2040_______ PRIMERICA Financial Services seeks individual for unique opportunity. No experience necessary. Po tential for high income. Call (905)681-5515, Ext.62 Oakville based waterworks service company has an immediate opening tor a permanent, full-time · O p to m e tr is t ^ K in e s io lo g is t · N u tr itio n is t * P h y s io th e ra p is t · D ie tic ia n · R e fle x o lo g is t · A u d io lo g is t 100% Quality Pro Painters = 100% satisfaction guar anteed. Interior. Exterior. 905-277-1793 or toll free 1877-724-6847.__________ FOR all your painting needs! 20 years experience, residential or com m ercial. Call Mark (905)319-7606 59 ___ ACROSS DOWN Contact Wendy Roper for more information SERVICEPERSON TRAINEE Primary tunction being water meter installation. Training will lead to hydrant testing/ repairs, watermain repairs & pipefitting Applicants must be physically fit, have safety footwear & class G license. We provide a starting wage of $12.00/hr,, complete training, safety clothing & future incentives. 905 845-1665 - Call 905-339-0647 & leave a brief message expressing your interest or fax resume 905-339-3205 PERSON-FRIDAY 1-2 Days per week for small O akville w holesale Co. Computer know how wel come. Reply to the Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd L6K 3S4 BOX # 2092 MEDICAL Office- Recep tion experience preferred to assist with office procedure. Full-time / will comtemplate job share situation. To start immediately, send resume to Box# 1709. 2321 Fairview St., Burlington L7R 2E3___________________ PA RT-TIM E/ m aternity leave Dental Receptionist required to start immediate ly, 3 days/week. Busy Oak ville practice. Knowledge of ABELDENT an asset. Please fax resumes: 905844-8409______________ RN for family doctor's office. (New S t./ Guelph Line). Thurs & Fri. Regular parttime. $16./hr. Submit re sume by O ct.29 to 402 Guelph Line, Burlington, L7R-3L4______________ FULL-TIME Dental Assis tant required for endodontic office Mon.- Thurs. Fax re sume to Dr. Hepworth: (905)844-4763 HOSTESS/ Host, part-time, student welcome; Experi enced Wait Staff. Apply in person. First Choice Kitch en, 2405 Fairview, Burlington.___________________ DELIVERY Drivers Apply within 5-6pm Ask for Rezza, Swiss Chalet, 549 Kerr St, Oakville RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in cludes 2 professional m overs, truck and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. PRO Movers. Short/ long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/w k. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700 OFFICE A d m in is tr a to r The Burlington Post Is Now Hiring WAREHOUSE PRODUCTION STAFF To handle and package flyers, i®" Part-time hours *3* Day and Afternoon Shifts o " Safety Shoes & Some Lifting required Stop in and see Nick or Krithia, Mon-Fri, 9-5pm Required immediately. MS Office essential. Preference to those with MYOB, Simple account ing exp. Good organiza tional /communication skills an asset. Call Doug 905-634-1149 or fax 905-634-1404 DYNAMIC Oakville based Financial Services organization seeks A dm inistrative clerk to assist head office in the clerica l functions of a National Sales force. Com puter skills, good communi cation/ organizational skills a must. Box-6211, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Oak ville. L6K-3S4 or fax: (905)338-0977_______________ GENERAL Office C lerk/ Reception- full-time, selfmotivated. well organized. Reception duites. word pro cessing, data entry, filing, etc. written/ verbal english language skills. Telephone and interpersonal skills. Computer/ word processing skills, fax resumes tention Anne 905-844-6697______ RECEPTIONIST required part-time