Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jan 1942, p. 1

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VOL. 76â€"NO. 3885 Town Council Receive Acclamation For 1942 and three new members for the Pub-l llc School Trustee Board were all re-; turned by acclamatlons when the hour for quallfying rolled around Tuesday. The members of the Town (Donnell, and the different. Boards tor 1942 will Councilâ€"L. Chapman, CM. Elvldge, W H. Kress. George McKay, D. THE NOMINATIONS . Only a small crowd turned out onf Monday night for the nomination 01 i candidates for next vear’s Council and other civic positions, and the crowd on hand was not even enthusiastic. It was a rather cold night, the new gaso- line law has ordered the service sta- tions closed at 7 o‘clock, there was no place else to go, and perhaps this was responsible for fifty per cent. of the attendance on hand. While one speaker referred to a recent article in; this newspaper saying a slim meeting might mean that the people were sat- isiied with last year’s oiiicials, there was an insinuation in his expression that possibly we should have used the word "disgust" also .However, this was net the case. This was little or no criti- cism generally, and at the close there was the old, old mystery regarding an election. We would know nothing until after 9 o'clock Tuesday night when hour for qualifying had passed. .lvwâ€" â€"_ Clerk B. H. Willis was in charge 01 the meeting. and alter the closing of the nomination hour at 7.30 he was appointed chairman for the evening. Those nominated for the different officers were: For Mayor: J. B. Duffieid, R. Campbell, Bert Stonehome. Stoneouse. H. W. Cross. W. S. Hunter, D. McQueen. "‘ Public School Trusteesâ€"Thomas Whitmore, J. C. Howell, C. Henry. Public Utilities Commissionâ€"H. W. C! 033. D. McQueen, C. M. Elvidge, A. G George McKay, G. R. Padfleld. 60'”. C. M00117. J' P' Smith. 1". er and dealt ammt entirely With his. The game was cle Chaim“. 0' Juc'ksch. work at the County Council. He told of alties one in the m Public School Trustees: the excellent financial condition of the one in the third to . 'r. Whitmore, A. Sharpe, 0. Henry. J-C- county, how a debenture debt of some The mt mm out Howell, w. N. Barbour C Ritchie “'3 3,265, 000 had been reduced to $53, 000, was Schenk 1,, goal C. Seymour. R. Ball. 'and that no new debts had been incur-1 who while he let The first speaker was Mayor W" red during the past year. Grey County' stopped that many 1 field. who 89038 0‘ the W made had not borrowed one cent during the like sure scores durins the past year the details 011 year just past. He referred to some or| The line-ups' which would be hard to define. im- the poor roadwork done in the early. Wingham: Goal, movements and progress from which part of the year, but this had been the Small, S, Johnston; 0° Seymour, 3’ Ball. 'and that no new debts had been incur ' _ ' t who, while he let in ten counters, The first speaker was Mayor Du! red during the past year. Grey County stopped that many more that looked Mrs. C. G. Lawrence is spending some} during the past year, the details 011 year just past. He referred to some oft The line-ups: Ledingham in Owen Sound. which would be hard to dfline, im-: the poor roadwork done in the early. Wingham: 1 Hyslop° defence Miss Elizabeth Murdock and Miss movements and progress from which t i th ' ’ lGenevieve Gregory of Palmerston are m m be ems 1 Dar 0 8 year. lent this had been the Small, S. Johnston; centre, Cordick; d. h mm 1 “h the ‘0‘“ '0 "“9 e n 0’ work of a county official and without wings Nichol Greer alternates Bird spen mg t e C tmas vacat on t years to come. I I ' ’ ' ’ ’ the farmer’s brother, Mr. Franklin t the authority or knowledge of the reg- English proctor F Johnston Poster He told 0‘ the difficulties with the I ' ' ' ’ ° Murdock and family and visiting waterworks system last summer when 1 i ‘ ‘ ' ’ ’ ' friends in town. running 24 h 0‘ 0 good work had been done by the ‘ McDonald, Moses; centre, McGirr; Miss Catherine McMeekin of Toronto the town. pump: werewd d :urs County Council this year, and the iu- 1 Wings, Tucker, Dean; alternates, Dar- spent Christmas with her parents Mr W keep 3 supp y on . “3 no an . ture looked extremely bright providing? gavel, Boyd, Braithwaite, Best. and Mr Geor e McMeekin ’ ' adequate supply at that. As a member ‘ the monies collected were prOperly ti- Referee, Tory Gregg, Kincardine. Mr 'A Ale: an der spent Christmas 0‘ the n‘bm uuum W011, h !nanced. Re‘erring to the Grey County .