Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Oct 1999, Editorials, p. 6

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6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday O ctober 22, 1999 T he Oakville Beaver Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver, Associate Publisher Norman Alexander Editor Kelly Montague, Advertising Director Martin Doherty Circulation Director Teri Casas Office Manager M ark Dills Production Manager Riziero Vertoili Photography Director Metrofend Printing, Pubfching & Distributing Ltd., includes: Ajax'P ickering News Advertiser. A iston HerakVCourier, Barrie Advance, Barry's Bay This Week. B oton Enterprise, Brampton Guardian, Burington Post, B ulngton Shopping News. City Parent. CdngwoodW asaga Connection. East York M rror. Erin AcKocate/Courtry Routes, B obcoke Guardian. Flamborough P ost Georgetown hxtependent/Acton Free Press. H iron e Business Times, Kingston This W eek, Lindsay The Week, Markham Ecnom ist & Sun. M icfland/Penetanguishine M irror. M ilton Canadian Cham pion, M ilton S hopping News, M ississauga Business Tim es, M ississauga News. Napanee Guide, Newmarket/Aurora Era-Banner, Northumberland News, North York M rror, Oakville Beaver, Oakville Shopping News, Oldtimers Hockey News. O riia Today. O shawaW hitby/Clarington Port Perry The Week, Owen Sound Tribune. Peterborough This Week, P cton County Guide, Richm ond HiH /Thom hi/Vaughan Liberal. Scarborough M irror, Stouffvie/Uxbridge Tribune, Forever Young, C$y o f York G terdan RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY: THE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: fc- W n > >U / w h nCm 1 Y MOf C A OMVUi 467 Speers Rd,, Oakville O nt L6 K 3 S 4 (905) 845-3824 Fax: 337-5567 SKA nsss TV AUCTION BR O NTS t h e JirvQ lt Be1 1 Fun< J S U TTE R FIY U nited Way o l O akville Editorials Speaker Carr Congratulations to Oakville MPP Gary Carr. His peers in the Ontario legislature elected him Speaker, illustrating that even a P ro g re ssiv e C o n se rv a tiv e M PP w ho votes ag ain st his own government, can win the endorsement of both the opposition and fellow tones. · m A nd lu ckily for Carr, Who would have thunk it? his con stitu en ts in It was no secret that Premier Mike Harris O akville h aven't would have rather seen PC David Tilson of D u f f e rin -P e e l-W e llin g to n -G re y , as th e rebelled a t n ot having Speaker. In Tilson, Harris would have had his 1 a governm ent own man in the chair that controls action in , yes-m an the legislature. But in Carr, the premier will represent them . h av e s o m e o n e w ho w ill be, or h a s the p o te n tia l to be, m o re o b je c tiv e in m aking rulings. Not only that, Carr is perceived by the press corps at Queen's Park, to be very approachable and ready with a comment. That's a good thing in a Tory dominated legislature. O f course there's also the point that opposition MPPs voted for Carr in the hope that he'd make things a little more uneasy for Harris and his ministers. As a nine-year veteran of the provincial political wars, Carr hasn't had a ministerial profile in the legislature but his notoriety in opposing some government legislation has made him some headlines. And luckily for Carr, his constituents in Oakville haven't rebelled at not having a government yes-man represent them. That fact shows a maturity of the electorate sorely lacking in some other ridings. Speaker Carr, it has a nice ring to it. L fi TELL THE SPEAKERTHE BE AUTTlE LATE FORTHE THRPHESPEECH " premier may ...one of the most familiar logos in Canada has to be that of Tim Hortons (no apostrophe please) based here in Oakville...we've received word that the company's first unit on Ottawa Street North in Hamilton, has been totally . renovated and re-opens today...to mark the occasion, the street will be closed and dignitaries attending will include Hamilton Mayor Bob Morrow and Tim H ortons senior chairm an and co-founder Ron Joyce...special signage will signify the heritage of the store and permanent display cases featuring Tim Hortons paraphernalia...as an aside, the store is located on an intersection with a through street that led to a police station...Ron Joyce was a former Hamilton police officer and many of the franchisees, especially in the early years, were former officers...thus the connection with police and donuts is no coincidence....now you know the rest of the story... ...okay you grade 5, 6 and 7 students, here's the chance to show what you can to with the family video camera...Tetra Pak Canada Inc. and the KEY Foundation ares sponsoring their second Earth Wise video competition which sends a C anadian student to the U nited N ations' M illennium International C hildren's Conference on the Environment in Eastbourne England, from May 22-24th...all you have to do is create a three-minute video on the importance of resource conservation-using less and leaving more...interested students or teachers can visit the website at www.kev.ca or phone (705) 722-6711....deadline for entries is Jan. 14,2000....good luck... ... w hile the H alton o rg an izers o f " K om puters For K ids" are to be commended for their efforts toward improving computer literacy among youth, one can't help but wonder why on earth they placed alliteration above education -- after all, using a "K" for the word "computer" may look clever on paper but for a program that champions learning, proper spelling might have been a wiser choice ... P ag e s of th e P a st M e r g e r o f th r e e c lu b s s u g g e s te d 5 0 years ago As the Record-Star reported last week, the B rennan P aving C om pany began w id en in g Colbome Street, between Dundas and Allan, on Tuesday morning, October 11th. The first trees to be "topped" and removed were those on the north side between Reynolds and Allan. A total of fourteen trees, all but two of which seemed perfectly healthy, lined this one-block stretch. Twelve had been marked by Mr. H. S. P h ilip s, o f D ineen P hilip s and R o b erts, for destruction. Mr. Philips is the Oakville Town Engineer. The trees to be left standing are those on The south-west comer of Colbome and Allan and in front of 162 Colbome Street East. By Thursday, O ctober 13th, the tree at the corner of Allan Street has also been "topped" and Messrs Ernest Pullen and H.T. Roden had been advised by the Brennan Company foreman, Mr. Austin M itchell, that he had been told by Mr. Philips to "Go ahead and take them all out." The statement was released seven days after the Record-Star reported, in an exclusive story, that top officials from both the curling and golf club had gathered behind closed doors to study the proposed amalgamation plan. A ccording to an official release, Linbrook Estates Limited will construct a new $1,000,000 club com plete with facilities for golf, curling, tennis, badminton and swimming. -The Oakville Record-Star, October 22nd, 1959 3 0 y ears ago P o lice C h ie f F. W . O liv e r said today an in c id e n t la s t w eek in w h ich a lo n g -h a ire d O akville teenager was allegedly stopped and " h arassed " by po lice w as sim ply a " routine investigation by competent officers." A n 18 y e a r o ld y o u n g m an , w ho has shoulder-length hair, was picked up by police a week after being fine $5 in provincial court on a charge of littering in dow ntow n street. In the incident a police officer saw him pick up a piece o f paper from the street, read it, and throw it down again. It was one o f the rare convictions under the tow n's anti-littering bylaw. -The Oakville Record-Star, October 20th, 1949 4 0 years ago Officials of the Oakville Golf Club, Curling C lu b and O a k v ille C lu b h av e ap p ro v e d in principle a $15,000,000 proposal for the merger o f the th ree gro u p s and an u ltra -e x p e n siv e residential development. -Daily Journal-Record, October 21, 1969 Q O U Psssssst... is a compendium o f observations around Oakville and w e 're open to contributions from the public at large too. Just fa x us at 337-5567 attention to Pssssssssssst... Taken from the archives of the Oakville Beaver including stories from The Oakville Record-Star, The O akville- Trafalgar Journal, the Oakville Journal Record and the Oakville Beaver.

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