Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 May 1915, p. 2

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8 ACRE IN BEVTINUA 1qu uâ€" m bein 1,012-26, Concession 3 sold cheap: I. G. R.‘ will be good title. Apply to George . 0; Thomas \‘o 2,‘Pr1cenlle. cultivation. Possessxon gi Nov. lst, 1913. For furtner par- ticulars, appxy on Rural Route Spirella Corsets REMEMBER THE,FAMOUS SPIRâ€" elh Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qmntfiea, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- montztive. Box 107, Durham. 418 6m Ontario. GOOD FRAME HOUSE OF G. afraxa Street, Durham; over nd; six roo stable, woodshed, small orch etc.; terms right and reasons ‘0 Apply at The Chronicle vim Advertiooments nip-equals: insal Bull For Sale SHORTHORN BULL‘ 12 MONTHS old: dark red. with White mark- ings: eligible for registcation. Apply to Wm. Leggette, Dur- ham, R. R No. 1. 34 ti LOTS 8, 9 and 10, KINCARDINE street, West. Apply to AB. Jack- . 4 1 15 ‘Li .A" :vgnipg at the home F. McComb. Pupils 1 tor appointments to Comb at any time. Glenel0 Court of xision The first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Township of Glen- elg for the year 1915 will be held at the Township Hall in the said township on Saturday, the 5th day of June, 1915, at the hour of 2.30 o‘ciock in the afternoon. of which all parties having business at said Court will please take notice. Do 5133 uv Av ER. WM. RITCHIE IS IMMI- grant Agent for Durham and viâ€" cinity. and farmers wishing help shouid make application early. 3 25 9 SYNOPsB 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of 9 family, or any male over 18 3:95 old, may homestead a quarter-wrtion of “unableDonpinion land is Mani- Farms for Sale. MIPS IN BEVTINCK TOWN- - A ~_-:A- Q toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta." Applicant \must appear in persuy. at the Dominion Lands Agency or; Bub-Agency for the District. Entry ‘ by proxy may be made at any' Dominion Lands Agency (but not‘ Sub-Agency), on certain conditions Duties-Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land! in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles‘. 01 his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on. certain condi- tionl. A habitable house is re- quired except where residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption natent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain con- 80D. Dated this 13th day a DVD-aw- v- tead ri ht may take .a phr- m hdmegtead in certain diet- rich. Price $3.00 per acre.. Duties -â€"Must reside six months in each WEDNESDAY, at Holstein for Noon, 0‘! three years, cultivate 50 acres Lhe“ by way of Ox-chm-dvine to ms god and a ilongfigggg £3me own Home for Night. c O fleet to redncotion in case of rough. FRIDAY, at. \Vesley Ball’s over Night 1; 3';ng gbggz{egfi%r clgtgvittcign SATURDAY, in Durham tiil seven in .3“ gertam' conditions. the evening. then home far night. w. W. CORY! Cginng’ TUESDAY. at. Dromore for Noamll Home for Night. ’ 31.415311de at this advatiaement , - A A settler You W ant Help I inseruon. :SMALL Ans. For Sale .C'b ., ”wâ€" â€"â€"v._ ore of land; six rooms; podshed, small orchard, 3 right and reasonable. The Chronicle office. 18tf who has exhgusted his a in singing 8" hqme of Mrs. S m_ i0 22tf day of May ‘0 ’Jv J. S. BLACK, 15. 000 ON GAR- 9 4:45am GIVE ppblication m]! not be -. 8 5 14 C lork r50- OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A‘. short distance out of Knapp’s Bowl. 3 Lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham] Ofice hours from 12 to 3 o’clock 1 FFICEâ€"Over 3 P. Telford’s oflice nearly oppasite the Regism office. Resxdence Second house south of Registry oflice on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. 11).. 7-9 p. :11. Telephone communion. tion between office and residence at all hours. Arthur Sun, M. D. hours,8 $01.0 a. m. .. _ . p m Specxal attention ngen to diseaset at: wémen and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Drs. lamiegon lamieson. bate Assistant. Roy.London Ophthalmic Hos Buzz, and toGolden Sq. Throat and Rose Hon SPECIALIST .- EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE Oflice; 13. Frost St. Owen Sound. 1. 6. Hutton. L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG GRADULATE of London. New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Eu- Nose and Throat. \Vill be at the Hahn House, June : 19, J My 17, August. 21, September 18 Hours, 1 to 5 p.m. DR. BROWN ‘ I l . l ‘LV er. Conveyancer, 82c. Insurance'; {Agent ' Money to Loan. Issuer _of Max:- .na.9:e Lxceuses. A general bnancml bus: ‘ ness transacted. ‘ DURHAM DST. (Lower Town.) E uem-at uzwuwv. â€" ___.._...W._._-. W i 6. No letters should be enclosed in parcels, and newspapers must Dr. W. 8. Pickering Dentist. not on any account be sent, So far )FFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s as is known there is no restriction __., .â€"â€"â€"~â€"-â€"--â€"-â€"~ on the contents of parcels: tobac- J F' GRANTv D' D' 3.1}. 10’ 8° c0 may be sent, and will be adâ€" HONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSL‘ mitted duty free but foodstuffs of t? of Toronto. Graduate Rays l a perishable character should not College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry :11 all its Branches. he sent anu'cels should not exceed Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Store. 11 pounds in weight. MW~~ ‘ J. P. Telfard. ARRISTEI’., SOLICITOR. ETC t. ()fice. nearly opposite the Regis‘x'y ofpce, Lambton 5t..,Dnrham. Anyamount )t monov V. 10311 a? 5 pvt cent. on farm :mpertv. 'County of Grey. Satisfaction guarâ€" Eanteed. Terms reasonable. Dates :of sales made at the Chronicle 01‘â€" !fice, or with himself. Holstein Conveyance-r, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates‘i and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. n. A. H. Jackson. \T‘o'may PUBLIC, COMMISSION er. Conveyancgr, 8m. Insuranc: Licensed Auctioneer __for the 3 Mr. J. Burns “sued an UUL'uuun 1N Otlce ; recently. ANY PERSON FISHING OR! Mr. and Mrs. John Hem'v. 311‘s tE‘CSI’assing on 1“” 5‘ Concesâ€"’ J. Kerr. and Norman Kerr, . gtor- sum 8, Glenelz. will be prose-r d t) Guelfl 'm'l ("alt and snout outedâ€"Wm. Jack, ‘Proprietor ‘0 < . 1. f x {L . . the hohday thh fmends. 513 8! . . Mrs- Little. Six. and Mzs. thtlc of Licensed Auctioneer é ‘ DAN MC LEAN i iWill make the Season 1915 I as follows : The Standard Bred Pace; 1 “PRINCE IDEAL” Medical Directorv. HOME STAND, the Chapman Farm. (Jon. 2, Egremont, near Pollock’s Corner. 14th COIL. Proton, Dundalkg P. 00' Dental Directorv. Le a! ‘Dzrectorv. W. J. SHARP DH. BURT. ROBINSON SON Proprietors "" CORRESPONDENCE FOR ‘ PBISONEBS OF WAR ‘ ‘ O IN GERMANY. t 1. Letters (letters should be left open), post caxds and postal par- cels should be addressed as £01- :1: re 1. Bank, initials, name. ; Miss Dell Thurston, Miss mum: 2. Regiment, or other unit.’ Wright, Miss Elsie Wright. Miss 3. British (or fianadian, BEI- Kate Wilcock and Miss E11 a “Lex er ‘ '- gian, Fr 9-5011, or 3113533!“ were home from their schools ()1 er! I prisoner of 'war. the holiday. 4. Place of internment, , Mr. W. H. Rant 11 :15 “me lay del- 5. Germany. ' egate from the Methodist church Place of internment should be “to the district meeting at Owen stated always. if possible. and par- Sound. cels cannot be accepted unless; Miss May Jamieson, surewip end- place 0if internment is stated. All ent of Mountainside hospital at addresses must be in ink. Montclair, N J, is on a 1:110 2. Communications should be weeks’ holiday with her mother limited to private and family news here. 2. Communications should be limited to private and family news . and to necessary business comâ€"" munications, and should not be sent too frequently. No references to the naval, military or political situation or to naval or military movements and organizations are allowed. Letters or postcards con- ! taining such references will not be i delivered. 