Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jun 1915, p. 8

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. fl Departmental Store HOLSTBIN. Miss Ella Cripps of Thornbury , ‘arrived Monday in the village to g spend a few weeks with friends 5 here. Y Rev. “2 Wallace of Toronto con- ducted services under the auspices of the Dominion Alliance, in the Methodist churches on the H01- stein circuit last Sabbath. The heaviest rain storm of the season took place here on Monday evening. Much good has lesulted. The second case of violation of the local option by-law was tried at Yeovil on W'ednesday of last 'week before C. Mclnnes. J.P. The offender practically pleaded guil- tv :0 the charge. The u§ual fine ’was imposed which. with costs, amounted to 3333.225.~ The man was from Chesley. Mrs. ‘Win Hunt of Norval arriVed Tuesday, to spend holidays in the village. There died at the home of her daughter, \ Mrs. R. T. Nelson, mxwwm‘ § Large Sales Small Profits .w+$+++++++¢++++++++++++++w+++ 3 G. J. McKechnie Departmental Store Du rham EIGHT. Whiie Lawn Bhuses Continues all This week Ru 5 They are products of the best English Looms, reasonable g in price. yet having the oriental appearance for Much the Eastern Rugs are famous, a pretty stock to select from.. (On the Second Floor) The stock is large and varied, embracing the newest designs in the neatest patterns of \Vall Paper, Rugs, Linoleums, Floor Oilcloth and Stair Oilcloth. Linoleums They are E and Floor the newest Oilcloth ings, those excel Have a. look at them; to-date, and the appearance is good, yet nbt too costly All of Canadian manufacture, made by the cele- Wall Paperuub’xfatedfnakers, snaunton_ Co. The style is up- L- J-L- ___.1 LL- __._ Made to order and a good fit guaranteed, to be finished in one week from the date of getting order. A nice stock of clonh to choose from. A large stock continually on hand, and any special kind you may want can be got in two days after getting order. Our aim is to have the newest styles made on good fitting lasts. A fine stock of Dress Goods, in the newest styles and in the neatest patterns Fresh Groceries continually arriving. Try our Star oi India and Light of Asia Teas. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR PRODUCE T he J. D. Abraham Company The Cut Price Sale of FENE SHOES If your size is here you may have any one of these Blouses for ........ SEE SAMPLES IN OUR WINDOW Your Choice of a Dozen ++++++++%+++¢++++++++++++a++++++++¢+++++++¢ ome To-day for First Choice Henge Furnishings \Vorth up to $1.â€" 5 each They aim English, Scotch and Canadian manufacture all in the ne“ est designs. F 01 neatness of design and pretty color- ings, t_l10se made by H a1rn Co, of K11 kaldv, Scotland g It seems too bad that ‘ some thoughtless persons so far forget themselves as to destroy the park seats. These seats were a gift to the village by the ladies of the l‘Vomen’s Institute and are a great comenience to these Who \xish to spend their time in our beautiful park. Surely something ’can be done to prexent it. . i Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, Mr and Mrs. Micklebo-ro, motored to Bios- boro near Guelph, on Saturday, ' suent Sunday uith f1iends there Miss S. Tucker, milliner, has decided to reduce her stock of millinery and offers her goods at prices lower than the lowest. Mrs. Gammon, at the ripe age of 96' years. She was a native of Ire- land and came to this country while quite young, soon after set- tling in Normanby, where the greater part of her life was spent. During late years she has made her home with Mrs. Nelson, where she breathed her last on Monday morning, the 7th inst. BOOTS AND SHOES MEN’S CLO'I HING 