Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Oct 1999, p. 44

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, October 22, 1999 L O T p erso n w an te d for busy new car dealership. Duties include: Washing & cleaning of cars. Full-time. A p p ly in person, G a ry Croxon, Terrace Ford Lin coln Mercury, 900 Walkers Line or call 905-632-5671 G E N E R A L Labourers and M a c h ine O p e ra to rs re quired. Various Burlington locations. Days & midnight shifts ava ila b le. A p p ly in person: C W C , 3040 New S tree t, B u rlin g to n (E.of Guelph Line) OFFICE Position, Full-time, a v a ila b le . Ac c o un ts R e c e iva b le s & A cco unts P a y a b le e x p e rie n c e an asset. Apply in Person to Torbram Elec-tric Supply, 245 C o m m e rc ia l S tr., Milton, Ontario S E W IN G M a c h in e operators needed for full tim e em p lo ym e n t in B u rlin g to n . M u st be e x p e rie n c e d on s in g le n ee dle, tw o-needle and s erg e rs. C a ll 905-332- W AN TE D p erso n m a tu re re lia b le to use Snow Blower Bur/Oak Part Time. Leave message. 8424651______________________ SHIPPER / Receiver Assis ta n t fo r m eta l stam pin g com pany. M is s is s a u g a a rea . F ax resu m e : (905)823-5171 or call: (905)823-5700.____________ AD U LT carriers required to deliver the Burlington Post in Aldershot. C ar may be req uired . C a ll Bob, 6320588, ext.255._____________ M A TU R E part/ full-time re quired for a Burlington Mall K io s k. From Nov.1 to D e c .24. c a ll (905)-8925891 __________________ AVON- We are not pocket money anymore. To buy or s e ll Avo n c a ll Ann, (905)632-6914____________ L A B O U R E R S and Assem b le rs needed for manufacturing Co. in Milton. S ta rtin g w ag e $9. Fax: (905)878-3012____________ LABO U RERS & a s s e m b le rs needed fo r manufacturing company in Milton, starting wage $9. Fax (905)878-3012. I telemarketers N o r th p o i n t I n d u s tr ie s , a leader in in d u stria l technology, is seeking the fo llo w in g p o sitio n s fo r their nezu location in Oakville. TOOL & DIE MAKER 5 years experience, dedicated and reliable. APPRENTICE TOOL A N D DIE MAKERProven learner, with potential. LICENSED WELDER Must have complete tickets, & able to read blue prints and assemble. P lease fax y o u r resum e to: A ttn: H u m an R esources, l-(9 0 5 ) 545-1766 ^d a n T > D A N A C A N A D A I NC. q TAKE THAT FIRST STEP TO AN EXCITING CAREER IN RETAIL TODAY If you're outgoing, enthusiastic and share our commitment to customer service, we'd like to hear you on our team! Opportunities are now available for RN for family doctor's office. (N ew St./ G u e lp h Line). Thurs & Fri. Regular parttime. $16./hr. Submit re sum e by O c t.29 to 402 G ue lp h Line, B urlington. L7R-3L4__________________ M A S S A G E T h e ra p is t re quired to work fulltime with the N E X H ealth Team (a m ulti-disciplinary clinic in Burlington). Please fax resume to: (905)637-7850 _ FULL-TIM E Dental Assis tant required for endodontic office Mon - Thurs. Fax re sum e to Dr. H e pw orth: (905)844-4763 _ _ ______ D E N T A L H ygienist, parttim e, W est O a kville , pro gressive practice, to start N o v .1/99. F ax resum e: (905)827-0309 S E N IO R E uro p e a n Lady Health care professional. Q u ie t, a rtic u la te , nonsmoker, non-drinker seeks home care position in Oak v ille , M ilto n , B u rlin g to n . Waterdown 3-4days/ week. Can be person with special needs, light housekeeping, shopping, companionship. (905)-822-0119 msg. FULL/ P A R T-TIM E SALES STAFF We otter you training, competitive wages, excellent benefits, a friendly and supportive environment and opportunities for career advancement. I personals JO IN OUR WINNING TEAM! Please apply in person at $ 199.99 N ew Y o rk City. Dec.31/99 New Years Eve Bus Tour (905)330-3508 A B D O U L IE : Renowned, African