Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Oct 1915, p. 1

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the ratepayers. containing 179 names, praying that a grant of at least 5508 be given to the British Red Cross Society . the pra35r. on motion of J. F. Grant, seconded b\ A. C. Wolfe, “as car- rie3‘ \xith ver} little comment, not a member voting against it. Ten- ders were opened from a hum- her of applicants for the position of electrician for the town. at number were from outside. who imade application in response to 2 an ad. in The Globe, but from the ' nature of their answers they eVi- dently didn’t understand what the requirements of the tOWn were. The advertisement may not have 'been clear, and we think this was the chief trouble. From town there were only two applications, - one from E. A. Goodwin, electri- cian at the cement works, and the . other from Archie Davidson. clerk . of the division court. No.. action was taken. . _ x ' b :tzzi ivideotijc in the Very best of lnrxith. He spent the Summer in the; neighhm'hoocl of Bagot Man“ wh re the cz-oys were excellent in many ('(lSt'S. though there were sumo: failures. The season Was too @2221 and wet for corn and similar [sf-)EIICIS that thrive best on heat. 332'. James Hopkins of McW'il- liars bought a new Ford car 1112i, week. and Mr. A. \V'. H. Laud- :ltr has diSposed of his touring. car to Mr. Crawford Harrison of‘ Egremont, both prosperous farm-i ers. The time is not far distant when the devilâ€"wagons will soon‘ be a common luxury amongst the‘ farmers, who despised them so mucn only a few years ago. The growing reduction in price. is bringing them within the reach of many" who couldn’t stand the pressure of the old-time prices. sion Monday night, when the members were all present except the reeve and Councillor Lenahan. In response to a petition from ‘ The council helfi a special ses-i town Mon-J: 3:, at Winter here. H9 and {Videntiy in 11:33:10. He spent the neighborhood: Wham the croys ‘ 11113:: 03395. flu t 0 WI) 011 punuxu' wan the congregation, and the people generally. His (ztz-nestncss and dovotion are fac- mn: in his succcas rather than his attempts at oratorical diaplay. He is naturally a modest man. genial tmvazcls ail and extremely unob- I 1 ~rafalgax' is a word of three svl?a‘b,les and from our eariiest meniection We have alums pro- z.-. 19cc 1 it \xith the accent on the samd sfllable. “a notice. hou- i that the Standard dictionary "Gad Will Take Care of You,” was the title of a beautiful solo Contribute-:1 Sunday night in the Methodist church bv Miss Whit- taker of Ceylon. The rendering was most effective and fully 3p~ predated by an attentive congre- QLlIi’Hl. . .31: R. E. Richardsofi advertises a stove for sale on page '2. It ha béen thsre two weeks, and as no 0m has enquired about the stoVe he says advertising is no good. G0 at {mi-e, see the stove. and save our reputation as an advertising Don’t forget the big cut-rate OP- tical sale at Saunders’ Variety Staré. Durham. on Friday and Sat- urg? y of this week, Where $3 to $5 value s’pectaCIes and eye-glasses vi}! be 501:! for $1 and your eyes .-r.:z‘:£rly tested. Mr. A. B. McArthur is engaged in the Alberta Financial Brokers' Company and is open for business in mortgages. bongls, debentures. etc. a Flowering bulbs for outdoor or pct culture. Single and double hyacinths, tulips. double daffodils. inst received at The Central Drug Store. a<.~. \~ .1 Columbia double-disc records of ' Autos for hire.-â€"Competent driv. \~ ‘4 '. I) , t erior quality. In great variety ‘3 era furnished and rates moderate nell’s Music' Store. ’ . 