Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jan 1942, p. 7

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w. ’ritish “HOme January 1. 1942 ratified! Y O R O I I. \NAYS CHANGES 3V6? lg agent in nest ingre- scicncc has down over nginc wear. because n other Z? Advertisements "IRMA.“ Judicial. Legal, omcial and Governmrnt Notices â€"â€" 2c. per Count lme for {Hot insertion. and “--L-‘t-...r\n. msemon. Classified Small Advertisements 112C. per word each insertion Minimum charge 25c., cash with order; 35c. if charged. 100. per in- aertion extra if Chronicle Box Ser- vice t9 used. 8c or n If) 8P Main Slree "mew-r: Im‘ U1": FRANK IRWIN CLASSIFIED DR. IRWIN (‘.»\.\IPBEI.I., Ml) Plum-km an! Surgeon Thursday. January 1, 1942 DR DE flit (m M THF‘. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Red Cross Socrety will be held Tuesday afternoon. Jim. 6. at 2.30 o‘clock in Queen street work rooms. when a full report of the year“ work will be given and officers elected for the coming year. All interested in Red Cross work â€"-men or women-â€"are urgently re- quested to attend this meeting. les ft L‘II'J'I)I(/"“IJ 1),}:EC IHE J ANI ham Wom an ADVERTIS [NC- RATES rh p. *â€" ery advance notice 0! any where the object is the bene- 'convenience of any person imber of personsâ€"is advertis- nnd it will be treated as such. ) instructions accompany the e advising us whom to charge it will be charged to the per- phoninsz or sending it in. vemsr-meuts ordered for in- )n “until forbidden“ and those mthmxt written instructions ”(H FOR SALE OR RENT DI line JM‘IIESUN JAMIESON md X‘sgmdt‘m‘e a short (Lstanoe m- 11:11:11 House, on Lambton unwr Tum; Durham. Office $ '1'} TERI NA 13 Y w Pll‘fki'ilnlviljjls FR \NK (1. POSTER “artist". Etc. M IT". “.13.. M.(_‘.P.S.0. \TTFXTION. SKIERS! {TFRESTED IN THE SKI \ be at the club house on ('IIIROPRACTIC" JEWEL-K VIOLET RAYS fL'I‘RA SHORT \VAVE BESSIE MCGILIJVR'AY ('h'u'opl'acturs M. .5012“: '0th 1mm 1' [LI >1: viiiâ€"fit insertion. and for each subsequent JUARY MEETING OF DUR- men's Institute will be held wme of Miss Margaret McGirr ay. January 5. Shower of pick- “:Imp Borden. HY mrxmmu. nmnsr - 22m; Bunk Bundmg. IOHV \'.\ch'-\RRIF.. BA. \':)“(‘H!ll’. Notary lfubnc IC NOTICES licine \‘(H'N(i. 31.0.03]. n nu! Surgeon G RANT. Dentist phone 1‘14 Editor '0! DIRECTORY mug HOI M {I Surgeon 1:0 \" I I I4-l-c--, Surgery, Dentistry (1 eminent service] .“TK F..\' 30d 10C . the corner 0! streets. omce to 4 p.m.. 7 to l'llUNl‘ orders are muance. and hop. TORY N U n‘ He 9'8! ' "9""51‘" | Others home 101' ' S‘rw e. m ‘ c 'cnce Porter from M: 7 . . _ .. uteruoonsW‘kcm-‘m' “7‘;th P Phone 68 ‘Campbell Irom DI Porter from j _â€"â€"___â€"-â€"-"_____"'" ; I‘Ol'd; NTISS Agnes \nv lbomug‘h. where s) IN UPPER "3W 11.28.” 31' inn-ham ding one 97 20 28 t! .md 50 East " Mrs. R Sales ction Iiar v-vd __ {Jan 5, at 2 pm. The speaker will be éMr. W. R. Reek, Deputy Minister of iAgriculture. Province of Ontario. His mubjcct will be “A Challenge to Grey 'County Agriculture." All farmers are lursrently requested to attend. .__._. --.â€".