medium clairvoyant. Heredity gift. 27yrs. experi ence. Love specialist. Re s o lve h o p eles s cases: Ro m ance, m a rria g e, ca reer, spells, health, protec tion. (A m azin g results). One visit will convince you. 416-784-1322_____________ SO you think matchmaking services are fo r losers... think again... doctors, law yers, b u s in e s s people, b a n ke rs . h ealth professionals, engineers, fire m a n , tru c k d rivers, lib ra ria n s, e n tre p ren e urs join Misty R ive r Introduc tions. Toronto's traditional matchmaker (416)777-6302 6 3 2 P lain s Road E. @ King R d. While we thank everyone lor their interest, only those being considered will be contacted. No phone calls please. "People *?<Au(OtG et better Tl/atf E L E C T R IC IA N & S en io r A p p re n tic e req u ire d for local Contractor, Industrial/ C o m m ercial. C a ll A rth u r Electric. 905-876-2519. CABINET Maker, with mini mum 3-5 years experience. Working with high pressure laminate required. Call 905822-0068._________________ C ABIN ET manufacturer re quires fulltime experienced Assemblers/ Sanders. Call (905)319-1393.___________ RO O FERS required. Quali ty subs wishing to earn top dollar. References required. Call Lee, (905)467-9674 L O C A L Milton repair shop requires full-time licensed mechanic. No weekends. Call Lee 905-875-7737 K l V l Z l office-clerical M aintenance M echanic/ Millwright STEADY AFTERNOON SHIFT Min. 5 yrs experience essential with the ability to run machine shop equipment, welding, pipefitting, fabri cation, press experience, good troubleshooting skills, P.L.C. experience. Works well in a team environment. $ Actively supporting employment equity NOW HIRING INSIDE TELEMARKETING We have an immediate part-time opening(s) for a highly motivated individual who can achieve results through cold calling and prospecting new customers in the Burlington/ Waterdown area. 5511_____________________ Q U A L IT Y c o n s c ie n tio u s . company seeks dependable person for assem bly work with m echanical ability & e x p erience w ith handtools. R e p ly by fa x only: ( 9 0 5 ) 8 7 5 4729______________________ H E LP wanted for Hunter/ Jumper show stable. Must ha ve e x p e rie n c e and be w illin g to tra v e l. Nonsm oker, full- tim e and w eekend h elp p osition s. Accommodation available. Call (905)466-4421________ G R E A T pay for hardwork ing, re lia b le w e e ke n d / w eekd ay h elp fo r m obile truck wash co., East O ak ville. Must have drivers li cense. F ax resu m e : (905)469-9765____________ IN D E P E N D E N T A d u lt carriers required for early m orn in g d e liv e ry of th e N ational Post in O a kville R e lia b le v e h ic le a m ust. Please call (416)573-8429 with nam e and telephone number Cooks APPLY IN PERSON TO D an a C o rp o ra tio n -L o n g M a n u fa c tu rin g P/T CUSTOMER SERVICE REP We have an immediate pad-time opening for a cus tomer service oriented individual to woik from 2pm to 8pm, 3-5 days weekly as well as staff relielt. Joe Dog's Gasbar Grill 531 B ra n t S tre e t B url. ph#-632-5110 EARN X tra $$$$. Im m e d ia te Part-tim e te le m a rk e tin g p ositions. Day or evening shifts. Full paid training. (905)-6818103 Human Resources Department 1400 Advance Rd., Oakville,On L6L 6L6 Fax: (905)-825-8425 N o phone calls please!. O nly those selected lor an intervieww ill be contacted. office-clerical I f you have: ·telephone sales exp, good organizational skills ·confident outgoing personality, desire to succeed, ·the ability to manage several projects concurrently BROOKLYN Bar & Grill at Burlington Bowl Mature part-time help: H A IR S T Y L IS T , E x p e ri enced, required part-time 3 d ays/ w eek, a lte rn a tin g Saturdays. Downtown Bur lington. Carol's Hair Design: 634-6244, 637-2817 HAIR, Body & Soul in Oak v ille looking for M anag er and experienced