2 l The Garage. Durham - .5: NEWS AROUND TOWN 911:1: who has been ummer. returns-.11 to and “1H spend the He is looking well advertising uv“ everywhere for from $3 to $5. The the satisfaction they have given thou- 31‘8- sands will satisfy. you. I: v0u think We you need glasses, don’t hesitate. “'1“ ma. rrk conduct this sale. Lowest prices on double vision and special ground l‘l Anniversary services of - ; ‘iPresbyterian church will be he‘fl§ fFarquharson. former pastor. , conduct the Sunday services. He; will also take part on Monday ev- f ’ening, when a splendid tea will. {be served and a fine musical pro- 5 ‘ gram rendered Admission Mon- ? day evening to te a and entertam- ; ment, 25c. Proceeds” to go to 31L“: of our boys at the front. ' ' I Special.-Factory to face Optical: lsale at R. L. Saunders’ Variety? ‘Store, Durham, on Friday [Saturday October 22-23. “'5: will 5 I; again sell regular $3 to $5 value . rimmed spectacles and eye-glasses for $1. Remember, you get a- guaranteed gold-filled frame with best quality white crystal lenses! and your eyes properly tested fie The Hydro I)€‘OI)1€‘ are anxious to have more haste in the town wiring, and all who have been notified as to requirements are given 45 days from date of this issue to have everything ready to connect with the current. The inspector has given notico -â€"- Anuthcx‘ girl 1111th at (me; ~â€" \ lady in Mount Forest Wit: h: s Businsss (7011929 stuzlent to act 11.; companion in return for ' board First-class home. c1059 to Col- lege. Three students in simifar positions. All are satisfied. \V1-ite at once to G. M. Henrv, Princin a; Mount Forest Business COHEg-e. or confer uith C. Eh'i dg-e, librarian. Durham. (1 Messrs. J. L. Chronicle staff. the Standard Â¥ len. cierk in I - October being . fixed by the Spire! special effort is I extend sales, and a a possible wearer buyer, she should : percentage of the be devoted to pat] Enquire of Mrs. J. Bucher. the pastor, at will deliver brief addr‘ music will be provided entertairment, all for sum of 15c. All invited. ; LIP. R. E. LaidlaW, CE., son of ‘Mr. and Mrs. “Tm. Laidlaw of this gtcwn, has been appointed inspect- !or in a large shell factory in I Detroit. and commenced his duties , last Iviondav morning. firs. Jacob Kress and sister, Mrs. Currie. attended the funeral of their cousin. Mr." Crombie Dallas. who died at Lucknow Thanksgiv- ing: Day from anaemia and, dia- betes. He was 7.9 years of age, and ‘ _v â€""~.“~V. I The Garage. Durham . 624 ? Something new in Durham! “Lit- tle Wonder” records will fit any gramophone or Victrola. for 20¢. each. Some of the latest It’s a money saver with gramophones. At the Variety Store. onress and sister, Mrs. ttended the funeral of sin. Mr. Crombie Dallas, at Luckno“ Thanksgiv- from anaemia an} dia- “as 79 ve ars of age, and n to a number of resi- sonOOI entertainment in Knox church, Nor- Tuesday evening, Oc- V. Dr. Marsh, Rev Mr. pastor. an :1 0t hers. vaIu ' .~ provided. Tea and t. all for the small Lll invited. ain‘g contest month; Spirella COrset C0,. a : is being: made ’(o‘I and as every lady is; rearer and possible AHIJ 'L U!) HIGH-day ev. arer and possibic {Nautic 11d act now. :15 11:02} wit the proceeds \\ 111 I vacant I patriotic purposes.,eight ( addresses. Good {A â€"â€"â€"-â€" - n van‘ "no uJu‘UU-UC" {ed by Mr. J. C Elliott, of Dun- {dallg and was a topic in keeping iwith the times when agriculture plays such an important part "in. world economics. A kindred sub- { hot. “The Rural Community, and {the Rural School,” by Mr Wesley Boyd, was an additional evidence Vb “6"“ bderate. lspent a couple of weeks with 624 