Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jan 1942, p. 2

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driver for Silverwood Dairy, was held up by two youths, one carrying a re- volver. tn the company stables on Du- pont street last Sunday night and rob- bed of more than $200. The money rep- resented the days collections. Donn told LONDON,â€"Pending more complete investigation, no immediate charge will be pressed against Ray De Wilde, Lon- don, driver of the car in which Mrs. Herbert W. Forde, 66 Langarth street, sustained fatal injuries early Christmas morning. The crown attorney said that PAGE 2 was approached by the youths as he stood at the wagon with his back turn- ed. One showed the gun and asked for fatality at this time, since one of the witnesses who would have to be called is still in hospital with injuries which will keep him there for some time yet. He is Gordon Smith, who is reported to be making a satisfactory recovery. “There is no time limit on these things.” the crownexplained. “and I want to investigate the accident very carefully before I make any decision~ I have not yet been able to interview the traffic officer who handled the case. and I want to acquaint myself with all the facts before I make any decisibn.” the money. while the other kept watch. Dann turned over some silver he had in a money apron “but the man saw the bulge 01 bills in my pocket and told me to hand them over. too.” News of the World :,: Interesting Items Briefly Tgld for Busy Readeré money was property of the Canadian National Express, which shares the of- fice. The thieves forced their way in- to the building through a rear store- house and then into the office con- taining the safe. They got the strong box open by knocking off the combina- tion, but ignored $1,000 in Victory bonds and cheques to take only the NAPANEELâ€"A bride and groom of two hours were removed to hospital last night after the automobile in which they were riding collided with another on the highway near here. The groom, Jack A. Adam, of Amherst- burg, suffered a fractured leg and head injuries. The bride, the former :Dor- othy Pack, of Carrying Place, Prince Edward County, received facial hurts LEAMING'ION, â€"Safe cracksmen whent hey forced the trongwwt- dwww collected $325 here last Saturday night when they forced the strong box in the Leamington Produce Company office, Erie Street North. The majority of the Claude Alkenbtack, of Napanee dis- trict, the driver of the other car, suf- fered shock and bruises. Schntz Construction Co. Durham, Ontario WE have purchased the Brick and Tile Plant formerly operated by J. Schutz, Sr., and are pre- pared to supply your needs in this product. Concrete Tile and Bricks injuries. NIAGARA PARAâ€"Corporal Jack Cotton of the R. A. P. stationed at Mount Hope told Mayor George R. m- glis quite frankly that he was disap- pointed with Niagara Falls. He expec- ted to find Indians with their war paint, feather and tomahawks riding horseback on the edge of the Niagara gorge, but instead he found a beauti- ful park and everything quite eivil- ized. I kept looking (or the wilds but didn’t find them,” Cotton said. He ad- mitted he got his impression of the Falls from advertising he had seen in Britain. The youth comes from St. George’s, Shropshire, England. seeing had involved her father, She had driven out to meet him at Boyne and take him home after a day’s work as a carpenter at the farm of 8. H01- lingren. Police believe that while Mr. Johnstone, 58, was walking north,, he "came to his death after stepping into the headlights of an oncoming car which he mistakenly thought was his daughter’s. Police said Mr. Johnstone crossed in front of the southbound car and then was hit by a northbound truck owned by the Milton Flour Com- pany and driven by George S. Swan of Milton. The driver was not held. MILTON ,â€"The daughter of William B. Johnstone motored twice past his lifeless body on No. 25 Highway three miles south of here Saturday evening, unaware that the accident she was the car struck him. . , died early Monday of ab ullet wOund â€"-oâ€"â€"- suffered Saturday night. Details of the 0110'. end!!! “mum 01304- .knownattheinquest. amen-Saturday. ney, mmuredllondty “mnwzubb hndmtervened whileamenwes was struck by a car driven by Miss Winniired Baird, of Kincardine Town- ship. He was taken to his home suf- fering from cuts and bruises. Constable H. Demon investigated. The chain had come off his bicycle and young Bur- rowswasadjustingitontberoadwben TILLSONBURG,â€"-Mrs. Harry Ro- berts, 44, of 8 Victoria Street, St. Thomas, is confined to the Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg, the result of injuries suffered in an auto- mobile accident on North Broadway at the Michigan Central Railway cross- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and