H airstyl ist. Potential part ownership for right individual who has clientele and the desire to succeed. C a ll C a th ry n , 337-3265; Fax: 337-3428 Fax resume to: (905) 632-8165 BU RLIN G TO N Minor Foot ball ticket winners: Bryan Vander Doelen, R.E. Harris, Larry Bristone, A. Matricciano, Daniel Lypko, P. Kennery. ^d a n a > D A N A C A N A D A I NC. People 'p tA td iM y tt O cttcs 7 l/e ltf ( , Long Manufacturing, major parts supplier to the Automotive Market has an immediate opening for an Receptionist/ Office Assist. Must possess following exceptional skills: man age busy switchboard; interpersonal/customer service; word process ing. Perm, part-time. FAX resume by Oct. 29: Attn: Office Mgr, (9 0 5 ) 3 3 2 - 3 0 0 7 A d m in . S a les M a rk e tin g Asst. For F o u n ding D is trib u to r of W a it S taff S hort O rd er Cook K itchen H e lp Call Moira, 2-6pm lor appt Awareness Corporation O a k v ille based FU L L -T IM E position a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly _ C all (9 0 5 ) 4 6 9 -9 0 0 7 Fax resu m e to: (9 0 5 ) 4 6 9 -9 0 0 8 6 8 1 --1 0 0 0 ACCOUNTING CLERK/ RECEPTIONIST Based in our Burlington facility, the choice candidate will be responsible for: · Processing and reconciling hourly payroll · Completing accounts payable activities · Handling accounts receivable collections · Reception duties: answer calls, greet visitors, open and sort mail · Other accounting duties and projects as assigned C L A S S Y lady- mid-50's would like to meet classy g en tlem a n . Non-smoker, very active, enjoys dancing, ding-out, sailing.. Reply; Box# 1710, Burlington Post, 2321 FairviewSt.,Burlington L7R 2E3 I lost & found F O U N D - F e m a le cat. W h ite , g ra y w ith b lack s tre a ks . Pine g ro ve, between Dorval and Fourth Line Call 339-3929________ FOUND: D ilu te T o rtie , Guelph Line area. We call "Abbey*. Call 637-7325 REW AR D . Lost: "Emily" 2tone g ra y tabby, 3 yea rs old, d ec la w ed . E m p ress and S u th e rla n d area. (905)681-1778____________ REW ARD. Lost: "Sadie" fe m ale short-haired black/ w hite cat w/m icrochip, va c c in a te d , W e s t O ak Trails, Sept.30. (905)8478544. FOUND- Female silver grey fem ale tabby cat. M oun ta in s id e area. W e c a ll Amanda. 637-7325 U p s c a le S alo n in O a k v ille requires Denninger's Deli Requires Cashier Sales Clerk A p p ly in p e rs o n to: 2 4 1 0 L a k e s h o re R o a d , B ro n te G RENVILLE Road RallyersProceed to Iroquois Ridge High S cho o l (M a in e n tra n c e ) fo r in s tru c tio n s . Good Luck!!!! BURG ER King. Now Hiring ·M anagers »Days -Nights W ill tra in . C o n ta c t Kim O 'Hearn or R ita Paquett, 1120 Brant Street, Powerc en tre , B u rlin g to n . No phone calls, please. G E N E R A L L a b o u r (M /F) P a c k a g e rs / A s s e m b le rs needed for Oak J Burl./ Mil. area. S hiftw ork. A p ply in person: A.H.R., 850 Legion Road, Ste.#8, Burlington. Tel: (905)631-9920 SUPERINTENDENT Couple required for 159 unit B u ild in g -Downtown B urlington. R e fe re n ce s/ e x p e rie n c e d n e c e s s a ry. Good salary and 2 bedroom apartment, call (416)-4829040 ______________ FU LL-TIM E AZ city & AZ Hw y d riv e rs re q u ire d w/ good abstract & minimum 2yrs. experience. Competi tive day rate bonus & bene' fit program. C a ll T K O , 1800-724-3922_____________ FULL-TIME and part-time video store c le rk needed for Aldershot area. Video e x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d . Please fax resume to: 905845-9383__________________ NIGHT-TIME Cleaners re quired part-time. O akville. Own transportation neces sary. F ax resu m e : (905)774-1222. Attn: M a r lene D R Y C L E A N E R / SpotterExperienced only for quality plant, Also Counter person experienced or w ill train. 