Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Sep 1915, p. 8

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. ' ' I x . . eKechme 3 Departmental Store This neighborhood has for manv a year borne a high reputation for honesty, with occasionally a little breach, one of which oc- curred a few nights ago. Some one broke into Mr. Robt. W'ilson’s house and took some sealers of fruit, besides doing other harm. exaoowoooocx . - Macaw-sis § Large Sales - Small Profits 5 Inspector Campbell visited our school last week and thinks well of the start our new teacher. Mr. Percy Ross, has made. The thanksgiving service on Sunday by Rev. W'. Henderson. was very much appreciated. He is fine old man, who appreciates very much the importance of his work and'the few years he has to labor, and especially talented. were the remarks of everyone. Jas. Kerr has groun some \\ 01'83. CORNER CONCERNS. “'9 are sorry to hearmthaLMrs. Our stock is large and full in all lines, special sizes and designs ordered and delivered at once. Boy’s School Shoe, a good substantial shoe 1.75 Ladies’ (103891“ blucher. very dressv -- Ladies’ common sense. wide comfortable 1.50 Men’s Box hip Blucher . . .‘ Ladies’ dongola blue-her, very serviceable 1.75 Men’s Split Blucher .................. Our stock is large and varied, comprising the newest de- lgns and the neatest patterns in “7 all Paper. F 1001‘ Oil-Cloth Lmoleums and Ruo‘s. b L‘mplox ees of the store are not allow ed to take any part in the contest. Each contest: top of each package. T' nev must be brought 1n everv W ednesdav to be recorded. You check up” \ our votes 211)} time. Printed 1 ules of the contest can be seen in our window. Durham Cabéneiz Giana P i a 3%”! 0 Our Rugs are the product of the best English Looms in the best designs, having all the Oriental tints of the famous Eastern Rugs but at lower prices. The Linoleums and Floor Oilcloths are of Canadian and Scotch makes in the best. up-to-date "(‘iesigps. N gtwiphstanding the great advance in price' we are e The Wall Papers are made by the Canadian Wall Paper Man- ufacturers, Stauntons. They are reliable, new in design and neat, in appearance. Linoleums and Floor Oilcloths Hmase Furnishings éé%é+w The Highest Prices for Produce ~+%%+++++v++++*++4é++++++++++°++%+¢*§%+*++++é+%++++++v4+¢$$é++++é*$+v+%+++éév+++$+++é+++++++++++*%+v’ Boots’ and Shoes Corn cutting and threshing are keeping farmers very busy at present. Our old neighbor, John Vessie, isvioing the threshing. He has Wm. ;Hienry_tas assistant. Mr. Wm. Marshall is spending these days, or most of them, with his mother .in Normanby, who is Bornâ€"On Tuesday" September 14 to Mr and Mrs. Jas. Johnson, a daughter, their first born. Con- gratulations. L Mrs. Jas. .Allan and daughter Agnes. visited the farmer’s daughter, Mrs. G. Cowan, Mount Forest, and took in the show, MrS. Robt. Mead snent :1 few days visiting friends in Toronto. :1 week ago. “'e trust the parties who did it will by this time understand well how serious .such :1 crime is and what it is sure to lead to if fur- ther indulged 'in and try and rt- trieve the good name they haVe lost. Wall Paper Rugs -. , â€" - ------ - vubfi, 1L”. \ uu. ; uu “GA t: uuawua U1 Lucuua a-uu ut‘lg'uUUI'S ' . - . v v 0- . . ’ ) l - ) ' o , . o " ‘ I . . . \ 0- 0 hvmg close to 3 on \\ ho “ .mlu like to set. 3 on get this beautiful Grand Piano. Manv of them are customers of tlns stme, .md would sooner . o v ' - ‘ U a ‘ c . v o ‘0 v v 1 â€" - a . v ' -‘ ' ' -. ‘ gn e _\ on these \otes man thum them .ma} . The \otes 00st them nothnw. 