for Oakville Con tractor. Knowledge of MS Word and Quickbooks an asset. Must be able to work without supervision. Fax resume & salary expectations: (905)338-1944 RECEPTIONIST- College/ university student for parttime job in dental office. Evenings/ weekends. Fax resume (905)-842-0128 SPARKLING clean house by Elizabeth. Professional house cleaning. Excellent references. Friday opening available. Call 545-8894. RESPONSIBLE, expe ri enced European cleaning lady will clean your house, apartm ent or office , low prices. Call Zofia, 639-3490 CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers, bed co-ordinates, fab rics. ta b le / chair accessories. Call Sherry, 634-6706. I tutorial EXPERIENCED Certified Teacher available for tutor ing, grade K-6. Language, arts and math. Reasonable rates. 825-5326 daycare available 4057 Fairview Str, Burlington (East Entrance of Clegg Glass) DOLL Show & Sale. Sun day Oct.24th, 10-4pm, Marritt Hall. Hwy #53, Ancaster Adm ission $3.00-A dultChild-$1 ..(905)-648-2507 1. Cook's measures: abbr 1. Flooring 5. Hand warmer 2. "Nasty" Nastase 3. "Don't know the words' 9. Lodger examiner: abbr. syllables 12. One from Belgrade 4. Occurrences 13. Pavarotti offering 14. Show affection to 5. Before Juin 6. Samovar's kin 15. _____ driver 16. Unending 7. Sheriff Taylor's deputy 8. Bazaars 18. Dramatist O'Casey et al. 20. Tide competitor 9. Double this and be stylish 10. Shot___ 21. Sound in the "Popeye" theme 11. Have a birthday 24. Give a licking 17. Where hackles are raised 28. Nursery furnishing 19. Nursery need 32. Writer Wiesel 33. Scientologist L .____ 22. "Chestnuts roasting____ open fire" (2 wds.) Hubbard 23. Western mountain 34. Language of Cicero 25. Kirghiz range 36. Miller of Sugarbabies 37. Gray matter: abbr 26. The w hole____ yards 27. Norton and Howard 39. Public officials 28. Disagreeable child 41. Plains home 29. Superior 4 3 . __________ creature was stirring..." (2 wds.) 30. Arrogant summons 31. First independent Communist 44. Hang like an old clothesline leader 46. More than pleasingly plump 50. Lion with tax-deductible 35. Defense org. 38. Final, e g interest 40. Is Rich (Updike) 55. Hoehaw 42. Keen 56. "One Day Time' 45. Contributed (2 wds.) 47. Irish lake 57. First name in daredevils 48. Sausage herb 58. A Loss 01 Roses playwright 49. BlackSusan 59. Mossy home 50. More: Sp. 60. Smell bad 51. Hall of Famer Mel 61. __off (annoyed) 5 2 . ____gun 53. Ah. well 54. Moose's kin WANTED ADULT CARRIERS To deliver newspapers Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays by 6pm in Burlington. No collecting, limited inserting. Call (905) 632-0588 leave message W A N T E D To deliver The Burlington Post FULL-TIME SUPERVISOR Required Must be enthusiastic and responsible. Flexible hours, benefits, full training provided. Apply in person to: BILINGUAL ECE mom has space a vailable in quality home Day Care 18 m onths + West Oakville 469-0671_______________ DAYCARE available, my home--hot meals, snacks. English/French speaking. Playground. Holy Family School area. Very experi enced E xce lle n t re fe r ences 849-6119. FRIENDLY Fun filled Day care available with mother of two in Oxford/McCraney area. Full/P art-tim e No pets/non smoking Laurie 844-0663_______________ PART-TIME (Mon., Wed. Fri.) daycare available, en closed yard, indoor play area, southeast Burlington 681-2871.______________ WATCH me grow. E.C.E. mom offering quality day care. Daily activities, nutritious meals. 