3-°}Ԥ-+++°§°+°§°~§°~’ ~2°~§°++~i~3o 89c Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Come in Mercury 1 as me1 cury will surely destroy the' sense of smell and completely der- ange the whole system when enter- ing it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from rep- .utable physicians, as the damage they \1 111 do is ten fold to- the good you can possibly derive from them. _Hall‘s Catarrh Cure, manufactured fby F.J. Cheney Co., Toledo, 0., icontains no mercury and is taken :internally, acting directly on the gblood and mucous surfaces of the S3 stem. In bu3 mg Hall’s Catarih Cure, be sure you get the genuine. ‘It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. 75c per bottle ! Take Hall's Family Plus for con- ‘stipation. We expected a meeting would be held here re the Hydro-Electric move, but the gentleman b lled for the occasion could not be present on the date appointed, hence it has been postponed unt ' i1 nofice. further and ‘ returned Monday. The patrons of the creamery company were paid 29}.§c. for but- ter fat for May. We are pleased to note that D. Allan has been appointed town- ship clerk, said office having been rendered vacant by the death of his father. The roof of Orrie Hunt's house caught fire Tuesday afternoon and quite a portion of it was badly damaged. If you think of June weddings and think of invitations, think of us: we print them in the latest and best designs of type and stationery. \VEIRâ€" \.\YLORâ€"-\t 39150} Cli \. N J., on W ednesday, June 2, Mi \Yilliam Cranston ’Weir, son of Mr and Mrs. John \Veir, Dro- more, to Miss Louise Naylor, youngest daughter of Mrs John T Naylor, of Jersey City. NJ. MARRIED Monday chning’s downpour ha: wonderfully helped the hay and grain crops. \‘ Mrs. T. \Vallace and son, Tom, of Normanby. spent, a few hours in our home the first of the week. “"8 regret, to report, Mr. “’iil Con- nor as very seaiously ill, with not. much hope held our, tor his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Hunt and Mas- ter Bertie! of Vickers. motored out .yhc first 9t the .week and Spent; a few nqurs With us. He Was one of our brigbtf 0:513:15. in“ bygone ditVS and is ;?allllf:lll:’)l'5. cutmcn: most, pi-ogressi e Despite the rain, “2 J. Greenwood had the annex to his barn raised on Monday evening. and Mrs. Greenwm (1 8'3"? the buys a. big feed after the ransmg. Very few of our pioneer faulws were so Well named or mechauicu ly gifted as was Mr. Robert; Hili, \th Eassed away on Wednesday of lasti week at 1he home of his daughter,‘ Mrs. (John MrrArthur, on the 101.11 con. ‘ A trained millwright, a. 111as1ern1a- chmist, a. carpenter with few peers, Mr. Hill possessed gifts more than or- dinarv. tie Was born at Jerome. near the mouth of the Clyde, Dec. 2, 18:52., and was thus in his 83rd year. When but twelve “eaxs of age. he ran aWay lrom his na1ive land and came to (31111- ada 1esidiug in msny parts of the Province before settling on the hill south of Durham, 39 yea1s‘1wo. ln 1 1911111111 », 1856.11e \\ edded M1ss Maiy Cairns. \\ ho s111vives him and is st111, fresh and a1:li\e1hong11 8.3 yeazs of age. To them was born fonrsonsard tn1ee daughteis, as 111110115; John, in: Uhio; Ruben, Nee-pawa, 1Vl:1111t()b:1;;'. Agnes (Mrs. A.b‘p1e1.~). of Uaiedon; \l1ss Janet in \‘1'1nnip1g; \‘v illi 1111 andi Peter in Durham. and Maggie (Mrs Colin l\l1;°A1tl1m).o1 the 10111 con. Mr. H111 had 1min" 'olood 111 his veins, andi despite his 1111\anoed age knockedi around a good deal. It was at Sh 11 low Lake that he met with the acci- dent which 1esnlted in his death, be- ing thrown from a sleigh on to the ce- ment sideWalk, fracturing the nip hone. After two weeks in the hospi- tal in Uwen 8.1111111 he vas brought to the home of his daughter, and lo: sev- en weeks she and the 1111~1nb+1s ol the family hax e most ass: duonslv and tenderly nursed him. ’lh 111,11 he suf- fer1 11 most severely. 