'lhere are many at vour friends who would Just as soon spend their money here as any place else. and by doing this they can help VON win the Piano. We will publish a list showmg the standing of each contestant. by number onlyâ€"Remember your number. It is not neeessarv for vour name to be made public. “7e will give you a number by which Von will be known. and your votesfi'ill be credited to that; number. Then you can tell your friends to watch your number and see. how it Will grow. Someone 15 going to get tn ; Plano absolutely free. It rosts vou nothing to trv. \Vhy not. start tsday to collect t'le votes. The contest 18 Just startmg, and the person havmg the greatest number of votes to their credit at the end cf Six months takes home. the Piano and puts it in the parlor. That’s easy. is’nt it? It might as well be Yours. Jump in todav and tell your friends to be sure and save their votes for you. Come in. and let us explrun it more fully. Every cent you spend 111 this Store gives you one vote, (3' dollar means one hundred votes. Come in and.have m It costs you nothing. Then collect your votes and bi‘ing fled to you. Ask all your meuds to save their votes 1'01: 1' ’ .-....... ... d. e -_ Last week we paid Three Hundred and Fifty Dol= lars for a Cabinet Grand Piano. We are going to give it away absoluteiy FREE to someone. it might happen to be you. Here’s the story- in a nutsheii: â€" The till sellino' at the old megs". The sword in the hands of a man is less mighty than the hatpin in the hands of a strenuous woman. Wise is the man who realizes that he is a fool and tries to liVe it down. About the only difference in babies is in the personal Opinions on their mothers. Little Miss Allie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawrence, has been suffering great pain for the past =1‘ew weeks from an ail- ment that perplexed the doctors somewhat. There is little Sign of improvement in her condition. Mr. Herbert McLean, who went to a Toronto sanitarium last win- ter, passed away a week ago, at the age \of 30. He leaves a mother and other friends .in this place to mourn his loss. apparently nearing death’s d001,. . Abraham Campany . --.-. vvyv W “1.! ubel J -.1vâ€"wu v\" u-“K' Come In and. havem vonr n ame en? exed m our Reomel as a contestant. ...... 2.10 m DURHAM CHRONICLE You one vote ex 9 3 quarter means twenty-five Votes and every -u __ 1‘! 1 On account of the unfavorable weather on Sunday. the Rally Day Miss Maud Thompson, profes- sional nurse, arrived home from ENew York (a- couple of weeks ago. Miss Mitchell, our school teacher spent over the Week end: at her nome in tTara. HAMPDEN. W'edding bells 'are ringing. Mr. Norman Anderson of Both- well is spending his holida.vs at the parental home here. Mrs. Henry ',Ford is spending a few days with her brother, Mr. Alex. Cooper, iat Shelburne. We may {have something interest- ing to 'tell later on. The strong (wind and rain storm on Sunday played havoc with the corn crop, “blowing it down bad- ly ‘in ”places. The regular monthly meeting .of the Varney Grange on Friday night waswa complete failure. The Durham sh0\V"5eeme:d: to knock its members cold. From all We saw, we don’t .Wondser. Mostly every ’farmer in this 10-- cality is through harvesting, \vithl the exception‘of buckwheat. a~.lot of which is still out. The past] harvest has been exceedingly hard ‘ to handle, {the crop for the most part having to be cut one way. But it is the biggest crop in a‘ number of years, and if the pota- toes do-n’t'rot too badly the farm-' ers can be readily excused if they should chucklea‘a bit. ~ . We are "sorry to report the seri- ous-condition of Mrs. Marshall, Sr.. who has 'been bedfast the past couple of :weeks. Being an old lads;r just past her 89th year in August, in Lall probability it is the beginning of the end. Our Corn Company, limited. in- tend to start filling their s'ilols on Thursday. It will be a common sight, therefore, to see lots of sour faces ‘now and then until the trying ordeal is completed, “’9 are pleased to report the re- covery to {health again of Mrs. Bert Watson and children, ivho have been afflicted with typhoid. .At our beef ring headquarters on Saturday the first beef carcase out of 54 slaughtered had to be consigned to the hole. It appeals her lixer 8110“ ed effects of tube:â€" culosis. Our popular pastor, Rev. B. M. Smith, is n'away on a two weeks’ holiday, but will occupy his pul- Dit on 'xSunda'y, October 3. Rev. Mr. W'h-alxey of Durham very ably oc- cupied his place .a Week ago Sun- day, and his earnest,_ able dis- course Was much enjoyed by’the large congregation present. Ml. Jas. ‘Watson has been Visu- ing his sons in De