â€"â€"â€" A MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE City Hall Owen Sound, on Tuesday, Jan, 5. at 2 pm. The speaker will be â€"â€"T. Stewart Representative \V’ 11 gainst the Estate of Robert Honeyman. late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey. Presbyterian Minister, who died on or about the seventeenth day of December. 1941. must file same with the undersigned not later than the 1st day of February. 1942, after which distribution of his estate will be ANYONE HAVING: ANY CLAIM NOTICE TO (TRE UITORS made then CHOU staff and waders. best wishes for pro piness in 1942. hone W1 I a Mr. and Mrs. H11b 11 Copeland and son Robert of Mo: 1(lowvale visited ovm ‘Cmistmas with Mr. and Mrs. James tflardy and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox. i011 their return to Moadowvale the Misitors were accompanied by Mrs. P1911 Knox and Miss Eleanor Hardy who W111 sperm {1 week .11 Moadowvale A'C’l't members of their parent Millan: Mr and little (1 |who M mimum qualifications. elementaryi ° 3 Apply immediately to Roy Pipettd wretzu'y Flosherton High School ‘ mrrl- CM’IUI). Ontal‘m. Stltc tCIC-if 'odden. oppressed and sox'rowmg nu- mnlty in many parts of the world. all ere tried to carry on as well as pos- ible. especially in the homes where hm'n are children who will soon nests in d: 'I 0 Mr 1d E Wim n m Eileen Farrison: \‘ice- resident Muriel! . .. . \I rm ‘sec B ttx NTpK T [‘1 'Knux. The Ladle? Atd officers for! - .1 ‘t : q .. e ' . c :n': reas.. . - . . . . . ‘ ,‘ 3194:! are. presment. Mrs. G. A. Black: betta thhaams: Sunslnne Convenom . , M UH He m Vlce-prestdent, Mrs. Ed. Haw; see. .‘ 1; "f 1‘» ‘ . 1 Mrs. N, S. Campbell: treas.. Mrs. Wal- . . ter Knox: Sunshine Convenor. Mrs.‘ :8. Auxiliary held their annual meet- James Hardy. The new auxiliary of- tlngs recently at the home of Mrs. Fred liars will be. announced later. ' Swinton Park aclies‘ Aid and W.M. Eileen Harrison: vice-prescient. munex Martin: sec. Betty McKay; Twas. A1- berm Williaam‘s: Sunshine Convener. Audrey Hen 1‘0. ll xtend 1 her pa with he us MCC Mr. and Mrs. ,ughtm‘. Shirley I'OXUO 11 our thou :m 1181‘ ll'l'lil I he Miss H ELP WANTED her J. H. MCQUARRIE Durham. Solictor r Executrix. SUI] 111‘ Iroy Harris-on with their parents. nd Mrs. Clarence Harrison; the 01's of the McMhlan family with parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- 1; Mr. and Mrs, Mex‘vyn Little inh» daughter of Ttetn'villc are f mm 1m Mr. 10w ¢ new 111 El lipc )U l' '0 children feel mob m 11h Swinton Park Willizu COUI‘St n d NOTICE It nan): friends here of Mr. and B. McLean moo Mary Aldcorm bes; wishes on their recent he .md Mrs da 9 Christmas Visitors here Toronto. Miss Lois Stewart rents; Mrs. M.ii'y McDmi- P!‘ parentS. Mr. and Mrs. aime‘il: Miss Mabel Haw rents. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. 