3'1 t lioroiuaily he .bo1e the pain and the end Was most ipeat-1 fnl. 'l‘he Inueral took place on 1191'1111‘13' afternoon to Sangoon 1.131110- ; tery, l: ev. Whalev. oi Durham, assist- ed by RN. Mr. Barclay. of Mulock. c 1111111cting a most impressive se1- \ic: in the home. A beautiful floral wreath from the memoms of the fam- ily reposed on the handsome casket. Mr. Hill was a Lil-eral ol' the old school, a staunch Presbyterian and a man well-read and connrrsant “ith ‘1he affairs of the wide world. Among those from a distance W121 e Ar. and Mrs. Alex. bp11’1s :1111'1 \liss \l 14"711‘ lot Ualedon, 11111111 numl e1 of ki111l1e1l i and old friends from Durham. ..- ~---.- â€" ---oâ€"â€" â€" Another ruse for the illicit smug- gling of beer in the north country has been discovered by the Ontario License branch, and officials are pro- ceeding to cope with it. The system is not new, but to date it has been rarely attempted in the province. A carload of so-called temperance beer is shipped, and cOncealed cleverly in the shipment will appear several kegs of liquor over proof. The seizure of a carload of this description at En- uglehart is providing a ‘court case. r ‘1'? C‘ “11‘ A1,."A‘1 Amongst the Duke of Connaught’s engagements in Montreal the other day was the unveiling of a tablet on the monument erected to the memory of Sir Benjamin d’Urban, commander of the British forces in Canada. The __- -..1. .- b‘VO-llfl- V --v râ€" - . _, _ License Inspector W. S. Blackwell recently heard of a large shipment of Cobalt beer going through to a man named Preston, at Timmins, which is a non-license district, and held it up for analysis. Six samples were taken immediately, and three showed six per cent. of proof spirits, while three showed under strength. Liquor for these districts must not contain more than 2 1-2 per cent., so the case goes before the magistrate and the whole consignment will be confiscat- received all the appreciation that has been due them in the past, but their patriotic and onerous action in do- nating this collection of pictures for the benefit of the troops and their dependents will remain in the mem- ory of many who are unable to take a warm interest in the mysteries of " Patriotic Artfsts‘. Excellent results. have been obtain- ed from the national patriotic exhibi- tion of pictures donated for the pur- pose by Canadian artists, the pro- ceeds of the sale of these having been offered for the benefit of the various war funds. The pictures, which were first shown in Toronto, have been on View in Winnipeg, Halifax, St. John, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and else- where, and will return to Toronto this month. The bids made for the pictures so far amount to $6,200 and this will be largely supplemented. It is believed that the stimulation of interest in Canadian art, due to the loyal action of the artists concerned, will have a direct bearing on the artistic taste of the nation. It is one of the advan- tages of the war that different classes of the people are learning to know each other. better and to un- derstand that a common national spirit binds thorn together. UL .“V â€"-â€"'_'_V orivinal tablet, on the monument in D the old military cemetery on Papi- neau avenue, was destroyed by van- dals a year or more ago. His Lord- ship Bishop Farthing assisted at the ceremony. With a total population of 241,000 Newfoundland has already sent 2,300 troops to the front. She is ready to raise further contingents if needed. In addition, she has 1,000 naval re- servists, of whom 900' has gone on active service. \ -a.