__ __ . ,.._ . week. with his sisters in Toronto said they had engaged the services 01 ’ Home he said conditions there were_ . Gunner Ernest Heather of Milo Al- an engineer, ”Id while "118 ““0131 a. much better. The committee had ad- C t d 0 berta with the 15th Field Artillery not discover the actual cause, he told opted a new method. and met with the onVIc e n Debert N S and Miss E. Campbell the Commission where to look for it inmates to discuss their complaints. A. . - .. and now the town had Mme supply good deal had been found out and con-9 and the cost of pumping had been re- iditions improved. He had recommend- dimpd Most. nf the programmes had ed four sessions a year for the county Ch f A It of Dundalk visited last week with Mrs. . . Fadd d f 11 . arge o ssa“ RP.tJe.M1cMilifor:in :1”);sz of Red Deer, Alta., spent last week at his Oâ€"vâ€"v been carried out. and generally within but this year recommended that the the estimates set for the work. The April session be done away with. It chairmen of the different commltees.‘ was the wrong season of the year. I! a had been responsible for their work ; fourth meeting were necessary he rec- and this, he mount. was the proper ommended that it be held later in the fly. He thanked the Council and the year when new counelllors would know A-L_ A_____j‘ A- {erred m the good service given the doing everything in its power to econo- town by the Reeve, who had also been mlze without unpamng efficiency. WnrdenoftheCountythisyear. Be re-Y Donald McQueen, a. member of the Wm“ more mm m not Comatormeyempast,andnom- mmmnmursbymoam mudmuymforbcthCouncnand Wy,andmht,utbaemto m’tomofmacufifluu‘m- 0. Next, .................. 5a PRIME MINISTER: CHURCHILL who delivered stirring addresses last week in Washington, and Tues- day of this at Ottawa. Mr. Church- ill is confident of victory, but told his hearers they should not be over-confident. We will win, but it will try us from all angles. In New York and Washington rumours flew thick and fast, and one of them was that Britain’s Prime Minister arrived at the White House carrying a “six-shooter” cane. The source of this was a pho- tograph published in neWSpapers, which showed an odd-looking con- traption near the handle of Mr. Churchill‘s walking-stick. It was a good yarn, but the British press spiked it with an announcement that the gadget, instead of shooting bullets, shoots a thin beam of light. Lots of people in Britain, it wasa explained, carry similar flashlight canes for using in blackouts. nanced. Referring to the érey County Home he said conditions there were much better. The committee had ad- opted a new method. and met with the inmates to discuss their complaints. A (Want) DURHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, Walkerton Here Friday Night A. District m on local Ice Tomorrow.â€"Walkcrton Beputed to line Strong Team This Season.â€" Durham Loot Opener at Wingham on "III-“Ill "v v'vâ€"-_ --_ v ‘ Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thommon. The first OHA. 1088th game 01; Miss Vera Mountain, Reg. N., return- O.H.A. hockey in the Intermediate “B"; ed to Toronto Tuesday after spending. district series will take place here FY14 the Christmas holidays at her home day, tomorrow night, when the team of here. Walkertonians, old-time rivals, pay a Mr. and Mrs. George Jucksch, accom- visit to the Durham club. Althouth panied by his sister, Mr, and Mrs. John the season is early it is said that the palm and daughter Florence, Palmer- Waikerton team is a coming bunch of 1 ston, visited with the farmer’s mother: youngsters and will give a good account in Meaford over the holiday. ‘ of themselves, and a good game can be' Miss Norma Qagnon visited relatives looked for. The first of the season, it! m Detroit during the holiday. She is more than likely a big crowd will be was accompanied home by Miss Nina '9“ hand. Lou Gagnon, who will visit with her E 1405‘ at Wingham uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. 