5days/week. Benefits. Call (905)-338-9695____________ WANTED: experienced au tomotive Cleaner/Detailer. Good working conditions. Apply in person w/resume to:1240 P la in s Rd. East, Unit# 1, Burlington. FULL/ Part-time staff/ Man a g e rs fo r C h ris tm a s gift booths, Oakville, Dixie. Map le v ie w m a lls, Nov.D ec.31st. F ax resu m e : (519)743-5161_____________ PART-TIME job with Cana d ian Forces 23 S e rv ic e B a tta lio n . S e e kin g M e chanics, Truckers, Medics MP's & Clerks. Phone 905972-4000 ext. 2040________ CLEANERS- houses, Mon-Fri., days, 8:00am, Compa ny Cars, Paid training. Maid with Pride Ltd., (905)8203811. /X X XX »$hampob Assistant ·fie l/ N a il Technician ·Receptionst Please call for an interview OFFICE A d m in is trato r Required immediately. MS Office essential. Preference to those with MYOB, Simple account ing exp. Good organiza tional /communication skills an asset. C a ll Doag 905-634-1149 o r fa x 905-634-1404 A D M IN IS T R A T IV E Assistant/ Bookkeeper required part-time for sm all office. Minimum 2 years office ex perience. Must have excel lent co m p uter and te le phone s k ills as w e ll as Simply Accounting experi ence. Location Aldershot. P le a s e fax resum e: (905)632-3425, Attn: Rose Johnson__________________ D Y N A M IC O akville based Financial Services organi zation seeks Administrative clerk to assist head office in the clerical functions of a N a tio n a l S a le s force. Computer skills, good com munication/ organizational skills a must. Box-6211, O a k v ille B e aver, 467 Speers, Oakville, L6K-3S4 or fax: (905)-338-0977 C A R E E R Person Wanted for fast-paced chiropractic office front desk. Typing, computer, accounting skills are essential. Must be able to w ork ind ep en d en tly. Drop off resum e on: Fri. Oct. 29/99 between 4:30pm -7pm, Abbey Plaza, 1500 Upper M iddle Rd.W. Unit #5A, Oakville______________ R E C E P T IO N IS T required part-time for Oakville Con tractor. Knowledge of MS Word and Quickbooks an asset. Must be able to work without supervision. Fax resume & salary expectations: (905)338-1944 BO O KKEEPER/ Office As sistan t needed at M ilton publishing company. Strong MS-Office & language skills required. Fax resum e to: 905-875-3358._____________ REC EPTIO N IST- College/ university student for parttim e job in dental office. Evenings/ weekends. Fax resume (905)-842-0128 PART-TIME help- for even ings Typing. Please call (905)-616-0442____________ P E R S O N - F R ID A Y 1-2 D ays per w eek for sm all O a k v ille w h o le s a le Co. Computer know how w el come. Reply to the Oakville B e a v e r 467 S p e ers Rd L6K 3S4 BOX # 2092 Qualifications: Min of 2 yrs of progressive accounting experience Enrolment in initial levels of CGAor CMA program Proficiency with spreadsheets (MS Excel & Lotus) Must be a team player with attention to detail and accuracy · Excellent interpersonal, communication and time management skills · Must be flexible to work overtime at month end to meet deadlines. Interested applicants are asked to fax or e-mail a resume by October 29th to: · · · · vm aH tA T IN G 'A lft C O H D lT IO N IN G * H R £ P L A C fSV U m U n iv e rs a l H V A C S y s te m s A le a d in g h e a tin g , a ir c o n d itio n in g a n d fire p la c e c o m p a n y is lo o k in g fo r tl UNIVERSAL a E x p e rie n c e d , P ro fe s s io n a l S a le s p e o p le 9 0 5 -8 27 -3 7 17 D AK O TAS Waterfront Cafe hiring B reakfast Servers, Line Cooks and Bussers. E n th u sia s tic and e x p e ri enced professionals should drop off resu m e s: 2 020 Lakeshore Road, Burlington or Fax (905) 632 7619 A S S IS T A N T M anager (e xp e rie n c e d ); S e rv e rs ; Bussers required. Nickels Restaurant- 2345 Trafalgar Rd.. (Hwy.5), Oakville. Ph. (905)257- 9888. Fax: (905)257-1615_____________ CO P Shop Cafe Station II req u ire s B a rte n de r/ W a it Staff. Flexible hours/ shifts available. Experience pre