Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 17 Nov 2017, p. 23

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2 3 | Friday November 17, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com If you'd like to advertise your place of worship in this feature pleasecall J E N N I F E R G O U L D 2 8 9 -2 9 3 -0 6 8 3 PENTECOSTAL UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Join is for Sunday Worship at 10:00. On Wednesday Nov. 15 come and experience our Dinner and Worship Service - doors open at 6:00 Bible Teaching & Worship Service, 12:30-2:30pm (SOUTH RIDGE ROOM) IROQUOIS RIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE SUNDAY GLEN ABBEY UNITED CHURCH REV.TED VANCE Come experience Church your whole fam ily will enjoy! This Sunday, November 19th: Worship 10 am Rev. Ted leads worship and then guest Speaker Rev. Dr. Robin Wilkie preaches. Mark your calendars for: Nov. 17 @ 5:30 for our Family Craft night before the Downtown Christmas Tree lighting. Nov. 18 - at 8:00 am for "Knox Open Doors" during the Santa Claus Parade and then again at 7:30pm for the Strata concert. Nov. 25 - at 9:30 am our annual "Treats and Treasures Sale" w ill take place and at 7:00pm our doors are open again for the Hometown Hockey event. Visit our website www.knoxoakville.com to find out more about our programs and services. CONSECRATION SUNDAY Message: " extravagant g m n g 1051 Glenashton Dr. Glenashton & Eighth Line FRID A Y Tel: 416-892-8123 " Teaching & Youth Service 7-8:30pm Fax: 1-866-281-5983 Pastor: Elder M.J. Brissett 1 Timothy 6: 2-12, 17-19 Email: mjbrisse@yahoo.ca JESUS IS LORD Here you will find Church the way you wished it could be! (H I Friendly people, Great music, Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit! 1469 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville 905-825-5292 w w w .glenabbeyunitedchurch.com A O A K V IL L E Knox Lakeshore & Dunn 905.844.3472 KnoxOakville.com P.A. DAY SOCCER FUN CAMP! AN ACTION-PACKED DAY OF SOCCER FUN FOR PARTICIPANTS OF ALL SKILL LEVELS! Join u s f o r a d a y o n c o o l . 19^^72 in d o o r p itc h at th e P in e G len S o c c e r C e n tre a n d e n Vivv doyC * 1 2 d P xXs d e v e '° ^ 2 s c e * Each registration includes a Pizza Pizza lunch, a soccer ball to take home and a full day of fun with friends! TO REGISTER, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT: W W W .OAKVILLESOCCER.CA OR C A L L 905-849-4436 FRIDAY N O V. 24T HW AGES!U 5-IJ:Ti m t uj

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