319-6453 I personals ABW (Mapleview Centre) SO you think matchmaking services are for losers... think again... doctors, law yers. business people, bankers, health professionals, engineers, firem an, truck drivers, librarians, entrepreneurs join Misty River Introduc tions. Toronto's traditional matchmaker (416)777-6302 PINK Flam ingos, Pen guins and Pigs fo r rent. Proceeds to support Mul tip le Sclerosis Society. Call Com plete Rent-Alls Oakville 845-8301. E o o BROOKLYN B a r & G rill at Burlington Bowl Mature part-time help: o CO CD (/) INDEPENDENT ADULT DISTRIBUTORS b C ir c u la tio n D e p t « ' Wait Staff Short Order Cook Kitchen Help Call Moira, 2-6pm for appt: 6 8 1 - 1 0 0 0 DAKOTAS Waterfront Cafe hiring Breakfast Servers, Line Cooks and Bussers. E nthusiastic and expe ri enced professionals should drop off resum es: 2020 Lakeshore Road, Burlingtonor Fax (905) 632 7619 COOK- part-time, approx. 20-25 hrs/week, 3-4 nights/ week. Wage depending on experience. Apply in per son: Dave/John, Corona tion Sport Bar & Grill. 380 Brant St. Burlington ASSISTANT Manager (experienced); Servers; Bussers required. Nickels Restaurant- 2345 Trafalgar Rd.. (Hwy.5). Oakville. Ph. (905)257-9888. Fax: (905)257-1615___________ LINE Cooks- ExperiencedNow Hiring. Mostly nightsWage commensurate with experience. Apply with re sume- King's Arms, 323 Church St.. Oakville LOST & FOUND between 10am to 3pm Monday-Friday (905) 632-0588 EXCELLENT structured daycare available. Safe, clean, smoke-free. First Aid/ CPR/ ECE. 15-yrs. experi ence. References. 332-4863.______________ LOVING mother of two has daycare available. Crafts, song/ storytim e, indoor/ outdoor activities. Nutritious meals. Walker's/ Mainway. 319-2834 I daycare wanted c Tim Hortons requires- mature Van DRIVER Required part-time. Ex perience + F license preferred - will train. Apply to: All S h ifts · Must be self motivated *$50. signing bonus, benefits available Apply: 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. at Ford Dr- Oakville or ph or tax 338-1966 DRIVERS required imme d iately. Q u a lifications: Valid drivers lie., clear driving record, reliable tra n sp ortatio n . Contact Yard Manager for application: Toronto Auto Auctions 8277 Lawson Rd., M ilton. L9T-5C7, 1-800667-4656.ext-361 INSIDE Sales Representa tive needed to phone and qualify leads and make sales. Must be out-going, frie nd ly, sales-oriented. $10./hr, full-time days. To apply call Diane at 8278230 Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE ol charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax:632-8165 FOUND set of keys along the Powerline between Seneca/ Smith Ave., 6348446__________________ FOUND: D ilute Tortie, Guelph Line area. We call ` Abbey*. Call 637-7325 FOUND: b eautiful graystriped young male cat. very affectionate, 11th Concession E. near Lawson Park. 1-905-659-7940. o "cO Brant Children's Centre Tel: 634-5518 APARTMENT Locator. En thusiastic person with sales experience and great tele phone manner is needed. Outgoing personality with keyboarding experience an asset. No cold calling! Full time. Salary and commis sions plus-paid training. Please fax resume to Rent ers News Apartment Loca tors: (905)319-2528 TEAM PLAYERS WANTED PT-FT PART-TIM E Nanny re quired M on-Fri, 6am8:30am in our Upper Mid dle/ 3rd Line home. 905469-9211_______________ PART-TIME my home or yours, 2-3 afternoons. 18mos old boy and 4yr. old girt. 632-9454__________ ATTENTION Students! sitter needed for 3yr old girl. Brant Hills area. Must be available some evenings & weekends. 336-6653 SHIFT-WORKER needs ba bysitter, after school, parttime, Brant Hills school area for 2 school-aged children. 331-5524 · · · · Hygenist Receptionist PDA Dental Assistant for established Oakville Dental Practice. Versa tile, responsible, outgo ing personality a must. Fax 905-849-7658

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