iAllan Park friends, and returns ’this afternoon, accompanied by 1! “Lib, 9 her mother, Mrs. Armstrong. who .fit anyiwfll -ViSit her daughter, Mrs, 01‘ 209. } Cowan, in Galt. pieces.. The teachers’ convention here last week voted a day’s pay each .based on 200 teaching days in the year, to patriotic purposes. son of The total amount from this source of this 1‘ we fancy, will run up to $150 or InmA-‘ “‘-' SC: 1 The annual meeting of the South ed by the band. a to: . cession; followed by a IGrey Teachers’ Institute was held vweil-laden autos p ,here on Thursday and Friday of Istreets, the young her ;last week, when nearly evepv Councillor Munshast fteacher in the inspectorate was decorated car, 8000mm , . moth-er and her friend. ,])I-Csel:.t. The program conszsted. of 90f Eugenia, Whose son toPlcs‘ithe St. Julien battle, ‘ and no doubt all \f’ere benefited German prisoner. Arri‘ bv the addresses given and the ’ high school, the mode: discussion indulged in. T . . . he pres- ; seized by his compan luent, Mr. John A. Graham, occu" .0 Q , , ‘ '1 lborne on their shoulde it? the chair, 3.“ drsCharge' ,the ' platform, amidst an ov £433,195 of his office With the high-15001] to be forgotten est degree of affinionn" 'gtime here. Every performer Was: :I'a‘t his best. and the audience was fexceedingly attentive. From the time the first chord was struck t1Ll Ethe singing of the National An- fthem, nearly hm hours later, Ether: wasn‘t a dull moment. EV- ;crfrthing‘ was good, and every- ; body was pleased. The proceeds, ; r :amounting to about $90, will be If .‘handed over for patriotic parâ€"[f S poseS. Many complimentary refer- ’ l Eences were made to the general d fexcellence of the program, and C knowing the proceeds were to we h used for the benefit of the boys at a I .. it e front seemed to afford a dou- ’0 :ble pleasure. I! V-â€"-â€"....- o---v- SOUTH GREY TEACHERS’ CONVENTION --- .. - cuwuwflm- 4?; Miss Agnes Connelly of the ileast one day’s pay, was the spirit . 'Separate school. Hanover, gaVe an 501‘ the "9501“th and many may :excellent essay on EducatiOnal Ef- :gwe more. 'fieiency. Miss Connelly was edu- ; At the close of the Choral Soci- , gatfod SDUD:?1:,’hIrel:3d‘h:nd gt ’et"s etT SCI 11‘ ht. th*} x r nr'rrga .r a- :nSme-chotl“ theuesoeclibetvlg had 2rdress dealt largely with the Irish I‘light luncheon and ' presented {schools It Was an able essay and ‘Mr. Stedman with: a pair of mili_3elicited much favorable eomment filtarv brushes and a handsome'Sh'e was followed by Miss Grace :1eather pocket case. Last evening, C'halrriers obi; t1}; $31111: tzpitc,fwh1ch gthe young people of- Trinity “.33 3 5'0 a" 3 . n '9 a u rom 4]. ; church Guild presented him with a dl’i‘i-fEf'enigzlglefiing consisted j :XVI‘lSt “.atCh" and 2: COPY 0f: the lof an At Home in the hall and I {New Testament. Without being 1r~ I was ‘1‘ new departure It {vas a. l reverent We might suggest that lsocial “get together” .followed bv I the gifts will remind mm 0‘3) dd Q 9 b l’ReV-s i’Whalev “.atching‘ praying and cleanliness ‘a feéwe y t .C befi of heart and bod? We hope he Inicyer, Inspec or min)! mncmm may succeed and return unhurt. others. A 940°C! mUSlca and . was voted on with enth: least one day’s pay, was of the resolution, and I. give more. â€"-v¢v41 a have gone to Toronto where Mr. Cameron has good position. DURHAM, ONT. '. Dan. Cameron and . Purv IS, DOW’ Was introduc- m weeks With gawy lnvtrouuced by Miss Elizabeth !