3. Friends of prisoners of war are advised Ito send post cards in preference to letters, as post cards are less likely to be delayed. If letters are sent they should not exceed in length two sides of a. sheet of note paper and should contain nothing .but the sheet of note paper. sOn no account should the writing be crossed. 4. Letters cannot for the pres- ent be accepted for registration. 5. Postage need not be paid eithers on letters or parcels ad- dressed 'to prisoners of war. 7. Remittances can be made bv money order (to prisoners of war. Instructions as to 'how to proceed can be obtained from postmasters of Accounting post offices. The transmission of coin. either in letters or parcels. is expressly pro- hibited. Postal notes and bank notes should snot be sent '1 S It must be understood that no guarantee of the delivery of either parcels .or letters can be given and that the post office 11c- cepts no responsibility 111 any case, c01151 lerable (lelzn m1’1_\ take place and failuie to receixe an- acknowledgement should not be taken :13 1111 indication that letters I) 'and parcels sent have not been I ' delix cred I 9. So {111' .113 is known urisoncrs l of war in Germany are allowed to lurite letteis o; 11 1st cziids from time to time: but they 11111 11 1t 111- \1115 h 11e iacilities 1‘01 1111.10“ so. 1:11:11! the fact that no c11111111111 C11~ . tion is .lt“(:(*l\ 11:1 fiom them need E11110 rue .11se to anxiety. Lll\ ......... . U , Mrs. Little. Sn. and 3115 Little inf Ayr. Visited with Mm. M. W. tByers. \ ‘ ; Mr. Hugh Fulton. and Miss ’1511- {be}. spent a few days Visiting rel- :atives in \Velland. ‘ Miss Janet Sharp spent over the 'Week-end in Durham. The High school students of \Hampden returned to Durham. af- ter spending .a weal-earned holiday. A4.--_‘_A,3 Mr. Clarence Young spent over the holiday with Owen Sound rela- tives. HOMESEEKERS SPECIAL TRAIN; i LEAVES TORONTO 10.4.5 P. M. 5 3 EACH TUESFAY, COMâ€" ‘ MENCING JUNE 1, 1915. For the accommodation of homeseekers and general tourist itraffic to Western Canada. 'through train carrying Tourist Sleepers and Colonist Cars will. commencing June 1, leave Toron- llUlluu‘hv . Miss Sarah Fulton has returned to her school to resume duties, after Spending the 24th at her v ----â€"â€"â€" .â€" to 10.45 p.m. each Tuesdav until further notice. running through to Winnipeg. Attention is directed to the re- markably low round trip fares in connection with Homeseekers’ Ex- cursions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Railwav. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until 0c- tober 26, inclusive, and are good to return within two months from date of sale. Apply to any C.P.R. Agent for full particulars or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent Toronto. J. Burns \‘isiLCd at Dornoch 'L'HD DU FLESHERTON. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland vis-1 ited over the 24th with friends at’ Chats worth. .Miss Olaham spent the holidav at her home in Toronto. Miss Dell Thurston, Miss Addie Wright, Miss Elsie \1 right Miss Kate Wilcock and Miss Eh 3 'Le\ er w ere home from their schools OX 91 the holiday. MTrs. G90. nRu‘Lledge, who has been lix mg for some time with her daughter at Montclair, N. J. re- turned last \xeek to spend the summer at her old home here. , Mr. Alf. Doherty 1111-3. sons Ormsby and Teddy. and Dr and Mrs Fled Murray, motored from ETo-ronto and Visited over the holiday with Mr and Mrs. \V. J. :Bellamy and other friends here Mr. ‘W. Ruskin and family motor- ed to Guelph to Spend the holiday with his brother, William. Miss Florence Thurston \‘isi'ed in Toror to over the weekâ€"end. and Mrs. W. W. Trimble visted her daughter at Owen Sound. Mr. Geo. Blackburn. :1 son, Hartley, spent t with friends in the city. Mr W. Henry and family motor- ed to Lucknow and visited old friends over the week-3nd Among the holiday visitors: here were: Mr Robt. Thistlewaitc and Miss Lily Ti'xistlewaite, home from Toronto; Miss Johnston. of Beavmfiale, Visited :M'iss Beatrice Thistlewaite; Mrs Alf. Thurston of Toronto visited at Editor Thurston‘s; Mrs Wnlhco. of Owen Sound. visited Miss Wallace: Mrs Granger, of Markdule. \‘iSitâ€" ed her sister Mr Will Gold-hawk, who recently went to Merlin tr.) take a posiâ€" tion, has returned t') his former post in the bakery here Mrs (ROVA mic-Lean leaves this Week on an extended visit with her daughte' at Whitochurch. wu‘mu am. u; Bugb’um 0.1;; .muuuns a4), puads 01 03's SAT/p mugs 3331 mum-flay: Luloalum KIN zit/{zgmq mp. 410.