Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 May 1915, p. 8

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WWWMM++MWWWWM+*% WMM+M+ ++WWWWMM ++++++++++++++++++¢+++++++¢+++4+4++++++++++++++¢++++ Mrs T. H. McClocklin, New Arrivals in the Latest Touches in Spring Millinery Our openings being so successful in pleasing the public, made our supply a little short of what we expected, making it necessary for us to reorder all the New Creations in Spring Millinery, consisting of Small. Medium and Larger Hats. \ Now our Stock is complete again, and and we would be pleased to show you through at any time. THE PARIS MILLINERY PARLOR Don’t fail to see the hats this season, as they are very different from other seasons. One door west of Standard éafik: McIntyre Block, Durham I FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub- scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, ALI). 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON Notary Public . Hall’s Câ€"atarrb Cure is taken in- ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials tree. I F.J. CHENEY 00., Toledo, 0. I Sold by all druggists, 75c. § Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- fstipation. State of Ohio, City of Toledo”.9 Lucas County. Frank J. Qhemem malres oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Clheney £2 CO., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum 01 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use 0! Hall’s Catarrh Cure. } M'r. Brander’s old store has a ’new aspect since the new proprie- tors, Mfiessrs. Karstedf 8: Sons got possession of it. Business seems to be very good. Flesherton men seem to think there are worse places than Priceville, for we have one of Flesherton’s black- ,smifch’s in town, Mr. McKee, and 'he appears to be doing ' a good business. Miss Alice McDougall of Toronto paid a short visit, to friends on the south line on the 24th. Miss M'cDougall 'ge.s $100 a month as treasurer, bookkeeper and sten- ographer for a large firm in We heard of the death of James Webster of Vancouver, an old 'Priceville boy. Many will remem- ber the Webster family, who kept store here. Jimmie was born in Priceville about 48 years ago. He leaves a wife and family.- Seéding is about done, iavna now planting potatoes and such like is next in order. A large meeting was held in Watson’s hall on Monday night for the Red Cross movement. The neonle here, as elsewhere. will share liberally for .that purpose. Two of our young men leave this week to engage in the pres- ent war. They are Hector McKin- non and Robt. Conkey All join in wishing them a safe return. ‘I “VU‘U-J v The Misses Wright ’01 Markdaie were visiting at Mr. A. J. Green- wood’s the beginning of the week. The Edge Hill beef-ring com- mences its .17th season on June 9. The farmers Could not be persuad- ed now. to do Without the beef- wv-vâ€"av__ a generous response, and in a couple of days $150 were sub- scribed, sufficient, we understand for the endowment of three cots. Mr. Finder of Orchard motored up to Mr. Thos. Greenwood’s on Tuesday: n- Q Q J A l ‘I', ‘;JAQA At the prayer meeting on Wed- nesday evening, Mr. Whaley sug- gested the endowment of cots at the front for wounded Canadian soldiers. The suggestion met with The young people of this neigh- borhood had a picnic at the Falls on Monday afternoon. They met there a picnic from No. 9, and a union picnic resulted, and a very pleasant afternoon yas Spent. "v i Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Moffat and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Gower, of Owen Sound, were guests of the M‘offat family on Saturday. Mr.‘Arthur Ed'ge' has installed a new hydraulic ram for his water supply. It is a size larger than the old one, and is Working very satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh of Dur- ham, the Misses Ramage of Egre- mont, and Mr. Fletcher of Toronto. were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. W. R. Edge. Rev. Mr. Whaley conducte'? prayer meeting at the Grange Hall on Wednesday evening. Mr. Robertson and sister of Molesworth, were visiting at Mr. Thos. Greenwood‘s the beginning of the week. Misses Maggie and Irene Bitch- ie spent the 24th With friends near Walkerton. M’iss Valerie Edge is to be con- gratulated on passing with honors the first’ examination in the Teachers’ Training Cour e. Mr. Clarence Staples has re- turned to Markdale, after spend- ing a couple of months with his brother, Fred. Mr. and Mrs. D. Edge were vis- iting on Monday with friends at Latona. .Miss Emma Ritchie, who is teaching in Sullivan, was home for the 24th. Miss Mary McIlraith of town was the guest of Miss Edith Edge over the holiday. Mrs .Adam Anderson was visit- ing for a few days with friends in King township, near Toronto. Miss LeGard of Flesherton is clerk at Mr. Aldcorn’s store, and MiSSLSackett of this town is clerk at Dan McLean’s. Two nice young obliging girls should draw good patronage. Mr. Neil McKinnon. Jr , spent the holidays at his old home here on the 24th; also Misses Aldcorn and McLean of Owen Sound spent a couple of days at their different homes. Automobiles are getting verv common nowadays. Fifty or sixty years ago it was more of a sight for the youngsters to see a team of horses and a1 oild lumber wag- on going from Priceville to ‘Dur- ham, but 'Priceville was hardly there, but the old Durham road was there coming down the big ,hills from Squire Ferguson’s, {where the old post office was originally. The first wagon that was for miles west of Pricev ille was brought by the writers father to the Durham road 64 years ago this spring, from. the old township of Vaughan, county of Yor1:.Ee left early on Monday morning and took till 12 o’clock on Satuiday night before .he landed at the old home, two miles west of Priceville Of course it was