-ds, and returns‘gscou° As these papers Will apbear accompanied by pater. W9 fox-bear further comment. :. Armstrong. whol .Th'e new PI‘PPOSBd SuPerannua- daughter, Mrs. ftlon bill was mtroduced by Mr. ! Paterson of Neus‘ta’dt. The Strath- lcona Physical Culture Course by convention here [Principal Allan, of Durham, HOW a day’s pav each .ching days- in. :riotic purposes. not a Single Orr-10f Ayton, were all good subjectS, esolution, WhiCh lably handled. ‘ enthuSiasm. At and family of present day Ito to live, emphasize the importance of agri- has secured a gculture. But this Was not all. “The ,‘Function of the Rural School in now of Gait {Solving the Rural Problem” Was Weeks With‘ gably introduced by Miss Elizabeth and returnslscott- As these papers will any“... tendencies to ‘. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21 to Hearty cheers were given for the returned soldier, the bays who have enlisted and those at the front. Refreshments were served by the ladies. who thus contrib- uted their quota to the pleasure of the evening.-Fleshert0n Cor. ' talk. Va yvuulul')’ It would have plea;ed the audi- 9nce to have heard Corp0ral Jam- 16:50:), Who had s‘ome ‘thatilling ex- hcnfin'nnan 2- Al gords, expressed his feeling 0f uty and Willingness to do his bit for King gin-d country. Ti" “9A.-‘ I â€" ~ â€"â€"..â€"vv u‘v'l‘r“. ilof Eugenia, Whose son was also in lthe St. Julien battle, but made a German prisoner. Arriving at the ,high school, the modest corporal, iseized by his companions, Was lborne on their shoulders to the 'Platform, amidst an ovation not soon to be forgotten. “given by Mr. M. K. Richardson. ‘ {Rev. Mr. Dudgeon and Rev. Mr. McVicar, together with a read~ ins: by Miss LoWndes. a chOrUS bv the public school boys, and music- al numbers by Messrs. Murray,- Holland and Sullivan, Miss Irene W'ilson, Miss Reta Buskin andxthe f Lance-Corporal T. A. Jumieson. fa victim of German gas at the 'battie of St. Julien, who has been iinralicied home with an honorabie idisclmrqe. arriVQd here. on Mondav of last week and was. given a hearty Weicome by a large crowd at the depot on arrival of the evening train. The following: even- ing, under direction of the village . ,council, he was tendered a' public {reception in the high school. which was packed with an enthu- ’siastic assembly of citizens to do the returned soldier honor. Head- ed. by the band. a tor-chlighit pro- cessiom followed by a number of' wen-laden autos paraded the streets, the young hero occupying r‘A___. - '1‘ i FLESHER? ON HONORS SOL= DHSR GASSED AT ST; JULIEN , I The evening meeting consisted i: _!of an At Home in the hall, and, ,'~ Iwas a new departure. It was a i: Isocial “get together,” followed bv :3 addresses by Revs. Whvaley and *3 'Moyer, Inspector Campbell and :i lowers. A good musical program .1 [was Sandwiched in. Quartettes bv I: ,MeSSrs. Telford and Harding: and ii IMisses Wilson and Blac‘, Weie I; captix’ating numbers; selections II; from the male quartette, consist- ‘2 line of Messm McCrae, Saundeis, 3 Glass, and Rev Moyer were ex- ’3; 'cellent contributions. '3 I Miss Zeta Black charmed the au- loi- idience with her solos, and the§$ rgz'al‘onola selections by Mr. Join-1‘3: Snell were also appreciated. Mr. 1"? Morrison Smith and Miss Rita :3. Irwin contributed piano instru-I‘i‘ l mentals. .5 . l A tasty luncheon was next sem- ed, and about midnight the comâ€"t '; um}; dispersed, l vwvv“, ‘u‘lu elicited much favorable comment She was followed by Miss Grace Chalmers on the same tOpic, which was also ably handled, but from a different VieWpoint. ’, accompanied by his er friend. Mrs. Smith. Ea ~19‘5 i+¢+é+++***' o C C 1"!"C'TTY New Fall a'fivcvl'VWinter Coats For Ladies and Misses c' ”mum-9:9: $1.00 PER YEAR

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