-..- Newfoundland's Quota. Duke Unveiled Tablet. New Ruse Unearthed. TRAVERSTON. ‘ Miss Irene Ritchie is vistiin-g this - week with friends near Guelph. Mr. Geo. Whitmore is employed u..- m... with 19131:. W .G. Firth at present. Mr. W. G. Ritchie has purchas- ed a new bicycle, which will Drove a great convenience to him- ' Mr. Victor Williams was over to Eugenia the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gecâ€"ffii‘tchie were visiting the M'ortley family at Latona on Sunday. _ i ‘- Mn McCrae of Guelph. was a guest at the home of Mr. Thos. Ritchie for a fey days. 1 ‘- Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner of Mt. Forest motored up to this neigh- week and were guests of ' the M'offat and _Green wood families. Our telephone line was slightly out of order on Tuesday, but was soon repaired. The Bell company is always very prompt in making repairs. Mr. H. W. Hunt of Vickers eut 1m :1 large pile of poles for Mr. Arthur Greenwood. t'00§+¢++§+§§+§+§§+§+§§§§§§§§§§¢§fiQO§++§§§+§§§§§§§§§ f '3' °§‘%4Ӥ"§"§-+~§"§°°§"§"§~+°§"§‘+~§"§--§°~§°+.§»§‘°§”{' M+é+$+é~k~§uw++é++++§~é++++¢ ¢ 94§¢§§§§§¢¢¢¢§§§§§+¢§§§§§< i§§§§§§¢¢§§§§¢§¢§§+9§§§~>§ : OWOQHOOHOQW‘QHbQHbQMo QHOQHQH.0 QYOmOfutoWOQWlOMOQMLOWOOMOOMoomOoWIOMCOMOOHO Out Out 90.939.695.940.” 0 O O C . . Mca111bers 9:111! 0111-1114913 requested [01111111111 11511111as1i1111s relating: to 1.119. 1°e-01°g- 11'I/zz1ti111101 the lnstituLc 111111 (1111111- 11111114111101 (11";111i 711601.19 will he di cussed at the request 111 the Supmintvndw 1L. "H115. Election 01 Ol'ficexs 1111' the ensuing: year 11ill be 111111}, places 111’ 11.131 1111;: :1; pain ted and "1311141111 11115111121- 11111132113191}. .â€" Iiverybodv Members and ()tl1e1s am) 111 cited be pres out and take 11211 L in the business. .1. W. BLYTH, GEO. BINNEE Ladies’ and Gent’s Tailor DURHAM ~ .- ONTARIO a; 12 E N U AY, J D R U T A The Annual Meeting of the. \anan’s Ins! Lower Hall on the same date at 2.30 (mm. members 01' not. M embers are Ladies andGemEemen The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Farmers’ Institute will be held 111 the EDGE HILL. Varney, President. now is the time to do it. while our stock is complete. Fit and Satis- faction Guaranteed. Everythiug New and Up-tn-da‘te in Men’s Wear always on hand. Large shipment of Spring Hats and Caps just arrived, which you ought to see before buying elsewhere. If you’ve not already ordered your Woman’s Hnstitu ze TOWN HALL. DURHAM Spring Suit and Coat mnmencing at (me o'cloc- . Rife Every tennis or ball player, ev- ery swimmer, every canoeist ev- ery man or woman who loves out- Zam-Buk is a purely hcrbzl preparation which. as soon as ap- plied to cuts, burns, bruises, sprain-s, blisters, etc. sets up high- lv beneficial operations. First, its antiseptic properties render the wound free £10m all dange' from blood poisoning. Next its sooth- ing: qualities reliexe and ease the pain. Then its rich, herbal balms penetrate the tissue and set up the \1011deriul process 01‘ heali 11g. Barbed Wire ‘ crutches, insect ~~~V . door lixe and exercise, should keep a box of Zam-Buk handy. stings, skin diseases, such :13 cc- zema, heat rashes. ring-worm. babies’ heat sores. chafed places. sore feetâ€"all are quickly-cured by Zam-Buk. It also cases and cures piles. All druggists and stores. Use Zum-Buk Soap als< ; 25¢. per tablet. lam Buk and Outdoor Life. info will he held in ”)0 All an: invited, whether + QMOQWO'MOOOC'OQOJCQOIIOO0900906006'00voo to. toomovn‘ COO 9 l’ricevine, No 2, Secretary. Durham. June 10, 1915 t0

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