oxen that were the team, and slow progress was made coming over rough roads. It just takes three hours to do the same journey nowadays. Suppos- ing, Mr. Editor, that we would live for a hundred years in the future (well, we would be a long way off M'ethusaleh’s age, even them what will be the inventions then, considering the manner in which improvements were made during the last century? Well. they can have what they like for all we may care, as time is wear- ing fast away now. Mr. and Mrs Francis McLeod of Collingwood, and father, and a lady . friend, motored to visit friends on the south line, Top Cliff, and Were the guests of their friends, Mr. Arch McCuaig and family, over night. They also visited frienfis at Swinton ‘I’ark on the return trip. Miss Sara McKinnon of Toronto. is spending a while at her old home at her father’s, M'r. Hugh McKin'non’S. south line. Glenelg. Torom'o. She is a reliable voung lady. Mrs. McDermaiH and“ a ladv friend from Toronto, visited Mrs. H. M'cDermaid’s father, Mr John McPhail, south line, for a day or two, during the 24th holidavs. EDGE HILL. Miss Zeta Black spent the 24th with her parents in Paisley. We are pleased to learn her father, M'rs. Neal and daughter, of Mt. Forrest, residents of Durham some years ago, spent the week- end with friends here. Mrs. T. A. Cook spent over Sunday with her‘ sister, Mrs. Bar- ker, in Toronto, and was accom- panied home by her little :iece. Mr. and Mrs. Wood and two children, of Mt. Forest, visited Sundav afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Bean. M7r. and M'rS. J. S. Davey Of God- erich, spent a week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Geo. Caswcll, at Aberdeen. Mr. David Allen is again spend- ing the summer as fire ranger in New Ontario. 'He is near Mathe- son at present. Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Wass of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mrs. J. Crutchley and Mrs. G. Moore. Mr. George Furneaux was at Arthur Tuesday at the district meeting, aS‘ lay delegate from Durham circuit. Rev .M'r. Prudham will be at Hamhton next week attending Conference. Mr. Arthur Hutton, teacher, near Wingham, was home for the holi- dav. ' Mr. Eric Kelly, of the Standard Bank staff at Blenheim, was home for Victoria Dav. Mrs J. Kress and daughter, Miss Maud, were up from Toronto for the hondav. Miss Irene Latimer of Owen Sound, spent the holiday with her parents here. Rev. Mr. Prudham attended the Methodist district meeting 2t Arthur on Monday and Tuesday Miss Reta Darling of Simcoe, vis- ited her father and brother here over the holiday. Mr. Russell Ross of Chatsworth. visited the Aljoe family on Sun- day. . M'rs. Harry Firth of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. C Fir.th Dr. Hutton is at Peterborough this week attending a meeting of the Provincial MedicauAssociation. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buckingham of Kincardine motored through town on the 24th. 'M‘iss Eva Mockler. Toronto, spent the holiday with friends in town Mr. W. Hoig of Markham was a guest at Barrister Telford‘s over. the holiday. Miss Susie McClocklin of Tor- onto, spent the 24th at the parent- al home here. PERSONAL w-vâ€"“~' V‘ Lilla “ \.\.no : PrincuiparlflAilIan of Durham. :“Forded” Holstein on Monday ;as he was returning from Grand ; Valley; J. W’ Hunt and sons have secur- ed the contracts of several cement bridges, which will keep them busv this summer. Mr." H Hiscock has purchased Mrs. Philp’s residence in the south end. Rev. T H. I'bbott attended the district meeting in Arthur on Mgnfiay .apd Tuesday of this week. I Victoria Day was celebrated here Ito quite an extent this year. A few months ago, the Boy Scout move- ment was established here. This {association has“ now a member- _ship of over 30. Their motto is to {be and do good. and to that end they conceived the idea of getting up something for the 24th,.hence lthe celebration was under its aus- i vices. From early morning the gmovement was in progress. Sever- ,al large flags decked the main istreet. The Durham Band came iearly in the afternoon, and after a 'brief rest proceeded to the park, where the sports of the davtook place. Lunch was served and then :all repaired to the adjacent field where the old rival football teams. [Dromore and the locals, contested ifor the supremacy. At the end of an hours play, neither team had Escored, hence the honors were about equal. The day's sports closed with an excellent program given in the hall. The different artists did well in each number. ceipts would be somewhat low, but when full returns were made $175 had been taken. When all accounts are settled there will be a sur- plus ofgabout $100. The holiday visitors 9? numerous this year at out 1 Mr. and Mrs and Master Robertson at D. Allan‘s. Mrs. Strong and little son ”of La} Mills at Jas. Eccles’, Irene D of Listowel at her parents’ Isaac J. Way of Merlin, with at Miss Rhoda Way's. Mrs. of Kenilworth at D. W. Came Mrs. Moser of Toronto at Durrant’s, Kenneth Mickelbc Toronto at :L. B Nicholson’s Freeman of Mt. Forest at , Hunt’s. Dr. Black, is recovering from recent illness. Misses Clara and Annie Aljoe were .up from Toronto for the hol- iday. The former returned Mon . day, but the latter will remain home for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs Avery, and brother. George Robertson isit with their friends, Mr. and Mrs Archie visited their grandparents, Mr. Sunday, ay from Mrs. vacr ox '1oronto at Jas 5, Kenneth Mickelbom of HOLSTEIN. little son 'of Lambton .. Eccles’, Irene Drumm at her parents’ home, y of Merlin, with Wife oda Way‘s, Mrs. Parks 'th at D. W. Cameron's. usxtors were quite year at out burgâ€" and Master Allan '. Allan‘s. Mrs. H 3 N icholson’s, Geo :. Forest at J W 27, 1915. his

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