1‘ The locals team lost its Opening Gagnon, i rune at Wingham Monday night 10 to We. Ernest McDonald of the Veter- spent the holidays with their pamnts,‘ I s when the llidialls 01' that town came : ans’ Guard, Mim'ico, is spending this home with the bacon. The WinghamJ week at his home here. Lost at Wingham The locals team lost its opening 'x'rmie at Wingham Monday night 10 to 5 when the indians or that town came home with the bacon. The Wingham- .105 were ahead 3-1 at the end of the first period of play, and were never headed. It was 8-3 at the end of the second, and 10-3 when the final perio was completed. The ice was rough and in poor con- dition, as might be expected, and both teams not being in the best of condi- tion, with the Durhams possibly the worst. teams not being in the best of condi-i Miss Marie McLachlan of Fergus{ Lion, with the Durhams possibly the ' spent Christmas in Priceville and Dur- worst. 'ham. . Durham scored the first goal in 1130‘ Mr. and Mrs. H. MCI-£311 0f Priceville when Braithwaite went through alone,‘ visited relatives in Fergus and Dur- only to have Wingham come back in. ham during Christmas mlidays. 12.55 and tie the score, Cordick doing’ Mr. and Mrs. T. Johnston: Upper ' ith friends in the scoring on a solo. Wingham scored TOW“, spent Christmas W twice more in this period in 14 and Meaford. . f St 15.02 minutes, Foster and Proctor get-i Mr. and Mrs. Cecfl Grasby 0 d ting the first on a combination play. 5. Marys spent Christmas With Mr. an and Foster scoring alone in the second. Mrs. George McKay. _ _ AL- .1... Durham scored first in the second Miss Florabel “mm" W uuw’ ”11R C. A. F., Winnipeg. Man. Spent ‘ period in 1. 35, when McDonald made spending the Christmas vacation w t his Christmas leave with his sister and a rush and went through the Wingham her mother and ”Other here ’ brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clark defence. Durham also scored the sec-’ Miss Inez Nanuey, Port Elgin, is Lloyd. ond goal when Bird of Wingham did a spending the holidays With her mother Miss Kathleen Renwick of Mount Wrong-Way Corrigan, went through here Forest was a Christmas visitor with her his own defence and planted a Dur- Christmas Day guests With Mrs. iparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Renwick. ham counter behind his own goalie. It Margaret Wanamaker were DV“ M. J 1 Mrs G A Bell and daughter Wilma is a good thing for him Durham did Wanamaker, RWCASC» Red Deer Al" returned last week from a visit with not win by a one-goal margin. It was berta, 801' Allan Ai‘Sti'OP. R..,CE T01“ ‘ friends in Toronto. :1 simple mistake. Bird was formerly onto, Valerie and Jack, Toronto. I Miss Vera Eastman of Woodstock is on the Durham line-up and no doubt Mr. and Mrs. Lew Renwick of Palrm ' spending vacation with her parents, isuffered from temporary amnesia. This.erston, and daughter, Jane Carol of Mf' and Mrs R c Eastman pte was the last counter chalked up for- i Whitby Ladies’ College spent Christ- ahd Mrs Donald Eastman Of Brantford Durham during their game their lack . mas and Boxing D8? With Mrs T H were home for a few days and went to} of training being plainly evidenced Sneath. Listowel Christmas afternoon to visit for the remainder of the battle. ‘ Pte. Robert Renwick of Debert, N ..,8 .‘Mrs Eastmans Mt Wingham scored five more goals Mrs Renwick and daughter Joan, are- Arthur Ramage of Thoran and Hum period in 9 23, 9 .,4o 1434 14 .36 visiting in Toronto. Harold Ramage of Petrolia were hol- and 16.56 minutes, the scorers being‘ Mr and Mrs Wilfred Middleton and day visitors with their brother and Nichol and Cordick, Cordick and Ni- children 0‘ London spent Christmas sister Peter and Alice Ramage chol, Bird and Cordick, Nichol alone, With their parents Mi“ and Mrs- Albert Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Vollett and and English and Foster. Middleton and Mr. and Mrs .John Heft. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Vollett ate Christ- The third stanza saw the homesters A C 2 George Prew 0f N0 1 Mam mas dinner with Mr. and Mrs W. Vol- -..1 ._... _.