3. Parslow. with his uncle, iriw: Miss Agnes Harrism r'wrris-mi with their parents. Cooper. Agricultural Grey County. Miss Etllf'l C (" 1' 1' 9 for holidays __11'C‘~â€"F101'- from Toronto Normal .' Porter and Gordon a Dlmdzilk High school: om his school near Clif- gnvs Heard from Peter- '0 she is taking a busi- HRS Ethel Cmmboll from ame 1101 alum wit 1‘: 1' OI]C( Haw has received word iim. who has been ink- is radio technician in he had gone to Van- 111 Christmas with his rden ( Mr, and Mrs. .nie Haw mud Richard Hardy and are spending the m \xith 1'(=l-1tivos in spon \V t D1 Irwin. Chromclt we cxu-nd very unity and hf'xp .u'ned to down- for \1111 the f 0 w ll ponsibil- i1 11( 1.1.30 [13' audievm' uttondvd. It wa~< our first visit “94 the t0 rhis school and we were favorably 1“” mimprossod with its workings and con- ;ciitions and the teacher. Miss Clara days in Jack. is to ho commended (in her good family a1- The weather man favored us with wonderful weather for Christmas and many took advantage of the grand urea ther. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt, Mr. G. Arrow- smith and Mr. Melville Hunt, spent Christmas in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart and babe. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McLean and Mr. McLean of Toronto, were Christ- mas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Miss Catherine Stewart. R. N., Owen Sound, was a holiday visitor with her mother, Mrs. Archie Stewart and sis- ter, Mrs. Melville Hogarth and Mr. Hogarth. Miss Hazel Oliver, Toronto and Mr. J. E. Oliver. Montreal, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver and Mr. R. C. Oliver. MISS Hazel UHVCL, Luxuuuu a...“ -...-. _ J. E. Oliver, Montreal, spent Christ- The trustee board of old No, 5 here. mas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver and have engaged. Mrs. J. C. Cook for Mr. R. C. Oliver. 1942. She was a former teacher in the Christmas visitors with Mrs. J. Mc- ‘section and a most successful one. We Whinney and Mrs_ C. Archibald were wish her every success. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hergott and Mr. Miss Bernice Durnin. who has been Arthur Hergott, Toronto, Mr. A. Her- our teacher for the past two years. left gott. Proton Station. Miss Hazel 011- for her home. near Dungannon on Sat- ver. Toronto. Miss M. Bates. Protonlurdny. She and her pupils held the Station. Mr. H. Archibald. Violet Hill.1most perfect and lengthv concert. in Mr. Willard McWhinney, Irish Lake. athc school on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Charles McWilliam. Toronto, } when a lJ‘g crowd attended. The pupil? was a holiday visitor with his 1)a1'eiits,iiii:iny nets- and lliUVClllClllS wvre guided Ni; and Mrs. J. McWillium. {solely by musical note and there nus Miss Doris aMrshall and Miss Margy- ' perfect neeord. "lliey pruniw to be :‘ arer Smillie. Toronto. were Cl'll‘LfillllClS‘bllllPh of soloists. At the close 01' the Ldfu' Visitors; with friends in Ceylon. itirrwrmmne. MSW: Durm'i was mew :l' -"- E Mr. and Mrs; Emeron Wright and ’Wllll :1 chenile spread and satin eire‘iiimi 'lzziill‘iffi. li'MH'Shdiii. ate Cliristnms dm- '. :md :1 lH‘Jhi C'Hiszulullt‘lbMKV 1‘."<ii"~“v-‘~'. J 161' with Miss M. Hemphill and Mr. S. , R. lidwm‘da lli't'f’Jt'lt‘d and i '."‘l\ item‘s .x'nlf- Hf ti:;:iil~:~. \‘yu‘; tendered 3.11 s lira - ‘ ..! .‘ l\l’ 1| l ~I‘l“v k‘.