ferred. Apply with resume to Manager: Headon Rd, (at Upper Middle) Burlington. BO STO N Pizza looking for fu lltim e K itc h e n S u p e r visors, Servers, Bartenders, Hosts/ Hostesses. Apply in person: 2011 Winston Park Drive, Oakville LIN E Cooks- ExperiencedNow Hiring. Mostly nightsW age commensurate with experience. Apply with re sume- K in g 's A rm s , 323 Church St., Oakville HOSTESS/ Host, part-time, student welcome; E xp e ri enced W ait Staff. Apply in person: First Choice Kitch en, 2405 Fairview, Burling ton. (905)844-5290 SPAC E available for rent in a very busy hair dressing salon. For information call 878-7549 fo r th e ir g ro w in g a re a . T o a rra n g e a n in te rv ie w c all (9 0 5 )6 3 7 - 0 1 0 2 o r ta x re s u m e to (9 0 5 )6 3 7 - 1 2 6 9 IN SIDE Sales Representa tive needed to phone and q u a lify leads and m ake sales. Must be out-going, frie n d ly , sales- oriented. $10./hr, full-time days. To a pp ly call D ia n e at 8278230 Plumbers & Apprentices Service work, gas lie. an asset. Excellent wages & benefits. Truck provided. Fax: (905)-849-8942 E-mail: tracy_thomson@longmfg.com No phone calls o r agencies, please. We thank a ll applicants, but o nly q ua lilie d applicants w ill be contacted. BRADLEY MECHANICAL SERVICES Tel: (905) 670-7481 Fax: (905)670-7483 t»ad@ bradleynechanical com N O W hiring- B athro om Renovator- Must be able to do plumbing, ceram ic tile installation, some electrical, & have own basic tools & transportation. W age de pending on level of experi ence. C a ll 905-634-6567 or fax 905-634-6172 LUBE Technician- Part-time required immediately. Must be able to work nights and w e e ke n d s . E x p e rie n c e preferred. Please contact G a ry C ro xo n 632-5671, 900 W a lk e r's Line., B u r lington_____________________ M A IN T E N A N C E Mechanic with electrical background for M ilto n b ased M a in te n a n c e C om pany. Must be able to work on his own, have own tools and good driving record. Phone 875-1150._________________ HVAC- Appleby Systems, Oakville, requires qualified experienced Gas Furnace, F ire p la c e In s ta lle rs and Sheet Metal Installers. Call (905)825- 1893; F a x resume: (905)825-2094 E X P A N D IN G Construction c o m p a n y is s e e kin g a qualified carpenter with ex p e rie n c e in re s id e n tia l/ commercial work. Full time or sub-contract. Please call (905)689-0974_____________ P U N C H P ress O perators with progressive die experi ence and Supervisor. After noon shift. M ississau g a . Fax resume: 905-823-5171 or call: 905-823-5700. GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LIMITED G errie Electric, O ntario's larg est independent e le c tric a l d is tr ib u t o r has an o p e n in g f o r a motivated individual to join o ur growing team. LO O K IN G for enthusiastic fulltime receptionist/ dental A s s is ta n t for new fa m ily practice, North Burlington. Good telephone skills and experience in office m an agem ent a requirem ents. M ust be w illin g to assist and w o rk late, eve n in g s. Call (519)746-5950, leave message D E N T A L Practice in O ak ville requires highly moti vated, self starter, energetic D e n ta l H y g ie n is t w ith a keen interest in periodental e xc e llen c e. D e liv e r resumes with handwritten c o ver le tte r to 345 Lakeshore Rd. East, Suite 401, L6J 1J5_______________ P H A R M A C IS T needed Full-time for new pharmacy n e a r H a m ilto n . No la te nights or Sunday's. Great working environment. Indi vidual must possess good communication skills. New grads welcome. Please fax resume to: (905)523-5507 M E D IC A L Office- Recep tion experience preferred to assist with office procedure. Full-time / will comtemplate job share situation. To start immediately, send resume to Box# 1709. 