two sons, Charles and Clarence, aged 13 and 16, were driving south on No. 19 highway into Tillsonburg and while crossing the tracks Mr. Roberts lost control of the car, which broke off the guard rail posts and landed upside down in a tobacco field. The boys were uninjured. Mr. Robert received a bad cut over the left eye. Mrs_ Roberts was rushed to the hospital. She has an abrasion overthe nose and iss uf- fering from shock. O'I'I‘AWA,â€"Apprximately 2,000 more men will be called across the Dominion in addition to the 5,000 already instruc- ted to report for compulsory military training on January 8, it was learned from reliable quarters here Monday. Divisional registrars have been notified to select the extra 2,000 from the ranks of those who underwent 30-day train- ing late in 1900, is is reported. These men will likely receive their notices to report at training centres early this week. There has been no definite an- nouncement as to’. why the decision to add 2,000 more trainees to the January call-up was made. but indications are that Prime Minister King might touch upon the matter in an address in Ot- tawa Tuesday. witnesses. The fire, which turned into OTTAWAâ€"The only woman in uni- a roaring inferno that trapped approx- form present during Prime Minister ‘imately 50 head of cattle, engaged Winstson Churchill’s address in the 'scores of firemen for more than three House of Commons Tuesday was Mrs. ’hours and stopped traffic in the south- J. J, Fraser, commandant of a women’s western section of the city. service force at Guelph. Mrs. Fraser ' -â€"-â€"-oâ€"-â€"-- saw service overseas as a nurse for i s'I'RA'IE'ORD,â€"â€" Twenty-three-year. four years during the First Great War old Murray Webb, of Hespeler, will. and over the left pocket of her khaki spend the next seven days in jail as. uniform wears four ribbons, the Royal [the result of having had too much Red Cross, the Mons, Service and Vic- Christmas cheer. Webb was arrested tory ribbons. iin the Town of St .Marys on Chrismas 'J â€"â€"â€"xâ€"â€"-â€" ,Eve by Chief Constable Kenneth Mc- Canada ’ i0ausland, after he had found him in- __ *toxicated on Queen street. The man VANCOUVER,â€" Vancouver, like pleaded guilty this morning before .many other large cities, is rapidly lay- Magistrate J. A. Makins in police court { ing foundation plans to cope with the to a charge 0f having the care and - transportation problem which un- control of a. motor car while intoxica- doubtedly will arise when gasoline ra- ted. In addition to the seven-day sen- ticning in Canada becomes effective tence, Webb must pay the costs of April 1, A passenger bulge is forseen by the court or spend another seven days .British Columbia Electric Railway in Jail. His car was immunded for Company officials here and provision three months and his permit 81159611- of adequate transportation in the event ded for six months. that maintenance of full time auo- -â€"â€"o-â€"â€" mobile Operation is curtailed by the ra- KINCARDINE,â€" While delivering tioning bill, 3 being studied. “We plan TORONTO,â€"Police said Monday night that an eight-year-old boy had been charged with arson in connec- tion with a $30,000 fire that destroyed a large holding shed and some cattle at the civic abbatoir here last Novem- mber 10. Authorities charged that the lad threw a flaming torch into a pile of hay. The boy was to appear in ju- venile court Tuesday and police said three of his playmates would appear as witnesses. The fire, which turned into‘ a roaring inferno that trapped approx; imately 50 head of cattle, engaged scores of firemen for more than three ’hours and stopped traffic in the south- western section of the city. KINCARDINE,â€"- While delivering papers, Bill Burrows, young son of Mr. a traffic accident here at Main street and Dundum street. Mrs. Spence suf- fered a laceration to the right shin and slight shock when her husband’s car was turned over on its side after a col- lision with another auto which police said was driven by John Randall of Toronto. James Currie, of Toronto, an- other passenger in the Spence car, which was driven by Ross Timewell oi Fmgal, was injured. He suffered face and body lacerations when thrown to the pavement as the auto turned over. Mr. and Mrs. Spence were married during the week-end and Timewell was best man at the ceremony. OWEâ€"While Pat Hardie, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hardie, Granton. was visiting on the farm of his grand- father, Milton Hardie, in the vicinity. he noticed a peculiar looking object in a field near the barn. On approaching it he found a box some 8x9x5” in size with a balloon (red in color) attached. This recording box had been sent up from Wayne County, Michigan, airport. The box was made of thick card- board covered with tinfoil. Inside there were