“~o liemphill. «Intended For Last Week) Another year about completed Hitler not yet defeated Let us send an army powerful and immense And hang his hide upon the fence. What niee Christmassy weather we; are having. Thes leighing of a few days has been washed away by the unusual- 13' mild December weather. At the inquest in Hanover last Thursday afternoon inquiring into the death of Miss Corrine Knapp. the two. boys. George M Watson and Gordoni Hartman “(10 freed from all blame | Mr and Mrs. Owens and family hate; moxed to the faint reeentlv \aeated b3 ‘Mr. Louis Weber. May good heilth and succes be their portion. Mr. George M. Watson is now em-; played with Mr. Lumsden of A3' ton. taking a course in blacksmithing and gasoline selling. We note the Bunessan correspond- ent has made kindly reference to our writings. Although we have strayed to other partrs the good people of Glen- elg are not forgotten. How are thoughts do stray. how our memories roam. Back to friends and loved ones where once we made our ‘1 i home. The school mncort at. No. 5 on Wod- xwrwivy night last was in every way a sauccvs‘a The weather was ideal. the roads vxm'llont and home a good crowd Iit- 1‘6 was present to listen to a high Class programme of drills. pantmnines. dia- logues. cow boy songs with guitar ac- ctmipmiixnmit: recitations by the little tots and music galore lasting until the midnight hour wlion the singing of the National Anthem brought to a close nno (2f the bvst school concerts we have wm'l: 111B 0‘. £11? 431150.111 p111: 55311111111211 0313111 311.1501 1’. 3111.111 3116111338 3111513111 01115 .1503 {110111 .I1I1I1H 13 p111: 112111151111.) 11011111118131) 11111: 11.111:1~.,-.01q 3.10.1101] [111 1111.11 131.11) 11111 0; 111.11 u 111 ‘po. .1 .1111 .111 15pm 11111 1311.011 .111 1.111134 {.10 111111111 II"135I.IL{;) 13 III 1111 Jun. 1.111 113311 91311 11-11113 110pv 31 9.1115 3113 9.11 131113 11 .111 1101111113 on 111110.11 51111111113 4111.8 0.1111113 '111311111101u 11111 J1) .1....-.11t1 ,-:.1 «1.11 9111: â€"â€"â€"â€"o-â€".â€"â€"â€"‘o 111 5.11101 nu 111; p11...s 1,1... W0 have 1 ' 1:110 :‘ib: 's hoping our New Year brin Happiness and Prosperity to a Ayton North Ceylon ll THE DURHAM CHRONICLE .1 1‘ " and rear! considerable Bible study in school shit”. on all i'onrq 1n din- 'I 2?! ml 11 (Intended For Last Week) Miss Pearl Johnsotn of Holland. who has been able helper to Mrs. J. H. Rob- son for some months, left for her par- ental home on Thursday. Fr: last (113' of the year. r'arni 11111.1“: v.1 1 have to hike to the b11511 111111.101' 1110 ars annual stu 11l\ 111 110011 No. 5 and 8111.11.11: schools united this van and held their '.:1n1e'11 in 111. eonuuunitx 11.111. Reports haw 111.9111: (1 us that. they had a fine 11101.1.1111 and .111 appreciative audience. Zion‘s Christmas concert was held on Friday evening with :1 smtllei' at.- tenr. dance than usual. 111111111 1:111:14 reads and a xterm}: 11111111. M11 Vittru‘ l'Willian‘isx unexpectedly was 0111011 11‘ 1fill the chair: but 11111112; 110111 111511 ill tdccm'atod 11w two big 1 presents and (mo mom ith' DRQSU‘. into hisim'x' fill tlw chair: but having both Irish and Scotch blood in his wins war: quin- (quzll to the cz-casion. The pragmmnu’ war: a good one the chum-h tmtrfunx “Deomsed was unite Miss Martha June I: 1901. Ho bore this aft (1 tiencc and (:oumszv t Marin (111.» Dvmocmt RHI‘ cred N 2'07? U Over $10 was ml funds M a collomh ill [my I” 1h in nu mm'y of the ye Traversmn 111 il'IIClt‘S mud i( 1m anc year. Farm u-u » the bush. than supply of wood Soparute school 11mm as united in marriage to June Bowen. April 10. this affliction with pat/- m fits in!