2321 Fairview St., B u rlin gton L 7R 2E3_______________________ P A R T - T IM E / m a te rn ity leave Dental Receptionist required to start immediate ly. 3 days/week. Busy Oak ville practice. Knowledge of A B E L D E N T an asset. Please fax resumes: 905844-8409 LOST & FOUND COMMODITY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR/ORDER DESK A s p a rt of o u r in s id e s a le s te a m y o u w ill prepare quotations on electrical products, advise on delivery dates as w ell as coordinate and expedite orders. You w ill be responsible for coo rd inating day-to-day transactions, order entry, stock, purchasing when required and all paperw ork functions for a large customer. This p o s it io n re q u ire s e x c e lle n t c o m p u te r ( M ic ro s o ft) and o rg a n iz a tio n a l s k ills . T h is position is at o ur Oakville branch. H ighly m otivated fast learners w ith electrical or t e c h n ic a l e x p e rie n c e w o u ld be id e a l. Interested applicants please forw ard resume in confidence to: Found Something? Place your 'Found* ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 FOUND: girl's knapsack w/ dance shoes on Sat. O c t.16th, K in g s w a y Dr./ Wynten Way. 829-4394. FOUND: gold earing. Navy & Robinson. Call 338-5768 RELIEF STAFF Needed tor a supportive housing program to otter support and maintain a home-like environment for seven consumers with mental illness. ECE required fulltime, ben efits su p p lied ; S u p p ly te a c h in g p osition also available. Start immediate ly. C a ll B u ild in g B lo cks Child Care Centre, Burling ton, (905)637-3204 Duties: · Office Functions ·M u s t be able to complete all assigned domestic chores and dinner preparation · Provide contact, communication, update client records ·C ris is intervention for off-site people within our housing program · F ill in for House Supervisor on week days The successful candidate must be able to work inde pendently and make decisions. Shifts will currently be on as needed basis, eventually working into a parttime position, ideal tor those looking to be employed on a part-time basis only. The individual must be able to function in a sm oking & pel frie n d ly environment. Qualifications: DSW, SSW, or other related mental health education/ experience. Submit resume to: L. Dorn, Oakville Re-Entry Homes, 599 Chartwell Road., Oakville, ON L6J 4A9 H u m a n R esources · G e rrie E lectric Fax: (5 1 9 ) 8 8 3 -8 6 1 3 or e m a il: jo b s @ g e rrie .c o m w w w .g e rrie .c o m E URO PEAN Cleaning cou ple a v a ila b le . House, A p a rtm e n t, O ffice. Experienced, Q u a lity job. References 281-8211 cell 416 825-9309_____________ R E S P O N S IB L E , e x p e ri enced European cleaning lady will clean your house, a p a rtm e n t or office, low prices. Call Zofia, 639-3490 FOR perfect cleaning by ex p e rie n c e d la d y w ith references. Call Christine, 639-3936._________________ C L E A N IN G lady available to clean your house, experi enced, refe re n c e s . C a ll Wanda (905)829-1367 A B L E Renovations. Base ments, Additions, Kitchens. B a th ro om s, C era m ic s, Fences, Decks. Free Esti m ates. Jo hn , (905)6375340, Pgr: (905)847-4392 handyman T O T A L Rubbish Removaldemolition clean-ups, dispo sals. tre e cu ttin g and bobcat services. Call Ted's mobile (905)460-2962. H A N D YM A N - JA M ES Full Yard Clean up's, Leaf B lo w ing and s m a ll odd jobs 274- 89 89.R e a s o n able Rates RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY Electrical manufacturer requires an ener getic, enthusiastic, professional with com munication, organizational skills & be able to prioritize. Responsibilities w ill include all reception and light secretarial duties. The successful candidate w ill be p ro fi cient in M S W o rd & Excel. Interested candidates should fax their resumes to: Fax: 905-829-8413

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