-_- _--. ...- “mam _-. Ineoot. R. c. A. 1“,, Toronto, spent his lett. The best man on the ice for Durham !was Schenk in goal who starred and who, whlle he let in ten counters, ,stopped that many more that looked , like sure scores. The third stanza saw the homesters put two more past the Durham net- minder, one at 17.12 when Cordick and Small combined, and the second at 17.20 with Nichol and Cordick figuring in the honours. The game was clean, only two pen- alties, one in the first to Cordick, and one in the third to Johnston. days in jail was imposed on George Brown. Mitchell tea-mater, following his conviction in police court on a charge of assaulting Mayor George Ronnen- burg, of Mitchell, occasionlng actual bodily harm. The assault took place at the Town Council’s annual meeting of several witnesses, made while Mayor 1 Brownsankhuteethinm. wound which required sewn! stitches S'I’RA'I'F'ORD,â€"A sentence of 20 financial statement for the Mr. and Mrs. W. L. I-‘rancey returned Monday to their home in Godth a!- ter spending some days with Mrs. R. Mrs. McFarlane of St. Catharines visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Young, Lambton street, over Christmas holidays. Mr. Curry, Chatsworth, gave a worth- while message in the Presbyterian church Sunday. Miss Florabel Nichol, Toronto, is spending the Christmas vacation with her mother and brother here. , Miss Inez Twamley, Port Elgin, is spending the holidays with her mother here. Christmas Day guests with Mrs. Margaret Wanamaker were Dvr. M. J. Wanamaker, R.C.A.S.C., Rted Deer, Al- VMr. and Mrs. Wilfred Middleton and with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Middleton and Mr. and Mrs .John Heft. A. C. 2 George Prew of No.1 Manning |Depot, R. C. A. F., Toronto, spent his 5- day Christmas leave with his par- ents here. = Christmas Day guests of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Thomas Lawrence were Mrs. C.G. .Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Law- ‘rence and children, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. ‘MacArthur, Neil, John and Archie, Mr. .and Mrs. Percy Ledingham and chil- ldren, Mr. and Mrs, John Ledingham ' and Geraldine. '. and Mrs. W. P. Mr. A. Alexander spent Christmas week with his sisters in Toronto. Gunner Ernest Heather of Milo, A1- berta, with the 15th Field Artillery Debert, N. 8., and Miss E. Campbell of Dundalk visited last week with Mrs. R. J. McFadden and family. Pte. Milford Wanamaker of Red Deer, Alta., spent last week at his home here. Bill Webb of Camp Borden spent the Christmas leave with Mrs. Webb and daughter at the home of Dr. and Mrs MiSs Laura Whitmore of Toronto was a Christmas visitor with her mo- ther. Mrs. James Whitmore. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham and children and Lieut. E. B. Burnett. spent Christmas with their father. Mr. Ro- Christmas with Mr. ‘ Victor Amett of can spent curm- mas at his home In Glenelc. JANUARY 1. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McGulivray and son, Bobby, of Toronto were Christmas visitors with Mr. und Mrs. Christmas with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. MoComb. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McFadden and the latter’s mother, Mrs. Lowe. of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr. Jack Cuttler of Guelph spent Christmas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cuttler. daughter of Tilbury were Christ-mas visitors at their homes. A.C. 1 Arthur Allan of the REAR, Winnipeg, Mam, spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. W. A. Allen and family. Mrs. E. Limin and Mr, and Mrs. A. McGowan were Christmas visitors with the former’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Harding of Harriston. Master Lyman Harding returned home with them after visiting with his grand- mother. Mr. Ross Kearney of Mount Brydges spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Kearney. ’ ng. Ross Cain of Kingston, Pte. ‘Jack Gain of London, Pte. R. C, Mc- Clean of Camp Debert, N. 8., Mr. Stanley McClean of Brampton and 3Misses Laurine Cammidge of Mount ‘Forest and Thelma Foster of Brampton :were holiday visitors with Mrs. J. Cain