‘ to the very end 5-; U! i011 ll't- successful an by pm l‘\'( ll 11¢ Lmtrfulh' don Witt: m 111 ll (10 HM l(' (Intended For Last Week) The Seacon‘s greetings to Editor and Staff. ~t. Paul‘s Sunday Srhool entertain- ment was held on Monday evening. December 22. with a fine attendancc. with stroamorq a wellâ€"Iadtn ( mogrimmo of Ih( 1110 lunch tinn ( SY hymns H hr Allan '1 ho n anm 1H Kid brother n W Another thing 1 Before it. (4. Is how these (1 Have moth 02‘. Sum! m ‘l I M Hilini! Las )R’Cd U. Tho most 1H n min um prr trot m Holstein North William n vhonl H ‘Y‘ ‘1'110011 mu! m 3‘( f (‘hti wcok r011 DImHVIIM VHF 111m ions d v. 1 '1‘ Brown 5pm ("HUT H (m lmsim as m 3 ‘$ HM" iisappeax‘ achn h lion daughters twenty-ton thors twenty-eight? .ms manly decorum md Chrictmas bells am? ll‘iSUl‘d‘S tree. A varied drills. songx. dialogues timm d 1T ”HINDU“! group 0: the home (’i U!) 11m! 10m in I Christ ma th hi \‘0t 0 0 to m 13' 1 children wruanist. '1 hmmcd g N “1 I" Tu Mix 1M n jm A! 1min \V 21 1 Cross qui f( by I] “'39. n} l" NI 1‘. Rt “HT m 0 du‘ T1 mini! 'Vii'h ll'O; make t‘m 1101 M nd 1C also u H 1d ()I' 1113 " n m Rt \V 1(‘3- UK The December meeting of the W1C. S and \V. A. cf 51. Columba church vmq hold at the home of Mrs. R. Mc- ionkcy on Dec. 17. Mr. Bellsmith con- (‘uctod the Cl-i‘CIiml of officers for WA. which are as follows: president. Mrs. William Mcads; vice-president. Mrs. Bollsmith; secretary. Mrs. W, Prok; trcasurer. hil‘“. Rizchie; cor. Se<.. Mrs. J. Harrison. The January meeting will be at the home of Mrs. P. Karstedt. The W. A, planned a crokinole social. C ongratuiaticns to Mr. Hermie Mc- Lean and Miss Mary Aldcom of Re- gina. who were married on Dec. 25 in Toronto. Visitors home for Christmas were Winnifred and Ross MeConkey; Aileen Karstedt; Anna. Catherine and John McVicar; Shirley Campbell. Margaret and Jack McArtlmr; Walter. Donald. Tom and Neil Aldcorn; Jean Sims; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reiley: Walter. Bill. John and Mike Sawelmk; all at their respective homes. Mrs. C. Ramsdell of New York is \‘ismn art. h hl‘l 11w Durham: MI‘_ and 1 Arthur Township: Owen Sound. Arm (‘1 and Me bold. who Mr. and Mrs. family spent Ch Withm‘ow‘s pare Mmch. Holstein Mr. William U H H'i‘lfl h \II (‘1 -t. are smuding a latter's brother. ! is confined to bed non Lvibold 'it h ("fin m I M W11 m r N m h pent Christmas vc's parents. Mr J38} Ramsdell Cf New York is :' brother. Mr. John Stom- Priccville 15111 m: and Mrs. Wilbur 'wnship: Mis< Edith nd. Arthur Smith. (i ‘2‘.!d¢.'-r\\'mxl Gem :me here i! \K' C “'9 l'( ,M n ”(all lltt'l‘ M 2‘ Du audv Witlu 'mas Day V mm 1m and Lorenz tn adrr-rlise in Md Mrs: Christm )(' m pm PAGE 7 Jasper Smitl Eliza Calder Shortreed U8 Miss Eliza (rs. Georg? tmas Day the recent eves .has with Mr.‘ ll Wallis Smith Torontc M Mount with Old the Kin- 1i wit :)1!l fem

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