troit the past couple of ‘weeks. BLYTH’S CORNERS. We have been badly crowded out the past few weeks owing to pressure of work, and to make matters Worse the last budget We wrote never appeared in print. It consisted mainly of a little com- pliment to the worth of Miss M. E. Backus as teacher in our sec- tion for "the past year and ahalf, who has been succeeded by Mr. G. McKee of Southampton, a young man holding a. first-class profes- sional certificate, and also a first- class high aSChOOl assist‘ant’s cer- tificate. He has entered upon his duties with .a Vim, which clearly bespea-ks success. ' " testant must tie their votes in packages, count them and mark the number on the You can also keep track of the number 01 votes you brmg in so that you can >w. Every contestant entering now gets Two Thousand votes to start. ' ‘ o _zzmo. Many of them are custmners of this store, and would sooner m". 'lhere are many of your friends who would just as soon spend wm the Plano. “’e will publish a Exst showmg the standing of each '1‘ 10‘ them in to us every week and have them cred- you. You have dozens of fumes and neighbors M’W ’¥4"§'§°+'3“2“i“} $4°°§°W°§MM§§°MWVMMM+ MH‘éWW ‘â€" ‘ . I ‘ ‘ lots of until the i the most me way. pp in- he potaâ€" he' farm- 1 :if they 9-5 V vvvvvvvvvvvwvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwvvavivaivvi aetin'g .of Friday .ure. The mod: its we saw, ea 5 m ('9’ O '1 E3 >>>>>§t>>>b>gbbbbbb>>>>> >>>>t>t>>>>>>>>>>b>>>>t §§§§§§+§§§§§§§§¢§§§§§§§§§§§§¢+§§+§§§+§§§¢¢+§¢+§§¢§§O >>>>>>>>b>>>>gb>>>bbDD??? rh>>>>>k>>>>>k>>>k>>>>>>>> Mr. Thos. ’Bradley, who is at present in *training at Owen Sound took in .‘the Durham fair and. spent the week end 'at his home at Allan Park. We understand that Noble Lucas, one of our Hampden boys. has enlisted, and will leave. for drilling about the first of Noâ€" vember. §z§§§+§¢§§§§§§§§§§¢§§§§#0 OOOOOQOOQOOOOOOOO+OO§OO09o service was postponed until next Sunday. \Ve .hope the Weather win ‘AA be fine :and the attendance good. Mrs. Topling is visiting her"un- Lambton Street (One door west of Standard Bank) Durham Thursday, Friday and Saturday september 23th, 24th 8: 25th MRS. T. H. MCCLOCKLIN The ONTARIO WIND ENGINE _1L and PUMP COMPANY FALL MILLINERY ever shown in Durham, and we invite you to call and see for you-rselfrthe Special Display we haw: for We have made great preparations this year for FAIR WEEK to showthe public the largest and most up-to-date stock of 9 MAIL ORDERs.â€"If flag is desired sent by mail, send the $1.10 and 5c additional postage in first zone (or 70 am y Canad- ian point). together with $1.10, which covers ghe cost of distribution ‘ Will, When Presented or Mailed to the office of BE PREPARED TO DECORATE The Paris Millinery Parlor A. FLAG FOR YOUR HOME DURHAM, ONTARIO Entitle the reader of this paper presenting same to THE DURHAM CHRONICLE THIS FLAG COUPON "A BRITISH FLAG ~24++~§~~§°++~I~~1~++°§~2ui~ ~2-~:~-:«:~M-2-~§-~:~+~z-++++~z~++~:-~z-+4»:- ' ’1' W. D. Connor Durham - 0m Manufacture the. Cheapest and the Best P u m pin g Outfit 0 n t h e Market. Read what Sidney J. Eng- lish. Musical Bacheior has to say about this Piano. A reference like this needs no further comment. I wx-ite to wish you success m your Ennis Piano Contest. My own Pizmn in an Ennis. and I am pieased m you this unsolicited testimonial gurding it. givv 3ft“- My piano has had hard nsn :xhnhst every day and is still in excellent mm- dition. in spite of the fm-t that the hammers are worn 3112102: tn the wood. The action ha= proved gond. fairly quick and responsive e twelve 5 ezu's’ constant use. and is \'en after Dear Sir:â€" John D. Rockefeller will nOt n41):- ticipate in the big loan to be made by US. bankers and financial men to the Allies. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Byers on the arrival vi a fine big boy. Miss Bessie [Park spent a: week-end at Mr. Thos. IsicGiJ Glenelgr. cle. for 311 few days, Yours very sincerelv Sold by Owen Sound, Sept. 15, 1915 5810 [Park spent (War the. at Mr. Thos. IsicGix‘r‘s. 3:: September 30; 1915. Ontario

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