instruments at one end which would record air currents, velocity and temperature, while in the air. The box had a balloon and parachute attached The balloon ws supposed to break when it reached 12 miles in the air, then the parachute floated down. It was re- leased on Monday at 11 pm. and found _on Tuesday at 10 am. The finder sends [the box (intact) to the attached ad- .dress, free, by mail, as soon as found {and receives $1 for his trouble. HAMILTON ,â€"Despite four hours of ressuscitation efforts, nine-year-old Robert Martin died Tuesday night af- ter falling through the ice of Hamilton harbor. Robert had been playing hockey with four other children, and all fell into the icy waters when the ice gave way. Velma Martin. 11, sister of Robert, and Nicholas Staswick, 11, were taken to hospital for treatment north. The blaze broke out about 4.20 can Moran, 10 and 11, respectively, were taken home little the worse for their experience. All five were dragged from the water by two men who noticed the ice collapse. The men were Cecil Cotton, head stevedore of Canada Steamship Lines, and Jack Morris, of the Morris Boat Works. ST. THOMAS,â€"Jean Elsham, 14- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mund Elsham, Blenheim, is in the Memorial Hospital suffering from a bullet wound in the foot. She is ex- pected to be able to leave the insti- tution Wednesday. Miss Elsham was visiting friends in St. Thomas and was with a party of young people hunting rabbits when the gun, in the hands of one of her companions, went off ac- cidentally. Provincial Constable J. H. Marsland is making an investigation. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE punishing a boy. Later the man alleg- edly borrowed a revolver and went. to Lobb’s residence where he asked the soldier if he could identify the man as the boy’s ch‘astlser, When Lobb said “Yes,” it was reported, he was shot. VANCOUVER, B, 0., Royal Canadian Air Force officials here said Monday Sgt.â€"Pilot C. B. Pierce, of Port Rowan, Ont, was the pilot killed when an R.C.A.F. fighter plane crashed Satu- day in the Kerrisdale residential district. The plane, which failed to come out of a loop, crashed with ter- rific speed in a driveway less than 100 yards from the home of Mrs. Iris Dyk- stra and burst into flames. It sheared through telephone wires and partly tore down a heavy insulated power cable before striking the ground. Ken Farina, one of the first to reach the scene, said that he and two other men “raised part of the wing, but we had to get out because there already had been a minor explosion, and we were afraid the whole thing would blow up. All we were able to recover was the pilot‘s cap.” Sgt-Pilot Pierce was at- tached to an R.C.A..F fighter squad- ron which has just been moved to the Pacific coast. DRUMMONIDVILLE, Que.,_ Lieut. F. Norman Meldrum of the Elgin Regi- ment was found dead Monday leaning MICKEY T0 WED Mickey Rooney, youthful film star has announced his encase- ment to Ava Gardner, 18-year-old actress of Wilson, N. C. Rooney said he and Miss Gardner had been so- ing together for the past six months. No date has been set for their Women are now being employed in British tank factorim. .md one typical North of England factory working for thv Hrifxsh Ministry of Supply has 400 women tank workers. Tho} m- given one month’s training at a technical school before Mari ing work in the factory. Four women are seen at Work on a tank at the factory. WOMEN NOW WORK IN TANK FACTORIFZS Foreign while other: contained substances tha‘t Stud to wheels and started fires. «w. Green does everything 1‘ power to nuke his wife hem» .. “Y“. be even argues wuh her. To do this your eyes must have CAREFUL nttenuon at REC-cm intervals. Our service 15 rem». ummmmxsoomm luau-mam W h in Emma. c. sugars STORE W. T. Patterson, n.0, New Year Right WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEI ”M 1-54. pg Fern Rossman | daily eax‘nevmr-ss Thy Day" and E1 us of many {3191“ if used. will ml day. for He need this blest way." This is mm each of us to turn the last gaze upon an other year. "[1 things is in t1: no one need want of small Mr. Adan of large affa worn and m “that they ! [ionâ€"a pic: to enjoy sn common things. t us everywhere. A man thing's full a (cry. full (If won too. if we could I som 90116 says. "In this anything that mutate our live IN ho: George Manna thought -pr0\'okim m idea for a I happiness and e that is worthy of A Happy New the “At Home" It wlll help one And enable Into quarre X will try to keep Over troub I will try to I: 'l‘hlngs will I will try to kee When I oug I will try to kee To deserve Here‘s a New C‘ I K ICPS. an n of h The gm Jrning .i om lea w of and ( tlu fuselage There is 5:; edge. I)! .Ol ERE he clc oved he ll slm ll

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