“) own 5.:0 -“_§:-;§.\ 0.10» ‘(J‘T'UOJOL 3.0 ‘UOS 011111 pug: egg.“ ‘IIJMBHO Aisnxngg axq {ma-1109.“ 0111 .IJM) sumnnl .IIG'LH ’pansm ‘muoaol 5.0 niamsmg JPIEAA ssgm ‘.1.;â€"3,.5§s [U12 ‘uguemuag "A“ sum Rev. Mr. Jones received the soul news last week from his 1mm? in England of the (1931'!) “pf his mother. du? partly to grief from the death oflun'sanwxvaunded h] the war. The P023 (1 rss “or! “:8 1177'? h‘c“ :1 towel shower in th'.‘ tax“. hrwll‘ Suturdzw afternoon \th‘n UVOZ‘ 1:30! tou els \\ ere mmtubltp) ‘ Mr. Coc-hmnc. of Toronto thin1 versi’ty. W118 in town {1 dm’ last, week for the purpose of forming 1 Patriotic League among t‘m men. and met with encourazomvnt. We expect the matter to b? taken up more fully soon. The Methodist choir. :15' iated 1-11 1 local talent. gave 21 11111114115513 )l'endelsschn concert to a huge. audience in the church on Tues 1:11 i 01' ening (11” 1.1st 11 eek. conducted hy the leader. Mr. M F \Kiight.1, Mrs. H S. \V'hite p1 e91-1e'1 :1"; the: organ in a \erv efficient manner. ' The proceeds 11 ere 31-52. 1 I 1 Our Village council. made, a do-‘i nation last week of $10 each to! the two young men of the Village 1 Sgt. A. E. Bellamy. and. Gnr. A. M Thmston, 11110 have enl’sted for the War. Reeve. McTavish an 1 oth- er citizens 11 ent t0 Owen 801111111 last week to make the presentâ€" tion. A .M. Thurston. attached to the Canadian Field Artillery To- ronto, is 01.11 the 11' ay to the. flont, ‘land Sgt. Bellamy leaves for Ni- Iagara this week 111th the con- 1tin1gent from 011en Sound The latter 11110 is a member of P1 mce Atrthur Lodge, A F. A.M.,,here. ‘ 1 1 1 _...â€"â€"_‘..p.__,.-_;- 3 n b“. d 'W -v_" is also being presented by the 1lodge with a parchment for atâ€" .tachment to the clothing, contain- ing the name of wearer. etc, in sEnglish. French and German. l Voluntary contributions were given by our citizens last week for the purpose of expressing ap- preciation of the young men‘ ofl 'the village and nearby, who have; 'ioffered their lives for their coun- {try in the present war. The younO‘ 'imen are: A. E. Bellamy, A. M. ”Thurston, T. A. Jamieson, W \Vil- ' i cock, and Thos. Davis, .each being {presented with a $13 silver Wrist ’g watch, in neat leather case. -1 In the social circles last week i . - . 1 ; afternoon teas were given bv Mrs. ‘ PM. E. Wright, Mrs. F. .H. W. Hick- r(ling, Mrs. R. TI. Wright and Mrs. ,, ';(Bev.\ M’cVicatr, who entertair ed a f-lnumber of their friends. . A number from here were an?! little the haliday ‘ Rev. F. I). Goff and family, of lClarksburg, visited at Mr. F, ILW. lHickling’s, on Monday. Chatsworth on Sunday the funeral of ~the late The baseball team are at Dun- dalk to-day, Mondav, on amatch with the team there. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fisher are at Port Hope, being called there on Thursday to attend the funeral of the latter's mother, Mrs. McComb. At the regular quarterly board meeting of the Methodist church last week, the'following stewards' were elected: NV. H. Bunt (Record- fing). J. P13keley,R. Waller and R. Richardson; class leaders, Thos. Blakeley and Andrew Vi ickens. So- 1ci-ety representatives were chosen ‘at the close of Sunday morning {service as follows: T. Clil}tOll-, F. 1H W. Hickling B.