land Lorna. Misses Jean and Jessie Grant of Toronto spent the Christmas vacation with their.parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson of London spent Christmas with the for- mer' parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Henderson. A.C. Hugh McLean of Trenton was a Christmas visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McLean. A. C. 1 James Armstrong of the R. C. A. F., Winnipeg, Man, spent his Christmas leave with his sister and brother-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Lloyd. Miss Kathleen Renwick of Mount Forest was a Christmas visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Renwick. Mrs. G. A. Bell and daughter, Wilma, returned last week from a visit .with friends in Toronto. Watson and Ronald Watt 01 the Grey and Slmcoe Foresters. Camp Debert, :Nova Scotia, are spending their fun - nough at their homes. Milford Alice and Rene Snell of Kingston are home Rev. W. H. Smith received word on Christmas Day that his sister, Miss Margaret Smith had passed away in Ingersoll hospital. Mr. Smith left im- mediately for the old home at Beach- ville and Mrs. Smith attended the funeral on Friday. Robert Renwick. George woe. wu- '. and Mrs. Stewart Cuthbertson of McGregor and daughter. Sheila, and George 61983 of the Army Service Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Patterson of town and all their family. with the exception of their son, Boy, of Edmon- ton, attended a family dinner at the old home in Glenelg on Christmas Day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs J. Patterson, Arthur. Stanley, William and Wilma of St. Catharines; Pte. Cecil Patterson of Camp Borden and Mrs. Patterson; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keller and Ross, Edith, Bruce and lRoyden; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mead Marion and John. ‘ Constable H. D. Scott received word~ Chirstmas Day of thee erious illness1 of his mother and went immediately to1 Miss Sadie Osborne of Toronto vis- ited her mother and brother here over Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs. Mrs. W. B. Patterson $2.00 a Year in Canadu; $2.50 in U. 8. IDNDONrâ€"Aviatlon obeervers esti- mated Monday that losses in the cam- pum against Russia have reduced the Germanairforcetoaboutfipercent of its peak strength. OI'I‘AWA.â€"The Department of Ex- ternal Affairs announced Monday night the receipt of word that all Canadians in Shanghai are safe despite Japan’s entry into the war and the Settlement. MOSCOW,â€"The westward rolling Soviet offensive smashed German at- tempts to hold new defence lines on several sectors of the front Monday and the uninterupted Red army ad- vance re-occupied a number of addi- tional villages, the Russians announced Monday night. OTTAWA,â€"â€"Prime Minister Winston Churchill, with his smile of courage and confidence, his jutting cigar, and fingers raised in the “V for victory" sign, made a one-man conquest of Canada’s capital Monday. To Govern- ment. leaders he gave this message: He believed that the salvation of the world lay in some organization which would have as its core the English- speaking peOples. TORONTO,---In a special dispatch Tuesday from reliable sources at Ot- tawa it was reported that “one of the magnificen gestures of the Govern- ment of Canada during Prime Minis- ter Churchill's present visit to Ottawa will be announcement by Right Hon. Mackenzie King that the Dominion will cancel the 31.500.000.000 debt which ‘is owed to Canada by the British Gov- ernment." «mm-gunman- We Appreciate Co-Operation of Correspondents WAR NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK during the put two weeks. It en- ableduhcllk! the W balmy withthelutdtllcw- hce.Wemmmeu-uln¢eu- very much it our anaconda-c thew‘lycolmel- pecullywheoubpodfleJnthe put the bulk at our correspond- enoehunotreuhodthcdfheu- DURHAM CAI. STOLEN: RECOVERED IN OWEN SOUND Mammuyflnmh «(autumn-may morning- Inthecunln‘yar.we'm5¢ll' chm-sandmannmnfll‘hfll ”mutathemccflntuw' Malamute! use“!!! “'0 0" threeweektoldulllntothechu We We would also wreck“ My entry in the Internationu we would ”pooh“ It

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