\\1‘cocn., J EParker and R Bentham. Hon T. .Sproule. M'...D was in town on Eusiness on Thursday. The Speaker‘s esteemed wife ac- companied him and called on some of her old friends. Mrs. W. Ross of Weston. Visited her sister, Mrs. VJ. J. Stewart, and other relatives, over the Week-end. Mr. R. C. Walker, editor of the Hillsburg Beaver, was in town on Mood-13' and made us a brief call. Mr. Charley Crossley was homé £10m ToronLo ovei the hoiidav. Victo: ia Day was quiet here, but marked b3 the disglay of flags and union jacks, in token of 103' ai- ty. Man3 of our citizens 319351.1er out of town, picnic-king and fish- ing etc. Al‘h v-‘v Miss Brett of Beax erddle. \isited' mer the 110111.13‘ \\ 1111 her f1iend 1 Miss Addie Wright. Mr. and Mrs 5. V1. Thompson 011 Toronto motored from the city ’1 and, accompanied by M; s. D. T.‘ “110111. and son \Yilfrid, of Dun-i dalk. spent Sunday at Mr. John \Vright 5. Mrs. Thomp'on \1 15‘ formerly Miss Margaret Pierson:1 of the Toronto line. I A 301mg girl employed by Mrs. P G. K.11‘stedt receix ed word f1 om her sister in Toronto on Sitâ€" 1-‘111 (1.13 that her biother at the war had been killed in action. A number of our citizens xxcnt to itne station on Tuesday r1101 11 11g to 'see the soldiers 13135 through on 1their \\ :13‘ from 031 en Sound to l V. i bizxgara. Oh _. THE ARMY WORM The Army \Vorm. probably abov~ 2111 other kinds of insects which increase in en n‘mims 1mm- bers periodically. causes \‘x‘ii‘iE‘. spread anxiety among fauna; when it appearsrsuddenly.in a locality, .and in :1 \‘er\' short time com1letelv destr )xs {1:115 or. oats and other grains. DURHAM BRANCH, Joaneny, .80 TH E ”STANDARD BANK >f this bulletin mazy be ob- ree of charge. on applica- Lhe chief of the publication department of agriculture. 12:52:33231HE DURHAM BRENNER md familv 38 PUBLIBOED Es'tablishea over Forty-one Joint Accounts are 3 (Jon- vemence. Keep 3 Savings Account, and et Your Money A c c u - mulate. 176 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT WEE? 38 PUBLIBOED VERY THURSDAY non-sum At the Chronicie Printing House, Gamfrax: Street. ‘ ' ° Tm: 013m wllbe‘ iancrlptlon anv addxees. free of “muff? - any wultUF. tltv UK M“ C Rates . . :1 Mpeyyear.p¢ys§1ein we, â€"$1.50 may be charged If. not so pad. The 431.. to which ever; ~ nbscriptmn is paxd‘x‘s denoted 1» Che number on the address Label: no 941qu continued to all arrears are para. except a a union of the proprietor.» ° ' For transient advertxaemen Advertlflng cents per ltne for the first ingel Rates . ~ non: scents porline each subcl- quent insertion mimon measure. Protmsionl. [cards not exceeding one inch $4.00 Dernunnm Advertisements without. fivecific dirrcfions Id be nubliahed til] forbid a) .1 charged accommgly Tmnsieotnotzcesâ€" ‘L( at. ":Found.’ "For Sale. etaâ€"~50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for eon! subsequent naertion. All advertisements ordered by strangers xx us. be naid for in advance. Contract rates for year.y advertisements In! nished on application to the 012500. A. BELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Directorw "X UN DERT AKIN G Picture Frammg on Shams notice. SHOW Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow' Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Fe: doanouth of \V. J. Lawrexze’e blacksmith shop. DURHAM. ONT. “‘“~ m m Full line of Catholic Robes, and blmk and white Caps for aged people. Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture ismuy The graft probe in with the Manitoba ‘ Buildings- brought on lfigures. rnmn and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undcr'tz-lking receives special attentinn and all Household Furnishings FURNITURE EDITOR AND PROPmmon Ottawa. Emu iurious inS‘i‘Cts ed to the Don department of Embalming a Specialty EDWARD KRESS Rugs, 2 cloths Window hade s L a c e Curtains TINSMSTH‘N G Q.“ mam, . IRWIN In "‘Popfin and Paillcttes Qasbmer Bese Etc. in”? rel: mint: In inâ€" oct 111 ‘u lddz‘essâ€" Dominion omomologiSt. t of agriculture. Ottawa AND probe in connection Manitoba Parliament rought out startling: 27, 1915.

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